Lamboy Strasse in front of Francois Kaserne 1967-68. Think that may be A/Btry 4/18 in foreground right.
Francois Kaserne 1968 -- I am reasonably certain that this is SSG Forrest Craig (B 1/26th). He was Sgt. of the Guard, the one time that I made Col's Orderly during guard mount. I'm not much for "fetching coffee/etc" never was! After that, I did just enough to get my "choice" of posts....or among the top 3. Col. released me early, which would explain "why" I happened to be in the billets....seeing as how I lived off post.... |
Grafenwoehr Training Area -- View from OP-1, at least I think it was called OP-1....Impact Area. We generally closed our "Survey's" usually on this point. I do seem to recall "starting" at this point....a time or 3. You probably have a few pics of the "impact" area.
One time, in 1968 I think, a missile unit had their missile turned 180 degrees out....which would have landed IT in the center of Vilseck! and likely have wiped the town. Off the face of the Earth. That was the "projected" trajectory of the missile, as I understand it. It is also my understanding that the Survey was Good!
To make a long story short.....The "mistake" was caught at the last second, narrowly avoiding a "disaster."
I am Not trying to place blame, here!...But, I would think that "Heads would have rolled" over something like this. I can say this, "NO heads Rolled" in B 1/26th.....that I know of. But I was just a lowly Sp/4 and was Not "privy" to upper echelon info!