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Infantry Division
Old Reliables
(Page 2 - Division Special Troops)
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
Special Troops |
Division Special Troops |
Headquarters Company
Division Band
9th Military Police Co
9th Quartermaster Co
9th Reconnaissance Co
9th Replacement Co
9th Signal Co
Division Signal Supply Office |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, April 8, 1956) |
Seventh Army has designated the 9th Inf Div Signal Supply Office (DSSO) as the pilot model for all signal direct support units (DSU) to be established in 7th Army as part of Project MASS. The DSSO is supervised by the Division Signal Supply Officer (Capt Eugene Jones) and the Division Signal Officer (Lt Col John T. Quick).
DSSO's involvement with Project MASS began in December 1955.
Under MASS, the DSSO performs a three-fold mission:
 to provide all normal maintenance and supply
 to conduct technical assistance inspections
 to research demand data accumulated over the past 12 months to provide the foundation for MASS
Project MASS, in relationship to the DSSO, is based on three principles:
1. Stock only fast-moving items in a theater of operations.
2. Transmit all requisitions in electronic accounting machine (EAM) language. The request will be prepared on EAM card at the DSSO and transmitted to the signal depot by means of a transceiver.
3. Utilization of priority transportation -- air, land and water.
Experience has proven that 15 percent of items classified as repair parts can meet 85 percent of equipment maintenance requirements.
The DSSO has prepared a selective stockage list with which it can fill 85 percent of the repair parts requests it receives from support units. If a part is not available at signal depot level, a request will be transmitted electronically within a matter of minutes to the US. Shipping time from the US is now down to less than 10 days.
May 1 is the scheduled date to officially implement MASS for signal repairs and July 1 to implement for signal items.
The implementation of Project MASS will reduce the signal repair parts stockage requirements to a level where the division's spare parts can be transported in mobile vans. The vans are scheduled to be issued to the DSSO before May 1.
The new system will also reduce administrative paperwork, eliminate consolidation at battalion and regimental levels, and eliminate authorization screening. Items will be maintained at theater level where all requirements from the same TO&E units can be compiled, compared, filed and researched electronically. This will lead to a decrease in personnel requirements.
9th Military Police Company |
1954 |
(Source: Email from Bob Johnson) |
Looking I don't see any comment about the 9th Division Military Police, stationed in Goeppingen which was close to Stuttgart. I was there assigned to the company.
Anyway some info: General Maddix was our main boss and we were the 9th Division which included - Signal Company, Quartermaster, 9th Div Band and 9th MP Co.
The provost marshall's office was on Cooke Barracks, and the G-2 etc., for Maddix's headquarters. We were in the field a lot as the occupation was still in effect.
German police rode with our MP units working the cities. We did a lot of MP duty TDY to Ulm, and many smaller area's. We all worked those assignments in the field.
I was assigned to the Headquarters Platoon and worked the front gate, PMO, and Headquarters.
I was assigned to a combat communication school in Aunsbach Germany. The instructors were all ex U-boat radio operators. We learned about the radio's we used. We repaired and installed radios in all our equipment and assisted the Signal Company when they were overloaded with work. So I had three MOS, Infantry, MP, COMMO.
One close call. General Maddix wanted His MP's to have black gear, which we did. On going to the Radio school, we were inspected by a Capt. who came unglued on seeing all my boots, low quarters and MP leather in black. His orders were to GI them and return the color to brown. I asked if he (the Captain) would check with our company commander, Stewart, to verify the Black being.
General Maddix called this captain by phone and requested he spare me. Which he did. Many thanks from me. In the field we were his body guards and always at the G-2 tents. Plus I hooked him up with power and telephones.
Our company had a TAPS unit Cpl Noldy, traffic accident prevention squad. I worked with him on occassion. Also the CI had a unit assigned with our company. We had a MP station at the entrance to Cooke Barracks.
Our Captain was Exavier Stewart, with two Lt's who were twins, Kenny and Sandy Weinstein. The Weinstein brothers went to Viet Naum with the 9th Division and returned to Ft. Lewis in Washington State. One was the provost marshall for Ft. Lewis. I visited him on one occassion in the early 70's.
On leaving Germany we went to Colorado Springs or Camp Carson and I was discharged in Oct of 1957. |
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