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Armored Cavalry Regiment
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
History |
- 1972 |
14th Armd Cav Regt DUI
The first six years after the war saw the continuous shaping of the
14th into its present form. As of May 1, 1946, the Headquarters and
Headquarters Troop was redesignated as the 14th Constabulary Regiment
stationed in Kitzingen, controlling three Squadrons: the 10th, 22nd
and 27th. However, in December 1948, the Regiment reorganized and
redesignated as the 14th Armored Cavalry and began to assume duties
of a patrol and combat unit instead of internal police. The success
of the training program might be substantiated by the fact that the
14th won every major military competition held in Germany during 1950.
In May 1951 the 2nd and 3rd Battalions permanently changed station
to Bad Kissingen and Bad Hersfeld, respectively. During August, the
1st Battalion was stationed in Fulda and in January, 1952, the Headquarters
was also relocated to Downs Barracks.
In December, 1952, the US Constabulary
was deactivated and the Unit was assigned to Seventh Army. On December
9 the 14th assumed responsibility for the US-USSR Zonal Border Surveillance
for V Corps.
In April 1955, the 517th Armored Field Artillery was
deactivated and its batteries became the Howitzer Companies of the
Regiment. On July 12, Colonel Lumuel E. Pope assumes command of the
Regiment from Colonel Maxwell A. Tincher. |
(Source: 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1952 Yearbook) |

1952 Yearbook |

Officers study map |

Three officers of 2nd Bn |
(Source: 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1954 Yearbook) |
(Source: 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1955) |
(Source: Email from Darl Turner) |
I was given the following information when I reported for duty in 1963. If memory serves it was part of an orientation: |
The 14th Armored Cavalry, through the use of highly mobile vehicles, extensive communications and well trained men, maintains a constant vigilance along the border that separates the Free World and Communism.
The mission of the regiment is continuous surveillance of border activity, and that of an early warning system in the event of hostile aggressive action on the part of a Soviet Bloc or Satellite forces within its assigned sector of responsibility.
The Regiment utilizes three distinct methods in the performance of
its primary mission. First, mobile patrols comprised of two 1/4 ton trucks, one mounting an FM radio and a 7.62mm machine gun, the other a 7.62mm machine gun only. A minimum of five enlisted men are used as members of the patrol. Second, the use of observation posts and listening
posts which are manned by four men on a 24 hour basis, and third, Army aircraft fly frequent daily surveillance missions, weather permitting. These
means combined, make a well coordinated and effective team, and enables
the Regiment to perform its assigned mission with maximum efficiency.
Close and continuous liaison is also maintained with West German police
agencies to assure the receipt of maximum and timely information.
The boundary that separates Land Hesse and Land Bavaria in the West and Thuringia in the East make up what is commonly referred to as the "Iron Curtain". This border is officially marked by stone markers placed in the ground at irregular intervals and a direct line of sight between these stones constitute the Zonal Border.
The border can also be identified by a 10 meter wide plowed strip that runs the entire length with the exception of steep slopes and wet or rocky areas. However, this strip in its entirety is in the East Zone to enable their police to determine if anyone has crossed in either direction. Approximately 30 per cent of the border is fenced, which has been erected and is maintained by East Zone personnel. All roads and railroads between the East and the West in the 14th Armored Cavalry sector have been cut with exception of a legal crossing point at Herleshausen for East and West German civilian traffic. Warning signs have been placed on all major roads leading to the border by both US and West German agencies.
The patrolling and surveillance in the East Zone is accomplished by a para-military organization known as the Border Security Police (BSP). They patrol the border on foot, normally in pairs and occasionally accompanied by a dog. Also, they man observation towers that have been erected in a manner to afford maximum observation of their own population as well as the West Zone.
2nd Battalion, 14th ACR |
(Source: author's collection) |

Main gate, Daley Barracks, Bad Kissingen, 1971

Track park, Daley Barracks, Bad Kissingen, 1971 |
1971 |
(Source: Email from Danny Autrey) |
I am a retired Army SFC. I just today stumbled onto your web site and have forwarded it to several retired Army friends.
Very good site. What I wanted to pass on to you was the following for your Kaserne site on the left hand side. Under Bad Kissingen, you can place Daley Barracks. I was there in 1971 and 1972. My friend, 1SG (R) George Guerrette was there also and may have photos or other details regarding Daily. Unfortunately, I lost a lot of my stuff when my house hold good were lost one time and I lost much of my stuff from those days.
I arrived in BK in May 1971. At that time, the 2d of the 14th ACR was there. On the other side of the kaserne was an artillery battalion but I do not remember the unit designation. Perhaps George will. I have cc'ed this to him.
The 2/14th was redesignated to the 2d of the 11th ACR sometime during this period and the 2/14th colors retired. We had HHC, which was an M60 tank company and E, F & G Troops. Our main assignment was patrolling the east-west border. Our border camp was at Camp Wollbach.
If you need more details, George can probably provide those and maybe even some photos he might still have.
Hope this helps your site. |
2nd Squadron
Bad Kissingen |

