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Supply & Service Battalion
3rd Support Command
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please email me (webmaster ).
History |
142nd Supply & Service Bn DI |
1981 |
(Source: Quartermaster Foundation website accessed July 15, 2011) |
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 142nd Supply & Service Battalion, was activated on 16 March 1981 at Wiesbaden, Germany |
(Source: 3rd Support Command Log, Mach 1981) |
142nd Officially Activated
The 142nd Supply and Service Battalion is scheduled to be officially activated on March 16, according to Assistant Adjutant 2nd Lt Bruce White.
"The purpose for forming the 142nd was to gain better control for supply and service inventories such as food, fuel, individual equipment
, construction materials and major items such as wheeled vehicles, " White said.
The companies that came together to form the new battalion were once part of maintenance units. The 26th and 29th Supply and Service Companies were from the 85th Maintenance Battalion, and the 24th Supply and Service Company is from the 19th Maintenance Battalion.
The supplies handled by the 142nd are distributed throughout the V Corps area.
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the 142nd S&S Bn, please
contact me. |
1984 |
(Source: SUPCOM LOG, May 1984) |

V Corps CLAIT inspection (Page 11, Vol. 14, No. 5) |
1986 |
(Source: SUPCOM LOG, July 1986) |
142nd S&S Bn |
Article describes transition of water purification mission from the 130th Engineer Brigade to the 142nd S&S Battalion.
(Source: Email from Bruce L. White) |
As I was viewing your website, I came across this page. Low and behold, there was my name in quotes - I'm the 2LT being quoted. I've since moved on to bigger and better things.
A little more to add. The 142d was actually headquartered at Mainz-Kastel Storage Facility, located between Mainz and Wiesbaden. The Headquarters and Headquarters Company was located at Camp Pieri in Wiesbaden.
The first Battalion Commander (who served until the summer of 2002) was LTC Richard E. Beale. The XO was CPT (P) Gary L. Juskowiak. He later commanded the battalion in the late 1980's.
In 1993, the 142d was transferred to Fort Polk and redesignated as the 142d Corps Support Battalion, where it continues to be stationed.
(Source: Email from Jamie France, 56th RPSC) |
When I was stationed in Germany 1989-1994, the 142nd also had another company, the 56th RPSC (Repair Parts). This company had the peace-time mission of supporting ERF V (European Redistribution Facility, V Corps). 56th RPSC was billeted at Pioneer Kaserne in Hanau, and the ERF V was on a different kaserne over in Grossauheim. I was assigned to 56th RPSC as Platoon Leader/Company XO for a short time after my 3rd Armored Division unit drew down (122nd Main Support Bn), before I went on to an assignment at 3rd COSCOM HQ in Wiesbaden. Commander of 142nd during my time there was LTC Nancy Burton. I was 1LT Jamie Hine; now I'm civilian, Jamie France.
Love your website. It's bringing tears to my eyes -- I'm getting all sentimental… I was a dependent stationed in Babenhausen (1973-75) and in Hanau (1975-77) with my father. I have nothing but happy childhood memories of being a kid in Germany… especially because my dad (CPT Don Watt) would take me out to his Hawk missile sites or to the motor pool and I'd climb all over the equipment, in the rain and mud… Who'd have thought that I would grow up and be a Quartermaster officer also stationed in Hanau (1989-92), visiting all the same kasernes that I remembered from 15 years before, seeing the apartment in Old Argonner where I lived as a 5th grader… drinking beer at the same O'Club in Old Argonner where 15 years before I had taken ballet lessons (in the ballroom with Fr. Jutta Harding).
One of your mystery photos, the IG Farben bldg, really stirred up emotions. It was V Corps HQ, and it was right next door to the Frankfurt Officers Club (Terrace Club). I remember that there was an outdoor floating stage on a pond next to that O'Club where community theater productions were performed. My mother and I were very involved in Hanau's Five Pfennig Playhouse (on New Argonner) -- acting, singing, directing productions. On occaison we would be invited to bring one of our shows to that floating stage. It was very magical for a girl of 10 years old, the pond was framed by weeping willows, the audience was seated on the grassy plain with the water between them and the stage. As the sun would set, the stage lights would come up and the show would begin. When I went back in the '90's the pond was there, but no one could remember there being any stage or shows.
24th Supply & Service Company |
1975 |
(Source: Email from Ray C.) |
I served in the 24th Supply and Service Company. Our barracks were at Pendleton Barracks in Giessen. I believe ours were being renovated at the time I arrived there.
