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Army Depot
EUCOM Ordnance Division
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
Research Request |
1. U.S. Army Rebuild Plants
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: If you were assigned to (US personnel) or worked at (local nationals) one of the Ordnance, Engineer, or Quartermaster Rebuild Plants, I would be very interested in hearing from you. Please help me to document the history and accomplishments of these plants. (Sie können auch auf deutsch schreiben.)
Contact: webmaster |
History |
1949 |
(Source: Christmas
Menu 1949 - Karlsfeld Ordnance Depot) |
EVENTS (1949)
The KOD basketball team of 48 and 49 did a fine job of establishing
Karlsfeld as a constant threat to any opposing team. Winning 15 straight
games, and the League Championship, the team was expected to go to
the top of the ladder. However, due to the tough competition, the
team came out with 2nd place honors in the MMP Tournament playoffs.
From here the team went to Eschwege for the EUCOM Ordnance Championship.
They took 2nd place in the finals and received a plaque from Gen.
MacMorland for their fine showing.
The TC & I Division was organized in May 1949. Under the supervision
of Lt.Col. Thomas, the group, consisting of 4 Officers and 15 Enlisted
Men, has done a splendid job with the 2½ ton, 6x6 truck display, which
has been one of the high points of interest for all visitors and personnel
to see.
The TC & I Division also sent a group of 2 Officers and 5 EM to Nurnberg
with an exhibit of the various types of engines and motors that KOD
produces. |
the 25th of June 1949 the Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment,
80th Ordnance Battalion was activated consisting of 5 Officers,
1 Warrant Officer, and 18 EM from the 7840th Ordnance Depot
Detachment. With station here at Karlsfeld the outfit has steadily
increased it's efficiency in operating as a Hq. Company.
July 1st found the Enlisted Men's Club at Karlsfeld beautifully
decorated with much activity on the part of all concerned.
This gala affair was to celebrate the 137th Anniversary of the
Ordnance Department. Present at the party was Brig. General
E. E. MacMorland, EUCOM Chief of Ordnance, Enlisted Men, Officers
and Civilians of KOD, and their guests.
Following a wonderful dinner, prepared by Mess Sgt. SFC Cecil
Dixon, there was dancing, speeches and games. Music was provided
by a fine Bavarian Band which played a march with everyone joining
in. The march ended outside the Club where the games were started.
The main event that climaxed the party was the tug-of-war. Between
the Enlisted Men and the Officers and Civilians combined. The
Enlisted Men emerged victorious, winning two times out of three.
July 13th 1949, found 2 Officers and 27 Enlisted Men with their
bags packed and loaded on Depot vehicles, They were headed for
lllesheim, Germany, to setup an Automotive Assembly Line. This
operation was to be part of the training in the "Secondary Mission"
of the Depot Detachment. |
operation lasted for one month, with a total of 47 Jeeps fully
assembled and road tested. The Mission was carried out successfully,
with the men completing the assembly of the vehicles in the
allotted time.
Capt. Jerome S. Sampere, Provost Marshal for KOD, received a
trophy from Brig. Gen. E. E. MacMorland, EUCOM Chief of Ordnance,
for Ordnance High Individual Pistol score. The handsome silver
trophy bore the inscription: "Ordnance Division European Command
for High Ordnance Pistol score 1949 EUCOM Small Arms Competition,
Grafenwohr, Germany, Awarded to Captain Jerome S. Sampere".
The football season started off with everything going in favor
of the Munich Bronchos. One of our own men played an outstanding
defensive game throughout the season. He is Cpl. Phillip Simcone,
of the 7840th Ordnance Depot Detachment. "To you, Pbillip Simeone,
we extend our hand in a gesture of thanks and appreciation for
a ,job well done in the field of competitive sports". With the
spirit you displayed on the field you have given a sample of
the spirit of the men at Karlsfeld.
On August 25, 1949, Sgt. Charlie W. Hammond of the Karlsfeld
Ordnance Depot, received the Bronze Star for meritorious conduct
in ground combat during the Battle of the Bulge in January 1945.
Hammond, then Pfe, served in the 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th
Col. C. Elford Smith presented the decoration to Sgt. Hammond,
while the Detachment was on Maneuvers near Eching.
The KOD softball team of 49 showed great ability and sense of
sportsmanship in the games that were played. Some of the scheduled
games, however, were not played due to forfeitures by other
teams. This was unfortunate do to the fact that KOD might have
gone to the top of the ladder if they had been given a chance.
The team ended the season with 10 wins and 2 losses, taking
second place in the Sebree Softball League. |
The 80th Ordnance
Battalion and the 7840th Ordnance Depot Detachment engaged in "Exercise
Harvest". All phases of training were covered during the exercise
and both units proved their efficiency as field units. |
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the Karlsfeld Ord Depot,
please contact me . |
1954 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, April 15, 1954) |
The Karlsfeld Ordnance Maintenance Depot (a.k.a. BMW Allach) will be released by the US Army and returned to its owners, the Bavarian Motor Works. BMW has been administering the large plant for the US Army under a requisition basis since 1945.
The decision to return the depot to its German owners was based on the recognition that the future workload for ordnance requirements did not justify the operation of such a large depot and that the significant transportation costs involved in the operation of the depot makes it uneconomical.
Plans are being worked on to effect a gradual transition of total control to BMW over a period of one year. (The gradual phase-out is designed to avoid any long unemployment impact on the German workforce.) |
Album 1949 - 1951 |
- 1951 |
(Source: Photo
album of Cpl Robert Stawski, 7840 Ord Depot Det, APO 407, Karlsfeld
Ordnance Depot) |
The Karlsfeld
Ordnance Center is located at Munich in the Plant II of
the Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW). During World War II, this plant
was used to assemble, test and rebuild aircraft engines.
The plant is now operated by the Bayerische Motoren Werke under the
control of Karlsfeld Ordnance Center personnel to rebuild automotive
units for the United States Army. |
Ord Cen
Karlsfeld |

