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Engineer Group (Combat)
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
History |
37th Engineer Group DI |
(Source: Email from Gabriel DeMartin) |
I served with HQs Company from September 1955 to August 1957.
The 37th Engineer Combat Group was activated on 12 September 1950 at Fort Bragg, NC.
The following year saw a period dedicated to a concerted training program with occasional highlights such as Exercise Southern Pines. In this later venture, the 37th Group was given the opportunity to prove its mettle. The resulting performance received praise from many critical observers and gave each individual member a personal feeling of confidence and satisfaction.
An assignment overseas was the logical recognition of competence paid the 37th Group and it sailed from New York on 9 October 1951, bound for the European Command. Pioneer Kaserne in Hanau, Germany was the final destination for HQs Company of the 37th Engineer Group Combat.
The above historical information was part of a Program of Events for Organization Day on 12 September 1956, commemorating the 6th anniversary of the 37th's reorganization.
I have the roster of all officers and enlisted men of HQ Company and the 516th Engr Co as of that date. I also have several hundred photographs of the men who served in the mid 50's, and of their activities. |
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the 37th Engr Gp, please
contact me . |
(Source: Email from Weldon Gibson, Hq Co, 1951-53) |
I served in Headquarters Company, 37th Engineer Combat Group, Pioneer Kaserne, Hanau from Sept. 1951 to Jan. 1953. My job in S-2 was to help develop the demolition plans for all highways, rail bridges & tunnels from the border of France to the Russian Zone.
Part of my time was spent in aerial & ground photography and I built the first photo lab in the basement of Building 6. Our first aircraft, an L-5 (Stinson Voyager) was left over from WWII and had patches on top of patches. The next two were all metal Cessnas and finally we received a Bell Helicopter H-13E.
There are interesting stories connected with each of these aircraft, maybe we can share them some day. Right now I need to find some of the old 37th Engr info.
(Source: Email
from Warren Stroud, son of Donald D. Stroud, 143rd Eng Co FB, 1952-53) |
Stroud, 143rd Engr Co, 1952
father passed away over 10 years ago and left very little information
about his time in Germany.
He grew up in East Texas. He did do basic in Oklahoma and then
on to Fort Ord and then to Germany. I have a letter to his mother
after he arrived in Bremerhaven but it does not have a date.
All I know is that he was part of the 143rd
Engineer Company, Hanau, Germany. He said that once
in Germany they worked on bridges. Tearing some down as well
as building others. He also talked about defusing non-exploded
bombs and land mines left over from WWII. He also talked about
umpiring for the GI World Series baseball games. He did not
volunteer to play, so he got volunteered to umpire. I would
like to try to locate anyone that he might have been with to
provide them with the photographs he left me.
As for dates, he did return home sometime in 1953 after being
in Germany for at least a year or so.
The 143rd Engr Co was a National Guard unit out of Oklahoma.
Like many other Guard units, it was federalized during the Korean
War (early 1950s) and sent to Germany where it was stationed
in Hanau. The unit was attached to the 37th Engineer Group which
was part of V Corps.
Warren Stroud
1954 |
(Source: Seventh Army Composition, June 1954, 7th Army Annual History) |
ORGANIZATION - June 1954 |
HHC, 37th Engr Cbt Gp |
Pioneer Ksn, Hanau |
5th Engr Cbt Bn |
18th Engr Cbt Bn |
35th Engr Cbt Bn (1) |
317th Engr Cbt Bn |
1279th Engr Cbt Bn |
replaced by 299th Engr Cbt Bn in Dec 1954 |
143rd Engr Co (FB) |
Hanau |
373rd Engr Co (PB) |
807th Engr Co (Lt Equip) |
The 35th Engineer Battalion was activated on 1 April 1951 at Fort Lewis, Washington. The Battalion sailed to Germany in March 1952. On 5 June 1953 the unit was redesignated as the 35th Engineer Battalion (Combat). The 35th served in Germany for five years, returning to Fort Lewis in April 1957 (Operation GYROSCOPE). |
1956 |
(Source: Seventh Army Composition, June 1956, 7th Army Annual History; USAREUR STATION LIST, 30 Sept 1956) |
