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Signal Brigade
V Corps
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
History |

Click on thumbnail for download of ECHO Summer 2007 issue (BIG File -- 16.5 MB!) |
(Source: SIGNAL CORPS, by Rebecca Robbins Raines, 2005 (Army Lineage Series); ECHO, Summer 2007) |
Activated 13 December 1945 in Germany
Inactivated 20 June 1948 in Germany
Redesignated 27 September 1951 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 22d Signal Group, and allotted to the Regular Army
Activated 1 November 1951 in Korea
Reorganized and redesignated 15 April 1954 as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 22d Signal Group
Inactivated 13 May 1955 in Korea
Activated 19 August 1963 in Germany
Reorganized and redesignated 15 October 1963 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 22d Signal Group
Reorganized and redesignated 15 September 1965 as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 22d Signal Group
Inactivated 13 November 1967 in Germany
Redesignated 16 March 1981 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 22d Signal Brigade, and activated in Germany
Inactivated 22 May 2007 in Germany |

Organization of the 22nd Signal Group, late 1965 (Webmaster) |
- 1988 |
(Source: Welcome
to the 22d Signal Brigade. The Welcome Edition of the "Voice
of the Corps" newspaper, 31 October 1988.) |
of Brigade as colorful as patch
The history of the 22nd Signal Brigade is as colorful as the patch
we wear today.
Originating as the 22d Signal Service Group in 1945, the unit took
part in five campaigns in the Korean War and earned the Meritorious
Unit Commendation and Streamer. The Group was inactivated in Korea
in 1955.
In 1961, the U.S. government recognized the urgent need for a unilateral
U.S. communications system to provide the Commander-in-Chief, US
European Command, with the capability to communicate with US units
supporting NATO. This resulted in a Defense Communications Agency
(DCA) plan to improve US-NATO communications via a joint military-operated
radio system.
The Army portion was designated the European Troposcatter-Army System,
or ET-A. The 22d Sig. Bde. was to play an important role in
the establishment of ET-A.
The 22nd Signal Group was activated on 19 August 1963 in Germany
In Feb. 1964, the newly organized 22d Signal Group assumed its first
operational mission by taking over the Edingen High Frequency (HF)
Radio station and eventually 43 planned HF sites.
By Aug., the group had become a subordinate unit of the U.S. Army
Strategic Communications Command, Europe.
From the mid-fifties until 1966, strategic microwave trunking in
Northern Europe was handled by the 102d Signal Battalion, a 22d
Group subordinate unit. After France's decision to withdraw from
NATO, the 102d moved its colors to Frankfurt and assumed the mission
of operating telecommunications centers and dial direct offices.
The group had taken a big step - from operation of strictly command
and control oriented communications to all strategic microwave communications
in Northern Europe.
1967 was a year of hectic organizational activity. In July, the
447th Sig. Bn. moved to Baumholder and the 360th Sig. Bn. was rebuilding
after its stand-down in France.
The unit was changed from TOE to TDA organization and redesignated
Signal Group 22 in Sep., 1967. By the end of the year, the US Army
STRATCOM facility in Pirmasens was added as another subordinate
unit and became known as the Automatic Switching Center (ASC), the
only AUTOVON switch north of the Alps until 1973.
An AUTOVON switch was activated in Donnersberg in 1969 as part of
a program to bring CONUS (continential U.S.) - style AUTOVON service
to Europe. Technical difficulties were overcome and, in June, the
switch was cut over to traffic.
Members of Signal Group 22 were called upon to react quickly on
May 24, 1972, when a terrorist bomb exploded in the parking lot
at Campbell Barracks, USAREUR Headquarters. The explosion totally
destroyed the microwave system between Heidelberg and Donnersberg,
but within 30 minutes, many high-priority circuits were back on
The group continued to grow and its last year was one of additional
responsibilities and changing missions. The Interim Wideband Secure
Voice Communications System was activated through the Corps microwave
links. Satellite terminals were upgraded and communication responsibility
by function gave way to responsibility by area of operation.
