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Quartermaster Division
Headquarters, US Army, Europe
Looking for more information from military/civilian personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any stories or thoughts on the subject, please email me (webmaster ).
The 1950s |
Big Picture Series: Quartermaster Corps in USAREUR, mid-1950s (Nuclear Vault, link)
(You will have to suffer through a brief commercial)
Quartermaster Corps insignia |
1952 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, June 16, 1952) |
The EUCOM Quartermaster Division, headed by Maj Gen W. H. Middleswart, is responsible for supplying some 80,000 separate line items and spare parts as well as providing service to the US Army in Europe.
 Coffee is roasted at one of 10 QM coffee roasting plants operated by EUCOM;
 Milk for troops and dependents is purchased by the QM Corps from the Netherlands or Denmark;
 nearly a thousand dining halls that feed US troops are supervised by QM food service personnel;
 equipment used by the troops in the field is reconditioned at the Marburg QM Reclamation Depot.
Some of the services provided by QM Corps facilities/activities:
 shoe repair
 dry cleaning
 dog training
 selling gasoline (for POVs)
 commissary operations
 household furnishing
 clothing sales
 aerial supply paradrop plans
 arrangements for the return of deseased personnel to the US |
1956 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, June 20, 1956) |
The major responsibilities of the USAREUR Quartermaster Division are troop supply and subsistence.
Additional tasks include:
 gasoline stations
 laundry and dry cleaning plants
 household furnishings
 parachute maintenance
 dog training
 graves registration
 operation of the QM School at Lenggries
In the past 12 months, the Quartermaster Division has assumed five new responsibilities (in theater):
 Operation of petroleum pipelines, a function previously performed by the Engineer Division;
 Aerial supply for the Army;
 Supply of subsistence and household goods for the Air Force and the Navy;
 Control of all material-handling equipment in all depots in Europe, including inventories, inspections and standards of repair;
 Distribution of all personal effects, a job previously handled by the Adjutant General Corps.
In additional to all of these duties, the QM Div also provides relief support when emergencies arise such as the cold wave that gripped Europe during the past winter. Under Operation SNOWBOUND, the quartermasters rushed more than 700,000 pounds of emergency supplies from QM stocks to Italian victims.
The Quartermaster Division in Europe handles more tonnage of supplies than all of the other technical services combined. Also, more than 50 percent of procurement for the Army consists of QM supplies.
An important phase of the food service program includes the purchase, storage and distribution of foodstuffs.
Nearly $4 million worth of perishable food is purchased each month in 22 European and African countries. This is in addition to the huge quantities requisitioned from the US and processed in local QM plants.
This represents
 more than 2 million pounds of bread;
 5½ million pounds of potatoes;
 500,000 pounds of coffee;
 1,250,000 gallons of milk;
 90,000 gallons of ice cream.
The food service program also includes specialized menu-planners, qualified food advisers and quartermaster-trained cooks.
The Supply Branch of the QM Division handles about 15,000 items of troop issue that ranges from helmets and cartridge belts to ski wax. Supply items are dispensed through the 80 sales stores in USAREUR.
The impending switch to the Army green uniform is a major job on tap for supply personnel. In a four-year period, QM supply will undertake a complete turnover of exisiting OD-33 stocks to make way for the new AG-44 uniform.
Last year, the 21 laundries in Germany and France processed over 135,000,000 pieces of laundry and dry cleaned nearly 5 million articles.
Last year, Depot maintenance shops reclaimed and returned to command stocks materials valued at a cost of $2 million. In addition, QM shops repaired everything from shoes to parachutes.
A major role of the QM in Europe is the support of Army dependents. One aspect of that is to duplicate stateside supermarkets by operating modern commissaries in Europe.
In the ongoing effort to improve methods and materials, the Quartermaster Market Center in Frankfurt operates an experimental laboratory where various QM items procured in Europe undergo extensive tests. |

