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Quartermaster Group
Seventh Army
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please email me (webmaster ).
History |
- October 1945 |
(Source: Military
History, 2nd Quartermaster Group, 1945-1965. Compiled by the 2nd
QM Gp in the mid 1960s) |
1950 - June 1965 |
(Source: Military
History, 2nd Quartermaster Group, 1945-1965. Compiled by the 2nd
QM Gp in the mid 1960s) |
General Order #15, Headquarters United States Army Europe, dated
12 December 1950 brought about the activation of the 2nd
Quartermaster Group at Giessen, Germany less than a month
after Seventh Army's assignment to the NATO team. Activated on 20
December 1950, the Group provides the logistical support necessary
for the deterent capability of 7th Army and the NATO Allies in the
defense of Western Europe.
Differing greatly from its mission during World War II (transporting
Class I and Class V supplies and miscellaneous transport missions),
the demands of modern warfare vastly increased the Group's mission.
With its increased capability the Group was charged with providing
Class I, Class II and IV, Class III supplies and Quartermaster Maintenance
and Services to the 3rd Infantry, 4th Armored, and 24th Infantry
Division, VII Corps and 7th Army troops and USAREUR units in Germany.
Commanding the Group during its initial period of reactivation was
Colonel Floyd C. Harding who commanded from 20 December until April
of 1951.
On 1 June 1951, the 35th Quartermaster Battalion was activated and
attached to the Group at Roth, Germany. The 56th Quartermaster Battalion
at Nürnberg, the 14th at Hanau and the 15th at Munich were
attached to the Group in October 1951.
Later, the 35th Quartermaster Battalion moved to Coffee Barracks
in Ludwigsburg where it was later to be joined by the 2nd Quartermaster
Group Headquarters.
Coming to the Group from Seventh Army Headquarters where he was
Deputy Quartermaster from December 1950 until April 1951, Colonel
Maxwell Emerson took command on April 1951. He entered the service
in August 1941 and serviced with the Post Quartermaster, Fort Devons,
Massachusetts, and Fort Adams, Rhode Island. With this unit of Fort
Adams, he went to the South West Pacific Theatre to participate
in the New Guinea and Papuan Campaigns. Colonel Emerson won the
Silver Star Medal in the campaign at Burma and holds the Bronze
Star Medal, the Army Commendation Medal and the Asiatic Pacific
Theatre Ribbon with two Bronze Stars and a Bronze Arrowhead.
Colonel Emerson took command the same date that 7th Army took control
of the 2nd Quartermaster Group from the Giessen Depot. At the end
of March 1951 the Group was charged with the command and operation
of Camp Y-79. This Camp, at which the 2nd QM Group set up the entire
operation, was for the processing of all new Divisions and odd Battalions
arriving from the United States. Later the Camp was placed under
the control of 7th Army Transportation Group. Later, during 1951,
the 2nd Quartermaster Group was moved from Giessen Depot to Karls
Kaserne in Ludwigsburg.
On 23 July 1952 Colonel Beuford E. Pittman took command of the Group.
Before joining the Group, Colonel Pittman fought in the Mediterranean
Theatre in 1944-45, assigned as Deputy Quartermaster of the 91st
Infantry Division. Later, after completing his work for a degree
from Yale University, he served in the Far Eastern Theatre as a
member of the G-4 Division, GHQ.
During Colonel Pittman's command the Group developed a bulk gasoline
dispenser using a powerdriven front end pumper which allowed refuelling
of four tank vehicles at one time. Two removable 750 gallon skid-type
tanks were used on standard 2-1/2 ton trucks. This experiment proved
very successful at the time.
On 10 October 1954 Colonel Kenneth M. Hurst took command of 2nd
Quartermaster Group.
Adequate records not being available to pinpoint the exact date
the Group moved from Karls Kaserne to Coffey Barracks, it can be
given as sometime between 1952 and October 1954. This move to Coffey
Barracks placed the Group and the 35th Quartermaster Battalion on
the same post.
Colonel Hurst was Quartermaster of the 5th Infantry Division before
coming into the Group. He is a veteran of the European Theatre with
four campaign credits in France and Germany. He served initially
with the 49th Quartermaster Battalion and later with the 474th Quartermaster
Group. His collegiate studies were completed in Western Illinois
State College and the University of Virginia.
During Colonel Hurst's command he advocated the concept of using
Direct Support Companies along with General Hodes (Commanding General
of Seventh Army) idea of alternate-multiple supply points in the
field. A test of these two concepts proved them workable and they
were both adopted.