1. Capt Stafford |

2. Daley Barracks |

3. Camp Wollbach |

4. E Trp stone marker |

5. Track park at Daley Bks |

6. 2/14th ACR Area of operations |

7. 2/14th ACR Area of operations |

8. 2/14th ACR Area of operations |

9. Construction of an East German border tower |

10. Construction of an East German border tower |
3rd Battalion, 14th ACR |
(Source: Email from Ray Lebowitz, 1958-60) |
I was stationed in Bad Hersfeld (McPheeters Barracks) Tank section, 2nd Platoon, H Company, 3rd Bn 14 A/C, Jan 1, 1958 to July 20, 1960. |
3rd Battalion
Bad Hersfeld |

1. Headquarters sign (KB) |

2. View towards main gate (KB) |

3. On top of 'H-21' (KB) |

4. Wildflecken, Summer of 1959 (KB) |

5. 50 Cal Range, Wildflecken, Winter 1959/60 (KB) |

6. "Thrown Track", Wildflecken, Winter 1959/60 (KB) |

7. Ray Lebowitz in Frankfurt, May 1959 (KB) |

8. Downtown in 'The Central' (KB) |
Aviation Company |
14th ACR Aviation Company patch |
(Source: Hanno Englaender) |
Fulda Airfield during the Constabulary Days
This photo from the 1946/47 period shows part of the airfield during the Constabulary period.
A trooper of the 81st Constabulary Squadron plays with the unit mascot in front of a quonset hut that served as a squadron office. In the back ground is the wooden hangar.
Photo was submitted to Hanno by Martin Marvin. |
Another view - without the snow - of the wooden hangar at the Fulda airfield used by the 81st Const. Sqdn. (Photo: Martin Marvin) |
(Source: Email from Roger W. Beverage, Avn Co, 14th AC, 1963-64) |
I was one of the photo lab crew (of two) from May 1963 to November of 1964. Our primary mission was surveillance and photo mapping of the border zone on a monthly basis. The mapping was done by the L-19's in photo #1. We also did infra-red and side looking aerial radar pics of the border area. Those pics were shot from OV-1 Mohawks, which are not in any of these pics.
We also did ground photography for PIO work and pics for (aircraft) accident investigations even though we were officially lab technicians, not photographers.
The company group photo (#3) is of the officers only! Since only officers could be pilots, fully half the company was officers.
Having been out of photography for a number of years, I have recently built a darkroom and can supply more pics of the company if you want them.
(SP4) Roger W. Beverage
Fulda Army Airfield |

Fulda AAF at Sickels, 1964 (KB)

U-6A Beaver (KB)

