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States Army, Europe & Seventh Army
United States European Command
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
History |
Big Picture Series: The USAREUR Story (Part 1 - 27 min) (Source: NARA/archive.org) |
Big Picture Series: The USAREUR Story (Part 2 - 28 min) (Source: NARA/archive.org) |
"The Big Picture" was a US Army Public Affairs television series in the 1950s and 60s covering a wide range of subjects, telling the Army's story in history and in current events. |

(Master Tape - 6 min) |
(Out Takes - Reel 1)
(Out Takes - Reel 2)
The American Army in Germany, 1966 (Source: British Pathe Video Film Archives) |
Good report on the US Army in Europe in the 1966 timeframe with heavy focus on Headquarters in Heidelberg, the 4th Armored Division and the 8th Infantry Division. High quality video - very sharp! Out takes show additional scenes that include the Airborne school in Wiesbaden and a river crossing during a field exercise. |
HQ U.S. Army, Europe DUI |
(Source: The
Origin of Headquarters USAREUR, HQ USAREUR Public Affairs Office) |
8 May 1945 (VE Day) Headquarters, European
Theater of Operations, United States Army (ETOUSA)
and its closely associated Communications Zone headquarters
were located in Paris. The same officers generally served
on both headquarters staffs. ETOUSA, the highest headquarters
of the U.S. Army in Europe, determined the policies
to be implemented by its subordinate commands. (See
Chart 1)
Effective 1 July 1945, Headquarters ETOUSA was redesignated
as Headquarters, United States Forces,
European Theater (USFET) , and one month
later the communications zone organization lost its
wartime title when ii was redesignated as Theater
Services Forces, European Theater (TSFET),
a counterpart of Army Services Forces in the United
States. USFET headquarters was located in Frankfurt,
Germany, as were the most important TSFET functional
centers. |

Chart 2
was discontinued on 28 February 1946, its functions being
transferred to Continental and Base Sections, which had been
activated as major commands of TSFET on 10 December 1945 and
15 January 1946, respectively. Concurrent with the discontinuance
of TSFET, the Continental and Base Commands were designated
as major commands of USFET. (See Chart 2) |

Chart 3
15 March 1947, USFET was redesignated as European
Command (EUCOM), a joint-service command whose
Army element was designated as U.S. Ground
and Service Forces. On 15 November, the U.S. Ground
and Service forces was redesignated as United
States Army, Europe (USAREUR), a non-operational
paper organization created to furnish a ground and service
commander with the command apparatus required to provide administrative
and logistic support. USAREUR's general and special staff
duties were performed by the offices and personnel of the
general and special staff divisions of EUCOM headquarters.
(See Chart 3)
In the spring of 1948, Headquarters EUCOM moved from Frankfurt
to Heidelberg so as to provide space in Frankfurt for the
agencies created as a result of the merger of the British
and U.S. occupation zones. To make room for Headquarters EUCOM
in Heidelberg, the Constabulary headquarters moved to Stuttgart.
Both moves ware completed in early 1949.
By the end of 1949, the Berlin Blockade had officially ended
(12 May); General Huebner had replaced General Clay as the
Commander in Chief, EUCOM (15 May); U.S. Forces, Austria,
had become an independent command under the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, (23 May); the Headquarters, Office of Military Government
for Germany (U.S.) had moved from Berlin to Frankfurt (12
August); General Handy had assumed duties as Commander in
Chief, EUCOM and as Commander in Chief, USAREUR (2 September);
and Mr. J.J. McCloy had became the U.S. Military Governor
and the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany (HICOG) (12 September). |
24 November 1950, EUCOM activated Seventh Army with headquarters
at Stuttgart to take over from USAREUR the command and ground service
forces. Other USAREUR functions reverted to EUCOM. USAREUR continued,
however, to function without troops, so as to satisfy certain legal
requirements, such as those associated with courtmartial responsibilities.

Chart 4
1 August 1952, a new unified command, United
States European Command (USEUCOM) with headquarters
in Frankfurt was established. On the same date, Headquarters
EUCOM in Heidelberg was redesignated Headquaters USAREUR.
Thereby, USAREUR became, for the first time since its
establishment an operating headquarters in its own right.
USAREUR absorbed most of the former EUCOM staff and
assumed most of the functions previously performed by
EUCOM. USEUCOM assumed command of all U.S. forces in
Europe, excluding, those in Berlin, Trieste, and Austria.
USAREUR became the administrative headquarters for all
Arrmy forces in the same area, excluding Trieste and
Austria, both of which performed this function independently.
The Commander in Chief, USEUCOM, delegated to the Commander
in Chief, USAREUR, responsibility for continuing to
administer the military aspects of the US presence in
Germany and, in this role, to continue to operate as
a single point of contact for dealing with the German
authorities and with the Office for the US High Commissioner
for Germany. The Commander in Chief, USAREUR, also assumed
command of the newly created Central Army group (CENTAG),
as one of NATO's tactical headquarters under which were
placed the US Seventh Army and French forces. (See Chart
4) |
10 October 1952, Headquarters, USEUCOM began to move from Frankfurt,
Germany, to the vicinity of Paris, France. On 1 December, the Communications
Zone, with headquarters in Orleans, France, became a
USAREUR major subordinate command.
In October 1955, the last of US troops withdrew from Austria and
the US Army Southern European Task Force (USASETAF) with headquarters
in Vicenza, Italy, was established as a subordinate command of USEUCOM.
On 1 January 1956, USASETAF was made a USAREUR subordinate command.
On 1 December 1966, USAREUR and Seventh Army headquarters merged
at Heidelberg, the USAREUR headquarters being redesignated Headquarters,
United States Army, Europe and Seventh Army.
Big Picture Series: USAREUR Newsreel No 1 (YouTube)
In this episode, the footage is taken from newsreels produced for American forces and their families in
Europe. The newsreels were originally released in motion picture theaters, operated by the Army in
Germany. They provide a reflection of what life was like for the soldier in Europe in the mid-1950s. |
1957 |

US ARMY SL - Germany, 15 Aug 1957 (click on thumbnail) |
Big Picture Series: USAREUR Newsreel No 2 (c. 1957) (YouTube)  |

