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Civilian Support Center
Support Command
Looking for more information from military/civilian personnel
assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army in Germany
from 1945 to 1989. If you have any stories or thoughts on the
subject, please contact me .
6930th CSC
History |
Civilian Labor Gp (LMDS Cen) Patch (?)
CSC (Maint) Patch (courtesy
Siegbert Mann) |
1975 |
(Source: 2nd SUPCOM Annual Historical Summary, 1975) |
6930th Givilian Labor Group (LMDS Cen)
(Webmaster Note, July 25, 2021: The original post of the 6930th Year-End Historical Summary for CY 1975 was incomplete. The first page was missing from the copy I had at that time. In the meantime, I have been able to track down the first page and am adding it now to the Historical Summary." The section added is in blue. |
1. This unit was activated at Grafenwoehr, Germany, on 28 September 1950, as the 8902nd Labor Service Company (Ord MAM) with 9 Labor Service commissioned officers and 191 Labor Service enlisted men of German nationality. On 24 November 1950 the unit moved to Index Kaserne, Esslingen, Germany, and started to operate as an automotive maintenance company. In June 1954 the company moved to Funker Kaserne located in the same tone.
2. In accordance with provisions of the Troop Treaty between the Allied Governments and Western Germany this unit was redesignated to 8902nd Civilian Labor Group (Ord DAS) in July 1956. Combined with this action all its members became subject to the provisions of the Tariff Agreement concerning employees with the Civilian Labor Groups of the Sending States Forces within the territory of the Federal Replublic of Germany, dated 1 May 1956, which was revised on 1 July 1958.
In December 1960 thirty-six local wage rate personnel of a Seventh Army Ordnance Maintenance Detachment stationed in Panzer Kaserne, Boeblingen, Germany, were attached to this unit for operation, necessitating that a supervisory group of four Civilian Labor Group personnel was assigned to this detachment.
Due to steadily increasing workloads an Ordnance maintenance team of 30 Civilian Labor Group personnel of this unit were transferred to Boeblingen as reinforcement. Above changes resulted in the redesignation of this unit to the 8902nd Civilian Labor Group (Ord DAS Cen), effective 1 November 1961, with a total strenth of 152 Civilian Labor Group personnel and 36 Local Wage Rate personnel. The authorized strength later on changed several times.
On 1 May 1964 a repair parts DSSA was activated at Boeblingen to better service the (unit's) own maintenance shops and assigned customer units, increasing the total strength to 163 Civilian Labor Group and 24 Local Wage Rate personnel.
In September 1965 the unit was converted to a COSTAR unit.
Effective 29 March 1967 the following units were organized:
6930th Civilian Labor Group (LMDS Cen), authorized strength: 24 Civilian Labor Group personnel, with station at Funker Kaserne, Esslingen.
8904th Civilian Labor Group (LMDS), authorized strength: 101 Civilian Labor Group personnel, with station at Panzer Kaserne and Fliegerhorst Kaserne, Boeblingen.
805th Civilian Labor Group (LEMGS), authorized strength: 120 Civilian Labor Group personnel, with station at Funker Kaserne, Esslingen.
The 8902nd Civilian Labor Group (LMDS Cen) was redesignated and reorganized as follows: |
New designation: 8902d Civilian Labor Group (LMDS), authorized strength: 137 Civilian Labor Group personnel. The location of Funker Kaserne, Esslingen, remained unchanged.
Above actions have partially been necessitated by Operation FRELOC.
Effective 10 June 1960 (**) a detachment of the 8904th Civilian Labor Group (LMDS), consisting of 30 Civilian Labor Group personnel, was assigned to Flak Kaserne, Ludwigsburg, Germany, to take over the support of the US Army units formerly supported by "D" Company, 1st Maintenance Battalion.
The 8904th Civilian Labor Group (LMDS) moved from Panzer Kaserne, Boeblingen, to Flak Kaserne, on 21 December 1968.
Effective 1 February 1970 the Manning Tables for this organization and attached units were changed to Labor Service Tables of Distribution and Allowances.
On 25 September 1972 the 8904th Civilian Labor Group (LMDS) was relieved from Flak Kaserne, Ludwigsburg, and assigned to Reese Barracks, Augsburg, taking over the support of the units stationed in the south Bavarian area including selected units of the 1st Inf Div (Fwd). This new support responsibility necessitated an extension of the capabilities to include self-propelled artillery and armored combat vehicles.