On Aug. 12, 1974, the 22d Signal Group's colors were unfurled for
the last time.
Concurrent with the inactivation, a Department of the Army initiative
set in motion the planning for Echelon Above Division (EAD) which
resulted in the Sig. Bde. concept. A provisional brigade was established
and on Sept. 16, 1980, the 22d Sig. Bde. was placed on the active
Six months later, the 22d Sig. Bde. (Corps), a major command to
Headquarters, V Corps, was activated. The brigade consisted of three
battalions: the 17th Sig. Bn. (Command) 32d Sig. Bn. (Radio), and
the 440th Sig. Bn. (Area).
Signal Brigade DUI
The brigade headquarters, along with the 17th and 32d Sig. Bn.'s
were headquartered in Hoechst, while the 440th remained in Darmstadt.
Under a reorganization in 1986, communication, information management
and command control automation functions were consolidated under
22d Sig. Bde. control.
Today, the 17th Sig. Bn. (1)
remains the command
operations battalion, providing support to the Main and Tactical
Command Posts.
The 32d Sig. Bn. (2)
was reorganized
to an area battalion and it and the 440th became identical in equipment,
personnel and mission capability.
The 440th Sig. Bn.'s (3)
Delta Company
was deactivated and the personnel and equipment redistributed within
the brigade.
Since activation on March 16, 1981, the 22d Sig. Bde. has been commanded
by Colonels Theodore W. Hummel, Joseph D. Schott, Ronald D. Conte,
and Robert M. Reich.
Present Brigade Commander, Col. Dale E. Fincke, assumed command
on March 22, 1988.
Today, the 22d Sig. Bde.'s 1,900 soldiers remain committed to providing
the V Corps Commander with the necessary C-3 to fight, sustain and
win the Corps AirLand Battle, anywhere, anytime, under all expected
conditions in support of NATO's Central Army Group (CENTAG).
The 17th Signal Battalion was reactivated
on July 5, 1950 at Karlsruhe, Germany.
It was inactivated September 25, 1965.
March 16, 1981, the Battalion was reactivated under the 22nd Signal
Brigade at Höchst, Germany, and entrusted with the mission of providing
Command and Control Communications to the V Corps (US) Commanding
General and subordinate units.
In December of 1992 the Battalion moved to its current home on Larson
Barracks in Kitzingen, Germany.
More about this battalion will be posted in the future on the 17th
Signal Battalion Page.
Signal Battalion DUI
MISSION: The battalion
provides tactical communications consisting of automatic voice switching,
automatic staff message center services, telecommunications facilities,
radio teletype, FM radio retransmission, radio and wire integration
and motor messenger for the V Corps Tactical, Main and alternate
Command Posts and for the 3d Support Commander and staff at the
V Corps Logistical Operations Command Post in order to concentrate
the combat power of the Corps.
Reactivated January 28, 1955 at Darmstadt,
Germany, as the 32nd Signal Battalion (Corps).
In 1956, relocated to McNair Kaserne, Frankfurt-Höchst.
Signal Battalion DUI
MISSION: The battalion provides three
Area Signal nodes and related multichannel facilities as part of
the V Corps Area Communications System and provides access to the
network and signal nodes for the 3rd Armored Division and the 11th
Armored Cavalry Regiment.
440th Signal Battalion was reactivated and
headquartered in Kaiserslautern, Germany, in 1961.
Eleven years later the colors were moved to Darmstadt, the battalion's
present home station, where the 93rd Signal Battalion was redesignated
as the 440th Signal Battalion.
Signal Battalion DUI
The battalion is one of two Corps Area Signal
Battalions which provide three Corps Area Signal Centers to form
a portion of the backbone for Corps communications systems. It provides
telephones, teletypewriters, facsimile,
radioteletype and other data services for the 8th Infantry Division,
41st Field Artillery Brigade and elements of the 3rd Support Command.