Total Number of Military Personnel in USAREUR (USAREUR History Office) |
(More details on this topic in the future - 12/15/2012) |
1960 |
Thoughts on USAREUR and its role in the defense of Europe by a young second lieutenant on his way to his first European assignment - with a Battle Group in Bamberg, Germany.
An extract from the personal memoirs of COL Basil J. Hobar who served three tours of duty with USAREUR during his Army career.
Click here to read his
recollections (PDF file).
COL Hobar has previously provided some information on one of his other assignments in Europe - with the US Army Supply and Maintenance Agency during FRELOC.
Mid-1960s |
Big Picture Series: US Army Europe, mid-1960s (YouTube) |
1967 |
Annual Historical Summary, HQ USAREUR & Seventh Army, Jan - 31 Dec 1966, HQ USAREUR 1967 ) |
USAREUR Wartime Headquarters
On 15 Nov 1966, as a consequence of Operation FRELOC, HQ USAREUR moved the USAREUR (Main) Wartime headquarters from Maison Fort, France, to Karlsruhe. Concurrently with that move, the command's Emergency headquarters was also moved from Verdun, France, to Karlsruhe.
By 15 Dec, USAREUR (Main) headquarters was ready to open in a selected field location on order of CINCUSAREUR or at the appropriate state or stage of alert (OPLAN AE 102).
To meet the requirements for wartime main (USAREUR (MAIN) and alternate (USAREUR (ALTN)) headquarters, USAREUR developed the new concept of pre-surveying and selecting a number of possible sites which, like wartime QRA Pershing sites, would not be improved or occupied before the outbreak of hostilities.
In September 1966, USAREUR surveyed and selected sites lying along the communications axis in the western areas of the FRG. It pre-positioned transportable communications equipment and personnel in existing US facilities, where they were ready to deploy to a designated headquarters site at short notice.
1968 |
Roster of US General Officers serving in Europe
as of 1 October 1968 (AHEC) |
1972 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, May 26, 1972) |
Four subordinate headquarters to be eliminated
USAREUR Hq announced recently that four of its subordinate headquarters will be eliminated in the next 18 months as part of the Defense Secretary's plans to beef up US ground combat forces in Europe.
The headquarters to be eliminated:
 Combat Support Command, USAREUR & 7th Army - Patton Bks, Heidelberg
 European Office, US Army Materiel Command - Kreuzberg Ksn, Zweibruecken
 Management Information System Support Agency - (Gerszewski Bks,) Karlsruhe
 not yet idendified support command at Pirmasens
The reduction in manpower (several thousand desk jobs) effected by the inactivations will provide the manpower for an
airborne battalion combat team
two tank battalions
two attack helicopter companies
one Chaparral-Vulcan (air defense) battalion
Functions of the Combat Support Comd will be absorbed by various USAREUR Hq agencies.
The European Office, MATCOM's functions will be taken over by TASCOM Hqs.
The MIS Support Agency will be phased out.
(Source: Department of the Army Historical Summary: FY 1973) |
To improve conventional combat forces in the European area, four combat support units, comprising about a thousand men and new-model equipment, were deployed during the period.
The Chaparral/ Vulcan Air Defense Battalion of the 1st Infantry Division was deployed along with a supporting Ordnance detachment and two attack helicopter companies equipped with AH-1G Cobras; these units were organized, trained, and deployed from 13 November 1972 to 24 January 1973.
Five forward area alerting radar platoons were also organized, trained, and deployed to Europe to augment the capability of existing Chaparral/ Vulcan air defense battalions, and an assault support helicopter company with CH-47 craft and two medical helicopter air ambulance platoons with UH-1 H helicopters were also deployed.
Under Project FENDER, the ratio of combat units to support units was improved without increasing U.S. Army strength in the theater. This so-called "tooth-to-tail" relationship was achieved through mergers, reductions, inactivations, and an aver-all streamlining of headquarters and logistical functions.
Personnel economies were used to improve the combat forces, two tank battalions and an airborne battalion combat team were activated, and a 105-mm artillery battalion was converted to a 155-mm. battalion. |
1974 |
Improving the Ratio of U.S. Combat Troops to Military Support Personnel
In 1978, the Comptroller General issued a report titled "Benefits and Problems Associated with Improving the Ratio of U.S. Combat Troops to Military Support Personnel in Europe." The report described the implementation of Public Law 93-365, Section 2 (known as the "Nunn Amendment") and its impact on combat capabilities in Europe. The following is an excerpt from the unclassified (somewhat redacted) version of that report.
... Because of continuing improvement in Soviet and Warsaw Pact capabilities in recent years -- particularly to conduct "Blitzkrieg" warfare -- the United States has undertaken programs to improve its combat effectiveness in Europe.
Some of the programs have increased
the ratio of combat troops to support forces without increasing overall US military forces in Europe.
One program to convert
headquarters and military support personnel to combat personnel was prescribed by an amendment to the Fiscal Year 1975 DoD Appropriations Authorization Act. This amendment is referred to as the "Nunn Amendment" after Senator Sam Nunn, who was a moving force behind it. It required a reduction of 18,000 in authorized support personnel -- contrasted to personnel on hand -- in the services in Europe during Fiscal Years 1975 and 1976.
In conjunction with these reductions, 13,435 combat spaces were added in Europe through the end of FY 1976 by increasing personnel in existing units and by deploying new combat units. An addtional 4,000 combat spaces were added by the Air Force in FY 1977.
New combat units were drawn from elements of the Army's force structure in the United States and provided
two mechanized brigades |
an attack helicopter company |
two field artillery battalions |
Air Force increases have resulted in
a second wing of F-111 aircraft |
retention of 66 F-4 aircraft in Europe |
deployment of a new tactical air control system |
While more combat units and increased manning in existing units provided added capability to meet the threat of short, intense war, these gains were not achieved without a deterioration of some wartime combat support capabilities, particularly in the Army.
Some of the support reductions had a direct adverse impact on combat support capabilities. Others, together with the shrinking US support base over the past several years, have resulted in greater need for increased host nation support (1), including use of foreign national civilians and contractual support -- areas that could have a potential adverse impact on wartime capability.
Some non-combat areas (2) were excluded by the Army from consideration for reduction. As a result, other support positions more essential to wartime needs were reduced.
For more details on the impact of the Nunn Amendment on USAREUR, click here.
(1) The Army and the Air Force contracted to replace some support personnel reduced in the areas of supply, security, and standby base maintenance. In addition, the Army replaced 3,368 military support positions with 2,700 non-US civilian employees in such areas as transportation, supply, and security. (Also, in view of the shrinking support base in Europe and the magnitude of its support requirements, USAREUR was looking more to other NATO Allies for needed support during wartime, including procurement, telecommunications, transportation, facilities, civilian labor, construction and airfield service. This would become known as the Wartime Host Nation Support concept.)
(2) In the early stage of planning for the Nunn Amendment, the Army decided not to reduce positions in two areas -- US military community support and non-combat positions at the division level. Community support includes many functions such as commissary and postal services, recreation, libraries, transportation services, and education programs for which there is little or no wartime need. Community support was omitted to avoid lower morale and support to the soldier and his family. |
Early 1980s |
Permanent Change of Station - Germany (Archive.org) |
Permanent Change of Station - Southern Europe (Archive.org) |
Gen Thomas T. Handy |
Sep 1949 - Aug 1952 |
(Source: Welcome to Vaihingen/Germany, Headquarters United States Seventh Army, booklet issued during FTX Combine, Author's collection) |

