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Maps - late 1970s |

1. Wharton
Bks, Heilbronn

2. Wharton Bks,

3. Dolan Bks, Schwäbisch Hall
Topographical map (Landesvermessungsamt Baden-Württemberg, L6920 / 1:50 000) of the Heilbron-Neckarsulm area.
Topographical map (Landesvermessungsamt Baden-Württemberg, L6924 / 1:50 000) of the Schwäbisch Hall area.
Note: location of Einkorn Radio Station is only approximate. If anyone has exact location information, I would like to hear from them. Webmaster's email address is at top of page. |
Click on thumbnail
to view larger image |

Priesterwald Kaserne, Heilbronn |

Schlieffen Kaserne, Heilbronn |

Ludendorff Kaserne, Heilbronn
Ludendorff Kaserne, Heilbronn

Priesterwald Kaserne, Heilbronn |

Schlieffen Kaserne, Heilbronn |

G. Ludendorff Kaserne, Heilbronn |
Main gate, Wharton Barracks |
Heilbronn Officers Club sign |

1. Post Chapel |

2. Housing area

3. Housing area

4. Wharton Bks, Heilbronn, 1952

5. Wharton Bks, Heilbronn, 1958

6. Wharton Bks, Heilbronn, 1960
Ludendorff Kaserne, Heilbronn, late 1930s (German postcard) |
Badenerhof Kaserne, around 1960 (Roger Wollstadt) |
Main gate, Badenerhof Kaserne, possibly early 1960's (Paul Marean) |

A. Artillerie Ksn, Neckarsulm

B. Artillerie Ksn, Neckarsulm
Artillery Kaserne, Neckarsulm, late 1950s (Webmaster's collection) |
Artillery Kaserne, Neckarsulm, late 1950s (Webmaster's collection) |
Bldg #504 and main gate |
Bldg #502 and gym (right) |
Artillery Kaserne, Neckarsulm, 1962 (Bob Medlock) |
EM-NCO Club, Artillery Kaserne, 1962 (Bob Medlock) |

26th Sig Bn RATT rig behind 46th FA Gp HQ Building, Artillery Kaserne, 1962 (Bob Medlock) |
Main gate, Dolan Barracks, 1965 (Bonnie Cone Scollon, FB) |
Former Dolan Barracks & Airfield, 2006 |

1. Hangar

2. Insignia

3. Back of hangar

4. Back of Hangar |

5. Airfield Tower

6. Bldg 444

7. Bldg 444

9. Bldg 444 |

10. Bldg 444

8. Bldg 330

1. Main Gate, 1956

2. Leisure time in front of "A" Company barracks, 1956

3. "A" Company barracks, 1956

4. Barracks, 1956 |

5. Post, 1956

6. "A" Co headquarters on right, 1956

7. 9th Ord Bn headquarters on right, 1956
USMCA Heilbronn (APO 09176) - Garrison History & Operations |

US Army installations in and around Heilbronn & Neckarsulm (GOOGLE) |
Heilbronn Military Community patch |
Research Request |
Information is being compiled for a history of the U.S. Army installations in the Heilbronn, Neckarsulm and Schwäbisch Hall areas, 1945 to 1990s.
Help keep the memories alive! |
1. Historical information on installations and units
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for historical information on units and military activities including base support in the Heilbronn, Neckarsulm and Schwäbisch Hall areas between 1945 and the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
2. Aerial & ground photos of kasernes & housing areas
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for period photos of the US Army installations (including dependent housing areas, schools, shopping centers, service (gas) stations & miscellaneous storage or maintenance facilities used by EES/AAFES, Quartermaster, Ordnance, Signal and Transportation units/activities) in Heilbronn, Neckarsulm and Schwäbisch Hall from 1945 to the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
3. Installation maps
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for facility/post engineer maps of the various installations, activities and housing areas in the Heilbronn, Neckarsulm and Schwäbisch Hall areas from 1945 to 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
4. Military Community map
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for a map that shows in detail the Heilbronn military community boundaries for the period 1974-1990.
Contact: webmaster
5. Post Telephone Directory
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: The post telephone directory (any time frame) often provides great historical information on units and activities located on post, including building numbers. The table of contents of a typical post telephone directory can be found here.
Contact: webmaster |