Following Colonel Hurst was Colonel James D. Ogletree who took command
of the 2nd Quartermaster Group on 13 April 1956. During Colonel
Ogletree's command the 95th Quartermaster Battalion was attached
to the Group on 20 February 1957. Then located at Strassburg Kaserne,
Idar Oberstein, Germany, the Battalion was the first to take operational
control of Direct Support Platoons engaged in MASS (Modern Army
Supply System).
During the month of July 1958 an exchange of command placed the
Group under command of Colonel Roland F. Hartman. During his command
the 6th Quartermaster Group was activated thus giving the 7th Army
two Quartermaster Groups in support of the two Tactical Corps. The
6th Quartermaster Group was originally
organized as the Hanau Quartermaster Group (Provisional), effective
17 July 1958, with duty stations at Hanau, Germany. The Group had
the responsibility of providing Quartermaster support in USAREUR
Northern and Western Area Commands. On 1 October 1958, Hanau Quartermaster
Group (Provisional), with two attached battalions, the 14th and
the 15th Quartermaster Battalions, became fully operational under
the command of Colonel Clifford T. Riordan. The Group was redesignated
the 6th Quartermaster Group on 1 December 1958. This Group was originally
constituted as the 535th Quartermaster Group on 15 June 1944.
On 10 November 1958 Colonel Howard F. Kuenning assumed command of
the 2nd Quartermaster Group. Following Colonel Kuenning was Lt Colonel
Dave Price who was in temporary command from December 1959 to January
On 3 January 1960 the Group command was assumed by Colonel Robert
M. Stegmaier. One day later, on 4 January 1960 the 56th Quartermaster
Battalion was transferred to the 6th Quartermaster Group.
By authority contained in USAREUR General Order #304, 29 September
1961, the 242nd Quartermaster Battalion was reactivated at Freiham,
Germany. Based on the modern concept of Direct Support, the mission
of the Battalion was to provide a single source of Quartermaster
supply, services and field maintenance to units of USAREUR and Seventh
On 28 July 1961 Colonel Frank J. Stanek assumed command of the 2nd
Quartermaster Group. Colonel Stanek was quite active in, and did
much to further the cause of German-American relations in the Ludwigsburg
area. He is the sole possessor of two records which point to his
outstanding capability. Colonel Stanek has the distinction of not
only commanding the group for the longest period but also for being
the youngest Colonel in command.
Soon after Colonel Blackwell assumed command of the Group, it was
called upon to supply critical support to one of the United States
most significant operations, operation "BIG LIFT. " During October
and November of 1963 the 2nd Quartermaster Group gave a real challenge
and a chance to show what they could do during 'round the clock
operations.' Supplying 20 tanker drivers, a fuel system supply point
for the 2nd Armored Division and a Class III railhead for refuelling
all aircraft at the three air bases utilized, the Group rendered
the efficient support necessary for the smooth function of operation
In late 1963 a devastating earthquake shook the town of Scopje,
Yugoslavia. To help in the rebuilding the 39th Engineer Group from
Karlsruhe was called on to render their assistance, and to support
the needs of the Engineers the Bath Section of the 35th Quartermaster
Battalion and the Laundry Section of the 242nd Quartermaster Battalion
supplied their services in Scopje.
During the period between 15 May 1964 and 15 March 1965, 2nd Quartermaster
Group was given the task of testing 16 GOER Vehicles for the Department
of Army. This test included 7 - 5, 000 gallon tankers, 7 - 2, 500
gallon tankers, 1 - 10 ton wrecker and 1 - 20 ton wrecker. The Group
provided 20 drivers from all battalions and 6 mechanics for the
duration of the test.
On 5 June 1964 the 2nd Quartermaster Group displayed and demonstrated
all types of POL handling equipment within and in support of Seventh
Army. Presented especially for General William W. Quinn, Seventh
Army Commander, all unit commanders in Germany came to view the
demonstration or sent a representative of the unit. Among the visitors
were General Pierce, Asst Division Commander of the 4th Armored
Division, General Hines, USAREUR Quartermaster and General Enemarck,
Asst Division Commander of the 24th Infantry Division.
In September of 1964 Brigadier General Case, USAREUR Quartermaster
visited the Group Headquarters and was given a briefing of the Group
by Colonel Fredric C. Bott. Brigadier General Case received a tour
of all units in the Ludwigsburg area; Class II and IV Supply Point,
the ICD, Class I and III yard and the Maintenance Shop.
