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Infantry Division
(Page 3)
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
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Division Trains |
1958 |
(Source: 24th Inaftry Divison Trains, 1959) |
The 24th Infantry Division Trains first came into being May 3, 1921, at Schofield Barracks, in Hawaii. It was at that time known as the Division Quartermaster Trains.
It was from this modest beginning that the present day 24th Medical Battalion was to emerge as the first Trains unit under its own colors.
On December 1, 1922, the 11th Medical Regiment, forerunner of the present battalion, was made an organic element of the Hawaiian Division. The 24th Quartermaster Company also came into its own at that time, as did the 724th Ordnance Battalion, which in 1922 was only a platoon.
When the 24th Infantry Division was reactivated one year ago (1958), a number of support units were grouped under one central command, and given as a whole the name, Division Trains. Trains personnel range from medics to truck drivers, from mechanics to personnel men. Old units with established histories stand alongside newer units that date back only to last July. But regardless of history, Trains units all have one thing in common - their superlative accomplishments supporting the 24th Infantry Division in garrison and also in the field.
Changing with the times, Trains had added the 24th Aviation Company, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment and Band, and as recently as June of 1959, the 596th, 533rd, 396th and 518th Trucking Companies.
Another unit, the 11th Quartermaster Parachute Supply and Maintenance Company was indirectly assigned to Trains to support the two airborne battle groups then assigned to the Division.
Apart from the lineage reaching back to the Hawaiian Division, Trains Units have another history, although the designations have changed, many units and men perform the same jobs they did so well with the 11th Airborne Division, two weeks after Division Trains was organized last year, large sections of Trains units were assigned to Task Force 201, which made the sudden move to Turkey and Lebanon.
With only two weeks' training under the new Division Trains centralized command, Trains units jumped into the difficult job of supporting the Division's task force elements.
Parachute Maintenance Company furnished riggers, parachutes, and other airLorne equipment for the move and for the duration of the task forces' stay in the middle east.
Supporting elements of the 724th Ordnance Battalion were there, performing their maintenance duties to keep the equipment in combat-ready condition. The 24th Medical Battalion supplied medical support to Division units participating in the move, and Aviation Company contributed men and aircraft to increase the task forces' versatility.
Certainly not limited to maior operations such as 201, Division Trains activities precede or follow every one of the Divisions' combat units to the field for ATTs or field exercises.
Some Division Trains units have outstanding records of their own on field exercises. When the 24th Medical Battalion scored a superior in its ATT it marked the second consecutive year that the unit had accomplished this, a feat unsurpassed by U. S. Army medical units.
The 724th Ordnance Battalion, although not tested as a unit on an ATT, nonetheless participates in dozens of field exercises each year, via the combat support platoon, one of which is attached to each of the Divisions' major units.
The assistance and support rendered to Division units by Aviation Company and Quartermaster is invaluable.
Div Trains accomplishes many missions every day, any one of which is a distinct credit to the unit concerned and to Division Trains. The food to keep men alive, the repairs and fuel necessary to keep the machines moving, the aircraft which provide the eyes, the medics for the wounded, the transportation for the foot soldiers - each of these is provided by Division Trains, all in a day's work. |
1962 |
(Source: STATION LIST, 30 June 1962) |
HQ/HQ Det Div Trains |
Augsburg |
24th Quartermaster Co |
Augsburg |
24th Medical Bn |
HQ/HQ Co |
Augsburg |
A Co |
Augsburg |
B Co |
Augsburg |
724th Ordnance Bn |
HQ/HQ Co |
Augsburg |
A Co |
Munich |
31st Transportation Bn |
HQ/HQ Co |
Munich |
A Co |
Munich |
B Co |
Munich |
C Co |
Munich |
(1) 396th Trans Co (Lt Trk) |
Augsburg |
(1) 518th Trans Co (Lt Trk) |
Augsburg |
(1) 533rd Trans Co (Med Trk) |
Augsburg |
(1) 596th Trans Co (Lt Trk) |
Augsburg |
(2) 24th Admin Co |
Augsburg |
(1) In the European Theater, additional truck companies were attached to the Transportation Bn that was organic to Div Trains.
