August 3, 2012

50th Anniversary of
President John F. Kennedy's
Historic Visit to Germany in 1963

(Email from John Provan)

Next year, Germany will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the visit of President John F. Kennedy to Germany. A local film company in Hanau is doing a TV documentary (for HR, RBB and ZDF) and is currently looking for witnesses to the event.

President Kennedy visited US forces in Hanau, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden and Berlin. At Hanau's Fliegerhorst Kaserne, there were 16,000 soldiers on parade and the situation was much the same in Berlin.

This film team is looking for anyone who might have taken 8mm home film footage, slides or photos of Kennedy's visit.

Naturally anyone with an interesting story to tell about the event, would be outstanding.

The film director is coming over to the States in January and would probably do any interviewing then.

John Provan, the noted historian and long-time resident in Germany, was ask to get involved as translator and consultant.

If you have film, photos, slides or stories --
You can email John Provan or call him at 011-49-6195-61350 (from the States).

(Remember, John lives in Germany, so there is at least a 6-hour time difference if you are calling from the States).

We think this is a great project for German / American relations and it should be a lot of fun to get involved.