Coming into the service on 14 October 1940 and rising from the rank
of Private to that of Major by the end of hostilities, Colonel Fredric
C. Bott became the 2nd Quartermaster Group's new Commander on 18
July 1964. Colonel Bott saw action during World War II in North
France, Central Europe, the Ardenes and in the Rhineland Campaign.
During 1964 the 2nd Quartermaster Group held two all-Group competitions.
The Driver Rodeo in August was won by the excellent driving ability
of the men in the 35th Quartermaster Battalion. In November the
sharpshooters of the 95th Quartermaster Battalion placed number
one in the competition garnering 24 out of 29 trophies.
Although too numerous to mention but too important to evade are
the many Field Training Exercises and Army Training Tests which
the Group participated in. The Group supported all Seventh Army
Quartermaster needs up until the time the 6th QM Group was formed
in 1958 and all of Seventh Army's needs in Southern Germany after
the formation of the 6th QM Group.
The 2nd Quartermaster Group was inactivated at a very stirring ceremony
at Coffey Barracks, Ludwigsburg, Germany on 25 June 1965. Participating
in the ceremony were troops from the 35th, 95th, 242d QM Battalions
and the 109th Medium Transportation Company which was attached to
the 35th QM Battalion. The colors and guiden were retired and mailed
to the Quartermaster Corps Museum at Ft Lee, Virginia. Personnel
from the 2d Quartermaster Group joined with personnel of the 47th
Ordnance Group to form the 3rd Support Brigade,
one of the three brigades formed under COSTAR. The 6th Quartermaster
Group at Hanau, Germany and the 51st Ordnance Group formed the 2nd
Support Brigade.
1956 |
(Source: Unit History, 2nd Quartermaster Group, APO 154, c. 1956) |
Location: The 2nd Quartermaster Group Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment is locted at Coffey Barracks, Ludwigsburg, Germany, in the Southern Area Command.
Composition: The Group is comprised of four Quartermaster Battalions, eleven T/O&E Companies, three AU companies (MASS) and one service type detachment.
Mission: The mission of the Group Headquarters is to provide technical, operational and administrative control for all attached Quartermaster units, with the exception of MASS units, wherein (illegible) exercised by the Seventh Army Quartermaster. The Group Headquarters and all attached T/O&E units have a primary mission of unit training in support of the Seventh United States Army. In addition, each unit has a general support training mission as depicted below. This training is constantly directed toward support of Seventh Army for its tactical mission by operating Class I and III supply points and furnishing of Quartermaster services; i.e., bakery, graves registration and Quartermaster maintenance. The present geographical location of these units lends itself to the support of Seventh Army as follows:
The 14th Quartermaster Battalion located in Munster, Germany, Northern Area Command, has the mission of supporting V Corps in its tactical mission.
22nd Quartermaster Company
(Subsistence Supply) (-1 Plat) |
Provides one section daily for Hanau Sub-Area Class I breakdown. |
134th Quartermaster Company
Provides approximately one and one half platoons for operation of Darmstadt Sub-Area Bakery, which is a fixed German Bakery. |
506th Quartermaster Company
(Petroleum Supply)
A relatively newly activated unit and at present is in a training status with no general support training mission. Contemplated future utilization is in support of 3rd Armored Division. |
525th Quartermaster Company
(Petroleum Supply) |
Provides Class III support for Northern Area Command on call. |
The 15th Quartermaster Battalion located in Mannheim, Germany, Headquarters Area Command, is a reserve battalion and in direct support of special troops of Army and Corps.
1st Platoon, 22nd Quartermaster Company
(Subsistence Supply) |
Provides one section of Class I breakdown, Heidelberg Sub-Area. |
520th Quartermaster Company
(Petroleum Supply) |
Provides one platoon in support of Class III operations, Sandhofen POL Depot. |
526th Quartermaster Company
(Petroleum Supply) |
Provides Class I and III support for Karlsruhe Sub-Area. |
The 35th Quartermaster Battalion located in Ludwigsburg, Germany, Southern Area Command, has the mission of supporting VI Corps in its tactical mission.
512th Quartermaster Company
(Bakery) |
Provides one platoon for operation of Stuttgart Sub-Area Bakery. |
531st Quartermaster Company
(Petroleum Supply) |
Provides one platoon in support of Class III operations, Stuttgart Sub-Area. |
556th Quartermaster Company
(Subsistence Supply) |
Provides one platoon in support of Class I operations, Stuttgart Sub-Area. |
The 56th Quartermaster Battalion located in Kaiserslautern, Germany, Western Area Command, is a reserve battalion and in direct support of special troops of Army and Corps.
