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Maps |
Map of US Army facilities in Vienna.
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format
of the same map. |
Major Installations, USFA Vienna |
Map of US Army facilities in the US and International Sectors of Vienna.
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format
of the same map. |
USFA Special Services Map
NOTE: I plan to post extracts from the "Troop Units" section of the telephone directories sometime in the near future - if I see that there is any interest. |

1. USFA Telephone Directory, February 1946

2. USFA Telephone Directory, October 1949

3. Vienna Telephone Directory, November 1953
4. Vienna Telephone Directory, October 1954
Click on thumbnail
to view larger image |
USFA Headquarters
1945 - 1949

Bank Building, former USFA Headquarters in Vienna (Bing) |

Gate at HQ USFA Compound, c. 1947 (John Davis) |

Motor pool in front of Headquarters building, c. 1947 (John Davis) |

Allianz Building near HQ USFA, c. 1947 (John Davis) |

Allied Council Building, Schwarzenbergerplatz (Bing) |

Allied Council Building, Stalin Platz (now Schwarzenbergerplatz), 1955 (Donald Maloney) |

Stifts Kaserne (Bing) |

Aerial photo of Stifts Kaserne (Harold Bledsoe) |

Stifts Kaserne - home of the 796th MP Battalion (Hugo Prigl) |

Stifts Kaserne - BING Bird's Eye view |

1. Partial of Academy Wing |

2. Motor pool |

3. Mobile canteen |

4. Looking towards Moser Wing |

5. Flag pole |

6. Trucks of unidentified unit |

7. POW laborers |

8. POW laborers |

9. Construction work |

10. Construction work |

Courtyard, Sapper Wing barracks, Stifts Kaserne (Amy Miles) |

Mobile canteen at Stifts Kaserne (Amy Miles) |

Entrance from Stiftgasse (Amy Miles) |

Mess hall in center, one-story behind the deuces (Amy Miles) |

Former US Army Hospital, Vienna (Bing) |

US troops at Change-over Ceremony, April 30, 1955 |

A USFA MP checks the documents of a POV at a check point (Walter Elkins) |
1948 |
(Source: National Archives, Washington DC) |

Property List - Page 1, 2
Properties used by USFA in V.A.C., Nov 1948
On 21 June 1947, USFA signed an agreement with the Federal Government of Austria that became known as the "Pay-As-You-Go Plan."
In accordance with this agreement, the US Forces were obligated to pay rental rates for all properties leased by the command with values for the same or similar properties in effect on 1 June 1947. USFA paid rent for all real and personal properties used or occupied by USFA based on a detailed lease agreement that enumerated all component charges making up the total basic rent.
Exceptions to the above agreement where USFA payed only for utilities and such services as may be necessary (so, no rent), were
 Austrian State Owned properties
 Ex-Wehrmacht or other Enemy War installations
 German external assets
Effective 1 July, rentals, facilities, goods, services and schillings (Austrian currency) procured by US Occupational Forces in Austria were paid with US dollar funds.
Webmaster note: Please contact me if you have information on which units or USFA activities used any of the properties listed in the documents on the left. I have a higher resolution scan of the pages if needed. |
1950 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, April 16, 1950) |
The Astoria Garage (Bing), one of the largest commercial garages in Austria, was recently returned to the Austria government. The garage served as an American motor pool since September 1945.
A large office building and warehouse on Gentzgasse was also retuned. The building was used for offices and troop billets since November 1945. |
(Source: Email from Bill Pastor ) |
An Airman Courier from Tulln Air Base
I recall that my 4 Power Pistol Permit was issued by the VMP (Vienna Military Post) Provost Marshal. My duties were pretty routine. At approximately 13:30 I would go to the Tulln AB Service Club and pick up any issues of the Stars & Stripes dated the previous day. At the Base Theater, I picked up Movie Film in route to the Yank Theater. At Base Hq. I would pickup messages and correspondence bound for VMP Headquarters. Then I picked up the Army Mail Clerk along with his stock of stamps, money orders and outgoing mail and headed for Vienna.
I dropped off the Mail Clerk and mail at the APO 777 Office in the Allianz Bldg. Next, just across the way at the VMP Hq., I dropped off the correspondence and messages. I recall Lt. Geoffrey Keys was the Military Governor of Austria prior to the appointment of Walter J. Donnelley.
Next I went to the Star & Stripes Office and dumped off the Newspapers. I then went to the Yank Theater and dumped off the Film. Sometimes I had paperwork for the Provost Marshals Office.
I was usually finished before 16:00 and then I would head for the Clam Gallas where I would relax for a while and from there I would plan my evenings activities.
I sort of had it knocked as I had the use of the Air Force Jeep at my disposal.In fact I had a run in with the Army's S.I.S. in front of the Main PX in Vienna over my personal use of the vehicle. In fact they wrote me up. But that's another story.
I slept at the Transient Barracks located at the 7691 Hq and Service Co. on Philgasse (sp?). The CQ would see that my Pistol was secure and give me a wake up the next morning. I would start out at the Provost Marshal's Office where I would pick up any delinquent reports issued to troops at Tulln, including my own. Next I went to the Stars & Stripes and picked up the days papers; on to Hq VMP for messages and correspondence and lastly to the APO to pickup the Mail Clerk and incoming mail.
We would arrive at the Base around 0900 where I would then deliver every thing. Then I would change clothes, go to the Motor Pool, wash and gas the jeep and obtain a new Trip Ticket.
Then it was time for chow and shinning my shoes, preparing my uniform, shower and shave and then it began all over again.
When I delivered my own DR I explained what happened to the Base Executive Officer. He told me he would have a letter ready for me that afternoon before I made my next run. The letter was addressed to whom it may concern and authorized me to use the jeep as I saw fit. I only got to use it once, and at the same place and by the same S.I.S. Agent. He asked me if I was ever going to learn. I told I guess I would not and handed him the letter. He just shook his head.
There were times when I had to deviate from the routine and pick up other items. Usually they would leave a note for me at the APO if they wanted something special. I hope this information will be of some use to you. |
EUCOM Exchange System (EES) Facilities in Vienna |