(2) According to doctrine for the period, the Administration Company should have been organic to Division Trains. However, some sources indicate that the 24th Admin Co was a separate company under HQ 24th Inf Div. Can anyone provide details? |
Support Command |
(Source: STATION LIST, 30 June 1965) |
HQ/HQ Co & Div Band |
Sheridan Ksn, Augsburg |
TOE 29-002E63 |
24th Medical Bn |
HQ & A Co |
Infantry Ksn, Augsburg |
TOE 08-036E63 - Hqs & Support Co |
B Co |
Infantry Ksn, Augsburg |
TOE 08-037E63 |
C Co |
Infantry Ksn, Augsburg |
TOE 08-037E63 |
D Co |
Infantry Ksn, Augsburg |
TOE 08-037E63 |
24th Supply & Trans Bn |
HQ/HQ Co |
Sheridan Ksn, Augsburg |
TOE 29-006E63 |
A Co |
Sheridan Ksn, Augsburg |
TOE 10-007E63 - Supply and Service |
B Co |
Sheridan Ksn, Augsburg |
TOE 55-087E63 - Trans Motor Transport |
724th Maintenance Bn |
HQ & A Co |
Reese Bks, Augsburg |
TOE 29-026E63 - Hqs & Main Support Co |
B Co |
Gablingen Airfield (Augsburg) |
TOE 55-089E63 - Trans Aircraft Maint |
C Co |
Reese Bks, Augsburg |
TOE 29-027E63 - Forward Support |
D Co |
Sheridan Ksn, Augsburg |
TOE 29-027E63 - Forward Support |
E Co |
Henry Ksn, Munich |
TOE 29-027E63 - Forward Support |
(1) 24th Admin Co |
Sheridan Ksn, Augsburg |
TOE 12-037E63 |
(1) According to doctrine for the period (FM 54-2, 1961 and 1965), the Administration Company should have been organic to Division Support Command. However, some sources I have for the 1967-68 period, indicate that the 24th Admin Co was a separate company under HQ 24th Inf Div. Can anyone provide details? |
24th Administration Company |
Organization of the 24th Administration Company, mid-1960s |
24th Administration Co DUI (1) |
(1) As an non-color bearing unit (NCBU), 24th Admin wore the 24th Infantry Division DUI |
1965 |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The division administration company (2) company has certain personal and special staff sections which provide personnel and administrative service support to the division and its attachments. The company also provides electrical accounting equipment (punch card and transceiver) services and organizational maintenance of such equipment.
The administration company provides those division personal and special staff sections which normally remain with the division rear echelon. This company also provides the division chaplain who normally is located at division main. He coordinates the collective efforts of division chaplains in providing denominational coverage, as required.
The company operates under the general staff supervision of the division G1, and under the support command commander for unit administration, tactical training, and tactical operations.
The company headquarters section performs the normal functions of a company headquarters, including mess and supply. The division personal and special staff officers assigned to the company (adjutant general, finance officer, inspector general, staff judge advocate, chaplain, and information officer) operate in accordance with staff procedures and doctrine set forth in FM 101-5. T
The adjutant general section included within the company also provides centralized personnel service, postal service, special service support, and, when properly augmented, replacement support for the division.
For details of the employment and functions of the administration company see FM 12-11.
(2) The 24th Administration Company was located at Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg (STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1966). |
24th Medical Battalion |
Organization of the 24th Medical Battalion, mid-1960s |
24th Medical Bn DUI |
1965 |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The medical battalion (1) provides division level medical service to the division to include -
a. Operation of division clearing stations with a limited short-term holding capacity.
b. Ambulance evacuation of patients from unit medical treatment facilities.
c. Medical supply and organizational maintenance of medical equipment.
d. Emergency dental treatment.
e. Limited psychiatric service. and its attachments with all items of supply except class V, medical supplies and equipment, aircraft parts and supplies, cryptographic materiel, water, repair parts, and airdrop equipment. In addition, the battalion provides -
The medical battalion is assigned to the support command. The three medical companies are capable of operating ambulance and clearing stations in support of the brigades. Normally, a clearing station will be operated by each company for the unit that it supports. Each medical company can operate two clearing stations for displacement and short duration operations.
The headquarters and support company ambulances and clearing station normally operate in the division support area to support division troops and the support command.
Medical units normally furnish support on an area basis. For details of the operation of the medical battalion see FM 8-15..
(1) The 24th Medical Battalion was located at Infantry Kaserne, Augsburg (STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1966). |
24th Supply & Transportation Battalion |
Organization of the 24th Supply & Transport Battalion, mid-1960s |
24th Supply & Transportation Bn DUI |
1965 |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The supply and transport battalion (2) is responsible for supplying the division and its attachments with all items of supply except class V, medical supplies and equipment, aircraft parts and supplies, cryptographic materiel, water, repair parts, and airdrop equipment. In addition, the battalion provides -
a. Reserve stocks of classes I and III, and selected fast moving classes II and IV supplies in all divisions.
b. Transportation for logistic support operations.
c. Transportation for tactical movement in the infantry division, when required.
d. Bath facilities when properly augmented and, when practical, clothing exchange service.
e. Map supply.
f. Graves registration service, when properly augmented.
g. A division salvage collection facility.
h. Limited purchasing and contracting.
i. Coordination for laundry and exchange services.
j. Limited capability for rigging supplies and equipment for resupply by air.
k. Advice to division units on food service matters.
