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Military Police Battalion
US Army, Europe
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
MP Battalion History |
382nd Military
Police Bn DUI |
382nd Military Police Battalion to be reactivated Nov 19, 2005 |
(Source: Email from Bill Keating, "A" Co, 382nd MP Bn, 1957-58)
Effective November 19, 2005, the 382nd M.P.Det. will be redesignated the 382nd M.P. Bn. It is scheduled for another tour in Iraq.
The new Bn. has decided to issue the original Battalion Crest worn by the unit in Germany (USAREUR) -- the Lion on a black and green shield divided by a gold bendlet with the motto "Police with Honor" at the base.
I have provided the attachment advising of the proposed ceremonial events.
I was stationed at Hammond Bks, 1957-58, with Co."A", 382nd. M.P.Bn. We were authorized to use the mess hall there, I believe the signing authorityon our meal cards was the 7774th Signal Bn. Also I believe the 7774th maintained our radio system at our desk located behind the main P.X. and our company vehicles. |
(Source: Email from Dick Burch) |
HHD, 382nd MP BN was located at Bremerhaven in 1947. In 1951 it relocated to Sullivan Barracks, Mannheim and then in 1957, relocated to Kleber Kaserne, Kairerslautern, Germany until it was deactivated 1 July 1964.
Co A, 382nd MP BN was located at Bremerhaven in 1947. In 1951 it relocated to Sullivan Barracks, Mannheim and later to Taylor Barracks, Mannheim. During 1958, Co A relocated to Hammonds Barracks, Seckenheim, Germany.
Co B, 382nd MP BN was located at Bremerhaven in 1947. In 1951 Co B, 382nd MP BN was relocated to Smiley Barracks, Karlsruhe, Germany. During 1957, it relocated to Des Gouttes Kaserne, Bad Krueznach with 2nd Plt headquartered in Worms and Koblenz. 3rd Plt was headquartered at Dragooner Kaserne, Mainz.
Co C, 382nd MP BN was located at Grohn, Germany in 1947. During 1951 Company C, was reassigned to Funari Barracks, Mannheim. During 1954 the unit was relocated to Taylor Barracks, Mannheim. During 1957, Company C was relocated to Smith Barracks, Baumholder, Germany where it remained until 1 July 1964 when it was deactivated.
Co D, 392nd MP BN was located in Bremen, Germany in 1947. During 1951 it was reassigned and headquartered at Pirmasens, Germany, where it would remain until 1 July 1964, when the Company was deactivated.
Of The Troops And For The Troops
382nd MP BN 1947 to 1964: Law Enforcement Mission |
By September of 1946, the entire 382nd Military Police Battalion was stationed at Bremen, Germany. On October 20, 1947, the unit was reorganized and re-designated as the 382nd Military Police Service Battalion, and withdrawn from assignment as a Railway Guard Battalion.
At this time, the 382nd Military Police Service Battalion was assigned a Law Enforcement Mission and the Battalion was reassigned as follows: Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 382nd Military Police Battalion with Companies A and B were reassigned to Bremerhaven. Company C 382nd MP BN was reassigned to Grohn, Germany. Company D, 382nd Military Police Battalion was reassigned to Bremen,Germany.
Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment (HHD), 382nd Military Police Battalion and Companies A and B, supported the Bremerhaven Military Police Station providing MP Duty Officers, Desk Sergeants, Patrol Supervisors, Traffic Accident Preventions Section (TAPS) and Military Police Patrols in support of the Bremerhaven and USAREUR Provost Marshal Law Enforcement Mission.
During 1951, due to re-alignment and relocations of military units within U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR), HHD, 382nd Military Police Battalion and Company A, were reassigned from Bremerhaven to Sullivan Barracks, Mannheim-Kaefertal, a suburb of Mannheim. Also, Company C, 382nd MP BN was relocated from Grohn to Funari Barracks, Mannheim.
Companies A and C, supported the Mannheim and Heidelberg Military Police Stations and provided MP Duty Officers, Desk Sergeants, Patrol Supervisors, Traffic Accident Preventions Section (TAPS), Military Police Patrols and Patrols in the U.S. Army Dependent Housing areas at Mark Twain and Patrick Henry Village in support of the Mannheim, Heidelberg and USAREUR Provost Marshal Law Enforcement Mission.