Gen Handy
CINC European Command
On 2 September 1949, General Thomas T. Handy assumed the position of Commander-in-Chief of United States European Command (CINC EUCOM). He succeeded General Clarence R. Huebner.
Lt Gen Huebner had become Acting CINC EUCOM on 15 May 1949, after Gen Lucius D. Clay's (previous CINC and Military Governor of the US Zone) departure for the US. (In July 1949, the positions of CINC EUCOM and Military Governor were separated from each other with John J. McCloy taking over the Military Governor role as well as that of US High Commissioner for Germany.) Gen Huebner was reappointed Deputy Commander in Chief and Chief of Staff, European Command.
General Handy's assumption of the European Command marked the first permanent separation of the Military Governor and the Commander in Chief.
With the transfer of Military Government responsibilities to the High Commissioner, the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued a revised directive to the Commander in Chief, EUCOM. (This revised mission with regards to military matters was substantially the same as existed previously, but Military Government responsibilities were excluded.)
Under the revised directive, CINC EUCOM received instructions directly from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and reported to the JCS through the Chief of Staff, US Army. CINC EUCOM exercised unified command over all forces allocated to him by the Joint Chiefs of Staff or other authority.
Due to the presence within the European Command of certain major commands which were responsible to the Commander in Chief, European Command, and other major commands responsible directly to the Commanding General, USAREUR, a revision was made to the EUCOM Manual, Organization and Functions (published 11 May 1949) effective 31 March 1949: the number of major commands under EUCOM was reduced from twenty-nine to five:
US Army, Europe (USAREUR)
US Air Forces, Europe (USAFE)
US Naval Forces, Germany (USNAVFORGER)
US Forces, Austria (USFA)
Office of Military Government for Germany, US (OMGUS)
Before the end of 1949, the last two named commands were dropped, when USAF was made a separate command responsible directly to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and OMGUS was phased out.
With the enumeration of USAREUR, USAFE and USNAVFORGER as the three major commands of EUCOM, EUCOM Headquarters became, in effect, a joint headquarters. |
(Source: Webmaster's private collection) |

Gen Handy
CINC European Command
US Army Photo: FRA-49-1195 / EUCOM-49-9235
27 November 1949
Photographer: CPL W.L. Paulson, 7811th SCU (Frankfurt)
Gen Thomas Handy (left), CG US Army Europe,; CAPT Wilfred C. Hinman (center), 61st Air Police Squadron, Comander of Troops for the Honor Guard; and Mr. Louis Johnson (right), US Sec. of Defense; inspect the Honor Guard composed of Air Force, Navy and Army personnel. Honoring the arrival of Gen Omar N. Bradley and Sec. Johnson from Philadelphia where they were guests of the Army-Navy Football Game the day before.
Gen Omar Bradley and Sec of Defense Louis Johnson arrived at Rhine Main to confer with High Commissioner of Germany, John J. McCloy, before going to on to London and Paris for conferences with the Atlantic Pact Nations on their defense.
Campbell Bks, Heidelberg |