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the 22nd Sig Bde, please
contact me . |
1963 |
Email from Ballard Fleming, 22nd Sig Gp)
served with the 22nd Signal
Group in Mannheim, Germany after it was first
re-activated there. Before the Group was activated, we had a unit
formed, called "Special Ammunition
Support Battalion." I commanded the unit upon it's
activation as a Major. Mostly, the work was getting facilities organized
at Taylor Barracks, Mannheim, Germany, so that we could get the
Group activated and settled in there.
The first "real commander" of the 22nd Signal Group, reactivated,
was Colonel Donald R. Hodges. He was a real fine gentleman.We served
under the, at that time, Army Strategic Communication Command. After
the unit was activated as 22nd Signal Group, and the Special Ammunition
Support Battalion was phased out, I served as the Group S4, along
with CWO Paul Leary. Paul now resides in Maine and we do occasionally
correspond. There are others that I remember; however.
I retired at the end of 1965 and moved to Omaha, Nebraska to attend
the University of Nebraska, Omaha for a business degree. Having
done that, my family and I settled down here and have resided here
ever since.
Regarding the Special Ammunition
Support Battalion, it wasn't much of a unit just
headquarters personnel doing the job of preparation for activation
of the 22nd Signal Group. The word "Special Ammunition" sort of
gives it some meaning. We were going to establish
communication links to all of the non-U.S. NATO based personnel
in Germany and down to part of Italy. (See email
from Bob Wooten who explains some aspects of the Cemetery
The main axis
was across from England, I forget where, North and South from Bremerhaven
to somewhere in Italy. It may have been Livorno, not certain. Anyway,
from these towers in the main line, North and South, the units being
supported would be supported by microwave shots going out from the
main axis.
While I was commanding the Special Ammo Support Bn, I had to visit
France for an inspection of one of the units and, sadly, upon my
return the Sergeant Major, Dan Robbins, passed away. The unit went
out for an annual physical test and he exerted himself too much
and had a cardiac arrest. That's the only incident of a sad nature
that I recall while there.
Actually, the first one to command the 22nd Signal Group was a Lt.
Col. Martin O. F. Schroeder. He was only in that position for a
few months and a bit later on there was another individual whose
name I don't recall, a Lt. Col, who took over from Lt. Col Schroeder.
He, too, was only in there for a few months and, finally Colonel
Donald R. Hodges arrived and assumed command.
It was at this point that the subordinate units, consisting of 2
battalions, were formed. I don't recall their numbers (Note:
68th Sig Bn and 447th Sig Bn). One of them was in the BOAR area
(British Army on the Rhine) and it was commanded by a Lt. Col. Underwood,
first name I don't recall. The Operations Sergeant was CMS Gerald
R. King. He was one fantastic person, tremendously helpful with
his background in electronics.
Shortly after setting up at Taylor Barracks, after the 22nd Signal
Group was activated, they established a school, using part of the
headquarters building, and from that school they taught the men
who would be going out on site the intricacies of the Tropospheric
Scatter System that we were going to take over from the
ITT (International Telephone& Telegraph). They were installing the
So, this is where the first introduction of AUTOVON
came about. I remember most of the sites, and made it a point to
visit all of them to the extent possible. Bremerhaven, Stein, Lindehofe,
and one near Heidelberg, up on a pretty high mountain, sorry, forgot
it's name. Then there was Black Forrest, which was an attractive
location, but I knew it would be tough on troops... They lived in
a German Resort area....
(1964): |
1964 |
(Source: Email from Steven Schlaffman, HHC, 22nd Sig Gp, 1964-66) |
I was stationed with HHC 22nd Signal Group, from January 6, 1964 to June 1966. While at Taylor Barracks, I was assigned to the Personnel Section under the direction of CWO Ralph T. Jackson, and SFC John Rasso, the Personnel NCOIC.