During 1951, Company B, 382nd Military Police Battalion was also reassigned from Bremerhaven to Karlsruhe and located at Smiley Barracks. Company B supported the Karlsruhe Military Police Station and provided MP Duty Officers, Desk Sergeants, Patrol Supervisors, Traffic Accident Prevention Section (TAPS) and Military Police Patrols in support of the Karlsruhe and USAREUR Provost Marshal Law Enforcement Mission.
In November 1957, Company B, 382nd MP BN headquarters and 1st Platoon were reassigned from Karlsruhe to Rose Barracks, Bad Kreuznach, and established MP Detachments in Worms, Mainz and Koblenz, Germany. Company B, 382nd MP BN provided support to the Bad Kreuznach Provost Marshal and provided MP Duty Officers, Desk Sergeants, Patrol Supervisors, Traffic Accident Preventions Section (TAPS) and MP Patrols to the Bad Kreuznach MP Station in support of the Bad Kreuznach and USAREUR Provost Marshal Law Enforcement Mission.
2nd Platoon, Co B, 382nd MP BN was headquartered in Mainz with a Detachment located in the City of Koblenz and policed a very large area in the French Zone. 3rd Platoon, Company B, 382nd MP BN, was also headquartered in Worms with a detachment located in Koblenz. MP Detachments located in Worms, Mainz and Koblenz provided support to the Mainz, Worms and Koblenz MP Stations and provided MP Duty Officers, Desk Sergeants, Patrol Supervisors, Traffic Accident Preventions Section (TAPS) and MP Patrols in support of the Provost Marshal, Mainz, Worms, Coblenz and USAREUR Provost Marshal Law Enforcement Mission.
In 1964, the COSTAR Concept was initiated and reorganization of Military Police Units in USAREUR was under way. With plans for activation of the 15th Military Police Brigade and re-alignments of the 94th and 95th Military Police Battalions missions, the 382nd Military Police Battalion was deactivated 1 July1964.
(Source of Information Part II: research from the TAG files, 382nd MP BN retired files, Carlisle Barracks, PA by R.L. Gunnarsson for Part II Law Enforcement Mission to establish some dates and locations of unit assignments, information from the MP School, MP Journal, open source information and from information provided by former members of the 382nd MP Battalion that were there. Part II – Law Enforcement Mission was researched, compiled and written by Richard Burch, retired Military Police Senior Operations NCO and written for this website.) |
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the 382nd MP Bn, please
contact me . |
1948 |
(Source: Email
from James Downey, son of MAJ
James R Downey) |
In 1948 we went to Germany as part of the Occupation forces. My father, Capt. James R. Downey, was assigned on 15 April 1948 to the 382 MP Svc BN at Bremerhaven, Germany . On 9 Jan 1950, he was assigned to the 7834 Ord Det at Griesheim, Germany. In Dec 1950 we returned to the US.
I have started a history of my Father. What started out as simple project trying to find where our paths crossed has turned into a bunch of unanswered questions. From orders in his personal papers I found the following (as far as duty in Germany is concerned): |
15 April 1948: Department of the Army; Each of the fol-named CMP officers Mos 9110 is reld fr asgmt and dy as indicated and is asgd to the European Comd, Bremerhaven, Germany, Shpmt OM-J174-CU (a). WP fr present sta to Cp Kilmer Pers Center, New Brunswick, NJ, reporting not later than 9 July 1948 to await call of the CG NYPE, Brooklyn, NY When notified that transportation is available WP that port for transportation. Upon arrival at destination will report for dy re Req 686. EDCMR 9 July 1948. PCS. TPA. TDN. 901-18 P 431-02, 03,07 A 2190425 S99-999. Almt for ----- Capt James R Downey, JR. 0498385 1308th ASU Belle Mead Gen Depot, Belle Mead, NJ.
3 July 1948 Port call Ft Hamilton Brooklyn NY for Mrs. Downey and son.
Letter of appreciation.
I desire to express to you, and through you, to the members of the Voyage Staff, my sincere appreciation for the highly efficient manner in which you have performed your various duties. ----- Captain James R Downey