1. Honor Guard (KB) |

2. 427th Army Band (KB) |

3. (KB) |

4. Dignitaries approach Reviewing Stand (KB) |

5. Passing in review (KB) |

6. Present Arms (KB) |

7. Gen Clay and Gen Handy (KB) |

8. Senior EUCOM officers (KB) |

9. Heidelberg, 1950 (KB) |

10. Heidelberg, 1950 (KB) |

11. Heidelberg, 1950 (KB) |
USAREUR History Projects & Resource Materials |
Mr. Ingo Wolfgang Trauschweitzer
teaches at Norwich University in Vermont, the
oldest private military college in the United States.
Chapters 4, 6, and 7 of the dissertation deal primarily with issues specific to USAREUR
(and NATO), while the other chapters are heavier on US policy and
strategy for the Cold War.
To read an abstract, click here.
Ingo is very interested in hearing from USAREUR veterans (and those of other services also) -
if anyone wants to
comment on aspects of the dissertation, please feel free to contact the webmaster (Walter Elkins) or the author (Ingo W. Trauschweitzer) directly. Comments, suggestions, and corrections are very much appreciated! |
I must remind all readers that the manuscripts provided by the above authors or any other contributors on this web site (www.usarmygermany.com) are protected by copyright which prohibits the reproduction, reuse or resale of all or part of these documents. |
Two wonderful books that I use on a regular basis as a standard reference for identifying DUI's and patches to add to the unit pages of my website have been written by Barry Jason Stein.
Barry's background as a salesman and later owner of a major military insignia manufacturing company and his great interest in military history have made him uniquely qualified to research and compile these great reference volumes. |
Relations |
C2 ORGANIZATIONS IN THE 1950s & 1960s |
The senior
NATO Command was formed on 2 Apr 1951. |
Command formed 20 Aug 1953 and subordinate to Supreme Headquarters
Allied Powers, Europe. |
Command formed 20 Aug 1953 at Fontainebleau, France, and was
subordinate to HQ Allied Forces Central Europe. |
Army Group (CENTAG) Plans Staff began working on Campbell Barracks
within the U.S. Army Europe staff in 1952. |
Army Group (NORTHAG) was formed on 1952.11.29 with BAOR as its
main element and C-in-C BAOR always as its C-in-C NORTHAG. |
Command formed in 1958. |
Command established in April 1952 in Landsberg/Lech, Germany. |
on June 28, 1974 at Ramstein Air Base, as a principal subordinate
command under Allied Forces Central Europe (AFCENT). The CENTAG
Plans Staff formed into a separate headquarters (separate from
HQ USAREUR) in April 1959. The Supreme Allied Commander, Europe,
formally activated the CENTAG Headquarters on Oct 1, 1960. |
US Air Force |
C.A.Tac |
Air Division |
Air Div (Defense) |
Luftwaffendivision |
Luftwaffendivision |
1 |
Germany |
2 |
Germany |
3 |
Germany |
4 |
BA 901,
Drachenbronn, France |
Command Report, Headquarters EUCOM/USAREUR, 1952, HQ USAREUR,
of Army Groups in Central Europe
On 19 January (1952), the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR),
notified the US Secretary of Defense that it was his ultimate intention
to constitute two army groups within the Central European command.
One of these groups, composed of French and US troops, was to be placed
under US command, and the second group, composed of Belgian, British
and Netherlands troops, under British command. SCAEUR proposed to
activate the headquarters of the French-US army group in nuclear form
as soon as possible and to build it up as rapidly as the necessary
staff and equipment could be made available. The headquarters of the
Belgian-British-Netherlands army group was to remain on a skeleton
basis within the existing headquarters of the British Army of the
Rhine (BAOR) until a later date. SACEUR requested that Gen Thomas
T. Handy, Commander in Chief, European Command, be made available
for assignment as the commander of the French-US army group in addition
to his other duties. At the same time that the request was made to
the US Secretary of Defense for assignment of General Handy, a similar
request was made by SACEUR to the British Ministry of Defense for
agreement to assignment of Lt. Gen. Sir Charles Harding, Commander
in Chief, BAOR, as commander-designate of the Belgian-British-Netherlands
army group. The Standing Group of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
approved the formation of the two army groups, which were accordingly
established in skeletonized form and attached to BAOR and USAREUR,
(NOTE: The Plans staff began working in 1952 on Campbell Barracks
within the U.S. Army Europe staff. The original staff was known as
the Allied Planning Group and was composed of US and French military
personnel. On 13 April 1953, the planning group was redesignated as
the Central Army Group Plans Section. The activation of the German
Bundeswehr in November 1955 resulted in the augmentation of the CENTAG
Plans Section with representatives from the German Army. In April
1959, the CENTAG Plans Section was designated Headquarters, CENTAG,
and separated from the USAREUR headquarters staff. The Supreme Allied
Commander, Europe, formally activated the CENTAG Headquarters on Oct
1, 1960. In August 1961, Headquarters CENTAG moved to Hammonds Barracks
in Seckenheim, Germany.)
Northern Army group was formed ... |
Annual Historical Report, Headquarters USAREUR, 1 Jan 1953-30
June 1954, HQ USAREUR, 1955)
of USAREUR Emergency Planning with the NATO Commands
Since the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (SACEUR) would assume
operational control of US combat forces in Germany in the event
of war, USAREUR developed emergency plans in support of NATO planning.
Over-all NATO defense plans were prepared at SHAPE, and coordination
was usually achieved internally since all member powers were represented
in that headquarters. SACEUR's emergency defense plans were then
distributed to the headquarters of the next lower echelon in the
NATO command structure, for preparation of supporting plans. The
NATO command responsible for the defense of Western Germany after
20 August 1953 was Allied
Forces Central Europe (AFCE), a combined headquarters
which consisted of three subordinate commands:
Allied Land
Forces Central Europe (LANDCENT)
Air Forces Central Europe (AIRCENT)
Naval Forces Central Europe (NAVCENT)
the direct supervision of AFCE, the three subordinate commands prepared
a Central Europe Joint Emergency
Defense Plan (JEDP) which coordinated the operations
to be performed by NATO land, naval and air forces in Western Germany
or in an expanded area if the exigencies of war made it necessary.
Production of a single plan was a decided improvement over previous
procedure, under which each of the three service commands prepared
a plan and by subsequent coordination produced a joint plan.
Since US representatives were on the staffs of all the afore-mentioned
NATO commands and participated in their planning programs, the ideas
of US military forces were incorporated in all these plans. USAREUR
came directly into the NATO command structure through the Central
Army Group (CENTAG), a combined
US and French headquarters which was operational for planning purposes
only. CENTAG was immediately subordinate to LANDCENT. In
the event of war, USAREUR combat troops would form the US element
of CENTAG and CINCUSAREUR would assume command of CENTAG.
The CENTAG Plans Section prepared the Central Army Group European
Defense plans in support of LANDCENT and AFCE plans. The US Seventh
Army and the First Fench Army, in their roles as NATO forces, prepared
operational plans in support of CENTAG emergency defense plans.
The CENTAG Emergency Plan 1-52 issued on 31 December 1952 was in
effect throughout 1953. It was superseded by the CENTAG Emergency
Plan 1-53 on 31 December 1953, effective for 1954. Each plan and
its annexes contained instructions for establishing a command headquarters
and for waging land warfare in Central Europe whenever the US and
French components of CENTAG were placed under the control of NATO
commanders. The two plans were modified as conditions changed; for
instance, troop lists were modified to reflect current manpower
situations. During 1954, the (Plans) Section was preparing CENTAG
Emergency Plan 1-54, a plan to support the Central Europe Joint
Emergency Defense Plan 1954, and whose completion was expected by
the end of the year. All of these NATO defense plans and their accompanying
annexes were classified cosmic top secret.
articles |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Unofficial Publication of the U.S. Armed Forces in Europe)
ATTENTION! Articles, photos and other materials appearing in the STARS & STRIPES fall under the same copyright and trademark regulations as "non-government" publications. Please contact the STARS & STRIPES to obtain permission prior to using any of their materials. |
So, now pull up a chair, grab a cup of joe, and enjoy a trip down memory lane as we get a glimpse of activities within USAREUR through the pages of the STARS and STRIPES . . .
the time: October 1952 . . .
the place: USAREUR, the "Zone," Deutschland . . .
the environment: troops face constant alerts and training in the field; the German winter is on the horizon; and over 250,000 US soldiers, and their families, settle in to their new surroundings as the "Defense of Western Europe" phase of USAREUR's history begins . . . |

Oct 26, 1952
Page 1, Military News Section |

Oct 26, 1952
Page 2, Military News Section |

Oct 26, 1952
Page 3, Military News Section

Oct 26, 1952
Page 4, Military News Section |

Oct 26, 1952
Page 5, Military News Section |

Oct 26, 1952
Page 6, Military News Section |
Oct 26, 1952
Page 7, Military News Section
Oct 26, 1952
Page 8, Military News Section