Click on image to view the QM conference pamphlet
Quartermaster Expendable Supply Centers |
1955 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, March 1, 1955) |
Quartermaster Expendable Supply Centers
USAREUR initiated the test phase for a new QM experiment in Europe on March 2, 1955 when it open the first two QM Expendable Supply Centers in Mannheim-Friedrichsfeld (QM Service Center) and in Berlin (QM Depot).
The two experimental self-service centers will enable unit commanders to obtain expendable QM items in a quicker and more economical manner than before. The plan is to replace the current time-consuming process of requisitioning of expendable articles.
Instead of preparing requests for their supplies, units will be able to shop for their day-to-day needs in supply centers that function like supermarkets. The basis for the new procedure is monetary accounting system that replaces the current item-by-item accounts and eliminates a number of supply-accounting transactions. The system will reduce stocks in unit supply rooms, cut paper work, and eliminate requisition requirements for nearly 8,000 items.
Each center is divided into six departments:
- office supplies
- cleaning and preserving supplies
- commissary supplies
- unit-level spare parts (for repair shops)
- field maintenance spare parts
- laundry supplies
A follow-up S&S article (April 26, 1955) reported on the experiences of the Friedrichsfeld QM Expendable Supply Center after the first month of operation:
More than $100,000 worth of "sales" to military units in the HACom area were recorded. Some 157 units had established accounts at the supply center.
The self-service center is stocked with some $275,000 worth of goods. The center carries about 8,000 Class II and IV items as well as additional thousands of spare parts.
A seventh department is planned for the supply centers:
- for chaplains' supplies and prisoners' articles. |
1959 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, July 30, 1959) |
The ninth and last QM Expendable Supply Center was opened at the Hanau QM Service Center (later named Grossauheim Ksn) on July 29, 1959.
The new self-service center provides a speedy method for supplying expendable articles to units with a minimum of paper work and effort.
The center maintains an average of 700 different expendable items.
7th Army Quartermaster = Col Jesse D. Bell
V Corps Quartermaster = Col F. R. Blankship
6th QM Group CO = Col Clifford T. Riordan
OIC of the Hanau QM Expendable Supply Center = Capt Glenn Carruthers
In July 1958, Seventh Army assumed responsibility for Quartermaster Class II and IV support (in Germany?). This would make them responsible for the nine self-service centers. |
Quartermaster Battalion (Armored Division) |
Figure 5 |
1958 |
(Source: FM 10-7, Quartermaster Organization and Operations in Divisions, November 1958) |
Armored Division Quartermaster Battalion |
The Armored Division Quartermaster Battalion (TOE 10-45) provides quartermaster supply and service in the armored division. It is composed of the Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, Armored Division Quartermaster Battalion (TOE 10-16); Quartermaster Supply Company (TOE 10-47) ; and Quartermaster Field Service Company (TOE 10-48).
a. Headquarters anal Headquarters Detachment. Headquarters and headquarters detachment provides personnel for the office of the division quartermaster and for command and administration, and technical supervision of the armored quartermaster battalion. Although it is operationally self-sufficient, it is dependent upon the organic quartermaster supply company for messing and organizational maintenance of vehicles. Personnel services are provided by the Administrative Services Company, Armored Division (TOE 12-27).
(1) Division quartermaster staff. The staff of the division quartermaster operates the office of the division quartermaster (fig. 5) which is the center of quartermaster activities in the division.
(a) Division quartermaster. The division quartermaster commands the armored division quartermaster battalion and is a member of the special staff of the division commander. As a special staff officer, he has functions and responsibilities similar to those of the infantry division quartermaster (par. 6b). As the battalion commander, he commands and is responsible for all activities of the armored quartermaster battalion.
(b) Division quartermaster supply officer. The division quartermaster supply officer is also the assistant division quartermaster. He supervises the office of the division quartermaster.
(c) Supply officer. The supply officer supervises the supply section which directs the activities of the quartermaster supply company. The duties of the section parallel those set forth in paragraph 6b (3).
(d) Purchasing and contracting officer. The purchasing and contracting officer supervises the field service section which directs the activities of the quartermaster field service company. The duties of this section parallel those set forth in paragraph 6b (4). The purchasing and contracting officer is also the division recovery and disposition supervisor.
(e) Food adviser. See paragraph 92.
(2) Battalion headquarters. Battalion headquarters is the command element of the battalion and is responsible for directing and supervising the administration, discipline, supply, technical training, and security of the quartermaster troops in the division. The executive officer directs the activities of battalion headquarters for the battalion commander.
(3) Battalion headquarters section. The battalion headquarters section provides the necessary enlisted personnel for the operation of battalion headquarters.
(4) Division quartermaster section. The division quartermaster section provides the necessary enlisted personnel for the operation of the office of the division quartermaster.
(5) Detachment headquarters section. The detachment headquarters section provides enlisted assistants for the detachment commander. The detachment commander also serves as battalion maintenance officer.
(6) Medical section. The medical section provides emergency medical treatment, operates the battalion aid station, evacuates casualties, and supervises sanitation for the battalion; headquarters and headquarters company, division trains; and band. |