3. Unit photo, 1964 (KB)

4. CH-34C (KB)
(Source: Hanno Englaender, Germany) |
The hangar at Werve-Thompson Airfield in Bad Hersfeld, probably taken sometime during the 1950's.
What looks to be the 14th ACR insignia can be seen above the door on the far left side of the hangar. |
(Source: Email from Harald Fäth, Germany, Fulda Gap web site) |
A recent photo of the memorial stone erected at the Bad Hersfeld Army Airfield in memory of LTC Matt Werve and CPT Glenn Thomspon, who were killed in a plane accident in 1953. |
(Source: Richard Bosma, D Co, 2nd Bn. 14th ACR, Bad Kissingen, 1951-1952 |
When I first arrived in Germany and was assigned to the 14 ACR, at the Flugplatz in Schweinfurt, I was issued a yellow-blue-yellow shoulder ribbon in lieu of the regimental crest. (Photo on left shows men wearing the epaulets.)
At a later date we were issued the German made yellow blue crests. As a civilian I purchased a crest that was gold (brass) & blue in Hawaii. |
(Source: Email from Jerry Patterson) |
I was stationed in Germany from 1959-61 at Fulda with 14th AC and spent several times at Wasserkuppe on the Army Radio relay. We had a little shack up on the hill. Lost a little money in the NCO Club at the poker table but have a lot of good memories from my time over there.
We patrolled the Border and every so often we would have to go up and man the relay radios from the Guys that were patrolling the Border back to Fulda. The Border was patrolled 24-7 ever since WWII. I was actually a Tank Driver with the 14th Armored Calvary. The Kuppe wasn't considered very good duty because there wasn't much to do up there but I do remember the Air Force eating pretty good as you could go to the Mess Hall at 3:00 am and eat. But it was a pretty good walk from our Radio Shack (up by the Radar) down to the mess hall. |
Engineer Company |
1960 - 1962 |
(Source: Email from Ron Gordon) |
I was in Fulda from 6/1960 to 12/1962 with the 58th Engineers. I am sending you a series of seven pics that tell a story if you can use them.
Now,for the storyline so they will make sense to you.........
The aviation company at Sickles airfield which is near Downs Barracks (about a mile or so up on a hill, you can see it from Downs Barracks) also had an heliport right at Downs Barracks and the heliport was right next to the 58th Engineers motorpool which I was assigned to.
I will start with a couple pics of the Heliport with the H-34 covered and at rest (#1) and then a pic of a road grader (#2) that was parked in our motorpool to locate everything for you.
You will see the helicopter to the left of the road grader but down from that elevation which was adjacent to our motorpool building.
The pics that follow (#3 - 6) were taken from the street that is hidden by the pile of gravel in front of the grader but I would have been right next to the building you see there.
Sometimes when the copter went on border patrol on the weekends they used to let me go with them if I was in uniform and no brass was scheduled to fly with them and I used to take my camera which was a no-no but I have pics of the plowed strip etc. as a result but that is another story.
This series of pics appears to be the result of an alert although I did not ask anybody but you will see the troops scrambling to the copter and taking off so I just assumed it was an alert, we used to have at least one a month at the base there.

