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34th Medical Battalion (Separate)
Seventh Army
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
101st Medical Battalion (Separate) |
Würzburg |
(Source: Annual Report - Chief, National Guard Bureau, FY Ending 30 June 1946) |
The 101st Medical Battalion is an Arkansas National Guard unit. |
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the 101st Medical Bn,
please contact me . |
1952 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, August 10, 1952) |
Soldiers at North Kaserne, Wurzburg donned spats, and derbies today in a "country fair" benefit program based on a Gay 90's theme held in front of the Ariel Inn Service Club for German orphan children of the Wickenmayer Orphanage in Wuerzburg.
About 50 officers and EM from the 194th FA Bn, 151st Med Amb Co, 557th Med Amb Co, and (HHD,) 101st Med Bn are serving as waiters and vendors for the affair. Personnel from these units also will produce a variety show this evening. |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, September 7, 1952) |
North Kaserne, Wurzburg: Acting as fathers, and joining with the German orphan children in games at a "Christmas in Summer" party, were men of the 603d Aircraft Warning Sq, 101st Med Bn, 151st Med Amb Co, 557th Med Amb Co and the 194th FA Bn.. |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, December 22, 1952) |
Wertheim: A menu in braille will be given residents of the home for the blind here when members of the 101st Medical Bn (Sep) entertain them at a Christmas dinner. Twenty German orphans here will be guests of the 151st Medical Amb Co (Sep) at a party. Another group of children will be feted by soldiers of the 557th Medical Amb Co (Sep).
(Webmaster note: The above two articles show that Hq/Hq Detachment 101st Medical Bn and several of its subordiante units moved from Wurzburg to Wertheim sometime between late September and early December 1952.) |
Wertheim |
1953 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, July 21, 1953) |
Lt Col E. F. Pierce is the CO of the 101st Medical Bn at Wertheim. |
1954 |
(Source: Email from Ronald H. Gordon) |
On 26 November 1954, the headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 101st Medical Battalion (Sep) was designated Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 34th Medical Battalion.
The unit is presently located in Wertheim, Germany. |
34th Medical Battalion (Separate) |
31st Medical Group |
(Source: 34th Medical Battalion Lineage) |
The 34th Medical Battalion was activated 25 March 1953 in Korea.
On 25 July 1965, the battalion was inactivated in Germany. (So, when did it arrive in Germany or was it activated in Germany?
On 25 November 1966, the 34th was reactivated at Fort Benning, Georgia. |
(Source: from a 31st Medical Group unit history published in the late 1950s and submitted by Ronald H. Gordon) |
Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment 34th Medical Battalion (Separate)
This unit was activated 15 July 1942, at Camp Barkley, Texas, as Headquarters and headquarters detachment, 34th Medical Battalion, 30 November 1943.
During World War II, the organization participated in campaigns of Northern France, Rhineland, Andennes_Alsace and Central Europe.
Inactivation took place on 18 October 1945, at Camp Patrick Henry, Virginia.
The Medical Battalion was allotted to the Regular Army, 9 February 1953, and activated 25 March 1953, in Korea.
The Battalion Participated in the Third Korean Winter, and Korean Summer Fall campaigns of 1953.
On 26 November 1954, the headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 101st Medical Battalion (Sep) was designated Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 34th Medical Battalion.
The unit is presently located in Wertheim, Germany.
95th Medical Company (Amb) (Sep)
The 95th Medical Company (Amb) (sep) was activated as the 957th Ambulance Company Motor, in Italy during September 1944.
The unit participated in the Po Valley, North Appenines, and Rome-Arno campaigns. On 25 October 1945, the unit was inactivated.
The 957th Ambulance Company Motor, was activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, on 27 September 1950, and designated 95th Medical Ambulance Company.
On 19 November 1951, the unit was moved to Europe and stationed in Nurenberg.
In late 1952, the company moved to its present location in Wertheim, Germany, and was attached to the 34th Medical Battalion (Sep).
557th Medical Company (Amb) (Sep)
This unit was activated at Camp Pickett, Virginia.
received orders for the ETO on 15 June 1952, and was stationed in the Wurzburg area.
It was moved to Wertheim, Germany, in late 1952 and attached to the 34th Medical Battalion (Sep).
655th Medical Company (Amb) (Sep)
The 655th Ambulance Motor Company was activated 12 April 1944 at Camp Swift, Texas.
The organization arrived in the ETO, 20 December 1944.
The unit was reorganized and designated 655th Motor Ambulance Company, 20 August 1945.
The Ambulance Company was inactivated 30 November 1945.
The 655th Motor Ambulance Company was designated the 655th Medical Company (Ambulance)(Separate), activated 28 January 1955, and attached to the 34th Medical Battalion.
Unit is presently located in Wertheim, Germany.
30th Medical Group |
1976 |
(Source: Email from David Cannon) |
546th Medical Company (Clearing) - REFORGER unit
Just happened to browse for one of the first units I was assigned to as a young 2LT. The 546th Medical Company (Clearing) was indeed part of the 30th Medical Group.
When I was with the 546th (1976-77) we were stationed at Ft. Benning and assigned to the 34th Medical Bn. We had a REFORGER mission and wore the 7th MEDCOM patch as best as I can recall.
The 2d Combat Support Hospital was also part of the 34th Medical Bn with a REFORGER mission and also wore the 7th MEDCOM patch.
There were a number of other medical and non-medical units that made up this non-divisional medical battalion to include the 690th Ground Ambulance Co, and the 498th Air Ambulance Company. Also had a Pathfinder Platoon and heavy lift helicopter unit, and maybe even an attack helicopter unit since the 34th Medical Bn had a LTC helicopter pilot commander.
The 546th was deactivated and reorganized as another unit probably in the 1980s as part of a medical reengineering effort. |
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