1st Constabulary Brigade


May 1946 - September 1947


Organization as of 1 May 1946


Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 1st Constabulary Brigade, US Constabulary, was organized on 1 May 1946 at Wiesbaden, Germany from personnel of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Armored Division.

In the early period, the brigade consisted of a Headquarters and Headquarters Troop located at Wiesbaden to which three regiments were attached:
1st CON Regiment
at Kassel
3rd CON Regiment
at Wetzlar
15th CON Regiment
at Weinheim (then relocated to Seckenheim in January 1947)  

1st Brigade was responsible for law enforcement and security within the German administrative districts of Land Hessen (North and South), the Regierunsbezirke of Wiesbaden and Kassel and the Landeskommisarbezirke of Karlsruhe and Mannheim. In the first months of operation, not all Constabulary units were located at their final stations. This was primarily due to occupation of those assigned facilities by other units or organizations (displaced persons or prisoners of war) pending relocation to other facilities. Also, some facilities required extensive repairs prior to occupation by CON units.

ORGANIZATION (May 1946 - September 1947)
1st Constabulary Regiment - Assigned Units
HQ 1st Con Regt Kassel inactivated on 20 Sep, 1947
11th Con Sqdn Rothwesten Kaserne, Kassel inactivated on 20 Sep, 1947
12th Con Sqdn Neustadt inactivated on 20 Sep, 1947
  91st Con Sqdn (Bad) Hersfeld redesignated as 22nd Con Sqdn (prob mid 1947)
3rd Constabulary Regiment - Assigned Units
HQ 3rd Con Regt Wetzlar inactivated on 20 Sep, 1947
37th Con Sqdn Weilburg inactivated on 20 Sep, 1947
68th Con Sqdn Büdingen  
  81st Con Sqdn Ludendorff Ksn, Fulda moved from Bad Mergentheim to Fulda in May 1946; inactivated on 20 Sep, 1947
15th Constabulary Regiment - Assigned Units
HQ 15th Con Regt Weinheim relocated to Seckenheim sometime after Jan 1947
1st Con Sqdn Knielingen  
14th Con Sqdn Darmstadt  
  15th Con Sqdn Panzer Ksn, Schwetzingen  

May 1946 -- Area of Responsibility and Disposition of units of the 1st Constabulary Brigade 

In accordance with a EUCOM directive, the US Constabulary was re-organized under a troop ceiling of 18,000 between July and August, 1947. The mission of the Constabulary remained unchanged.

1st Constabulary Brigade


October 1947 - December 1948


Organization as of 1 September 1947

With the discontinuence of 3rd Brigade on July 1, 1947, 1st Con Bde also assumed responsibility for law enforcement and security within Land Württemberg. In the process, the 1st Bde lost two regiments (1st and 3rd, both inactivated) and gained one regiment (15th) from the discontinued 3rd Bde. Responsibility for the Landeskommisarbezirke of Karlsruhe and Mannheim passed to the 15th Con Regt; the 14th retained the Hessen South sector and assumed security responsibility for the sectors to the north previously patrolled by the 1st and 3rd regiments.

ORGANIZATION (September 1947 - December 1948)
14th Constabulary Regiment - Assigned Units
HQ 14th Con Regt Fritzlar Ksn, Fritzlar reorganized and redesignated on 20 Dec, 1948 as Hq Co, 14th A/C Regt
10th Con Sqdn Fritzlar Ksn, Fritzlar reorganized and redesignated on 20 Dec, 1948 as 1st Bn, 14th A/C Regt
22nd Con Sqdn McPheeters Bks, (Bad) Hersfeld redesignated as 24th Con Sqdn in Feb 1949
  27th Con Sqdn Darmstadt inactivated on 15 Dec, 1948; served as a carrier unit for the formation of the 74th FA Bn
15th Constabulary Regiment - Assigned Units
HQ 15th Con Regt (1) Loretto Kaserne, Seckenheim inactivated on 20 Dec, 1948
1st Con Sqdn Knielingen reorganized and redesignated on 20 Dec, 1948 as 2nd Bn, 14th A/C Regt; subsequently moved to Schweinfurt (date?)
14th Con Sqdn Böblingen  
  15th Con Sqdn Schwäbisch Hall inactivated on 15 Dec, 1948; served as a carrier unit for the formation of the 70th FA Bn

(1) HHT, 15th Con Regt was reactivated and reorganized as a separate Squadron (15th Con Sq (Sep)) effective May 1949; the unit served with distinction as one of two border squadrons of the US Zone of Occupied Germany until inactivated on 15 Dec 1952.

September 1947 -- Area of Responsibility and Disposition of units of the 1st Constabulary Brigade 


1st Constabulary Brigade


January 1949 - October 1950



ORGANIZATION (January 1949 - October 1950)
14th Armored Cavalry Regiment - Assigned Units
HHC 14th A/C Regt Fritzlar Ksn, Fritzlar moved to Fulda in Jan 1952
1st Battalion Fritzlar Ksn, Fritzlar moved to Fulda in August 1951
2nd Battalion Flugplatz (Conn Bks), Schweinfurt moved to Bad Kissingen May 1951
  3rd Battalion Coburg moved to Friedberg in November 1950
moved to Bad Hersfeld in June 1951
24th Constabulary Squadron
24th Con Sqdn McPheeters Bks, (Bad) Hersfeld Originally, the 22nd Con Sqdn performed border patrol duties from Bad Hersfeld; on 20 May 1949, the unit was redesignated as the 24th Con Squadron with all 22nd personnel and equipment being absorbed by the 24th

Up to 1951 the 24th Con Squadron patrolled the border area from a point east of Kassel (Hebemshausen) to a point west of Coburg, a distance of 225 miles. In the summer of 1951 the 14th A/C Regiment's battalions moved forward to stations in Bad Hersfeld, Fulda and Bad Kissingen and assumed the border patrol mission.

With the arrival of the 2d Armored Division in mid 1951 as part of the Troop Augmentation program, Seventh Army negotiated with the French to station them at Baumholder in exchange for the 14th ACR kaserne in Fritzlar. HQ 14th ACR was subsequently moved to Fulda.

January 1949 -- Disposition of units of the 1st Constabulary Brigade