Figure 6 |
b. Quartermaster Supply Company. The basic function of the quartermaster supply company (fig. 6) is to provide class I and quartermaster class II, III, and IV supplies for the division. It also provides motor vehicle maintenance and messing facilities for the battalion headquarters and headquarters detachment. A member of the company will normally serve as the quartermaster representative at the DLCC (par. 10b).
(1) Company headquarters. Company headquarters operates the company mess, provides second-echelon maintenance of organic equipment, and performs company supply and administrative functions.
(2) Supply platoon. The supply platoon consists of a platoon headquarters, class I section, class II and IV section, and class III section. The division distributing points are operated by these sections. In addition to satisfying demands for quartermaster supplies in the division, each section will maintain the division reserve of its respective class of supply.
(3) Truck platoons. The truck platoons transport supplies, personnel, and equipment as directed by the division quartermaster in accordance with requirements established by the division G4. (Webmaster note: trucks are 2½-ton) |

Figure 7 |
c. Quartermaster Field Service Company. The quartermaster field service company (fig. 7) provides bath and graves registration services for the division. It also provides motor vehicles to supplement the transport capabilities of the quartermaster supply company and other combat and service units of the division. A member of platoon headquarters may operate at the DLCC to coordinate graves registration activities for combat elements (par.10b (3)).
(1) Company headquarters. Company headquarters operates the company mess, provides second-echelon maintenance of organic equipment, and performs company supply and administrative functions.
(2) Bath section. The bath section operates mobile shower units to provide baths for division troops. Normally one unit operates with each of the three combat commands and one with division trains.
(3) Recovery and disposition platoon. The recovery and disposition platoon provides graves registration service for the division. When heavy casualties occur, the platoon will require support from nondivisional recovery and disposition units.
(4) Truck platoons. Truck platoons transport supplies, personnel, and equipment as directed by the division quartermaster in accordance with requirements established by the division G4. They are used primarily to distribute quartermaster supplies beyond the capacity of the quartermaster supply company. In addition, the company will furnish, when necessary, the cargo transportation required to operate a division mobile class V supply point. (Webmaster note: trucks are 5-ton) |
Quartermaster Direct Support Companies (7th Army) |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Jan 22 1958) |
2nd QM Group, attached to the 7th Army Support Command, includes six QM Direct Support companies:
 7762nd QM DS Co (14th QM Bn), Hanau
 7763rd QM DS Co (35th QM Bn), Ludwigsburg
 7764th QM DS Co (15th QM Bn), Seckenheim
 7765th QM DS Co (95th QM Bn), Munich
 7807th QM DS Co (95th QM Bn), Würzburg
 7808th QM DS Co (95th QM Bn), Nürnberg
The direct support companies are responsible for supplying, replacing, and repairing clothing and equipment.
The units have canvas shops to repair any type of tentage; clothing shops to add a button to a field jacket or sew a tear in a bed sheet; metal shops; typewriter shops; and a variety of others to repair or recondition nearly any type of military equipment. |

7th Army QM DS Company barracks at Emery (Dan Morad) |

Annotated map for Emery Barracks, late 1950s
(Click on map to view a larger image)
7807th QM Direct Support Company, Emery Barracks, Würzburg |
(Source: Facebook, Dan Morad) |
We were a direct support company and ran the shops at Faulenberg Kaserne.
There were a lot of German civilians working there also.
I remember there was a laundry, tent & field clothes repair shops and mess kit & metal repair and the typewriter shop where I worked.
We had a mobile platoon which had a van that carried small shops so we could service the troops in the field or at other bases. I remember going to TDY to Bamberg, Nuremberg, Fuerth, & Kitzingen to service the typewriters at those bases. |

1. Parade ground

2. Fuel trucks

3. Post Chapel
(Source: STARS & STRIPES article, undated) |
The Mobile Maintenance Platoon of 7th Army QM DS Co at Emery Barracks in Würzburg consists of 18 enlisted men. The platoon can provide repair services to up to two divisions in the field. The platoon is 100 percent mobile -- capable of carrying its own machines, repair shops and power sources on its own vehicles. In addition to its normal unit-support duties, the platoon maintains its own vehicles.
The men of the platoon are
hand-picked because they must be specialists in their work and must also be able to operate without officer supervision during field work.
In garrison, the platoon maintains its equipment and operates full scale from a tent, repairing QM C&E (clothing and eauipment) items for units in and around Würzburg. |
POL Bulk Supply & Distribution (Class III) |