So, our barracks ended up, for a better term, the show company as I would term it. We were to keep everything polished and looking new, for more than expected (thorough) I might say, inspections for purposes to impress the upper people.
To the best I can remember I will attempt to explain what I done and saw at my time there which was 1975-1977. I might also add that I was pleased with the position I was in and my service time spent there in all aspects from the Army view and the cultural aspect.
I started out in the Computer Vans...processing unit orders in various stages. I would eventually be in the supervisor position.
I am trying to remember exactly how the process worked, but please know I wasn't involved in every step of the paper trail. In fact, I don't remember once stepping into the warehouses. Everything I did had to do with them was call and have lost or misplaced items checked by members there and a lot of inventory counts.
Our operating system was the NCR 500 (National Cash Register.) I would say it was old school in that all the information needed was keypunched into cards much like the cards that we used for voting years ago. In fact, the cards from the hanging chad fiasco in Florida were pretty much the same as the ones we used. We also had minimal trouble occasionally with the little pieces not being punched out completely. That was easily taken care of.
I guess first I should try and explain what was involved. We had a main office separate from the computer vans. Paper work for repair parts came in and they were organized and checked thoroughly for errors and correct information, i.e. part numbers etc. Supplies were kept in stock in the warehouses also that were needed for unit support.
There were two vans/trailers. The first one had keypunch machines, card sorters and files where cards were kept after being completed. The second had the "Brains" of the system where all this work was finally put into the processor and printed out on ledger sheets that had magnetic strips that held all figures.
Once the orders were first checked, they were passed on to the computer vans. These orders were keypunched with the information necessary. This would include our company number, the ordering units' number and part number and quantity of the part or material being ordered and I am sure other info. Once these cards were punched with the correct info, they were then run through a card sorter that organized them; I think by part numbers.
Then they were passed on to be processed. This was done overnight by one person eventually myself.
These pre-punched cards were placed into a hopper of sorts to be put through the system and printed out on the ledger sheets. In turn pre-punched cards were spit out to pass on to the main division.
That's basically what I can remember. I expect some may be erroneous and lots left out, but It's been a while.
I did ask a friend of mine that was there before me and done the same job, shortly after the 308th merged into the 24th S&S. I believe he told me that that was when the equipment was set-up.
He in turn knew someone that was there and I think he talked to him and gave him your name. I also know the Captain that was there when I was but I am having trouble locating him. That would be a great source of info. I will continue to search for him. |
142nd S&S Battalion |
1990 |
(Source: THE SUSTAINER, January 1990) |
24th S&S Co |
Article presents the Supply Support Activity (SSA) of WK Pltn, 24th S&S Company in Giessen.
26th Supply & Service Company |
1988 |
(Source: HANAU HERALD, June 1988) |
Article by Pat Hendricks
The 142nd Supply and Service Battalion has a little known shop that may be one of the most important around. It's the Fire Extinguisher Refill Point run by the 26th Supply and Service Company in Hanau.
The two soldiers and one NCOIC who work in the shop are responsible for refilling and sealing fire extiguishers for all non-divisional units within V Corps. They also provide back-up support for 3rd Armored Division according to SFC Charles Kelly, NCOIC of the 26th S & S Supply Support Activity (SSA) which incudes the fire extinguisher point.
"Although filling fire extinguishers may not sound too interesting, it is a very important service we provide;" Kelly said.
It's important for obvious safety reasons as well as for mission readiness. Track vehicles are automatically deadlined if there's not a fully operational fire extinguisher on board. And Wheel vehicles are required by regulation to be equipped with one, Kelly said.
The shop services two kinds of extinguishers, fixed type for barracks, and mobile for track and wheel vehicles. Customers must bring a completed DA form 2407 plus a DF from their commander stating why the extinguisher was discharged. Kelly said the statement is required so the system will not be abused.
With an average of 20-30 refills daily a priority system was established, "02" being top priority to "012" which means the service is not urgently needed.
The soldiers use a computerized CO2 refill machine that can fill a five, 10 or 15 pound extinguisher in just a couple of minutes.
"Fire extinguishers should be brought in for regular checks to make sure they have the proper weight and have no leaks or cracks," Kelly added. ''Once they are used they should be brought even if it is not completely empty. It is not safe to go without a check or proper weight."
Once the shop soldiers refill and check the extinguishers, they then seal them to let the customer know that they are safe and up to standards. |
58th General Supply Company |
1990 |

V Corps CLAIT inspection (Page 11, Vol. 14, No. 5) |
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