Apr 16, [Post Mark] 1948 + - War Department Office of the Provost Marshal General Washington 25, D.C. Captain James R. Downey, Jr. Belle Mead General Depot Belle mead, New Jersey,
Dear Captain Downey:
I desire to express my appreciation for the interest and patriotism you have demonstrated by accepting a Reserve Commission in the Corps of Military Police. During the past war much of the success and good reputation earned by the Corps was due to the untiring efforts of the reserve Officer to make the Military Police Motto, A Of the Troops and For the Troops, @ a reality. Experience of the United States Army in two wars has demonstrated that a well - trained and enthusiastic Reserve Corps of Military Police officers during peacetime is necessary to provide a strong foundation for possible mobilization in the event of war. To you falls the responsibility of maintaining the tradition of service to the command which has so marked the Corps of Military Police in the past. You should, therefore, keep yourself informed in Military Police Doctrine, training, and operational techniques to insure that your professional competence will not be lost. I urge you to continue your efforts to increase your professional knowledge by taking advantage of every available opportunity for active duty and extension course training. Since the success of the Military Police Reserve Officers Corps is of vital importance to the ultimate effectiveness of the Corps of Military Police, I will follow all phases of the Reserve program with great interest. If my staff or I can be of any assistance in the further-ance of your reserve affairs, please do not hesitate to call us.
Sincerely B. M. BRYAN BRIGADIER GENERAL, The Provost Marshal General
January 29, 1949: Time for The 7802 Station Compliment Unit To Hold Its Annual Company Party Featuring and Presenting As Their Guests of Honor “ The Bremen Barons “ Menu Auderes Shrimp Cocktail Fruit Cup Half of Bremen Fried Chicken Mashed Potatoes W / Creamed Gravy F/Frozen Green Peas Waldorf Salad Clover Leaf Rolls w/butter Olives and Relish Ice Cream and Cake Coffee Cream and Sugar No Excuses for Burping Officers Listed are those invited to attend with their Guests by the Enlisted Men of the 7802 Station Compliment Unit. Capt Downey is listed.
29 April 1949: HEADQUARTERS BREMERHAVEN PORT OF EMBARKATION, APO 69 US ARMY: up AR 600-115, and Cir 132, HQ AECIUM, 48, lv of absence is granted pers listed below. Pars will have sufficient negotiable dollar instruments with which to defray all expense incident to this t.l. Outside US Occupied zones, US Army messing and billeting or other facilities are not auth, and bearer of this order will not request any Comdr. to provide such facilities. *Will pick up Holland visa at Bremen, Germany. **Will pick up Italian visa at Frankfurt, Germany. ** Capt. James R Downey JR 382 MP SV BN, APO 69 Twenty days (20) Holland, Belgium Luxembourg, France, Italy, & Switzerland.
26 Aug 1949. HEADQUARTERS BREMERHAVEN PORT OF EMBARKATION APO 69 Report of Survey NO 1657. In accordance with the provisions of par 134a, TM14-904 notification is hereby given of the final action taken on subject Report of Survey Property: Accountable or Responsible Officer: Capt James R Downey, JR Date Initiated: 4 April 1949. First Item: Tent, command post, M-1942 $196.22. Final Action: Date 19 August 1949 All concerned are relieved of pecuniary liability, responsibility, and/or accountability
19 October 1949 Mrs. Thisbe C. Downey, 82 Kurfuersten Allee, Bremen Germany
9 Nov 1949 Lv 15 days to Berchtesgaden Germany 382 MP Sv Bn APO 69
23 December 1949 Headquarters Bremenhaven Port of Embarkation, Above off WP o/a 23 Dec 49 fr present sts to Herford, Germany (British Zone) on TDY for a period not to exceed one (1) day for the purpose of Sp Courier and upon compl of such TDY will rtn to proper sta. TCNT