Recent photo of the former Headquarters building of Heilbronn Station (part of the
Schwabisch Hall Sub-Area) at
48 Bimarckstrasse in Heilbronn. The building was requisitioned
by the US Army after the end of WWII & returned to its owner around 1955. (Creative Commons) |
Barracks |
1950 |
(Photo Source: 1st Infantry Division, 33rd Anniversary, 3 June 1950 - special publication by the TRAVELER Newspaper Staff, Bad Tölz, Germany) |
The 5th Field Artillery Battalion, 1st Infantry Division Artillery, has been stationed at Dolan Barracks since September 1948. Its previous home station was Ferris Barracks in Erlangen.
The commanding officer of the battalion is currently Lt Col Trevor N. Dupuy.
Webmaster Note: After leaving active service in 1958, Mr. Dupuy would go on to serve in various military defense-related capacities in the public and private sector as well as leave a lasting mark as a military historian, writing or co-authoring more than 50 books.
For more information on Trevor Dupuy - go to the Trevor N. Dupuy page on en.wikipedia.org (link). |
1993 |
(Source: SENTINEL,
May 7 1993) |
Dolan gets
ready for handover
by Lt. Col. (Ret.) George Finley
Former installation commander and Dolan Barracks Historian
During World War II, Dolan Barracks was a German airfield and home
of the world's first production line jets, the Messerschmidt 262 fighters.
But once Allied intelligence discovered the presence of the jets,
the air field was heavily bombed and the first US. Forces occupied
the base after the war. The post was named Camp Dolan and then Dolan
Barracks in honor of 2nd Lt. John Dolan, 3rd Platoon, Company C, 771st
Tank Battalion, who was awarded the Silver Star at St. Toenis March
2, 1945.
In 1946 the 771st Tank Bn., was redesignated as the 15th Constabulary
Squadron, and was responsible for helping distribute food, enforce
laws of the occupation and bring grass roots democracy to a demoralized
Germany. (Webmaster Note: Actually, the 71st Con Sq was located
at Dolan in 1946 and then redesignated as the 15th Con Sq in 1947.)
In 1948, the 5th Artillery Battalion, came to Dolan and was the only
battalion in the US Army with a "D" Battery. Battery D is
the oldest unit in the Army, having a lineage of uninterrupted service
since 1776.
During the 1960's, the principle units were the 46th Medical Battalion,
and the 126th Maintenance and Support Battalion. The 18th Medical
Detachment, also there at the time, was the longest occupant of Dolan
In the fall of 1966 the air field became fully operational with the
arrival of the 60th Aviation Company, a part of the 15th Aviation
Group. The arrival of the aviation units generated intense dialogue
between the aviation units and the German communities over aircraft
Many units came and went, among them the 15th Aviation Group, which
became the 11th Aviation Brigade, and moved to Illesheim in 1988.
Also, the USAREUR Aviation Standardization Board was at Dolan from
1969 to 1984. Their mission was to certify pilots for duty in USAREUR.
Other units at Dolan in the 1980's were the 223rd Aviation Battalion,
and the 203rd Aviation Company, which was redesignated the 6th Battalion,
159th Aviation Regiment. They were part of Operation Provide Comfort
and then moved to Giebelstadt in 1992.
Company A, 5th Battalion, 159th Aviation Regiment stayed at Dolan
from 1970 to 1993. The 3rd Battalion, 58th Aviation Regiment will
soon move to its new station in Wiesbaden.
The 101st Ordnance Battalion, moved from Heilbronn in 1989 and will
be inactivated at Dolan's post closing in June.
The post will be turned over to the German authorities on Sept. 30
(1993). |
Early 1950s |

Officers' Transient Hotel in Schwäbisch Hall, 1952 (Jason Darrow) |
HISTORY OF Wharton Barracks |
1984 |
(Source: Heilbronn Community Circle, Dec 17 1984) |
HISTORY OF Artillery
Kaserne |
(Source: Email from
Wolfram Hietschold) |
I wanted to tell
you that, unfortunatley, the Artillerie Kaserne, former home of the
46th Artillery Group, has been completely torn down by now. The area
is now a business area. |
Schwäbisch Hall Page - one of many pages on the Bernhard Weiss' outstanding Fliegerhorste (military airfields) web site. Schwäbisch Hall Page has been totally revamped!! |
Waldheide Als Pershing Standort - in German - material prepared by Dr.Erhard Jöst from the city archives of Heilbronn regarding Waldheide and the Pershing Missile deployment (slant is towards "Friedensbewegung"). |