Effective 15 January 1973 the Labor Service Table of Distribution and Allowances for the 6930th CLG (LMDS Cen) was changed increasing the total authorized strength to 32 CLG personnel. This increase vas caused by the addition of a guard section consisting of 4 guard team leaders and 9 senior sentinels. When the Bundeswehr units moved out of Funker Kaserne, Esslingen, the 6930th GLG (LMDS Cen) had been assigned the responsibility for safeguarding the facilities on the post.
Effective 1 October 1973 the 8906th Civilian Labor Group (CC&R) was organized and assigned to this organization to operate a reclamation facility for the receipt, inspection, segregation, disaseembly, preservation and disposition of serviceable class VII and IX materiel and similar foreign material. This mission was changed in December 1973. The 8906th CLG is stationed in Funker Kaserne, Esslingen and now operates as a repair parts platoon. It receives and temporarily stores class IX items excess to VII Corps AK's and makes issues from these assets against requirements determined through the 2d SUPCOM Funds Commitment Verification System. In Feb 76 the unit started to move from Funker Kaserne, Esslingen, to Boeblingen into the former Warehouse Plant Area.
3. The major commands that this unit bas been attached to for operation, were the 47th Ordnance Group and the 3rd Support Brigade. Effective 15 March 1969 the organization was reassigned to Headavarters, VII Corps Support Command, which was redesignated to 2nd Support Command (Corps), effective 15 January 1973
(**) This date must be a typo - should probably be 1968 |
The missions of all units under the 6930th CLG (LMDS Cen), are as follows:
a. 6930th CLG (LMDS Cen): Provides technical and operational supervision of light maintenance direct support and light equipment maintenance units.
b. 8902nd CLG (LMDS): Provides direct support maintenance and repair parts supply support, to include small arms repair and limited evacuation, to nondivisional units on an area basis. This mission does not include medical and cryptographic equipment, automatic data processing systems, electronic accounting machines, aircraft, quartermaster air equipment, missiles, ammunition, and commercial materials handling equipment and vehicles.
c. 8904th CLG (LMDS): Provides direct support maintenance and repair parts supply support, to include small arms repair and limited evacuation, to nondivisional units on an area basis. This mission does not include medical and cryptographic equipment, automatic data processing systems, electronic accounting machines, aircraft, quartermaster air equipment, missiles, ammunition, and commercial materials handling equipment and vehicles.
d. 8905th CLG (LEMGS): Provides general support (GS) and direct support (DS) back-up maintenance services for engineer, quartermaster mechanical, and conmmunications-electronics equipment on an area basis. Provides limited fabrication capability in support of its mission and performs other tasks as directed.
e. 8906th CLG (CC&R): Provides personnel and equipment for the operation of a reclamation facility for the receipt, inspection, segregation, disassembly, preservation, and disposition of serviceable class VII and IX material and similar foreign material (except items peculiar to cryptographic material, missile systems, aircraft, airdrop equipment, drones, and medical material).
f. 8404th CLG (Util Engr): To provide a Facility Engineer Directorate, Community, in the theater of Operations with utilities, shop, and engineering administrative support.
a. The 6930th CLG (LMDS Cen) battalion headquarters is located in Funker Kaserne, Esslingen, Bldg 4005. |
b. 8902d CLG (LMDS) is located in the Funker Kaserne, Esslingen, Bldg 4002. |
c. 8904th CLG (LMDS) is located in the Reese Kaserne, Augsburg. |
d. 8905th CLG (LEMGS) Co is located in the Funker Kaserne, Esslingen, Bldg 4004. |
e. 8906th CLG (CC&R) is located in the Funker Kaserne, Esslingen, and will move to Fliegerhorst Kaserne, Boeblingen. |
f. 8404th CLG (Util Engr) headquarters is located at the Grenadier Kaserne, Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, with detachments in Vaihingen (Hqrs VII Corps) and Boeblingen (Fliegerhorst Kaserne) and will also be moved to Boeblingen, Fliegerhorst Kaserne, where one of its detachments has its permanent duty station. |
1. Following unit was attached to 6930th CLG (LMDS Cen):
4001st Civilian Labor Group (Guard) E1 W1FH04 Bad Toelz, Germany, APO 09050 (LS-TDA LS-E1-701-01) attached to 2d Support Command (Corps) effective date: VOCG 6 December 1974 confirmed wiith special instructions that clothing and equipment will be supplied by the 6930th Civilian Labor Group, Esslingen, except for the LS Blue/Gray uniforms which will continue to be provided by the 6950th Labor Service Center, Kaiserslautern.