Main PX, Währinger Gürtel, Vienna (BING)
Silver Dollar Snack Bar, Mariahilfer Strasse, Vienna (BING) |
1951 |
(Source: Email from Clarence "Chuck" Barrett, former EES Area Manager in Vienna, 1951) |
I am wondering if you have the names of any of the personnel, American or Austrian, who were employed there or at the Silver Dollar Snack Bar? I am trying to find out what happened to a few of them. I was there in 1951. Thank you.
The Main PX was at Wahringer Gurtel 104, across the street from the Volks Opera. As I recall, we had two floors of the front part of the building. I don’t recall having any other part of it. I believe the main entrance was on the left end of the building underneath the elevated and just went back a third way of the building to where the front part starts to jut out at the left as your orange block indicates. I just remembered something - In the spring of ’51 we had a scrip change and many of the black marketeers who worked in the French Zone came across to try and get us to take there scrip dollars and get us to change them at Finance for them and they would give us 50 cents on the dollar (that was at 8AM). We had to have our funds into Finance by 11AM and by that time they were willing to just give us their scrip and hope we would give them something back. Since our funds were quite well controlled that was unthinkable. We found out later that CID was really watching us just to make sure we didn’t try anything. The Silver Dollar Snack Bar was at the Stiftskaserne, VII, on Mariahilferstrasse 24 (I can’t remember what unit was stationed in the Kaserne at that time). The Silver Dollar today is a McDonalds. The French Zone was across the street. There was a back entrance to the snack bar but the military wasn’t supposed to use it. I think I had 10-12 people working there. Our headquarters were in Linz. Nick and I were the only two Americans connected to the PX in Vienna. We probably had 12-15 Austrian personnel working for us. As a matter of fact we discovered that we weren’t even on the evacuation plan in the event of trouble from the Russians and Tullen Air Base was 7 miles away. I went and got an old picture album out but there is only one picture of the outside and it is of the far side of the building and is of the door we brought freight in. Also, I have pictures of the total personnel at the Silver Dollar - 7 sale clerks, 8 snack bar personnel and 4 office people who supported the PX.
I was later transferred to the mountain area and had PX/Snack Bars in Saalfelden, Zell-am-See, and St. Johann.
(Webmaster note: If anyone has photos and/or additional information on EES facilities in the Vienna area between 1945 - 1955, please contact the webmaster.) |
1953 |

Pfeilgasse Building (Bing)

Hotel Regina (Bing)
Hotels in Vienna that served as billets and transient quarters
(Source: STARS &STRIPES, July 13, 1952)
US officials in Vienna announced that two large hotels that have served as billets for US forces in Austria have been returned to the Austrian government.
The Pfeilgasse Building, which housed enlisted men, was returned in June. The Regina Hotel, which served as quarters for transients and post personnel, was returned in July.
These returns are in keeping with Army policy to restore requisitioned properties to their original owners at the earliest time possible. 85 major properties have been returned during the past fiscal year.
The return of the Regina Hotel should ease the hotel shortage in Vienna and help Austrians meet the growing tourist demand. The hotel was extensively improved during its occupancy by the US Army. |
1953 |
Introduction to the command for visitors to Vienna.
Click on the thumbnail to view the pages |
202nd Military Police Company - Jeff Mack hosts a website for former members of the 202nd MP Company. This link goes directly to the Austria Section of the website which has - at last count - eight pages of great photos, including Vienna, submitted by MPs who served in USFA in the 1940s and early 1950s. |