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Engineer Brigade
V Corps
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
History |
- present |
130th Engineer Bde DUI
(Source: Das Schloss, Feb 1984) |
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the 130th Engr Bde,
please contact me . |
Section |
(Source: Email
from Leonard Spydell, Avn Sec, HHC, 130th Engr Bde, 1970) |
I served with
HHC 130th from May to Sept of 1970. I was a Spec.5, MOS was 67N30
and I was crew chief on the one and only Huey in the Aviation Section,
Serial # 66-16047. It was a UH-1 D model.
I was the one responsible for the 130th insignia and "flight wings"
being painted on each side door as well as the nose of the ship. S--4
and SSgt Gregory did the work.
We flew out of the airfield nearby, Fliegerhorst I think, that's where
the Avn. section was located. Capt. Curran and Lt. Stephen Bird headed
up the section, SSgt. Tilka and Capt Campos were there as well as
CW2 Steven Herbruck.
We had a bunch of old "bubble choppers" as I called them, but just
the one Huey. Most of my time was spent flying Brigade staff and others
to various units for work and inspections, and to the Rhine River
when the "bridge humpers" went into the field to "swing" a combat
During that summer we went into the field near Budingen but got wiped
out (via the computer) after only about 5 days so the rest of our
two weeks were spent camping out in the woods and playing vollyball.
(We were dead you know).
We went on one massive alert in late June of that year when the Jordanians
hijacked three US airliners and made demands while holding all the
passengers hostage. Got it down to "three hour go" status and the
whole thing was settled and we stood down.
Near the end of summer we were flying the ADIZ zone along the border,
with staff flying up to construction sites. One of the units was building
OP's for the Cav up there so progress visits were necessary. My ETS
was 27 Sept. 1970 and I handed the Huey over to my capable asst. crew
chief SP-5 Billy Krause when I left.
In response to your question, no aviation patch (for the Avn Sec)
was in exsistence at that time. I doubt that anybody had thought of
it yet. When Col. White took over there seemed to be a surge of spirit
in the section. Our Section Sgt. had seemed to be a bit "lackluster"
in his leadership and I won't take any credit but it did seem that
when a few of us with more combat experience were transfered in, the
section seemed to come alive.
Back in early '70 there were a whole bunch of 'Nam experienced crew
chiefs DEROSed back to the States and more to come. Somebody figured
it out that their experience would do well in Europe so we were transfered,
even as short as I was. When I arrived (Billy Krause as well) at the
130th, the crew chief on the ship was a supply clerk who had re-uped
for 67N20 MOS and had but 3-4 weeks in country OJT to operate and
manage that Huey. He was pretty tight with the Avn. section Sgt. (SSgt.
Tilka). In fact Tilka had been in Germany so long that he was managing
and apartment building that he lived in, and the kid who I mention
was a tenant in the building. They were really tight!
I got the ship because it came up for its scheduled maintenance and
Sgt.Tilka OK'd a two week leave for the crew chief while the ship
was in for it's PMO. Well, Krause and I were used to these tasks so
Lt. Bird had us oversee and perform everything. It took almost a week
because there were MWO Urgent upgrades that had been ignored for almost
9 months. We got it all done and finally tracked the Main rotors and
we had the ship released and ready for duty in about 5-6 days.
We flew the checkout with Lt.Bird and Col. White showed up to fly
it with us and he asked where the crew chief was and found out about
the leave. NO crewchief ever leaves his ship in the hands of others
for a TBO or a PMO. He supervises it completely so he knows the work
was done correctly. After all, he has to fly the bird! Anyway, Col.
White was pretty disturbed, flew the test flight, and an hour later
I was crew chief and Krause was my assistant crew chief. The guy who
was on leave came back to find he was a crew chief on an OH-13!
I think that that was probably the start of a spirit building move
by Col. White and Lt. Bird. White hosted a big BBQ for each section
on different week ends and really had some fun with us! Our section
party was on a Sunday afternoon and the next day we had a flight to
Wildflicken (I think the 504th was there) and Col. White walks up
to me at the ship, I salute him,and he says "Spydell, did you ****
my girlfriend last night?" I froze, started to studder and said "No
Sir!". So he says "well, you should've "cause she is prettier than
that dog you were with!" and started to laugh because I was standing
there with the biggest look of fear, no . . .absolute terror on my
face! He really enjoyed flying with us.
One other incident comes to mind, it was while flying the ADIZ Zone
up to the Cav. We had I think an E-8 and a Major, as well as a 1Lt.
on board and had just penetrated the ADIZ. It was a Saturday morning
around 10 or 11 and we had just called Carolina Center (flight following
center) abeam Checkpoint Bravo with our xpondr on. Carolina Center
called us and asked us to "confirm our bogie". So Lt. Bird looks at
Capt. Curran, he looks at Bird, and Bird asks Carolina Center to "say
again". So Carolina Center comes back with "Army 66-16047 you have
an unknown aircraft on your 5 o'clock. I need a visual!" So Krauds
looks out the window and there's a Russian HPP just over the wire
(DMZ Line) about 100 yards or less from us and suddenly we get a radar
lock side tone in our ears and this Russian has a quad 50 locked on
us! So Lt.Bird asks for the "ready five" aircraft out of Fulda, they
scramble two jets and we flew for the next 20 minutes with a Russian
on our right, two Air Force jets trying to stay slow enough on our
left, flight following is telling us to hold our altitude and not
to react, (so they could keep us on radar to have a record of the
kill) and the jet jockeys are asking us, "Is that as fast as you can
go?" This went on for a couple of more flights and they finally had
to adjust the travel to the Cav. building sights. We'd fly to Fulda
and they would have to drive to the sight. Too many aircraft in the
corridor, too dangerous. Odly enough, it was in later years when a
Cobra was shot down in the same area.
Leonard Spydell, Specialist 5th Class, U.S. Army |
Engr Co (Light Equip) |
(Source: Email
from Walter Coin, 535th Engr Co) |
was there in the first part of 1970 at Taylor Barracks
in Mannheim (Kaefertal), Germany. I was assigned to the
11th Engineer Group of Seventh Army.
Then on to Tompkins Barracks, Schwetzingen last part of
1970 to 1972 .... in the 535th Engineer Company (LE).
After coming back from Wildflecken became part of the
549th Engineer Battalion and the 130th Engineer Battalion.
The image on the left is a group photo of the 535th Engineer
Company (Light Equipment) in 1970. |
Walter has also
compiled a brief
unit history of the 535th Engineer Company. |
567th Engineer Company (ADM) |
567th Engineer Company (ADM) (courtesy Mark Wells) |
Newspaper Articles |
Related Links:
Engineer Brigade History 130th Engr Bde, Germany (this wonderful
website has a lot of history on the 130th and its subordinate units,
past and present)
567th Engineer Company and ADM Reunion web site - page is dedicated to veterans and their dependents who served as MOS 12E's [Atomic Demolition Munitions Specialist] and 55G's [Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Specialist] in ADM units in Europe |