215th Quartermaster Company
(Petroleum Supply) |
Provides Class III support for Baumholder and Kaiserslautern Sub-Areas. |
565th Quartermaster Company
(Graves Registration) |
Training mission only . |
In addition to the aforementioned Quartermaster T/O&E units, the following units are in direct support of MASS at locations indicated:
7762nd AU - Mannheim and Kaiserslautern, Germany. |
7763rd AU - Ludwigsburg, Augsburg, Munich and Nurnberg, Germany. |
7764th AU - Hanau, Giessen, Wurzburg and Baumholder, Germany. |
The 7762nd AU also operates a MASS Depot at Seckenheim, Germany.
** At the time this unit history was written, there were three Quartermaster units identified to participate in Operation Gyroscope. The T/O&E companies that were replaced in the 1957-58 timeframe were possibly the following:
215th QM (Petr Sup) replaced by the 157th QM Co (Petr Sup) - Kaiserslautern
512th QM Co (Bakery) replaced by the 510th QM Co (Bakery) -
556th QM Co (Subsist Sup) replaced by the 568th QM Co (Subsist Sup) - Ludwigsburg
1958 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Jan 23, 1958) |
(Webmaster Note: actual units listed below are taken from the STATION LIST for Dec 1957 and are not named in the article. Depot units highlighted in blue were not mentioned in the article as part of the 2nd QM Group - they may be directly under the 7th Army QM Division.)
The 2nd Quartermaster Group, Ludwigsburg, supports the 160,000 soldiers of 7th Army. The group serves as a grocery store, gasoline supplier, bakery, department store, and operator of shops that repair everything from clothing to typewriters. CO of the 2nd QM Gp is Col Roland F. Hartman.
The 2nd QM Gp consists of five QM battalions and 16 QM companies located throughout the 7th Army area.
HHD, 2nd QM Gp |
Ludwigsburg [1] |
14th QM Bn |
Muenster [1] |
15th QM Bn |
Mannheim-Kaefertal [1] |
35th QM Bn |
Ludwigsburg [1] |
56th QM Bn |
Kaiserslautern [1] |
95th QM Bn |
Nuernberg [1] |
[1] Source: STATION LIST, 31 December 1957 |
The group has two subsistence companies. They supply all foods, except bread, to the 7th Army. Provisions arrive by ship at Bremerhaven and are transported by truck to the group's 26 ration breakdown points, where the food is divided for delivery to mess halls.
22nd QM Co (Subsist Sup) |
Hanau [1] |
568th QM Co (Subsist Sup) |
Ludwigsburg [1] |
522nd QM Co (Subsist Depot) |
Idar Oberstein [1] |
Nahbollenbach QM Depot |
One of the largest breakdown points is at Ludwigsburg where more than 1,500 tons of food are handled each month. This includes about 700,000 pounds of fresh and frozen vegetables, almost 1,000,000 pounds of canned and dried food and about 400,000 pounds of meats and frozen foods.
The group has two bakery companies that supply the bread to 7th Army. These companies are 100 percent mobile - all of their equipment, including ovens, mixers and cooling racks, are mounted on trucks. Each bakery company has the capability to bake 8,000 loaves of bread per day. They operate two shifts a day, 6 days a week.
134th QM Co (Bakery) |
Muenster [1] |
510th QM Co (Bakery) |
Ludwigsburg [1] |
The 2nd QM Gp has six direct support companies that supply, replace, and repair clothing and equipment. Coordinating with the Modern Army Supply System (MASS), these companies can do anything from hammering out a dented canteen to supplying a new oven for one of the bakery companies. The companies have canvas shops to repair tentage; clothing shops to add buttons to field jackets or sew a tear in a bed sheet; metal shops; typewriter shops and a variety of other facilities to repair or recondition nearly any type of military
7762 QM Co (DS) |
Seckenheim [1] |
7763 QM Co (DS) |
Ludwigsburg [1] |
7764 QM Co (DS) |
Hanau [1] |
7765 QM Co (DS) |
Munich [1] |
7807 QM Co (DS) |
Wuerzburg [1] |
7808 QM Co (DS) |
Fuerth [1] |
The DS companies also operate mobile platoons - these platoons move into the area of one of their customer units and set up shop to repair or replace anything. Each 19-man platoon (1 officer and 18 EM) is equipped with two large vans, two 2½-ton trucks and a jeep.
Class III supply is the group's most recent mission. As of October 1 1957, the 2nd QM Gp is responsible for supplying 7th Army units and QM gasoline stations with all petroleum products. The group has five petroleum companies that furnish gasoline, diesel fuel, and allied products from 31 separate supply points.