9 January 1950: Headquarters Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation APO 69 US Army Special Orders Number 6: 1. Capt James Richard Downey JR 0498385 CMP 382 MP Svc Bn APO 69 is reld fr present asgmt and dy and trfd 7834 Ord Dep Det APO 757 Griesheim Germany. Off will comply with Cir 53 Hq EUCOM 47 as amended prior to departure fr this comd. Off and dependents will comply with cir 22 Hq EUCOM 48 prior to departure fr this comd. TCNT. Tvl by Govt rail T is dir,TPA fr present sta to new dy sta is auth at no expense to the Govt.TDN. 2100425 001 – 218 P431 – 02 03 S99 – 999. Cost of T within Germany is chargeable to 2100425-G 1 – 2 GP432-02 S99 – 999. (Auth: Message Form#4754 dtd 3 Jan 50.) Dependents: Thisbe Downey (wife) James R Downey III (son) (PCS) EDCMR 16 Jan 50.
16 January 1950. Army Extension Courses The Military Police School, Camp Gordon, Georgia To Commanding Officer Company D. 382 nd MP Sv Bn APO 60 US Army, C/C Postmaster New York, N. Y. 1. Transmitted herewith is the Notice of Completion of Subcourse 40-4 of the Army Extension Courses, The Military Police School.
2 March 1950 RESTRICTED Headquarters Grisheim Ordance Depot APO 757 US Army To Capt James R. Downey Jr., 0498385 7834th Ordance Depot Company APO 757, US Army, 1. Above named officer detailed TDY five (5) days, 6 through 10 March 1950, at Kitzingen Training Center, Kitzingen, Germany, for the purpose of attending class 3 instructor’s course for Atomic Energy Indoctrination Program (Phase II of the Department of Army Atomic Information Program). Upon completion of this duty officer will return to proper station.
23 May 1950 Headquarters Griesheim Ordance Depot, APO 757, US Army; Capt James R Downey Jr, 0489385, 7834 Ord Depot Det, APO 757. Above named officer and EM detailed TDY four (4) days to attend two (2) days course of instruction in Ordnance technical matters scheduled to be given at Bamberg Ammunition Depot, Bamberg, Germany, 1 st and 2 nd June 1950. Above personnel will report to CO, Bamberg Ammunition Depot during daylight hours 31 May 1950. Upon completion of this duty, personnel will return to proper station.
21 December 1950 Headquarters Frankfurt Military Post APO 757 US Army. 5. The fol off are rel fr asg 7834 Ord Depot Det and asg 7835 Sandhofen Ord Automotive Ctr Det APO 403-A. EDCMR: 1 Jan 51. Mvmt of dependents will be in compliance w/provisions of EUCOM Cir 22 50. TDN. Cost of rail trans (pers) is chargeable to 2112409-G 89-1022 G461-02 S91-506. Cost of mvmt of HHG is chargeable to 2112409-G 89-1022 G425-03 S910-506. WP PCS. Auth: Ltr Hq USAREUR C/ORD subj: Reassignment of off off 8 Dec 50 AG 210.3 AGCapt James R Downey Jr 0498385 MPC
Dec 31 1950: It is hereby certified that Capt. And Mrs. J. R. Downey have always been a charming guest at the Stork – Club and that they are welcome anytime. The Chief Stork rep. Charlie the Bartender Bremen: New Tear 1950
The following named Off & EM are reld fr asgd 7835 Sandhofen Ord Autmv Cen Det, APO 403-A, US Army, and asgd in gr to 7841 Ord Proc Det, APO 403-a U S Army. PCS. No t.l. involved. EDCMR 2 Aug 51, AUTH: VO OCO P&T Br.Off & EM will remain on their current dy asgmt until completion of phase out of the Sandhofen Ord Autmv Cen or unless sooner reld. {1 of 8} Capt JAMES R DOWNEY JR 01557291 PMOS 9110.
7 November 1951 Department of the Army Certificate of Training, This is to certify that Captain James R. Downey Ord C has satisfactorily completed the course of Military Law and the Administration of Military Justice given at Headquarters, Heidelberg Military Post, APO 403, US Army
17 November 1951 headquarters Heidelberg Military Post, APO 403, US Army. Subject: Alert for Movement to Zone of Interior on Permanent Change of Station. To: Capt. James R Downey Jr 0498385, 7841 Ordnance Proc Gp, APO 403-A. 1. You are hereby alerted for movement on or about 4 January 1952 from your present station to the BPOE, APO 69 for further movement to the Zone of Interior on a permanent change of station.
19 Dec 1951: Headquarters Heidelberg Military Post APO 403: Pac DA Cable DA-46645, dtd 24 Nov 51, Capt James R Downey Jr 0498385 MPC MOS 9110 (Cau) is reld fr asg and dy w/7841 Ord Proc Gp APO 403-a and is asg to 1311 th ASU, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen NJ. [PCS]
D Co, 382nd MP Bn
Bremen Bks, Bremen |