My timing for this assignment was perfect as I was in on the ground floor for the total organization of the overall group.
Some of the names that come to mind was the Group XO, a Major Gibney. Following Col Schroeder was a Lt. Col. Sable, then Col. Hodges.
Initially, there were two Battalions (68th and 447th Sig Bn), which you previously identified, and a Signal Detachment (32nd Sig Svc Det) in Leghorn (Livorno). The Northern Detachment was assigned to St. David's Kaserne outside (Darmstadt). I had occasion to visit there once and found the British troops very professional and cordial.
Sometime in early 1966, a reorganization resulted in most the group staff being reassigned to the 510th Signal Service Company which was moved to Coleman Barracks. Shortly thereafter I was returned to the USA for discharge at Ft. Hamilton N.Y.
I have also thought of several names of company commanders of the Headquarters Company. They were Lt. Mamous, and Lt. Charles E. Kell, there was also a Capt Phillips. For a short period for the 510th there was a Capt. Alanso E. Short Jr, who I happened to see on TV during congressional hearings on base closures. He was testifying as an active duty General. Seems he did well.
Reading this information has brought back many good memories about the 22nd Signal Group. I arrived as a private and left as a Spec 5. It was a wonderful unit to be with as hard work and dedication paid off. Hopefully, one day I will return to Germany and visit Taylor Barracks and the surrounding area. I discuss this often with my wife. It is hard to believe it has been over 40 years since I was there.
1974 |
(Source: Email from Michael J. Wilkerson) |
I am not sure about the information you have as there is a big gap between 1974 and 1980. Here is a small paragraph on the history of the 5 Sig Cmd that contains information about the 22nd:
During the summer of 1974, ACC-E reorganized as Headquarters, 5th Signal Command at Kilbourne Kaserne in Schwetzingen. The reorganization called for the activation of 2nd and 160th Signal Groups from resources of inactivated units from the 22nd and 4th Signal Groups and the assignment of the 6981st Labor Service Group and 72nd Signal Battalion to 5th Signal Command. Additionally, the Command relocated to Taukkunen Barracks, Germany, in August 1974, and the 12th Signal Group was inactivated by July 1975.
7th Signal Brigade remained under 5th Signal Command's operational control until 1981, when it was officially assigned to the Command.
I was first stationed at Signal Facility Pirmasens in January 1974. We were part of Signal Group 22 of USASTRATCON-EUR.
My unit was Troop Command, which covered personnel in Pirmasens, Kaiserslautern and Zweibrucken. When Troop Command became the 73rd Signal Battalion, Signal Group 22 became 2nd Signal Group which later became 2nd Signal Brigade.
Two companies and a detachment were activated at Pirmasens:
267th Signal Company took care of the BCC, Tech Control, microwave, and the transmitter farm.
270th Signal Company took care of the Pirmasens ASC which was an AUTODIN switch and not an AUTOVON switch and of course the Headquarters Detachment.
The 298th Signal Co was activated in Kaiserslautern and the 327th Signal Co was activated in Zweibrucken.
So my lineage was 270th Signal Company, 73rd Signal Battalion, 2nd Signal Brigade, 5th Signal Command, US Army Communications Command.
Throughout that time we wore the electrical basketball patch and the 73 Sig Bn Seahorse crests.
(Webmaster note: A copy of this email is also posted on the 73rd Signal Battalion Page.)
1991 |
(Source: Email from David Casey, HHC, 22nd Sig Bde) |
First, let me say how very much I am enjoying your website. I made it to Germany as a PFC in the US Army in December 1991, so most of the history of
this stuff was already in the books, but it's neat to read about units and
places I had seen while I was there.