Authority: General Orders, Number 2, issued by Hq VII Corps, APO 09107, dated 3 January 1975.
2. The following units of 6930th CLG (LMDS) were reassigned as follows:
6930th Civilian Labor Group (LMDS Cen), Esslingen, Germany, W23401, APO 09061 (LS-TDA LS-E7-910)
8902d Civilian Labor Group (LMDS), Esslingen, Germany, W23402, APO 09061 (LS-TDA LS-E7-905-00)
8904th Civilian Labor Croup (LMDS) Augsburg, Germany, W23403, APO 09178 (LS-TDA LS-E7-911-00)
8905th Labor Service (LEMGS) G0, Esslingen, Germany, W23404, APO 09061 (LS-TDA LS-E7-912-00)
(all above) were relieved from VII Corps Support Command and assigned to 2d Support Command (Corps) effective 15 January 1975 with special instructions for further staff assistance and advise to Commander, 3334th Labor Service Liaison Detachment, APO 09102.
Authority: General Orders, Number 4, issued by Hq VII Corps, APO 09107, dated 3 January 1975.
3. In the course of the calendar year 1975, the 8404th Civilian Labor Group (Engineer Utilities) UIC: E1 W1CE01 Stuttgart, Germany, AP'0 09154 (LS-TDA LS-E1-W1-CE01-02) irs assigned to 2d Support Command (Corps), APO 09160 with special instructions for OPCON to USMCA Stuttgart and further attached for LS administration and logistical support to 6930th Civilian Labor Group (LMDS Cen), Esslirgen, APO 09061.
Authority: General Orders, Number 70 issued by Hq VII Corps, APO 09107, dtd 13 May 1975. Effective date of assignment: 1 July 1974. |
(Source: Webmaster's personal research
notes, early 1980s) |
was activated on 28 Sept 1950 at Grafenwoehr as the 8902nd LS Co
On 24 Nov 1950 the unit was moved to Index Kaserne, Esslingen and
began operations as an Automotive Maint Company.
In June 1954 the unit moved again, this time to Funker Kaserne.
In accordance with the provisions of the Troop Treaty between Allied
Governments and West Germany, this unit was redes as the 8902nd
Civilian Labor Group (ORD LAS) in July 1956. Combined with this
action all its members became subject to the provisions of the Tariff
Agreement concerning the employees with the CLGs of the Sending
States Forces within the territory of the FRG, dated 1 May 56, which
was revised on 1 July 58
On 1 Nov 1961, the unit was once again redesignated, to 8902nd CLG
(ORD DAS CEN) with an ordnance maintenance team stationed in Boeblingen.
On 1 May 64 a repair parts DSSA was activated at Boeblingen
In Sept 1965 the unit (8902nd CLG (LMDS Cen)?) converted to a COSTAR
Effective 29 Mar 1967, the following units were organized (possibly
using personnel of the 8902nd):
6930th CLG (LMDS
Cen), Funker Kaserne
8904th CLG (LMDS),
Panzer Kaserne, Boeblingen & Fliegerhorst Kaserne, Boeblingen
8905th CLG (LEMGS)
Co, Funker Kaserne
8902nd CLG (LMDS
Cen) reorganized & redesignated as 8902nd CLG (LMDS),
Funker Kaserne
The above actions were partially necessitated by Operation FRELOC
(Source: Email
from Karin C. Menzel) |
While doing research
on somebody, I found your nice Usarmygermany-page. At first I was
really surprised, that I found my 'old' employer - the 6930th Civ
Spt Cen (Maint, DS/GS), but after looking closer - unfortunately -
the story ends somewhere in the 1970s... That is really too bad...
cause I started in 1989 in Esslingen - gee - I didn't know, that the
8404th belonged to us... But what I can say is - I remember so many
more companies, which are not spoken of...
When I started, there were the following companies attached to 6930th
2043rd Civ Spt Gp
(Ord), stationed in Miltenberg
2044th Civ Spt Gp
(Ord), stationed in Vilseck
2045th Civ Spt Gp
(Ord), stationed in Hohenfels
4001st Civ Spt Gp
(Guard), stationed along with us in Esslingen
4067th Civ Spt Gp
(Guard), stationed in Ansbach
4068th Civ Spt Gp
(Guard), stationed in Feucht (POL)
4075th Civ Spt Gp
(Guard), stationed in Wertheim
6930th Civ Spt Cen,
HHD in Esslingen
8902nd Civ Spt Gp,
stationed in Esslingen
8904th Civ Spt Gp,
stationed in Augsburg
8905th Civ Spt Gp,
stationed in Esslingen
8906th Civ Spt Gp,
stationed in Boeblingen
Thinking back, I have to realize that I started at a very bad point..