Oct 26, 1952
Page 9, Military News Section

Oct 26, 1952
Page 10, Military News Section |

Oct 26, 1952
Page 11, Military News Section |
(Source: Army
Information Digest, June 1961) |
Training and
maintaining a combat-ready field army is the prime job of the
United States Army in Europe
By GEN Bruce C. Clarke
At the time the article was written, GEN Clarke was the Commanding
General of US Army, Europe |
THE military
defenses of western Europe, under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,
stretch in an immense arc from the northern tip of Norway to the eastern
borders of Turkey. The vital sector of this arc -- the keystone of
European defense -- extends from Jutland peninsula to the Alps and
from the Iron Curtain to the Atlantic.
It is within this sector and in northern Italy that the United States
Army, Europe lives, trains and operates. Here the main elements of
America's massive contribution to ground defenses of Europe are concentrated.
This territory is, perhaps, the most valuable piece of real estate
in Europe. It contains the mines and factories, the fields, farms,
port facilities and waterways, the communications and commercial facilities
that, combined with American aid, provided the basis for Western Europe's
economic recovery after World War II.
A mere recital of the names of some of the cities found in this area
- Munich, Stuttgart, Mannheim, Frankfurt, Nürnberg - known throughout
the world for their production of textiles, chemicals, automobiles,
aircraft motors, machinery, electric goods, precision instruments,
railroad equipment, iron and steel - re-emphasizes the importance
of the region.
In Western hands, all these provide assets for the waging of peace,
for prosperity and for security. In Communist hands, their loss would
mean the collapse and death of Europe.
The position and the mission of USAREUR are clearly defined. Within
the framework of NATO, its number one job is to train, equip, and
maintain a combat-ready field army on the continent of Europe.
Our paramount concern - as I have said many times and re-emphasize
here - is the ground combat soldier. He is the focal point of all
our efforts. Organizing, equipping, training, sustaining and supporting
him so that he can perform his indispensable role in combat is the
Amy role. This role is equally significant in any kind of war - hot
or cold. It is just as important in general war as in limited war.
Beguiled by the mechanical marvels of the age, it is easy for people
to forget the true character of the ground combat soldier's role in
war. When free men have been so beguiled in the past, they have slipped
back into vassalage.
Seventh U. S. Army
THE very core of United States Army, Europe (USAREUR) is the Seventh
Army which, "born at sea, baptized in blood and crowned in glory"
fought through France to victory in Germany in World War II, remained
for a time as an army of occupation, and was reactivated in 1950 to
become the first effective foundation stone in the Free Word's wall
of defense against Communist aggression.
Throughout the years, Seventh Army has kept pace with advances in
tactics and techniques, with constant additions of new weapons and
the most modern equipment. So rapid have been these advances --- and
the effective reorganization to meet modern requirements -- that less
than four years ago the Seventh Army was able to announce proudly
that it had become "the world's first pentomic army."
The American elements of Seventh Army are the two Corps, V and VII,
five divisions - 3d Infantry, 8th Infantry, 24th Infantry, and the
3d Armored and 4th Armored - the 2d, 11th and 14th Armored Cavalry
Regiments, and the 4th Armored Group.
The combat records of both Corps extend back to World War I, in which
V Corps operated on the battlefields of Lorraine, St. Mihiel and the
Meuse-Argonne, while VII Corps was organized in France a few months
before the Armistice. In World War II, the tide of battle carried
V Corps from Normandy, Northern France, the Rhineland. Ardennes-Alsace
and thus into Central Europe. The combat records of the three infantry
and two armored divisions forming Seventh Army's basic grand forces
are equally impressive. In Europe and in the Far East the records
run from Normandy to Sicily, from New Guinea to Korea. They have a
fighting tradition and the esprit de corps that is an ever-present
stimulus to always greater accomplishment.
The United States Army, Europe trains and studies constantly. Tactical
training runs the gamut from qualification in individual weapons to
participation in large-scale, multi-national NATO field exercises.
And the fact that USAREUR's role in the defense of Europe entails
efficient operation not only as a national military organization but
also in partnership with our allied companions in arms, sets up additional
problems in the field of inter-allied military relations.
Not only is the United States Army, Europe almost constantly in the
field; it can also be said to be almost constantly in the military
classroom. Much technical training is needed to produce the specialists
needed by today's Army in electronics, special weapons, modern supply
techniques, and intelligence. This training is provided by a USAREUR-operated
service school.
Command Structure
TO explain USAREUR's position in relation to the national defense
organization and to its mission with NATO, it is necessary to show
something of the interlocking nature of our command structure. Since
there is a unified United States Command in Europe which groups all
U. S. Armed Forces here under one commander, USAREUR - like its sister
services, the United States Air Forces in Europe, and the United States
Naval Forces - reports to the United States European Command (USEUCOM).
But on matters of administration and supply, USAREUR reports directly
to the U. S. Department of the Army. (It is worthy of note here that,
under NATO agreements, each nation is responsible for the logistic
support of its military forces.)
DIRECTING all of USAREUR's activities in the three countries in which
its troops are located - West Germany, France and Italy - is the Commander
in Chief (CINCUSAREUR) and his staff at headquarters in Heidelberg,
Germany. The standard organization of a major headquarters is used,
comprising a general staff, a special staff, and specialized agencies,
totaling more than a score in all. In order to achieve both maximum
efficiency and maximum economy, all headquarters elements are not
located in one place, but rather where they may perform their operations
to the best advantage.
Major Commands
ONE of the axioms of good management procedure is that in order to
manage effectively, the limitations of the "span of control" must
be recognized. There is a limit to the number of activities that an
individual can direct personally and still achieve effective results.
In line with this theory, CINCUSAREUR therefore requires only six
major commands to report directly to him. In addition to the Seventh
Army already described, these are: the Berlin Command, Northern and
Southern Area Commands, the U. S. Amy, Europe (Rear) /Communications
Zone, and the U. S. Army Southern European Task Force.
Berlin Command comprises the U. S Sector of the divided city.
Our military personnel there represent the only U. S. Occupation Force
still in existence as a result of World War II.
Northern and Southern Area Commands. In Germany, USAREUR's
area of operations is divided into area commands - Northern and Southern.
Each of these area commands provides administrative and logistical
support for all U. S. Army personnel within its borders, with the
exception of medical services, which are provied for the most part
by units assigned to a U. S. Army Hospital Center.
Communications Zone. During the first six post-war years,
U. S. forces in Europe were supplied mainly through the north German
port of Bremerhaven. During those years when the threat of Communist
expansion had not become fully apparent, the fact that this line of
communication from the North Sea to Bavaria ran parallel to the front
of a potential aggressor was deemed of small importance. The growing
threat of invasion from east of the Iron Curtain, the buildup of East
German and satellite forces, the blustering attitude of the Kremlin,
and overt operations such as the blockade of Berlin, made painfully
obvious the need to establish supply lines far less vulnerable to
direct attack. Thus a new Communications Zone --third in the generation
of COM Z's -- was brought into being.
An agreement, worked out in six months of delicate negotiations with
our NATO ally, France, permitted the use of port facilities, storage
depots, space for more depots, and transportation rights on French
roads and rail lines to West Germany.
For nearly five years COM Z personnel built, improved facilities,
and expanded their capabilities until, by mid-1956, they were able
to assume the full burden of logistical support for USAREUR. The responsibilities
of COM Z were then extended to include the operation of supply installations
in the German Federal Republic. In 1959, more and more of USAREUR's
technical service activities and divisions were being shifted to the
control of the Commanding General of COM Z.
The operation of a supply system as complex as this involves, fast
of all, skilled manpower, and second, efficient organization. Today
this Communications Zone has two major elements - Theater Army Support
Command and Port Area Command. There are, in addition, two special
commands with responsibilities peculiar to themselves - the Orleans
