Constabulary Newspaper Articles
(Source: Constabulary
Lightning Bolt, April 9, 1948) |
Move Scheduled To Be Completed By Feb. 1 As Personnel Depart Daily
Bamberg - In all likelihood U. S. Constabulary will complete
the move of its headquarters to Heidelberg by February 15 1947, with
all dependents established in the new location by March 15th at the
latest, according to G-3, U. S. Constabulary.
Though separation of families for a short period is unavoidable, careful
attention is being given the problem, and as quickly as homes are
provided, dependents will be moved into their new community.
Already Constabulary Chiefs of General Staff Sections are at work
in Heidelberg. Deputy Chief-of-Staff Colonel W. H. Baumer, accompanied
by five Section Chiefs and some members of their staff, Col, W. H.
Craig, G-1; Col. A. R. Reeves, G-2; Col. E. G. Wheeler, G-3; Col.
E. H. Larecy, G-4; and Col. A. E. Harris, P. M., left Bamberg last
Thursday to take over assignments of Acting Section Chiefs for Third
Army in addition to their Constabulary duties.
Troop Transfer By Echelon
Transfer of troops will be made by echelon movement, with departure
dates for Headquarter Units staggered to permit the men to take over
their new quarters and to continue in their work with a minimum of
delay. Similarly, the officer and civilian personnel move will be
effected gradually, according to the coordinated need of Headquarters
with the individual section.
In line with the Headquarter-location change, it is now planned, dependent
upon the clearance from higher authority, that the 13th Squadron and
the 6th Regiment, both now in Bayreut, take over Bamberg for their
new Headquarters.
Sometime in February when the general prisoners have been returned
to the U. S. from the Wurzburg Detention Camp, scheduled to close
the end of January, the 10th Squadron at Kitzingen will move to Wurzburg.
It is also planned, subject to approval from higher Headquarters,
that the 15th Regiment, now at Weinheim, will establish its Headqujarters
at Seckenheim about the 1st of February. |
& MPs First Hq. Units To Arrive In Heidelberg
Bamberg - "The band
will be there to meet us" -- when Constabulary Headquarters moves
en masse to Heidelberg.
G-3 Troop Movements Section announced this week that the 114th Headquarters
Band, the first unit to move from Bamberg to Headquarters' future
home, left Tuesday of this week for Heidelberg. Also arriving in Heidelberg
this week was the 820th MP Company.
G-3 stated that there was no special significance in that the musicians
and MPs were on the welcoming committee -- units are being sent as
billeting facilities are available, it was announced.
Constant troop movements, however, are keeping Bamberg "up to strength"
as an MP platoon from the 793d MP Company at Nurnberg moved in Monday.
Also, "A" Troop, 13th Squadron, arrived Tuesday -- being the first
unit of the 13th to take up residence in the squadron's future headquarters.