631st Tactical Control Flight
Paul Costinett)
NCOIC of AGE, TSgt Lawrence Pitler, probably giving another misplaced ass-chewing to A1C Louis Brown. Louis was cool. Good shot of the fuels yard. Taken from inside the AGE front office. Many games of Euchre were played and cigarettes smoked in that office... |
25 ft satellite dish with another dish to the side. This was a deployment to either Ulm or Neu Ulm, W. Germany. We had -8 and -12 backup power to commercial supply for the satcom dish. Purpose was to establish and maintain satellite communication for a blue/red computer exercise. I recall this trip very well because I frequently got drunk, was hungover at work and met my first 1-star general. Plus we got to see primitive video teleconferencing. This would be during 1988 or 89 (probably 1988. |