Anyway, I was assigned to HHC 22nd Signal Brigade on December 8, 1991 while
waiting for a unit at 21st Replacement Detachment at Rhein-Main AB. The
SDNCO drove down from Camp King which was located in Oberursel just north of
Frankfurt. Our equipment was located on McNair Kasern down in Hoechst since the motorpool on Camp King was so small. I had gone to
AIT at Fort Gordon to be a Multichannel Communications Systems Operator, but
once I got to the unit I was told I would be working tactical satellite.
In August 1992, they gathered all the long-haul communications equipment in
22nd Signal Brigade (tac-sat and tropo) and formed the 504th Signal Company.
We moved to Muenster Ammunition Depot near Babenhausen where the unit
remained until deactivating in September 1994 as part of the drawdown. All
the tac-sat and tropo equipment were spread back around 22nd Signal Brigade
in the 17th Signal Battalion (which had moved from McNair Kasern to Larson
Barracks in Kitzingen around 1993 or so), 32nd Signal Battalion located on
Kelly Barracks in Darmstadt, and the 440th Signal Battalion located on
Cambrai-Fritsch Kasern also in Darmstadt.
When I returned to Germany years later, HHC 22nd Signal Battalion had moved
from Camp King (which is closed today) to Kelly Barracks in Darmstadt. |
Area Maintenance & Supply Facility |

Sullivan Barracks, Mannheim - over the years home to several Signal Corps units
such as
7th Army Signal Depot, Company A, 97th Sig Bn, and the Area Maintenance and Supply Facility |
(Source: information on the AMSF from the 5th SIGNAL COMMAND HISTORY) |
On 1 July 1970, the Area Maintenance Supply Facility opened shop in Neuostheim (they moved to Sullivan Barracks in Mannheim, Germany the following March). The AMSF provided repair and maintenance support for all fixed station facilities and some transportable communications systems.
The history of the 5th Signal Command during FY 76 continued to record an ever increasing growth in the Command's support requirements for US Army Europe while simultaneously losing manpower assets as a result of Project 16/78.
Approval of the plan for civilianization of the Area Maintenance and Supply Facility-Europe signified the Command had entered into the final phases of Project 16/78.
(1975) This reorganization caused the Area Maintenance Support Facility-Europe to come directly under the control of the 5th Signal Command.
As part of the civilianization of the Area Maintenance Supply Facility (AMSF), the Maxi-Contract was awarded to Federal Electric.
Maintenance support for the 509th Signal Battalion supplied by the Area Maintenance Supply Facility- Mediterranean (AMSF-MED) changed from (2nd half of 1976) military to civilian manning. |
(Source: Chapter 2, FM 4-30-3, Maintenance Operations and Procedures, Sept 2000) |
2-2. The AMSF provides logistical support for echelons above corps (EAC) non-tactical communications and information systems used in an overseas theater.
2-3. The AMSF may provide--
 Logistics support for any EAC communications or information system not specifically assigned to another command or agency for support.
 Support to the Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS), Army-operated portion of the Defense DII, the American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS), the Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS), and other theater-unique communications or command and control systems.
 Maintenance on information systems equipment specifically designated in the AMSF mission statement. Types of equipment repaired at the AMSF include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Signal transmission systems -- DSCS microwave, troposcatter, high frequency, satellite, special transportable systems, NonStrategic Nuclear Forces command and control information (NSNFC3 I) systems, antennas, associated towers (except for major overhaul), and wire and cable systems (including fiber optic cable).
 Automated communications systems -- Defense Switched Network (DSN), automatic digital network (AUTODIN), electronic tandem switching centers, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) data network equipment, COTS computers, and COTS auxiliary information processing equipment.
 NOTE: The AUTODIN system is currently being replaced by the Defense Message System (DMS).
 Dial central facilities -- electronic switching systems and telephone key systems.
 Special activity communications equipment -- radio and television, emergency action consoles, command control centers, and air traffic control equipment and systems.
 Specified information management and processing equipment (IMPE)-automation and visual information equipment for strategic and sustaining base services.
2-4. The AMSF may also provide support to other U.S. military departments, DOD activities, and government agencies or installations. Support is provided through interservice support agreements on a reimbursable basis.