1. Quarters of Co "D," Bremen Bks

2. Gen Haislip inspects Bremen Bks

3. Gen Haislip during inspection of BPE
Atomic Energy Indoctrination
Kitzingen Training Cen |

1. Class #3, Instructor’s Course for Atomic Energy Indoctrination Program
1953 |
(Source: MILITARY POLICE Journal, February 1953) |
HMP (Heidelberg Military Post) is now HAC (Headquarters Area Command.
Heidelberg Military Post ended five years of existence (but not it's activities or responsibilities) on the first of Dec 1952.
On that date, Heidelberg Post, less Karlsruhe Sub Post, became the Hqs Area Command. Thus the military post area in Germany comes to an end.
How this new area structure is going to effect the 382nd MP Battalion Bn is unknown at this time. The 382d has already lost "D" Company to Verdun, France, and now that Karlsrune comes under a separte command, "B" Company which is stationed in Karlsruhe will no doubt be lost to the 382d.
Also included in the new area command are redesignations in officer titles. The PM of HMP becomes the PM of HAC, and the PMs of Heidelberg and Mannheim become Asst. PMs of HAC. As this new changeover goes into effect, LTC G. A. Mounsey becomes the last PM for HMP and the first PM for HAC.
Preceding Col Mounsey as PMs of the HMP were,
 LTC Daniel Norman (1947)
 LTC McNamara (1948)
 Maj Henry Becker (1948)
 LTC P. R. Whitaker (1948-50)
 LTC W. E. Farmer (1950-52) and
 LTC G. A. Mounsey from 1952 until present.
Heidelberg Military Post was established on 15 March 1947 by General Order No. 23, 13 Mar 1947, Hqs. U. S. Constabulary.
Serving under Col Mounsey in the new HAC as asst. PMs, will be Maj Arthur Grefe, Maj Walter McMinn, Capt. Russell Rowe, Capt Edwin Johnson and Capt Harry DeMott.
The 382d MP Bn, commanded by LTC Jack Rhoades also comes under the new HAC, less "B" and "D" Companies.
Other Units included in the HAC are the 481st CID, Capt Johnson CO; the 527th MP PG Co, commanded by Capt Anderson; Det "F", 62 HP Co, comanded by Lt Barker. |
Headquarters & Headquarters Detachment, 382nd MP Bn |
(Source: Email from Dick Burch) |
HHD, 382nd Military Police Battalion Locations:
September 1946 located at Bremen, Germany
20 October 1947 relocated to Bremerhaven
1951 relocated from Bremerhaven to Sullivan Barracks, Mannheim-Kafertal (suburb) of Mannheim
November 1957 HHD, 382nd MP BN relocated from Sullivan Barracks to Kleber Kaserne, Kaiserslautern.
1 July 1964 HHD, 382nd MP BN was inactivated at Kleber Kaserne, Kaiserslautern
Company "A," 382nd MP Bn |
MSgt Robert R. Hold (center), City Operations Sergeant, briefs Sgt Kenneth Weaver, Desk Sgt and
Polizeimeister Joachin Wentz, Chief, German Liaison Team, at Heidelberg MP Station Desk. |
"A" Company MP next to his jeep at a kaserne in the Heidelberg M/P area
(probably Sullivan Bks) in 1951 (Webmaster's collection) |
MP tests a patrol jeep radio (Webmaster's collection), 1951. |
(Source: Email from Dick Burch) |
CO A, 382nd Military Police Battalion Locations:
September 1946, Co A, 382nd MP BN was located at Bremen, Germany.
20 October 1947 Co A, relocated to Bremerhaven.
1951, Co A, relocated from Bremerhaven to Sullivan Barracks, Mannheim-Kafertal (suburb) of Mannheim
March 1954, Co A relocated from Sullivan Barracks to Taylor Barracks (suburb) of Mannheim
During 1955, Co A, opened a sub-MP Station in Patrick Henry
During 1958, Co A, relocated from Taylor Barracks to Hammonds Barracks, Seckenheim, Germany
1 July 1964 Co A, was inactivated at Hammonds Barracks, Seckenheim, Germany. |
A Co, 382nd MP Bn
Seckenheim |