157th QM Co (Petrl Sup) |
Kaiserslautern [1] |
506th QM Co (Petrl Sup) |
Hanau [1] |
520th QM Co (Petrl Sup) |
Mannheim-Kaefertal [1] |
526th QM Co (Petrl Sup) |
Karlsruhe [1] |
531st QM Co (Petrl Sup) |
Ludwigsburg [1] |
509th QM Co (Petrl Depot) |
Kaiserslautern [1] |
Eselfuerth? |
A graves registration company is responsible for the recovery, evacuation, identifcation and interring of remains after combat.
565th QM Co (Graves Reg) |
Kaiserslautern [1] |
The group also has a unique detachment - a petroleum laboratory. This detachment of six enlisted personnel travels throughout the 7th Army area to test petroleum products for quality control.
562nd QM Service Detachment |
Mannheim-Kaefertal [1] |
Webmaster Note: Another Depot unit not mentioned in the article but found in the STATION LIST is the 85th QM Co (Clothing & Gen Supply Depot), Nahbollenbach Depot.
[1] STATION LIST, 31 December 1957 |
 |
2nd Quartermaster Group
December |
1950 |
(Korean Conflict) |
1951 |
to Ludwigsburg |
June |
1951 |
QM Battalion is activated in Germany and attached at Roth,
Germany |
October |
1951 |
QM Battalion attached at Nuernberg, Germany |
October |
1951 |
QM Battalion attached at Hanau, Germany |
October |
1951 |
QM Battalion arrives at Bremerhaven from the United States
and is attached at Munich, Germany |
May |
1953 |
QM Battalion is transferred to Kleber Kaserne, Kaiserslautern
July |
1953 |
Colors retired per AR 840-10 |
February |
1957 |
QM Battalion attached at Idar Oberstein, Germany |
July |
1958 |
QM Group formed at Hanau |
July |
1958 |
14th QM Battalion moves to Babenhausen, Germany |
October |
1958 |
and 15th QM Battalions detached from the 2nd Quartermaster
Group and attached to Hanau Provisional Group |
December |
1958 |
Provisional redesignated 6th QM Group |
January |
1960 |
QM Battalion transferred to 6th QM Group |
September |
1961 |
QM Battalion is reorganized and redesignated. (Concurrently,
Companies A and B are activated in Germany.) |
September |
1961 |
QM Battalion activated in Germany and attached at Freiham,
Germany. |
September |
1961 |
QM Battalion is reorganized and redesignated. (Concurrently,
Companies A and B are activated in Germany.) |
June |
1965 |
Quartermaster Group inactivated due to the inception of COSTAR |
1964 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Feb 13, 1964) |
ORGANIZATION (Feb 1964): |
HHD, 2nd QM Gp |
Coffey Bks, Ludwigsburg [1] |
35th QM Bn (DS) |
Coffey Bks, Ludwigsburg [1] |
95th QM Bn (DS) |
W.O. Darby Ksn, Fuerth [1] |
242nd QM Bn (DS) |
Texas Area, Munich [1] |
[1] Source: STATION LIST, 30 June 1964 |
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the 2nd QM Gp, please
contact me. |
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7th Army MASS Project (Modern Army Supply System) |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, July 9, 1956) |
7th Army recently activated three quartermaster companies that will provide quartermaster supply support during the test phase of the 7th Army MASS project. The three units have been assigned to the 2nd QM Group.
The companies were designed to be very flexible and will provide rapid repair parts supply and maintenance services to units within the 7th Army area. Two of the companies are direct support companies, the third is a repair parts depot company. These are the first QM units of this type in the US Army.
7763rd QM Direct Support Company -- acting CO is 1st Lt Clifford Powers. The 7763rd will be stationed at Ludwigsburg and will have platoons operating at Ludwigsburg, Nuernberg and Munich. The company is attached to the 35th QM Bn.
7764th QM Direct Support Company -- CO is Capt Clyde W. White. The 7764th will be stationed at Frankfurt and will have platoons operating at Frankfurt, Baumholder and Wuerzburg. The company is attached to the 14th QM Bn.
7762nd QM Repair Parts Depot Company -- CO is Capt Thomas J. Stapleton. The 7762nd will be stationed at Seckenheim and be attached to the 15th QM Bn.
(Webmaster note: STATION LIST 30 June 1957 shows the 7762nd located in Kaefertal and the 7764th at Hanau)
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, July 10, 1956) |
The Giessen Quartermaster Depot is remodeling fourteen 10-ton semitrailer vans into repair parts supply vans. The first 12 have been turned over to the 2nd QM Group. |
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