Area Command, which supports the COM Z headquarters at Orleans, and
the Seine Area Command, which supports the U. S. EUCOM headquarters
and the United States elements of the Supreme Headquarters, Allied
Powers, Europe. Completing the structural framework of the Communications
Zone are its four posts - Poitiers, Bussac, Toul and Verdun.
Port Area Command personnel receive incoming supplies through the
French ports, and store and maintain them in widely dispersed depots
in rear areas. Theater Army Support Command personnel operate forward
depots in France and West Germany, drawing their supplies from Port
Area Command and providing direct support to elements located in forward
areas. (It must be noted that the historic Port of Embarkation at
Bremerhaven, Germany, is under the direct control of COM Z, rather
than that of the Port Area Command.)
The U. S. Southern European Task Force located south of the
Alps, in Italy, is another major element of USAREUR. Activated on
25 October 1955, SETAF is unique among U. S. Armed Forces in that
its primary reason for existence is the support of the land forces
of another nation. It is, first and foremost, a missile command designed
to support, in time of war, the ground forces of Italy.
Three distinctive conditions apply to this organization -- geographical,
military, and administrative. Militarily and geographically, it is
a member of the SHAPE (NATO) team, reporting to Allied Land Forces,
Southern Europe (LANDSOUTH) and in time of war it would immediately
become a LANDSOUTH element. As a member of the USAREUR team, however,
SETAF reports to CINCUSAREUR on U.S. Army Command and administrative
THE relationship of the United States Army, Europe with our allies
in NATO is a relationship based on treaties and working agreements
dating back to the inception of NATO.
USAREUR is America's contribution - in being - to the land strength
of the NATO Alliance. This contribution comprises at least one-sixth
of the ground forces regarded by General Lauris Norstad, the Supreme
Allied Commander, Europe, as necessary for the defense of western
Europe. This force is committed to NATO.
In the event of aggression - or to speak bluntly war - the Supreme
Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) takes over control of the allied
forces. SACEUR has under him four major commands. They are: Allied
Forces Northern Europe (AFNORTH), Allied Forces Central Europe (AFCENT),
Allied Forces Southern Europe (AFSOUTH), and Allied Forces Mediterranean
The headquarters of the Allied Forces Central Europe are at Fontainebleau,
France. Under this command come the Allied Land Forces, Central Europe,
divided into the Northern Army Group and Central Army Group - NORTHAG
It is with CENTAG, this Central Army Group, that we are now concerned,
for the Commander in Chief USAREUR is also the Commander of the Central
Army Group. His headquarters is in Heidelberg - almost at the geographical
center of the area of USAREUR's responsibility. Incidentally, to illustrate
the international quality of the command, it is significant that AFCENT
is commanded by a French General, LANDCENT by a German General, and
CENTAG by an American General.
The Central Army Group comprises German, French, and American elements,
training together, working , exercising together, and together developing
a smoothly operating machine which is slowly but surely reaching a
peak of combat efficiency by any standards.
In time of war, CENTAG would embrace three major commands -- Seventh
Army, First French Army, and II and III German Corps.
Allied Elements
BECAUSE of the amazing advances of the German elements within the
NATO organization, it may be well to describe further their organization
and training, side by side with our American divisions.
When the Gamin Federal Republic became a sovereign state in 1955,
she had not even the nucleus of an armed force, nor the means of arming,
equipping or training such a force. Within the space of less than
six years, she has brought into being seven divisions which are now
assigned to NATO.
The German divisions working with us are: The 2d Armored Infantry,
the 4th Armored Infantry, the 5th Panzer Grenadier Division, and one
Mountain Division. In addition, there is a German airborne brigade.
This is the army of a democracy. Its duties and responsibilities are
clearly defined, both in the international agreements surrounding
Germany's adherence to NATO, and in the laws of the German Federal
Republic. Germany looks to her legitimate defense requirements entirely
within the multinational structure of the Atlantic Alliance. Her army
contributes substantially not only to German defense but to Allied
defense as a whole.
The relationship between the German and American components of CENTAG
has been cordial, understanding and, from a training standpoint, highly
successful. The German soldier himself is dignified, imbued with a
sense of responsibility, responsive to command, and devoted this task.
The French elements over which CENTAG has command are less in evidence
than the Germans, and for sufficient reason France, engaged in a long
and painful Algerian war, had been forced, very early in the history
of NATO, to withdraw some of her strongest fighting forces to North
Africa. Her remaining forces, however, are very much in the picture
and, in the event of war, would definitely be brought to the full
strength of her commitment.
The presence of our American troops in Germany and France has, of
course, brought its problems of community relations. But it can be
said that, through the years, and despite "incidents" that from time
to time have resulted in local disturbances, the relationship between
the American fighting man and the citizens of our host countries has
been one of friendship, understanding and comradeship - an amazing
phenomenon when one considers the years of transition from war, to
occupation and to partnership in defense. |
(Source: Heidelberg
Herald-Post (Heidelberg MILCOM newspaper), 18 April 1985) |
USAREUR and 7th Army new unit in Heidelberg |
As the Heidelberg
Herald-Post went to press, a unit redesignation and change of command
ceremony was scheduled for April 15 at Campbell Barracks.
Maj. Hugh F.T. Hoffman lll, who was the installation coordinator at
Campbell and who is the deputy USAREUR headquarters commandant, will
assume command of Headquarters and Headquarters
Company, USAREUR and 7th Army, (Provisional) from Capt.
Steve A. Redding, who was the Company A, 26th Support Group commander
at Patton Barracks.
"The changeover is an idea that has been bantered around for quite
awhile," said Maj. Chris Clarke, the 26th Support Group plans officer.
"The offices will be nearer to the people they serve. The orderly
room, supply, training and NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical)
rooms will be colocated with the soldiers near their work offices,
instead of on Patton Barracks." Billeted soldiers will still reside
on Patton.
The Headquarters and Headquarters Company mission, like the deactivated
company's, is to provide command and control, tarining support and
personnel services to Headquarters USAREUR.
"The Support Group's personnel actions staff is providing the redesignated
administration people with information on how to set up a personnel
actions center," said SFC Johnny Graham, assistant personnel staff
NCO at the 26th Support Group. "Before, every USAREUR staff element
handled personnel actions for its own people. Soldier's administrative
actions had to go through their office's officer in charge, then the
Company A orderly room and finally the 26th Support Group or battalion
personnel actions center. Now, the personnel actions will all go through
a centralized PAC at HHC, USAREUR and 7th Army (Prov.), which will
provide a more timely and consistent paperwork flow." Some actions
requiring additional processing will still be sent to the Support
In addition, HHC will handle the directorates' organizational equipment
(war equipment) through its own property book office instead of through
the Consolidated Installation Property Book Office. The purpose of
this is to make them more combat ready.
The changeover will take several months. "There will be a transition
period to gradually take over the administrative and logistical actions
from the directorates, selecting each or some directorates at a time.
By Oct. 1, HHC USAREUR and 7th Army (Prov.) should be able to handle
all of those actions," Clarke said.
"Where Company A was like a liaison between the USAREUR staff and
the 26th Support Group, HHC USAREUR and 7th Army (Prov.) will be more
directly involved with the paperwork flow aspect of providing support
to the troops in USAREUR," Graham said.
Before the changeover, enlisted soldiers assigned to USAREUR directorate
staffs were attached to Company A on Patton Barracks for billeting,
housing, rations, training and legal actions. Officers were assigned
to Headquarters USAREUR. More than a dozen cadre were "permanent party"
or assigned to Company A.
Assigned enlisted soldiers as well as officers to Headquarters USAREUR
will be attached to HHC USAREUR and 7th Army (Prov.) for those administrative
actions, making the headquarters company one of the largest in the
Army, officials say. |
Charts, USFET |
- 17 July 1945
- 30 June 1946
Charts, EUCOM |
- 1 January 1950
- 31 December 1950
EUCOM - 1 January 1952
EUCOM - 30 June 1955 |
Charts, USAREUR |
- 1 August 1952
- 31 December 1952
- 1953
- 30 June 1954
- 30 June 1956
- 30 June 1958