1. Co "A" 382nd MP Bn

2. Co "A" Barracks

3. Motor Pool
Heidelberg MP Station across from the Heidelberg Bahnhof, 1951 (Webmaster's collection) |
1952 |
(Source: STARS & STRIES, April 6 1952) |
Company A, 382nd MP Bn, stationed in Heidelberg, Germany, has the distinction of protecting the headquarters of Gen Thomas T. Handy, commander-in-chief of the European Command. The company is comprised of five officers and 164 enlisted men, all hand-picked and at least 5 feet 8 inches tall.
The mission of the company, besides safeguarding the headquarters compound, is to protect an area of 2,000 square miles as well as perform a variety of other duties under the supervision of the Provost Marshal of the Heidelberg area.
These duties include: maintenance of law and order and observance of military discipline among the thousands of servicemen in Heidelberg and surrounding area; the safety of dependent families and their quarters; traffic patrol of miles of streets and highways; annual inspection and registration of privately owned vehicles and participation in official ceremonies. In this latter responsibility, members of the company make up the gun crews which fire salutes when high-ranking officers visit EUCOM headquarters.
Company A maintains 24-hour patrols, both motorized and on foot, with additional men on duty at critical hours when traffic is heaviest and the influx of men on pass is greatest.
The men work in close liaison with German municipal police and have been instructed to render assistance whenever needed to all military and civilian personnel.
All men in the unit's barracks can be assembled in short order by an alarm system. Each floor of the building has signal horns, centrally operated, and a direct telephone line to the motor pool makes possible simultaneous dispatch of vehicles. Men can be in formation in the company street, fully equipped, within 5 minutes of the sounding of the alarm. |
1953 |
(Source: MILITARY POLICE Journal, February 1953) |
The Heidelberg City MP station previously located opposite the Bahnhof in the center of the city moved to a new location on 8 Dec 1952. The new MP Headquarters located near the Heidelberg end of the Autobahn will be in a more quiet section of town and in a more spacious building. (1)
Working conditions are expected to be improved and a larger area for parking MP vehicles and other army and civilian vehicles will be accessible.
(1) An article in the August 1953 issue of the MPJ states that the new MP Station was set up in a building previously used by the Transportation Corps. The HACom Telephone Directory for Oct 1955 lists "1 Riedstrasse, Heidelberg" as the street location. Does anybody know where exactly this location is? |
(Source: MILITARY POLICE Journal, March 1953) |
Hq Area Command and the city of Heidelberg welcomes a new
MP Unit. The duties of the 529th MP Service Company are to assume the guard
duties of USAREUR Hqs at Campbell Barracks, relieving Co "A," 382nd MP Bn. Commanding the new unit will be Capt F. X. Fowler, formerly
CO of Co A, 382d MP's.
All non-coms assigned to this unit are new
personnel to the command, with the exception of Sgt Charles Jones,
who transferred over from Co A.
The officers assigned to this new
unit are 1st Lt's D. W. Cookesel, Thomas Stouthaner and J. C. Ashe.
The top NCO in this unit is 1st Sgt Victor Knowlton.
With the transfer of Capt Fowler to the 529th, Capt E. J. Barattino, has assumed duties of
CO Co A, 328d MP Bn and been relieved of his previous duties as Bn S4.
Along with receiving a new CO, Co A moved from Patton Barracks,
Heidelberg to Sullivan Barracks in Kaefertal, Germany.
Patrols from
Co A will commute back and forth from Kaefertial to Heidelberg and
continue town patrol duties in that city. |
1954 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, July 13, 1954) |
Charged with rendering law-enforcement services to American personnel in the Heidelberg area is the Heidelberg Military Police Station, under the command of Maj F. A. Grant, assistant provost marshal, Headquarters Area Comd.
Staffed with 35 men from Co A of the 382d MP Bn, the organization has developed a system of cooperation with the German police force.
Polizei-Oberwachtmeister Gustav Tober acts as liaison officer between the MPs and the Heidelberg police and coordinates activities of the eight German policemen assigned to work with the MPs. Biggest common problem confronting the two agencies is traffic control and accident prevention.
The MP complement is divided into two groups. Chief clerk Sgt D. G. Merlin works directly under Grant as NCO in charge of administrative affairs. Operations sergeant M Sgt Luther Lindsey is responsible for all operations including such special activities as providing convoy escorts and special
One of the most important units at the station is the investigation section. In this department are four criminal investigators and five MP investigators who are responsible for all criminal and major traffic accident investigations. This group receives aid from two "Kripo" (German criminal police) who work with the American investigators in all criminal cases in which Germans are involved.
Another MP function is the work of the vehicle and weapons registration section, which registers U.S. civilian vehicles and privately owned weapons in HACom. There are approximately 300 weapons and 3,832 vehicles registered with this unit.
Hub of operations activities is the booking station, presided over 24 hours a day by two desk sergeants, one German and one American. The MPs also maintain traffic accident analyses to ascertain factors involved.
A few doors from the booking station is the briefing room, where patrols going on duty review developments in the area. Here also, the MPs stand inspection and study photos of lawbreakers.
The Heidelberg MP station has two types of communications facilities. For local purposes there is a shortwave radio system that maintains contact with roving motor patrols as well as with other MP stations in the area. A teletype hookup through the Neu-Ostheim message relay station provides contact with all major provost marshal units in USAREUR.t |
Company "B," 382nd MP Bn |
(Source: Email from Dick Burch) |
Company B, 382nd MP BN Locations from 1946 to 1 July 1964:
1946 – Bremen
1947 – Bremerhaven
1951 – From Bremerhaven to Smiley Bks, Karlsruhe  1957 – 1 July 1964 From Karlsruhe relocated and headquarters and
 1st Plt, in Des Gouttes Kaserne, Bad Kreuznach,
 2nd Plt, Dragooner Kaserne, Mainz which also had a Detachment in the City of Coblenz
 3rd Plt, headquartered in Worms with a detachment in Coblenz. |

