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Transportation Battalion
Infantry Division (1957 - 1962)
Seventh Army(1962 - 19..)
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
35th Trans Bn
(Inf Div) History |
1957 |
35th Transportation Bn DUI |
35th Trans Bn Pocket Patch |
ORGANIZATION (Dec 1960): |
HHD, 35th Trans Bn |
Würzburg [1] |
A Company |
Emery Bks, Würzburg |
B Company |
Schweinfurt [1] |
C Company |
Schweinfurt [1] |
7th Trans Co (Lt Trk) |
Aschaffenburg [1] |
15th Trans Co (Lt Trk) |
Bamberg [1] |
100th Trans Co (Lt Trk) |
Bamberg [1] |
584th Trans Co (Lt Trk) |
Schweinfurt [1] |
[1] STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1960 |
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the 35th Trans
Bn (Inf Div), please contact me . |

This is me with # 38. The picture was taken because of the news letter below |

Company A, 35th Trans Bn article |
(Source: Email from Earl Council) |
I spent about 2.5 years stationed at Emery Kaserne in Wurzburg Germany.
When I got there I was assigned to truck # 39 of Company A 35th Transportation.
I think old #39 was the oldest 2 1/2 ton in the fleet. After some time I was reassigned to #38 that had belonged Jim Baker, a buddy of mine that was finishing his tour of duty over there. I am sending a few pictures of me with old #39 and new #38.
I was stationed with the 569th Ord. Company at Flak Kaserne from 1954 until June 1956. I was with the 569th when it transferred over from Ludendorff Kaserne in Kornwestheim I am trying to get information about the 569th, but so far not any luck. I was at Flak Kaserne in Sept, 2013 and also in Sept. 2009. There is a museum upstairs of the old guard house but nothing of the 569 Ord. Company.
My CO was Capt. Cunningham and then Capt. Cherry. Hope you can help me with some info. |

1. A Company

2. A Company
7th Transportation Company |
1961 |
(Source: Email from John Dudas, 7th Trans Co, 1961-63) |
Here are my recollections of Jeager Kaserne in Aschaffenburg, Germany. I was there from March 1961 through September 1963. I was in the 7th Transportation Company, part of the 35th Transportation Battalion. Battalion headquarters was in Worms, Germany. Platoons 1, 3, 4, and headquarters were in Building 26 in Jaeger Kaserne. Our 2nd platoon was permanently stationed in Schweinfurt, Germany.
Also in Building 26 were the local MP detachment, and the Class VI store. Building 25 was directly in front of our barracks and housed the USO club; I spent many hours there. Building 24 housed the barber shop, the laundry drop off and pick up, and the watch and jewelry repair shop. Building 20 housed the 9th Engineer Battalion. Building 18 was their mess hall, and Building 19 was our mess hall, which was the transient mess for Aschaffenburg. I think buildings 13, 14, and 16 where Quartermaster locations, but we did not have anything to do with them. Seems like they were mostly manned by German civilians.
Building 5 was the Snack Bar and had a small commissary on the first floor. The second floor housed the Dentist's office and some other offices. Building 6 was the Main Post Exchange. Building 2 housed the movie theater and the church. Looking at the diagram, I think the movie theater was on the left end of the building and the church was on the right end. Building 1 was the American Express office, and I think they also provided banking services.
Gate guard duties for the Kaserne seemed to rotate between our company and the engineers. I can not recall what was housed in the other buildings at Jaeger. Our motor pool was in Fiori Kaserne. The shop and offices were in Building 115, and the open space to the right marked H-3 served as the parking area for our trucks. We shared that space with a Signal Battalion that was located in Building 116.
When I first arrived in Aschaffenburg our mission was to provide transportation for the 3rd Infantry Division that was located in Ready Kaserne and in Graves Kaserne. About half way through my tour the Infantry got their PC's (personnel carriers) and no longer needed our services. We then switched to over-the-road hauling of freight and supplies. Our only remaining duty for the Infantry was Ration Breakdown; the pickup and delivery of food items to their locations. With the over-the-road trucking we picked up and delivered all over West Germany and occasionally to western locations in France.
Our company also participated in several types of temporary assignments such as returning old vehicles that were to be scrapped and delivering new vehicles in their place. These were called "drive-aways". We also took part in what were called "Redball" deliveries which involved either classified equipment or equipment needed on an emergency basis. These runs usually required that one of our guys accompany us and serve as an armed guard for the duration of the run. Additionally, some of our crew drove military buses at times.
The only other pieces of information I can remember right now is that the primary Aid Station was located in Graves Kaserne, and that the 3rd Armored Battalion (tanks) was located in Fiori Kaserne.
I just noticed another item of info that I can provide. Under the link to the 35th Transportation Battalion it shows the 3rd Infantry patch and does not include an end date. The 35th transferred from the 3rd Infantry to the 7th Army when the infantry got their personnel carries. That was perhaps in the Spring of 1962. From that point on we all wore the 7th Army patch on our uniforms and reported directly to 7th Army headquarters. Battalion headquarters remained in Worms.
Hope this helps fill in some voids. Thanks for the great website, I'll have to refer some of my old friends to it. |
15th Transportation Company |

15th Transportation Company motor park (location and year are unknown) |
100th Transportation Company |
1963 |
(Source: Email from Dave Phipps) |
I was with the 100th Trans Co, 7th Army from 1963 to 1966 right outside of Schweinfurt, Germany in Conn Barracks.
When I arrived there I found out a friend of mine from High School was stationed there in the 7th Cav, D Troop and another friend was stationed with 7th Cav, C Troop right down the road at Ledward Barracks. Small world.
I was told Conn Barracks was thought to be an orphanage during the war and that is why it wasn't bombed. If that was true, I don't really know. I do know the city of Schweinfurt was bombed because of the ball bearing factories and it was just down the road a piece.
We had a few jeeps (M151's death traps). They could flip very easy on turns if you weren't into it and didn't keep the rear end squated down.
We also had 2 1/2 tons and 5 ton tractor-trailers with Multi fuel hypercycle engines. I believe Studebaker had something to do with building these trucks. They would run on diesel, kerosene, gas and anything else that would burn. l
We hauled troops and freight to most locations in Germany, especially the training areas.
We later merged in with the 3rd Division 3rd S&T Batallion in Wurzburg, Germany.
I always loved 100 Trans Co. Never really cared about the 3rd S&T Battalion. It just wasn't the same.
We had a Sergeant Kraus in the 100th Trans Co who was in charge of maintenance and he was in the Red Ball Express back in the day (WWII). They hauled gas to General Patton's tanks.
I had some really fun times in Niederwerrn, Gerolzhofen and Schweinfurt. I don't know if the spelling is correct but I'm sure if you were ever there you know what towns I mean.
I really miss the German food and hospitality. I always wanted to go back to visit but I guess that's not gonna happen anytime soon.
Maybe someone from 100th Trans will read this and get back to me. |
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