USAREUR - 30 June 1959
- 1 Jan 1966
- 31 Dec 1966
(Source: Scott
AFB Retiree Activities Office, web site) |
– 1991)
Nov 7 Yugoslavia. First Hostile Encounter
of Cold War. Incident at Nis. P-38s from U.S. 82nd Fighter Group squadrons
mistakenly attack a Soviet column, killing 31 Soviet soldiers on the
ground. They then shoot down 3 Soviet fighters. 2 U.S. pilots KIA.
May 8 - Nov 30 Czechoslovakia. U.S. troops, peaking at 22,023
in September, face off against the Soviets along a 266-mile demarcation
line in Bohemia.
May 23 - Jun 14 Yugoslavia Border. U.S.
85th ID moves into the Italian province of Venezia Giulia along the
Morgan Line to counterbalance the Communist Yugoslavian 4th Army.
It remains on a 23-day alert status. 91st, 34th and 10th Mountain
divisions also serve in the area.
Oct 3 Yugoslavia Border. 88th ID takes
over U.S. sector of Morgan Line.
Dec 23 Germany - Berlin. 2 GIs
of the 78th ID are killed near Tempelhof Airport.
Dec 24 Yugoslavia Border. 1 GI of Co.
E, 349th IR killed by Yugoslav partisans.
Feb 9 Soviet Union. Stalin effectively
declares on the West. He does so in a Moscow speech.
Feb 10 Czechoslovakia. 12 Americans
infiltrate on an intelligence mission - 3 are captured and held for
21 days. 1 GI of the 126th Combat Engineer Bn. earns a Soldiers Medal
for heroism.
Mar 3 Germany - Berlin. 1 Army
ordnance officer is killed by a Soviet sentry.
Jul 12 Yugoslavia Border. Firefight at
Ursina 8-man squad from L Co., 351st IR, is ambushed. U.S: 0 Yugoslavs:
2 KIA.
Jul 16 Yugoslavia Border. 1 GI
is killed along a road from Trieste by Yugoslav Partisans.
Aug 9 Yugoslavia Border -
Ljubljana. U.S. C-47 transport is forced down by Yugoslav aircraft:
7 airmen briefly held captive. B-17s begin flying the route, with
gunners ordered to "shoot if interfered with." B-17 flights end Oct.
Aug 19 Yugoslavia Border. U.S. transport
of the 305th TCS is shot down by a Yugoslav plane, killing the 5-man
crew and causing an international incident.
Oct Yugoslavia Border. 88th
10 (11,352 men) is the only division in the entire U.S. Army at full
operational strength, as a result of tensions with the Yugoslavs.
Mar 12 Europe. Truman Doctrine. U.S. officially declares "war"
on Soviet expansion and subversion.
Sep 15 Yugoslavia Border. Outpost 5 3
GIs of Co.B, 351st IR, are captured by Partisans and held for 5 days.
Jul 8, 1948 - Jul 12, 1949 Germany - Berlin. Berlin
Airlift. 31 U.S. airmen die in 12 fatal accidental aircraft crashes
during Operation Vittles between these dates. 733 incidents of Soviet
harassment in the air reported.
Jul 17 Britain. 60 B-29 bombers of SAC's
28th & 307th BGs arrive at Marham Royal Air Force Base.
Oct 30 Austria - Vienna. 1 U.S.
diplomat is abducted and beaten to death by Soviet NKVD.
Dec 10 Czechoslovakia - Ceska Kubie.
2 GIs of the 6th ACR are captured and not released until February
Jan 22 Greece. 1 U.S. Air Force officer is captured and KIA
by Communist guerrillas after his AT-6 is shot down by ground fire
while directing a strafing mission.
Apr 8 Baltic Sea - Latvia. Soviet fighters shoot down
a PB4Y (Det. A, VP-26): 10 KIA.
May 18 Azores - Lajes. B-29crashes:
16 crew die.
May 3 Austria - Vienna. 1 soldier of the 796th MP Bn
is killed by two Soviet soldiers.
Apr 26 Atlantic. USS Hobson collides with the carrier Wasp:
176 destroyermen die.
Mar 10 Germany - Regensburg. F-84 of the 36th
Tactical Fighter Wing is shot down by 2 Czech MiG-15s in German airspace.
Pilot parachutes safely.
Aug 12 Czechoslovakia. Czechs shoot down 2 U.S. trainer planes:
pilots are held until fall.
Aug 11 Germany - Karlsruhe. Largest Accidental Death
Toll: 66. 2 C-119s collide, killing 56 soldiers of A Co., 499th Eng.
Bn. 555th Eng. Grp. and 10 Air Force crewmen.
Oct 23 Germany. Hungarian Uprising.U.S. 6th ACR on full alert
for a week and moves to the German border.
Nov 17 Germany - Kaiserslautern.
U-2A (WRSP-1) explodes in mid-air- pilot dies.
Dec 23 Albania. U.S. T-33 is shot down: Pilot survives.
Aug 2 Lebanon - Beirut.
1 GI of 24th Airborne Brigade is KIA by Moslem snipers. 4 U.S. servicemen
die in accidents during Operation Bluebat, launched to pre-empt Soviet
interference in the region.
Sep 2 Soviet Union - Armenia.
Worst Single Cold War Hostile Loss in Europe: 17 KIA. 4 Soviet MiGs
shoot down an Air Force recon plane of the 7406th Support Squadron,
killing 6 crewmen and 11 members of the USAF Security Service's Det
1, 6911th Radio Group Mobile. A C-1 18 was shot down over Armenia
on June 27: all 7 crewmen were released July 7.
May 29 Iceland Coast USS Grenadier forces a Soviet sub to the