Desert Storm started and 2d COSCOM / VII Corps did not return to Germany.
And with Michail Gorbatchow around - I didn't really have a chance
to stay very long. Not that the fall of the Iron Curtain was / is
bad - no, that indeed is a very good thing - but unfortunately the
US Troops were reduced, and that meant, we (Civilian Support) were
headcounted as troops and had to leave... :-(
Being reassigned to V Corps and 3d COSCOM (or the other way around),
we were something like the big 'terminator', getting some new units
and closing others. Until we were all done, a couple of other companies
were assigned to 6930th. I don't know, if I remember them all, but
here are some:
4230th Civ Spt Gp
(Guard), stationed somewhere around Frankfurt / Wiesbaden - don't
4231st Civ Spt Gp
(Guard), stationed in Hanau
2055th Civ Spt Gp
(Ord), stationed in Baumholder
.. and if I remember right, there was some company from Rheinberg
So if you are interested in some more information for your web page,
don't hesitate to write. Maybe I can ask some of the old fellows to
tell a little story.. It was quite a struggle in the end... but it
was a good time!
Karin C. Menzel |
(Source: JOBBER, Jan. 19, 1987) |
6930th opens new maintenance building
by Chuck Gordon
The 6930th Civilian Support Center recently completed construction on a versatile and valuable new maintenance facility at the unit's headquarters at Funker Kaserne in Esslingen. |
The facility, which is used to perform maintenance in support of the 2nd Support Command and divisional Direct Support units, houses modern and sophisticated equipment. The project, renovation of an existing building, took almost one year to complete, and cost about $650,000. It involved tearing down, rebuilding and improving the building.
According to Horst Hansmann, maintenance chief for the 8905th Support Company, everything had to be built from the ground up. He said that the old building had no lights, heat or plumbing, features which were added to the new facility.
Completed in December, the building contains facilities for repair and maintenance or everything found in Direct Support units' vehicles and equipment, except for signal equipment.
Fedor H. Rittner, 6930th Superintendent, said that "the new building is a major improvement in our productivity, based on the modern construction of our facility." He also noted that the building adheres to the rigid German pollution control laws.
The spacious main bay houses the primary work areas for vehicles and components. It has storage areas, multi-voltage power supply, compressed air sources, and a vehicle maintenance pit.
Adjacent to the bay are complete paint, welding, test, wash and supply rooms. The personnel also have break and hygiene areas.
"One of the biggest improvements we see is in personnel morale," said Rittner.
"When people work and the boss tells them what to do, they don't see the boss as a person, but the building is a thing they can see. We now have sanitary facilities, pollution control and nice break rooms for our people. They see these things and see that the bosses are working for their welfare and health."
"We have everything to do our job, and the shops to make or alter what we do not have," aded Hausmann.
The 8905th expects to be fully moved into the new facility by the end of January. |
2045th Civilian Support Group |
(Source: Email from Josef Niebler, 2045th CSG) |
I was a member of the 2045th CSG located in Hohenfels, Germany. Between 1980 and 1991, the 2045th supported the following prestock points:
PSP 34, Tennenlohe (56 bunkers) ( )
PSP 35, Hepberg (10 bunkers) ( )
PSP 32, Langlau (24 bunkers) ( ) (storage site was later known as Thannhausen?)
All the bunkers have been destroyed now.
We supported Desert Storm and Desert Shield. Changed all the 105mm tank ammo for the 1st Armd Div to 120mm. And we handled rail shipments to Bremerhaven (Army MILVAN port)
The 2045th CSG was part of the 6930th CSC which was subordinate to the 2nd Support Command. The 2045th CSG worked under the operational control of the 101st Ord Bn.
The unit was activated in 1980 and deactivated in 1992.
Unit strength was around 200 personnel and comprised Admin Operation, Supply, PSP Operation, Motor Pool, Repair and Build Operation.
The sister unit, the 2044th CSG located in Vilseck, operated ASP 1 and had a Detachment at Hohenfels to operate ASP 2.
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