2-5. Each theater of operations normally will have only one AMSF. Approval for the creation of an AMSF is given by the DA Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG). AMSFs are task-organized facilities. The structure of an AMSF depends on the support requirements of the theater. The size of the organization is based on the number of sites supported, their geographical dispersion, and the type of operational equipment located at each.
2-6. An AMSF may be operated directly by the Army, or it may be operated by a civilian contractor with Army oversight. An AMSF may be staffed by soldiers, Department of the Army civilians, U.S. civilians, or local national personnel.
2-7. Currently, two AMSFs are in operation: one in Europe, one in the Pacific. The AMSF-Europe (AMSF-E) is operated by a civilian contractor. It is staffed with U.S. civilians and local national personnel. The AMSF-E provides support for both DSCS and DII systems in England, Germany, Italy, and Southwest Asia. The AMSF-Pacific (AMSF-P) is operated directly by the Army and is staffed with a combination of military, Department of the Army civilian, and local national personnel. The AMSF-P provides support for DSCS systems in both Japan and Korea.
2-8. Figure 2-3 (above) is a diagram of a model AMSF. This model may be used as a guide for structuring support activities for specific requirements. Based on support requirements, all sections may not apply to every AMSF or additional sections may be required. |
1971 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, June 9, 1971) |
A supply warehouse and repair system designed to support STRATCOM-Europe's communication network from London to Asmara, Ethiopia, has been opened here.
The Area Maintenance and Support Facility (AMSF) is one of two command support supply facilities established by the Army throughout the world.
STRATCOM-Europe's facility is modeled after a similar operation in Southeast Asia. Its mission is to support STRATCOM-Europe in the areas of communications - electronic repair and supply. |
(Source: Email from Jim Barnes) |
I’m trying to locate anyone who served at the AMSF, 22nd Signal Group during the period of January 1971 to January 1975. The Area Supply and Maintenance Facility was under the 22nd Signal Group located in Sullivan Barracks. 5th Signal Command had just moved to Worms, Germany. |
(Source: Geneology page for Lt Col John J. Schuck, US Army (Ret.), a former company commander of AMSF in Mannheim, Oct 1971 to Oct 1974, accessed June 2019) |
As Company Commander of the Area Maintenance and Supply Facility at Sullivan Barracks, Mannheim, he was dedicated to the logistical support of ACCE [Army Communications Command - Europe] peculiar DCS [Defense Communications System] (Army) equipment.
He supervised operations of two stock record accounts of more than 12,000 line items valued at over $40,000,000 and maintenance support to more than 200 ACCE communications sites; assigned personnel was 156. |
1974 |
(Source: Email from Steve Horne) |
I was at Mannheim in 1974-75 STRATCOM but I can't find anything about it.
I was a 36D antenna man on a mobile maintenance team. Went TDY to Holland , England, Italy, Iran, Turkey, Berlin and all over Germany.
My unit was AMSF but I wasn't at the barracks much (Sullivan Bks). Spent so much time TDY my stuff got packed up for the bed space.
No complaint though. I got to see a lot of the world on Uncle Sam's paycheck. Many locations were "civilian clothes only" authorized, so you would get a clothing check for that mission. I was TDY so much I hardly touched my regular pay check and got hazardous waste duty pay, 13 of the 14 months I was there. (Jump pay) for working over 150' in the air.
I was on a team with Sgt Gramm and Spec. Tommy Carter. I also worked with the German civilian workers.
If you know of a link or info about my unit please let me know.
I believe we were in Bldg. 210 -- both barracks and orderly room. The whole company was in the same bldg.
I was on the second floor in a 4-man room for most my hitch. But then they moved the antenna men and some other guys on mobile teams upstairs in open bay. Wasn’t bad - a lot of room but the bathroom was on second floor.