surface for the first time ever.
May 1 Russia - Sverdiovsk. U-2 (WRSP-2) is downed by
a missile over Ural Mts. Pilot held until Feb. 10, 1962.
May 25 Germany U.S. C-47 is shot down
over the East: All 9 aboard survive. They are released July 19.
Sep 2 Germany - Grafenwoehr. An
errant artillery round kills 17 and wounds 25 men of D Trp., 3rd Recon
Sqdrn., 12th Cav, 3rd AD, during Operation Winter Shield.
Jan 15 Atlantic. 75 miles east of Barnegat Island. "Texas"
Tower 4 (designed to warn of a bomber attack) sinks during a storm:
28 die--14 airmen +14 civilians.
Aug 20 Germany - Berlin. Berlin
Crisis. 1st BG, 18th IR (1,500 men), convoys along the Helmstedt-Berlin
autobahn in a show of force in response to the erection of the Berlin
Wall 7 days earlier.
Oct 26 Germany - Berlin. Checkpoint
Charlie Co. F, 40th Armor, backed by Co. E, 2nd BG, 6th IR, stands
down the Russian tanks for 16 hrs.
Dec 4 Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
is created by executive order to recognize vets of Cold War Operations.
May 22 Germany - Munich. A mid-air aircraft explosion
claims 26 lives: 22 men of VQ-2 + 4 Army specialists.
Apr 10 Atlantic. 220 miles east of Boston. USS Thresher sinks,
after a piping failure, with 129 men: 112 crew members +17 civilian
workers die.
Jan 28 Germany - East. Soviet fighters shoot down a U.S. T-39
training plane of the Wiesbaden Air Base Group: 3 KIA.
Mar 10 Germany - Gardelegen. U.S.
RB-66 10th TRW is shot down. The 3 crewmen survive.
Dec 14 Soviet Union - Black
Sea Soviets shoot down an RB-57 (7407th CSS): 2 KIA
Jan 16 Spain - Palomores. B-52
collides with K-13 tanker while refueling: 7 men die.
May 27 Atlantic - Off Azores.
USS Scorpion sinks with crew of 99. Cause unknown.
Aug 20 Germany. Czechoslovakia Invasion.
U.S. 2nd ACR goes on alert when Warsaw Pact forces invade during the
Prague Spring.
Oct 21 Soviet Union - Armenia. Soviets shoot down a
Air Force U-8: 4 crewmen survive.
May 11 Germany - Frankfurt. Red Army Faction (Germany
Marxist terrorists) explodes a bomb at V Corps HQ: 1KIA and 13 WIA.
May 24 Germany - Heidelberg. Marxist
RAF bombs U.S. Army HQ: 3 KIA, 5 WIA.
Oct 6 Mediterranean Sea. 6th Fleet on Defense Condition 3 Alert
for 26 days in response to Soviet moves during Arab-Israeli war. U.S.
Navy tracks 26 Soviet subs.
May 29 Germany - Winterberg. U-2 (349th ) crashes.
Dec 7 Cyprus - Akrotiri. U-2 (99th SRS) crashes on take-off,
killing 5: pilot and 4 groung crewmen.
Apr 12 Turkey - Izmir. 1 U.S. airman is killed by Turkish
Marxist terrorists.
May 11 Turkey - Istanbul. 1 U.S.
airman is killed by Turkish Marxist terrorists
May 15 Arabian Sea. Planes from the USS
Midway take to the sky when 2 Soviet IL-38s circle the carrier.
Dec 14 Turkey - Istanbul. 1 GI
and 3 civilians are killed by Turkish Marxist terrorists
Apr 16 Turkey - Istanbul. 1 U.S. sailor is killed by
Turkish Marxist terrorists
Nov 15 Turkey - Adana. Incirlik
AB. 1 GI is killed by Turkish Marxist terrorists
Dec 10 Germany. Soviet Union threatens
to invade Poland. U.S. deploys 4 E-3A planes.
Aug 31 Germany - Ramstein. Marxist RAF bombs Air Force
HQ: 17 WIA.
Nov Germany. During NATO's exercise Able Archer, Warsaw Pact
units go on full alert, believing the West is about to launch a preemptive
nuclear strike.
Nov 17 Greece. Athens. 1 U.S. Navy Officer
is killed by Greek Marxist terrorists
Aug 8 Germany - Wiesbaden. 1 GI is killed by the Marxist
Aug 8 Germany - Rhein-Main AB.
Marxist RAF car bomb explodes: 2 U.S. KIA, 17 WIA
Mar 24 Germany. Last U.S. KIA of the Cold War in Europe is
part of the U.S. Military Liaison Mission in East Germany, is shot
dead by a Soviet sentry in Ludwigslust. This officer was posthumously
awarded the Legion of Merit & Purple Heart.
Apr 14 Italy - Naples. 1 U.S. servicewoman is killed
by Marxist terrorists.
June 28 Greece - Athens. U.S.
defense attache is killed by Greek Marxist terrorists.
Nov 9 Germany - Berlin. Wall Falls. B. Co., 6th Bn.,
502nd IR, is the U.S. infantry unit on duty at the time. Signals the
effective end of the Cold War in East Europe.
Mar 1 Germany - Fulda Gap. Last Patrol. 11th ACR conducts
the final border patrols of the Cold War in Europe.
Mar 12 Greece - Athens. 1 U.S. airman is killed by a
Greek Marxist terrorist bomb.
Dec 25 Soviet Union - Moscow.
Communism Collapses. USSR ceases to exist. |
US Army, Europe Official website of the Army
in Europe
301st Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Group - 301st RB&L Group was the first PSYOP unit deployed to Germany during the Korean War.