1. Motor Pool, Dragooner Ksn, Mainz
Company "C," 382nd MP Bn |
(Source: Email from Dick Burch) |
CO C, 382nd Military Police Battalion Locations:
September 1946, Co C, 382nd MP BN was located at Bremen, Germany.
20 October 1947 Co C, was relocated to Grohn, Germany.
1951, Co C, relocated from Grohn to Funari Barracks, Mannheim-Kafertal (suburb) of Mannheim.
March 1954, Co C, relocated from Funari to Taylor Barracks (suburb of ) Mannheim.
During 1957, Co C, relocated from Taylor Barracks to Smith Barracks, Baumholder.
1 July 1964 Co C, 382nd MP BN was inactivated at Smith Barracks, Baumholder, Germany. |
I was stationed with 382nd C Co from 1953 to 1955 and we were in Sullivan Barracks along with A Co. which was located in Kafertal. Hopefully this will clear up an error that is in print for those particlar years. Was interesting reading your web site.
The picture you show with two people by the sign was taken between 1953 and 1955. I can't recall the names but they were in C Co.
(Source: Email from Dutch Schroeder) |
(Source: Email from Dick Burch) |
The units on MP Duty for the Baumholder Military Police Station usually consisted of:
Ingenious 3-0 Supervisor
" " 3-1 Town
" " 3-2 Town
" " 3-3 Post
" " 3-4 Paddy wagon
" " 4-1 Idar Oberstein
" " 4-2 Idar Oberstein
" " 6-0 TAPS
The TAPS officer was assigned to each platoon and the only distinction was they attended TAPS school, they would try to send some to school for every class. Sometimes company would put out a 3-5 car and 6-1 car if there was a lot of activity.
Schedule provided by the late Ralph Johnson, Co C, 382nd MP BN, Smith Barracks, Baumholder 1958 to 1960. |
Members of Co C, 382nd MP BN next to the Company sign at Sullivan Barracks, Mannheim sometime between 1952-57. |
Baumholder MP Station, Desk Sgt on Duty during 1958-61. Picture provided by Kurt Braun, Co C.
C Co, 382nd MP Bn
Funari Bks, Mannheim |

1. Mannheim MP Station, 1954

2. VIP escort


4. TAPS team, Mannheim |

5. C Co, 382nd sign at Baumholder |

6. Motor pool, C Co, Baumholder |

7. Ouside the mess hall |


9. Guard Mount, 1960


11. Sgt Cook and Capt Hannigan

12. Going away party at mess hall |
Company "D," 382nd MP Bn |
(Source: Email from Dick Burch) |
CO D, 382nd Military Police Battalion Locations:
September 1946, Co D, 382nd MP BN was located at Bremen, Germany.
1951, Co D, relocated from Bremen to Pirmasens.
1 July 1964 Co C, 382nd MP BN was inactivated at Pirmasens, Germany. |
HHD, 382nd MP BN website
Co A, 382nd MP BN website
Co B, 382nd MP BN website
Co C, 382nd MP BN website
Co D, 382nd MP BN website