Status 30 June 1955 |
1955 |
(Source: Technical Manual 5-350, Military Pipeline Systems, 23 August 1954) |

TM 5-350, August 1954 |
The manual discusses all phases of design, location, layout, construction, operation and maintenance of military POL bulk supply and distributions systems.
1955 |
(Source: Annual History, US Army, Europe, 1 July 1954-30 June 1955) |

Petroleum 1954-55 |
... 106. Construction in France (p 295) |

Status 30 June 1957 |

Status 1 April 1958 |
1958 |
(Source: Annual History, US Army, Europe, 1 July 1958-30 June 1959) |

Petroleum 1958-59 |
Chapter 7: LOGISTICS
... 33. Petroleum (p 133- 139) |
The 1960s |
Quartermaster - TOEs activated or reorganized under the COSTAR Concept |
(Source: FM 101-10-2 Extracts of Tables of Organization and Equipment, January 1945 with Change 1) |
Click on thumbnails to view additional details on particular TOE's |
(STATION LIST, 30 September 1966)
TOE 29-114F / Field Service GS Company (Forward)
24th Fld Svc GS Spt Company, Babenhausen
613th Fld Svc GS Spt Company, Alabama Ksn, Munich
628th Fld Svc GS Spt Company, W.O. Darby Ksn, Fuerth
TOE 29-118F / General Supply GS Company (Forward)
12th Gen Sup GS Company, Spinelli Bks, Mannheim
14th Gen Sup GS Company, Spinelli Bks, Mannheim
18th Gen Sup GS Company, Ludwig Ksn, Darmstadt
25th Gen Sup GS Company, W.O. Darby Ksn, Fuerth
55th Gen Sup GS Company, Leighton Bks, Wuerzburg
602nd Gen Sup GS Company, Infantry Ksn, Augsburg
621st Gen Sup GS Company, Hutier Ksn, Hanau
TOE 29-119F / Repair Parts GS Company (Forward)
564th Rep Parts GS Company, Emery Bks, Wuerzburg
620th Rep Parts GS Company, Neureut Ksn, Karlsruhe
626th Rep Parts GS Company, Pioneer Ksn, Hanau
627th Rep Parts GS Company, Spinelli Bks, Mannheim
TOE 29-124F / Field Service GS Company (Army)
16th Fld Svc GS Company A, Funari Bks, Mannheim
TOE 29-127F / Heavy Material Supply GS Company
619th Hvy Mat Sup GS Company, Coleman Bks, Mannheim
622nd Hvy Mat Sup GS Company, Pioneer Ksn, Hanau
TOE 29-116F / Supply and Service Battalion (GS) (Fwd) - 
Hq & Hq Det, 14th Sup & Svc Battalion (Fwd), Pioneer Ksn, Hanau - read more
Hq & Hq Det, 95th Sup & Svc Battalion (Fwd), W.O. Darby Ksn, Fuerth - read more
Hq & Hq Det, 242nd Sup & Svc Battalion (Fwd), Texas Area, Munich - read more
TOE 29-126F / Supply and Service Battalion (GS) (Army) - 
Hq & Hq Det, 115th Sup & Svc Battalion (Army), Spinelli Bks, Mannheim - read more
TOE 29-215F / Supply and Service Battalion (DS)
Hq Co, 35th Sup & Svc Battalion (DS), Coffey Bks, Ludwigsburg - read more
A Co (DS), 35th S&S Bn, Coffey Bks, Ludwigsburg
B Co (DS), 35th S&S Bn, Coffey Bks, Ludwigsburg
C Co (DS), 35th S&S Bn, Kelly Bks, Stuttgart
Hq Co, 56th Sup & Svc Battalion (DS), Rhine Ord Bks, Kaiserslautern - read more
A Co (DS), 56th S&S Bn, Kleber Ksn, Kaiserslatern
B Co (DS), 56th S&S Bn, Smith Bks, Baumholder
C Co (DS), 56th S&S Bn, Lee Bks, Mainz
D Co (DS), 56th S&S Bn, Warner Bks, Munich
Hq Co, 308th Sup & Svc Battalion (DS), Support Center, Giessen - read more
A Co (DS), 308th S&S Bn, Support Center, Giessen
B Co (DS), 308th S&S Bn, McNair Bks, Hoechst
C Co (DS), 308th S&S Bn, Gibbs Bks, Frankfurt
TOE 10-475F / Quartermaster Petroleum Supply Battalion (Army) - 
Hq Co, 97th QM Petr Sup Battalion (A), Funari Bks, Mannheim - read more
A Co, 97th QM Petrl Sup Bn (A), Funari Bks, Mannheim
B Co, 97th QM Petrl Sup Bn (A), Turley Bks, Mannheim
C Co, 97th QM Petrl Sup Bn (A), Coffey Bks, Ludwigsburg
Please contact the webmaster if you have additions, corrections or details on any of these units. |
POL Bulk Supply & Distribution (Class III) |
(Source: Communications Zone (COMZ) video in color) |