3-D model of KOC (115 KB)

2. Group
photo of 7840th Ord Depot Det (123 KB)

3. Group
photo #1, KOC (93 KB)

photo #2, KOC (96 KB)

5. KOC
EM Club (47 KB)

6. 7840th
Ord Depot Det Bldg (65 KB) |

7. Hqs
Bldg, KOC (101 KB)

8. Soldier
and two German IPs (42 KB)

Theater (50 KB)

10. KOC
sign in front of depot (69 KB)

11. Truck
park (79 KB)

12. Jeep
marked for maintenance (53 KB)

pool (58 KB)

13. Gas
station (60 KB)

14. Depot
ambulance (55 KB)

Swimming Pool (55 KB)

swimming pool (79 KB)

a swim (44 KB)

road (91 KB)

for a field exercise (88 KB)
601st Ordnance Armament Rebuild Battalion |
1953 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Nov 22, 1953) |
Company C, 601st Ord Bn recently moved from Karlsfeld to Germersheim. The company's mission is to process general purpose vehicles at the Germersheim Ord Vehicle Park. |
(Source: Email from "chiefwwd32") |
I am a former member of the 601st Ordnance Battalion stationed in Germany 1953 to 1955.
Our main unit was stationed in Munich. My military job was rebuilding tank engines and I was one of a group who were assigned detached duty and were made up into Heavy Engine Rebuild Teams and traveled TDY throughout Germany. We rebuilt tank engines on the sites where the armored units were located.
I beleave we (601st) were assigned to the 53rd Ordnance Group at that time. |
1954 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, April 23, 1954) |
Hq and Hq Company and Company D of the 601st Ord Armament Rebuild Bn have been moved from their previous station at Karlsfeld Ord Depot near Munich to the Fontenet Ord Depot (BASEC) in France. (Two other companies of the 601st are still in Germany.)
The battalion's primary mission is to provide fifth echelon repair on ordnance equipment ranging from tanks to padlocks. |
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