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Labor Service Center
112th Labor Supervision Center
Looking for more information from military/civilian personnel
assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army in Germany
from 1945 to 1989. If you have any stories or thoughts on the
subject, please email me (webmaster).

Camp Eschborn main gate, 1954 (Lothar Muchowski) |
LS Center History |
1962 |
(Source: Siegbert Mann's website: History of the USAREUR Labor Service and Civilian Support Organization) |
112th Labor Supervision Center
4018th Labor Service Company |

Camp Eschborn, early 1950s |
1950 |
(Source: Email from Günter Möhlhenrich, Germany) |
I joined the Labor Service organization in August 1950 in the Hansaallee in Frankfurt (Webmaster note: location of Hqs, Frankfurt Military Post). I was sent to Gutleut Kaserne (Frankfurt) for training and then we were relocated to the Rheingau Kaserne, near the Frankfurter Messe (convention center).
After a while, I was sent for assignment to the 4018th Labor Service Company at Camp Eschborn. The 6932nd Labor Center (Guard), APO 757, was the higher headquarters.
Over 55 years have past since I served with the Labor Service. I can't remember any of the names of my comrades. Initially we were billeted in so called Nissen huts but later moved into stone barracks.
I do remember that our company commander was Capt riedrich G. Neldner; company officers were Herr Zimmermann, Herr Baumann and Herr Lache.
If I remember correctly, the 4020th LS Company was also located at Eschborn at the time.
I left the Labor Service in 1955. |

Certificate authorizing wear of Commemorative & Good Conduct Badge

1. Certificate of Service

2. Camp Eschborn

3. Günter Möhlhenrich |

4. Two members of the 4018th |

5. Ambulance of the 6932nd LSC |

6. Günter Möhlhenrich

7. Medical section in the field |

8. Deuce-and-a-half |

9. In the field

10. Christmas Party |

11. Christmas Party |
4019th Labor Service Company |

Camp Eschborn, early 1950s (Lothar Muchowski) |

4019th LS Company offices (Lothar Muchowski) |
1953 |
(Source: Email from Lothar Muchowski, 4019th LS Company) |
(Translated from German)
I am surprised to see a website dedicated to the former labor service units. I am very interested because I myself served with the 4019th Guard Company under Capt Carl A. Ritz from 1953-54.
We initially lived in Nissen huts, and later moved into real barracks.
I am sending you some photos in the hope that you wioll post them on your website.
Lothar Muchowski

Some of the members of the 4019th LS Company, 1953 |

1. At the range

2. At the range

3. In the field |

4. Enjoying a smoke |
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