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Airborne Division
(Page 3 - Support Group)
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personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
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Support Group |
11th QM Parachute & Maintenance Company |
11th Airborne Division |
1958 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Feb 19, 1958) |
11th Abn Div's Riggers Give Chutes A-to-Z Check
By Paul Spiers
Staff Writer
"Try jumping without us" is the
rnotto of the 11th Abn Div's parachute and maintenance company.
Paratroopers of the Angels division hit the silk 78,956 times during 1957 "with" the company's product.
They jumped with a quality product.
No fatality occurred during the jumps.
Only 79 chutes failed to function properly, and the paratroopers involved successfully used their reserve chutes.
Maj Gen Hugh P. Harris, division CG, cited company personnel for superior performance.
Dominating the company's workshop, located near the drop zone in the outskirts of Augsburg, Germany, is a sign reminding the 65 men in the pack section that "This Man's Life Depends on You."
After a trooper lands on the drop zone, he brings his chute to the shakeout and drying tower.
Any debris is shaken out of the chute, and if it's wet, a 24-hour hot air drying is next.
Following storage in bins, the chute is stretched along a 45-foot-length table and two men start the 15-minute repacking.
The 60 men at 30 tables average 500 chutes a day.
Each chute is carefully inspected by the packers. If anything is wrong, the chute is tagged and sent to the maintenance section. A chute requiring major repair is sent to the Quartermaster Air Items Maintenance Branch at Dachau, Germany.
Minor repair work includes tears, and GIs operate powerful sewing machines that will sew through six thicknesses of webbing.
If the chute is undamaged, the packers complete the job and put their signature in the log book affixed to each chute.
Final step, before sending the chute to supply for reissue, is an exterior check at the final inspection bench.
If any discrepancy is found, the chute goes back to the packers for repacking. If the chute is okay, the inspector signs his name in the log book.
Life service of a chute is normally seven years or 100 jumps.
One reason for the company's outstanding record was summed up by an NCO:
"The packers are all jumpers. We try to have each man jump once a month That's a pretty good way to keep them honest, on the tables. |
8th Infantry Division |
1964 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, November 24, 1964) |
11th QM Parachute Supply & Maintenance Co, 8th Inf Div - CO is Capt David M. Currin.
Aerial Delivery Pltn - manufactures their own shock absorbing honeycomb pads that are used under all rigged vehicles; repairs all their aerial delivery items; and assembles new 100-foot cargo chutes from component parts to replace old and defective ones.
Air Items Supply Pltn - has a parachute shake out tower and storage area for air items that they store for various units that require them.
Maintenance Pltn - responsibile for maintenance of parachutes and equipment. |
1965 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, November 24, 1964) |
The 11th QM Parachute Supply & Maintenance Company arrived in Gablingen, Germany in 1956.
In 1959 the company moved to its present location in Biebrich (Wiesbaden).
In November 1965, redesignated as 11th QM Co (Air Equipment & Support).
The 11th consists of four platoons:
Headquarters Pltn
Pack Pltn - inspects and packs all personnel-type parachutes
Maint & Sup Pltn - responsible for maintenance, storage, resupply and issue of all parachutes and related equip.
Aerial Delivery Pltn
(Source: Email from Del Weitman)
The 11th QM PS & M Company moved from Gablingen to Biebrich on 1 June 1960 not 1959. I made the move with the company.
It is now rigger support to the 82nd Abn Div.
125th Transportation Battalion |
125th Transportation Battalion DI |
(Source: Wikipedia - 125th Brigade Support Battalion (United States) & Military.com) |
The 125th Transportation Battalion (Truck) was activated in Germany on 28 January 1955.
In 1957, the battalion was redesignated as the 125th Transportation Battalion.
While in Germany the unit was inactivated on 20 June 1959; reactivated on 24 March 1962 (with headquarters at Karlsruhe); and again deactivated on 25 June 1965. |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, August 8, 1957) |
A brief article on quarterly awards for drivers in the 125th Trans Bn suggests that the following units were attached to the 125th Trans Bn:
HHD, 125th Trans Bn, Augsburg
396th Trans Co (Lt Trk), Augsburg
518th Trans Co (Lt Trk), Augsburg
533rd Trans Co (Lt Trk), Augsburg
551st Trans Co (Lt Trk), Munich
596th Trans Co (Lt Trk), Munich
The 125th Trans Bn is attached to the 11th Abn Div.
If you have additional details or corrections, please contact the webmaster (see email link at top of page) |
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