58th Engr Co barracks, Downs Barracks, early 1960s (courtesy of orfmax.net) |
1961 |
(Source: Email
from Alan Cribb) |
Stationed at Downs Barracks from 1961-1964 and assign to the 58th Engineers as a demolition specialist with training for the land based ADM.
The unit was scheduled for the Fulda Gap (the big unit - SADM?). The ADM device left the base on one occasion for a field exercise in Hanau which created a situation with a young Lt. that challenged the perimeter and subsequently was fired on, hitting him in the leg.
We constantly trained on the unit (after training school in Oberammergau) in the basement of the 58th HQ and the only personnel permitted had to have security clearances.
Staff Sgt. Berry, MSGT. Charlie Brown and Lt. Engelfritz stand out in my memory.
The "7300" buildings are family quarters for Officers and Enlisted families.
Bldg #7200 -- 58th Combat Engrs.
Bldg #7221 -- 14th Armored Cav. HQ
Bldg #7109 -- Mess Hall
Bldgs #7153 - 7154 -- wheeled vehicle/trailer parking area (guarded 24/7) it was on the
far end of the base perimeter.
Bldgs #7213 - 7214 -- Motor Pool garage which looks to been have been moved at some point.
Unable to pin point the Em Club, base hospital both of which I became familiar with.
I may have some pictures if you are looking for any. |
- 1965 |
(Source: Email
from Charles Marr, 58th Engr Co, 1963-65) |
58th Engineer Company DI (submitted by Charles Marr)
Interesting reading about (the 14th Armd Cav and) the Fulda Gap. I
was in the 58th Engineers, Fulda, from Dec 1963 till Aug 1965.
We were the keepers of special weapons (Webmaster Note: ADM).
Find that this information - as best as I can tell - is still "Secret",
so will only give vague information - OK? The 58th Engineers was disbanded
once the Cold War was over and I cannot seem to find anything referencing
them other than that they were disbanded, any info you may have would
be of interest.
Anyway, we (58th Engineers) were stationed in Fulda at Downs Barracks
and in our basement were three (3) Nuclear Weapons. All of different
sizes and for different purposes. The smallest being to take out Downs
Barracks, middle one I am not sure about, but the largest being just
a bit larger than a 55 gal. drum to be taken to the Fulda Gap to stop
the Soviets.
Being in First Platoon and the Platoon Leaders driver, it was our
job to take the largest one up to a specified point on the border
where we were to set the timer and protect it till it went off. "DAMN!"
Were told it was approximately 100 times stronger than either of the
two used in Japan but I could be wrong because that was a LONG time
ago. But it would have created one helluva pond anyway, I'm sure.
Oh, the reason I don't know where the middle one was to go is because
we were not allowed to know but had heard about the small one by accident.
Can remember several outfits (such as the 14th ACR) having exercises
in our area and I had gone on several with just my Lieutenant and
myself for several weeks at a time. He and I were the only ones from
Downs Barracks there plus a lot of Generals on down running around
playing their games which I was not allowed access. Had a two star
General sit on my jeep one day while we smoked a cigarette and BS'd.
(During field exercises,) I drove the jeep with the trailer behind
it that was supposed to simulate the actual bomb. That was me in jeep
X-16, 58th Engr., sitting out there in the woods with you all. Only
thing actually in the trailer were our sleeping bags and duffle bags
when out on excercises.
We did on several occasions remove the real weapon from the basement
and drive it around post (NO! It never left the post.) all the while
surrounded by MP's when we all had live ammunition and our weapons
were locked & loaded as they say. That was an eventful experience
also I might add. Being from Arkansas and carrying Real Guns that
were loaded was no big thing to me anyway, but mainly the Officers
acted like we were all gonna start shooting who knows where 8=} ....
Back to the exercises. I remember there being one or two 2 1/2 ton
trucks with radio/etc. stuff and we would be scattered out around
them in the woods. The only time I ever saw anybody was at chow time
or when some Officer (mainly generals) came or left. Can remember
one time we went out as Umpires for some units that were in our area.
Anyway, you asked about the special weapons. They were in our basement
and it was the Engineers job to Arm/Ignite them - as Always! This
is just one of the many things we did. The 14th Cav. may have been
charged with escorting us up to the border, this I do not know. But
I do know MY job was to drive us three and the larger weapon up there
where the Officer armed it then we were to guard it till it went off.
As for what the 14th Cav. or the 3rd Armor was to do I do not know.
I know the 58th Engineers / Fulda's main job was this and once the
problem went away the 58th was disbanded, as I might add it had before.
The 58th was part of V Corps. |
501st Armored Medical Company |
501st Armored Medical Company
On 20 October 1951, A Co, 51st Armd Med Bn was redesignated as 501st Armd Med Co in support of the 14th A/C. The primary mission of the unit is to receive, sort and furnish medical care for patients with minor illnesses, wounds and injuries, and evacuate casualties from battalion aid station and collecting points to clearing stations. Headquarters Pltn Litter Pltn Ambulance Pltn |
(Source: Email from
Edrick Fontenot) |
I just found your website and as I read, it brings back memories of being stationed there from 1956-59.
I was assigned to the 501st Armored Medical Company, under Capt. Rogers and then someone else took his place. The Post Comd. was Col.Rawlings, I think!!
While stationed there we had a bad storm and a military airplane had crashed in a wooded area. Two people survived the crash. We were notified and I remember driving to this German hospital at night. The two men were laying there in terrible pain. If I remember correctly, the German hospital could not give them anything for pain. One had a broken leg and other injuries. The other was blind and one eye was out of its socket. They also suffered from burns and exposure. They were found walking at night knocking at people's houses asking for help. They were in such bad shape that when people would open the door and stare, they would panic and just shut the door.
Either one could not give me any information where the crash was located, because of their condition. The blind soldier would carry the one that had a broken leg while the one with the broken leg would tell him what direction to go. This is what was told to me in the German hospital.
We got in contact with our dispensary. I cannot remember how many men and equipment and how long it took for the search for the pilot and copilot. Our plane spotter finely saw a little speck of smoke of one of the tires that was still smoldering.W e got to the site and found the other two .They did not survive the crash.
The weather forecasters said that the storm was one of the worst storm in a long time.
Later, I was asked to joined the wrestling team. I made first string. My weight class was 160.5. It was fun going around competing with other post. My coach was named George Bresford, light heavy weight class, and there was one named Charles Scott who wrestled in the 147 pound class. We became V Corps Champs. That felt good. We were suppose to receive a beautiful sweater with the V Corps emblem, however , I rotated back to the States and never saw the sweater.
I also remember Elvis stationed not far from Fulda,,,,, in Friedberg, Germany maybe.
Related Links:
Co, 14th A/C Regt (USCON), Fulda (enter "chuckthompsonoutdoors@comcast.net"
into the Visit Albums text field and click on the
button. Then select the Hq Co 14th Armored C album) The site
presents many great photos taken by Charles Thompson during his tour
with HHC between 1949 - 1951. (Broken Link!) |
14th Cavalry Association - official web site of the Association; includes pages on the 14th Constabulary Regiment during the occupation of Germany following WW II. and the 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment which served at the most critical sector of NATO's front-line during the first 23 years of the Cold War. |
TheDeitz (3rd Sq 14th ACR) - Gaither Deitz was stationed at Bad Hersfeld from 1966-1968. He has a great website honoring those who served with 3rd Squadron at McPheeters Barracks. |