ORGANIZATION - June 1956 |
HHC, 37th Engr Cbt Gp |
Hanau |
5th Engr Cbt Bn |
Giessen |
18th Engr Cbt Bn |
Giessen |
35th Engr Cbt Bn |
Kitzingen |
replaced by the 9th Engr Cbt Bn in March 1957, Op GYROSCOPE |
299th Engr Cbt Bn |
Frankfurt-Höchst |
317th Engr Cbt Bn |
Frankfurt-Höchst |
516th Engr Co (PB) |
Hanau |
568th Engr Co (Lt Equip) |
Hanau |
814th Engr Co (FB) |
Hanau |
1958 |
(Source: Seventh Army Composition, June 1958, 7th Army Annual History, 1958; USAREUR STATION LIST, 30 June 1958) |
ORGANIZATION - June 1958 |
HHC, 37th Engr Cbt Gp |
Hanau |
9th Engr Cbt Bn |
Aschaffenburg |
63rd Engr Cbt Bn |
Giessen |
299th Engr Cbt Bn |
Frankfurt-Höchst |
317th Engr Cbt Bn |
Frankfurt-Höchst |
516th Engr Co (PB) |
Hanau |
568th Engr Co (Lt Equip) |
Hanau |
814th Engr Co (FB) |
Hanau |
814th Engineer Company (FB) |
814th Engineer Company (FB) DUI |
(Source: Email from Larry Sirmans, 814th Engr Co (FB), 1960-63 & 1967-69) |
I was a proud member of the 814th Engineer Co. from 1960 through Sep. 1963 and returned in 1967 until spring 1969.
I was 17 years old when I joined the unit; I was 21 when I left. The 814th in memory has a kinship of home to me. I regard it like most people do their high school years.
The 814th Engr. Co. (FB) primary bridge was the Class 60 floating bridge - about 640 feet of steel tread-way connected to pneumatic rubber pontoons. some of our secondary equipment was the light tactical raft which was used for ferrying light equipment (2-1/2 ton truck or less); it could also be used as a bridge. We also had two sets of aluminum foot bridge 100 foot each.
Each platoon also carried 70 each 15-man pneumatic assault boats with 25 hp outboard motors.
Other required equipment included for construction was 10 each 27-foot bridge erection boats; 3 each 20-ton cairns (?) and two D8 Dozers; 6 each lcm air compressors and many other tool sets and hand tools.
Our TO&E at one time required more than 240 wheel vehicles, most of witch was 5-ton bridge trucks that transported the class 60 bridge.
The company was based at Pioneer Kaserne, Hanau, Germany.
The unit conducted its training in various parts of West Germany much of it around Hanau, such as Campo Pond and the Main in River (In Mullein (?), a city near Hanau). When conducting combined unit training, we joined with other units at a bridge site near Leeheim, Germany. We would build a bridge across the Rhein River. This would require at least two bridge companies, one combat engineer battalion and other support units. The bridge would be about 1200 feet from near shore ramp to the far shore ramp. It was placed on pontoons sitting side by side stretching across the river anchored in place with 100 lb. cage anchors and an over head cable system also anchored at both ends with 7/the dips cable upstream and down stream near and farshore. |
814th Engr Co (FB), 1962 |
We would cussedly begin construction about midnight Saturday night and be finished 10 or 11 a.m. Sunday. After a complete inspection the bridge would be disassembled and placed back on its vehicles.
Small arms and crew served weapons training was conducted on firing ranges in Wildflecken or Graf, Germany. Through the years we had meany great times at company parties and sports events and great friendships. At the time Germany was a fun place for any young man. The exchange rate was 4 D Marks to the dollar; gas was $0.12 a gallon and the Germans made the best beer in the world. |

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(Source: Email from Alan Bloom, 814th Engr Co (FB) and 547th Engr Bn, 1962-64) |
I was stationed in Hanau and Darmstadt, Germany, 1962 to 1964. The first unit I served in is the 814th FB and I see you have no info or pictures just the crest. The second unit was Company "D," 547th Engineer Battalion.
I have many picture I took on my tour and would like to share them with you for your web site.
IF I recall when I was first in the 814th FB it was part of V Corps and later changed to 7th Army. not sure on that but I am sure you have access to the info. |

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2. FB convoy (KB)

3. 814th barracks (KB)

4. 5-ton bridge truck (KB) |

5. 280mm gun on a heavy raft (KB) |

6. 280mm gun participates in a bridging exercise (KB) |

7. Inflatable float (KB) |

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