Army Special Troops
7th Army
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
(19.. -1966)
7th Army Band
5th Psy War Co (L&L)
14th Avn Co (ATC)
19th Met Det
30th AG Postal Unit
36th AG Unit (MR)
60th Avn Co
85th Trans Co (Car)
427th CIC Det
500th Engr Det (Util) |
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History |
36th AG Unit (Data Processing) |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, May 8, 1956) |
The 36th Machine Records Unit (one of 26 MRU's at US Army installations throughout the world) at 7th Army HQ handles a gigantic battery of electronic accounting machines that collect and audit up-to-the-minute data on the personnel and equipment assigned to 7th Army units. The unit generates about 300 reports every month. The most important report is the 7th Army personnel roster that is sent to the Pentagon and provides the necessary data to maintain the 7th Army's strength.
The raw data for machine record processing comes from unit morning reports. Key punch machines cut cards covering every personnel change. Reading decks of punched cards, the tabulating machines produce the monthly personnel rosters. Nearly 2 million cards are punched month by personnel of the 36th MRU.
CO of the 36th is Maj Henry F. Schwarz.
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, April 15, 1958) |
The 36th Machine Records Unit (Type Z), stationed at Patch Barracks in Vaihingen, is tasked with keeping personnel information for all soldiers assigned to 7th Army as well as maintaining other information such as on all the equipment within the 7th Army.
With a personnel strength of 126 officers and men (including 57 machine operators, 41 analysts, 12 statisticians), the unit works 24/7 in three shifts. CO is Capt Clarence J. Melbourne.
When a soldier joins a 7th Army unit, he is mentioned in the unit's "morning report." From that point on, until the soldier leaves 7th Army, the 36th MRU follows his every step - his duty status, date or rotation, dependents (if any), current assignment, rank, serial number, military occupation specialty (MOS), etc. Everytime an order is cut on a soldier's permanent status, it is recorded in the unit's morning report.
This information is contained electronically in symbols on punched cards. It is relayed (transmission) to the 7th Army Staff Adjutant General, from there it goes to HQ USAREUR and then to the Department of the Army in Washington, DC.
The analysts in the unit are responsible for the accuracy of the entire operation.
The complete personnel records of every soldier (160,000) in 7th Army is kept in four filing cabinets at the 36th MRU. |