US Pipeline across France |
COM Z Pipeline Across France
Brief (3 min), but very nice overview of the workings of the POL distribution system operated by Communications Zone.
POL distribution segment starts at 15:29 min into the video.
The 1970s |
POL Bulk Supply & Distribution (Class III) |
(Source: Army Management Controls over Bulk Fuel in Germany and Italy, Sept 14, 1979, GAO Audit Report) |
USAREUR activities in Germany receive bulk fuel -- motor gasoline, diesel fuel and jet propulsion fuel -- through a system of US and NATO pipelines and storage terminals.
The fuel, which is procured by the Defense Fuel Supply Center, is delivered by Military Sealift Command tankers to the US-owned, French-operated petroleum terminal located near Donges, France.
From there the fuel moves by pipeline across France to one of three tank farms (Hinterweidenthal, Bellheim and Huttenheim) located in West Germany.
Fuel stored at these activities is transported to the 22 supply points by railcar, barge, or truck.
In FY 1978, the three tank farms issued 76 million gallons of fuel -- 27 million gallons of motor gasoline, 35 million gallons of diesel fuel, and 14 million gallons of jet propulsion fuel to the 22 supply points. |
(Webmaster note: I would like to identify the 22 supply points referred to by the above article. I will start a list of the ones I know of. Please provide additional locations if you know them or feel free to correct if you see mistakes. |
Forward Class III Supply Points (Fixed sites) |

US Army Class III Supply Points in Germany, 1970s
(Looking for corrections / additional information from military & civilian personnel
who worked at the Class III Supply Points)
Class III Supply Points (1970s): |
VII Corps Area (2nd Support Command)
Aschaffenburg |
on Goldberger Strasse, adjacent to Taylor Barracks |
Augsburg |
229th S&S Co ? |
Quartermaster Kaserne |
Bamberg |
493rd S&S Co |
at the MUNA ? |
Grafenwoehr |
eastern end of Main Post |
Hohenfels |
240th S&S Co |
Kitzingen ? |
493rd S&S Co ? |
Ludwigsburg |
226th S&S Co ? |
Osterholz |
Neckarsulm |
226th S&S Co |
in the industrial zone near the Osthafen district |
Neu Ulm |
229th S&S Co ? |
Offenhausen |
Nuernberg |
240th S&S Co |
Feucht, near the Army Airfield |
Wuerzburg |
493rd S&S Co |
Zellhafen, along the Main River |
(List incomplete) |
V Corps Area (3rd Support Command)
Bad Hersfeld |
Alsfelderstrasse and Highway 62 are mentioned ? Brief article |
Darmstadt (Nathan Hale Depot) |
26th S&S Co ? |
Eschborn |
26th S&S Co |
at Camp Eschborn |
Fuerfeld (Bad Kreuznach) ? |
separate facility from the Class V PSP at Fuerfeld |
Fulda |
Giessen (Army Depot) |
24th S&S Co ? |
on the west side of the depot ? |
Hanau |
26th S&S Co |
Oberolmer Wald (Finthen) ? |
Wiesbaden ? |
29th S&S Co ? |
maybe after 1970s ? |
Wildflecken (Arnsberg ?) |
24th S&S Co ? |
possible photo of railway entrance to POL site ; website; input anyone? |
(List incomplete) |
1st Support Brigade Area
Kaiserslautern |
at Einsiedlerhof ? |
Karlsruhe |
574th S&S Co ? |
Mannheim (Blumenau) |
right next to Coleman Barracks |
(List incomplete) |
1977 |
(Source: FM 10-69, Petroleum Supply Point Equipment and Operations, 31 October 1977) |

FM 10-69, October 1977 |
The manual is divided into two parts:
PART I describes petroleum-handling equipment and its uses in TOE units in the general support, direct support, and unit level operations.
PART II deals with class III supply point operations.
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