Francois Kaserne, Hanau, mid-1960s
(Source: Walt Luce)
Hand drawn installation map based on Walt's memory of his tour at Francois Kaserne with 4th Bn, 18th Arty. Additional information provided by Charles Barrand.
(Building Keys: mid-1960s; late 1970s)
Building Key (mid-1960s):
(Source: Walt Luce, 4th Bn, 18th FA)
(If you have corrections or can fill in some of the blanks - please let us know)
1. “Headquarters” Battery
2. Red Leg Dining Hall

3. Headquarters Battery Training Room-2 nd floor

4. Kaserne PX/store

5. Kaserne Laundry/cleaners

6. Kaserne Barber Shop

7. Battalion Maintenance Shop

8. Battalion Supply Room

9. Battalion Training Center

10. Kaserne Movie Theater

11. Battalion Headquarters

12. Kaserne Snack Bar (Beer Hall on 2nd floor)

13. Guard House

14. P.O.L. (Petroleum, Oil, Lubricants) Storage

15. Vehicle Wash Racks

16. Vehicle Motor Pool Vehicle Storage Area

17. Front Gate – Main entrance to Lamboy Strasse

18. Front Gate Guard House

19. Side Gate – Side entrance to Chemnitzer Strasse

20. “B” Battery

21. “A” Battery

22. “C” Battery

23. “?” Battery

24. ____________________________

25. ____________________________

26. “B” Battery 1 st Battalion-26 th Arty –FA Tgt Acq Element

27. ____________________________

28. ____________________________

29. Small Arms Ammunition Storage

30. ____________________________

31. ____________________________

32. ____________________________

33. ____________________________

34. Side Gate – Gabelsberger Strasse

35. Back Gate – Chemnitzer Strasse

36. Parade Ground

Building Key (late 1970s):
(Soure: Kevin E. Gray, 567th ADM Co, 1977-80)
(If you have corrections or can fill in some of the blanks - please let us know)
26. 567th ADM Company barracks
27. 567th ADM Company barracks
28. ____________________________
29. ____________________________
30. ____________________________
31. 567th ADM Co administration building