The AMSF work area compound was off to the back. It could have been bldgs. # 206 - 207. (Or the one to the left that is now gone torn down.) They were old guildings and shops. Plus we had apple yard and some towers there. There gone now.
During my time there, the AMSF was all military with some German civilians.
1975 |
(Source: Email from Joseph Peck) |
I saw your web page and was very impressed. I was in the Army and stationed at Sullivan Barracks in Mannheim, Gemany in 1975. I was with the 5th Signal Command and was assigned to the AMSF.
I have been trying for years to find the chain of command (Command, Group, Division, Brigade, etc) for this unit I was in. We wore the old STRATCOM patch and had the "Voice of the Army" unit crest. All I remember about the unit I was in is from old papers I have:
5th Signal Command
APO 09086
Can you help me and give me a little more on this unit (History wise). Was this AMSF part of the 160th Signal Group?
I can't remember the company I was in but I do remember the following people from the Documents that I saved:
SFC James M. Hudson
MSG Charles O'Malley
WO1 Larry G. Niewoehner
CW2 L.D. Clayton
CW3 Arthur L. Schmid
CPT Roger A. Gress |
1985 |
(Source: ECHO, Jan 1985) |
Armed Forces Network, Europe
5th Signal Command is responsible for operating and maintaining the AFN-TV transmission and distribution system in central Europe. The Command transmits AFN-TV over a spider-web network stretching from Bremerhaven to Munich, in addition to SHAPE, Belgium.
The system transmits close to 6,000 hours of programming to 146 communities every year utilizing 151 transmitters, 24 cable distribution systems, and 177 master antenna systems. (MW relay stations are used to forward the signal between communities.)
Maintenance and repair of the system are the specific responsibility of the Command's Area Maintenance and Supply Facility (AMSF) in Mannheim. More than 280 calls are received each month by the field maintenance and repair teams located in Bremerhaven, Frankfurt, Würzburg, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Kaiserslautern and Nürnberg. |
1986 |
(Source: ECHO, Jan 1986) |
The Theater Command Control Center at HQ 5 th Signal Cmd operates as the collection point for all transmission (AFN-TV and others) outage reports. The AMSF in Mannheim is then notified to dispatch a maintenance team to investigate the problem and, if it is caused by a malfunction in the transmission system or 5 th Signal Cmd owned reception equipment, the team will make the necessary repairs.
AMSF, Sullivan Bks, Mannheim, a major subordinate unit of the 5th Signal Cmd, is responsible for operating and maintaining the AFN-TV, with the exception of the studio. The organization takes care of the signal after it leaves the studio and ensures that the signal is distributed through the network of 75 MW relay sites in the AFN system.
In addition to AFN, AMSF also provides the necessary maintenance support and supply action to keep running the facilities of the DCS, MARS, ATC systems and remote printing operations.
1989 |
(Source: Onine Job Description for an opening for a DAS-3 Comuter Operator at SERV-AIR Inc., a subsidiary of E-Eystems, 1989) |
Computer Operator of DAS-3 (Decentralized Automated Service Support Systems) for AMSF (Area Maintenance Supply Facility) in Mannheim, Germany. Responsibilities included executing various programs for users on the compound using a Honeywell DPS-6 Mini Mainframe System using GCOS version 3.2. Executed programs for the users of the compound to keep track of their supplies such as Tactical devices, Radar Units and other communication equipment that they kept for the Army (5th Signal Command). Analyzed program failure, re-executed programs if problem was found. Kept a schedule of events that occurred on the system. Transferred files from the Honeywell system to the Army's TACCS box, and vice-versa. Dumped program output to printers in various plies, sorted and distributed them to the users of the compound, and all over Germany. Brought up computer system on night shift and all peripherals, also brought down computer system when needed. Work revolved around rotating shifts in two month periods. Other responsibilities included filling HAZCON supply requests and sending them to the TCC branch for shipment to CONUS. |
Related Links:
22nd Signal
Brigade - official website of the active unit in Germany |