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Transportation Group (Mov Control)
7th Army
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
49th Transportation Battalion History |
49th Transportation Bn DI |
(Source: US Army Center of Military History) |
Lineage: 49th Transportation Center
Activated 5 December 1955 in Germany (as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 49th Transportation Battalion (1)
Reorganized and redesignated 20 February 1959 as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 49th Transportation Battalion (2)
Reorganized and redesignated 25 July 1963 as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 49th Transportation Group
Reorganized and redesignated 25 May 1965 as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 49th Transportation Center
Inactivated 1 March 1968 in Germany
(1) correct designation should be 49th Transportation Truck Battalion
(2) correct designation should be 49th Transportation Battalion (Truck) |
1955 |
(Source: Email From William Snyder) |
The 49th Trans Bn was located at Fort Eustis, Va in 1955. Lt Col Hazel was the CO.
The battalion consisted of a Hq Co and 4 Light Truck Companies: the 15th, 16th and 2 others, don't remember the numbers.
Some time in 1955, after Sagebrush maneuvers in Louisiana, we were alerted that we would be going to Germany under Gyroscope.
The Battalion shipped out from Brooklyn Army Terminal on the USS Randall for Germany.
Arriving in Bremerhaven, we went by train dropping units in Aschaffenberg, Hq in Wurzburg, two Companies in Schweinfurt, and the 15th in Bamberg.
I was initially a Personnel Clerk in the 15th Transportation Truck Company.
Shortly, I was transferred to Bn Hqs.
We were billeted in Leighton Bks and Hq was in Faulenberg Kaserne.
After a month or so, Hq was moved to Emery Barracks and we were billeted on one floor of a barracks.
Emery at that time had an Engineer Bn, QM Battalion, Medical Detachment and one other unit from the 10th Inf Div.
The Division was later sent (GYROSCOPE) to Ft Benning and the 3rd Inf Div took over.
Our Hq was in one end of a building (#315) with Division Trains.
In December 1959, the Bn was deactivated and the Personnel Section was assigned to 3rd Admin Company at Leighton Bks.
I rotated back to CONUS in December. End of my first Tour in Germany.
Don't remember anything about the 3D Admin Co as I was only there for 2 weeks, spending most of the time processing out and in the Club. |
1956 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Jan 20, 1956 ) |
The 49th Trans Truck Bn, stationed at Faulenberg Kaserne, Wuerzburg, has been attached to the 10th Inf Div, also at Wuezburg. CO of the battalion is Lt Col Harold E. Hazel.
ORGANIZATION (January 1956): |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, April 26, 1956 ) |
The 88th Transportation Light Truck Company arrived recently at Schweinfurt where it replaced the 100th Trans Co under Operation GYROSCOPE. The 100th will return to Fort Eustis, Va. where the 88th had previously been stationed.
The 88th Trans Co was greeted at their new home station by the 86th Inf Regt, 10th Inf Div. (Was the mission of the 88th to provide ground transportation support to the 86th Inf Regt?)
1958 |
(Source: Seventh Army Annual Review, 1957-58) |
ORGANIZATION (30 June 1958): |
History |
49th Transportation Center DI |
US Army Center of Military History website, Lineage and Honors) |
Reorganized and redesignated 25 July 1963 as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 49th Transportation Group.
Reorganized and redesignated 25 May 1965 as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 49th Transportation Center
Inactivated 1 March 1968 in Germany
If you have more information on the history or organization of the 49th Trans Bn; 49th Trans Gp; 49th Trans Cen, please contact me . |
1963 |
(Source: Email from Jerry Schleining) |
I was just cruzin the net, when I saw the notes concerning the 49th Transportation Group .
I served in the HQ 49th Trans Group in 1963 when the HQ was located on Funari Barracks in Kafertal, Germany. During my tour, I was assigned to the BTMO Munich and later with the BTMO in Mannheim.
The Group Commander at the time was LTC Kenneth Bailey. The XO was Major Sajwonka. The OIC in Munich was CPT Lake G. Goodwin and the OIC in Mannheim was Major Powell?
I arrived as a PVT and departed as an SP5. I was a Movements Control Specialist at the time and worked mostly in Highway Convoy Movements and Freight Operations.
20 plus years later, I retired from Army as a Command Sergeant Major with the 5th Infantry Division. Given questions, I may have answers or fair recall of people, places and things concerning the Group. |
1966 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, May 20, 1966) |
The 107th Transportation Brigade at Ludwigsburg moves and controls nearly every item of stock supplied to units in 7th Army. This mission is met by close coordination, immediate response and a 24-hour operation which stretches the length and width of central and southern Germany.
In 1965, the 107th completed over 51,000 separate shipments of every size and description.
The brigade works through the 49th Transportation Center which is responsible for directing the movements of all brigade vehicles and aircraft. Personnel of the 49th are scattered through 17 different locations stretching from Kassel in the north to Munich in the south.
Permission for each of the 107th's autobahn shipments - either single shipments or convoys - is obtained from German authorities by the center's Highway Regulating Team, The team consists of two US enlisted men and several local German
transportation officers. For bug convoys, the team must assure that a German police escort is available. |
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