The supply and transport battalion provides and operates distribution points for classes I and III supplies in the brigade trains areas as well as in the division support area. On request, classes II and IV supplies are delivered by the support command to forward class I supply distribution points for issue.
Selected classes II and IV supplies may also be stocked at forward class I supply distribution points. Division reserve stocks of classes I, II, III, and IV supplies are maintained in the division support area.
a. Supply and transport elements from the battalion may be attached to or placed in support of divisional units operating in independent or semiindependent missions. When properly augmented, the battalion provides bath unit support on an area
basis. The battalion, when properly augmented, provides graves registration support in each brigade area to receive, identify, and arrange for evacuation of dead to the division collection point. It also provides a graves registration collection point in the division support area.
b. In the infantry divisions, corps or
army transportation units must be provided if combat units are to be moved in a single lift.
c. For details of the operation of the supply and transport battalion, see FM 10-50.
(1) The 24th S&T Battalion was modified from the type supply and transportation battalion defined in FM 54-2 by the addition of Detachment "C," an airfield support unit for the division.
(2) The entire 24th S&T Battalion was located at Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg (STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1966). The 24th Avn Bn was inactivated 1967 and Detachment "C" activated and attached to the 24th S&T Bn with home station at Schleissheim AAF (near Munich). |
(Source: Email from Bob Melson, S-1 Sec, 24th S&T Bn, 1960s) |
During the early/mid-60's, up to the time of the 24th Division's redeployment to the US (1968), the 24th S&T was unique in that it had a Detachment "C," charged with operating the airfield at Schleissheim.
I don't know when the detachment was established but know it was part of the 24th S&T - I was the battalion S-1 for a part of that time.
The TOE organization of the 24th S&T Battalion was pretty much typical: HHC, A (Supply & Service), B (Transport), with Det "C" as a non-standard "add-on" which probably was a result of Division not knowing where to put the airfield operations detachment.
There were no other lettered/numbered attachments at that time. The battalion, with the exception of Det "C," was located on Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg, Germany. |
724th Ordnance / Maintenance Battalion |
724th Ordnance Battalion |
724th Maintenance Battalion |

Organization of the 724th Maintenance Battalion, mid-1960s |
724th Maintenance Bn DUI |
1965 |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The maintenance battalion provides direct support maintenance for the division and its attachments to include:
a. Direct support maintenance for all materiel except medical, electrical accounting, quartermastes airdrop, and cryptographic equipment.
b. Obtaining, accounting for, and issuing selected maintenance float items.
c. Supply of repair parts.
d. Operation of maintenance collection points and provision of evacuation service.
Direct support maintenance, to include a limited materiel recovery and evacuation capability, is provided each brigade by a forward support company in the brigade trains area (1). The forward support company is reinforced as required by elements of the headquarters and main support company of the maintenance battalion.
The headquarters and main support company (2) operates in the division support area, providing direct maintenance support to the division elements not supported by the forward support companies as well as backup maintenance support to the forward support companies. The headquarters and main support company operates the main division maintenance collection point and provides evacuation assistance to support units when required.
The aircraft maintenance company (3) provides direct support maintenance for organic and attached division aircraft at airstrips and helicopter operating sites.
(1) Company C, 724th Maint Bn, supports 1st Brigade, Co D supports 2nd Brigade and Co E supports 3rd Brigade.
(2) Headquarters and A Company, 724th Maint Bn.
(3) Company B, 724th Maint Bn. |
1966 |
(Source: STATION LIST, 31 December 1966) |
ORGANZIATION (Dec 1966): |
724th Maintenance Bn |
HQ & A Co |
Reese Bks, Augsburg |
TOE 29-025E63 |
B Co |
Gablingen Ksn, Augsburg (1) |
TOE 29-025E63 - Aircraft Support |
C Co |
Warner Ksn, Munich |
TOE 29-025E63 - Forward Support |
D Co |
Sheridan Ksn, Augsburg |
TOE 29-025E63 - Forward Support |
E Co |
Henry Ksn, Munich |
TOE 29-025E63 - Forward Support |
(1) "B" Company is scheduled to move to Schleissheim Army Airfield near Munich, on or about 16 January 1967 |
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