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Ordnance Battalion (SWD)
57th Ordnance Group (March 1955 - June 1955)
Ordnance Office, HQ USAREUR (June 1955 - August 1956)
ADSEC, USAREUR Com Z (August 1956 - July 1957)
71st Ordnance Group (July 1957 - June 1959)
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
Ord Bn History
Related Links
Worn January 1955 - June 1955
Worn June 1955 - August 1956
Worn August 1956 - June 1959
Special Weapons Support Ord.
A reunion for the 9th, 10th and 12th Ordnance Battalions in Germany (1950s)
is being organized.
Anyone interested in attending the reunion should contact Ed Pruette at
NOTE: when emailing Ed, make sure to replace the (at) with the @ symbol. |
Ordnance Battalion |
- 1959 |
12th Ord Bn DUI |
History 1953-1959 |
(Source: Email from James A. Ogle, 12th Ord Bn, June 1953 - March 1958) |
Special Weapons Battalions and depots in the 1956-58 time frame |
The 12th Ordnance Battalion (Special Weapons Depot) (Headquarters Detachment and Company A) was activated at Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico on 10 April 1953 as the FIRST Special Weapons Depot Battalion in the US Army, and assigned to Field Command, Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (FC-AFSWP).
On 16 April 1953, Company B, (Security) was activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Upon arrival in Germany in 1955, the battalion was assigned the mission to operate an Army Special Weapons Depot for the European Theatre.
The battalion was inactivated at Massweiler, Germany on 24 June 1959 per USAREUR GO 158 dated 4 June 1959.
The 529th Ordnance Company and 564th Military Police Company (Security) were activated at that time per USAREUR GO 158. |
March – December 1953: |
March 4: |
Constituted into the Regular Army as the 12th Ordnance Battalion (Special Weapons Depot) (See Attachment B) |
April 10: |
Headquarters & Headquarters Detachment was activated at Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico per GO 17 Field Command. AFSWP, dated 8 April 53. TO&E 9-45, 8 Apr 53.
Roderic A. Varney, Capt, AGC, Commanding Officer.
Company A (Special Weapons) was activated at Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico per GO 19 Field Command. AFSWP, dated 8 April 53. TO&E 9-47.
______Stevens, Maj, OrdC, Commanding Officer
April 10: |
Lt Col Charles L. Simpson, OrdC, Battalion Commander.
Major Martin A. Shadday, Inf, Executive Officer.
Battalion Staff:
Roderic A. Varney, Capt, AGC, Adjutant/S-1
Robert A. Stalter, Capt, MPC, Security/S-2
Chandler S. Redfield, Maj, OrdC, Operations/S-3
Glenn T. Anderson, Capt QMC, Supply/S-4
April 16: |
Company B (Security) was activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina per GO 17, Hq Fort Bragg, dated 7 Apr 53. TO&E 19-77
Capt. Robert A. Stalter, MPC, Company Commander.
April - Dec: |
The battalion received personnel and equipment at both locations.
December: to come up to TO&E strength. Company A personnel received individual and unit special weapons training at Technical Training Group (TTG) FC-AFSWP, and Company B received security training at Fort Bragg.
Company A underwent a Technical
Proficiency Inspection (TPI) conducted by FC, AFSWP receiving a rating of Satisfactory (Only SAT or UNSAT ratings given)
15 Sep: |
Company B (Scty) Reorganized under TO&E 19-77A, dtd 1 Sep 53
1 Dec: |
The battalion (less Co B) was relieved from assignment to FC-AFSWP and ordered to White Sands Proving Ground, NM (WSPG) and assigned to the Office Chief of Ordnance, Washington, DC in accordance with Hq FC-AFSWP Movement Order FCAG 370.5 dated 4 November 1953. There being insufficient barracks space at WSPG, arrangements were made for billeting at Holloman Air Force Base (HAFB), Alamogordo, NM. Barracks at HAFB were single story wood, WWII type with the latrine for 8-10 barracks at the rear. These barracks were last occupied by German POW’s and had been vacant since 1946.
15-30 Dec:
Company B joined the battalion from Fort Bragg, and the whole battalion was together for the first time. |
January – December 1954: |
Jan-Mar: |
Established a Tech Area past the King I/Queen I Radar sites on the
edge of the desert at HAFB.
Jan-Dec: |
Furnished Special Weapons support to WSPG for adapting Special Weapons to the Honest John and Corporal Missile programs.
27 May: |
Distinctive Unit Insignia (DUI) and Coat of Arms (COA) approved by Department of the Army (See Attachment A).
17 Sep: |
Hq & Hq Detachment was reorganized by GO 27, Hq WSPG, Las Cruces, NM and Ltr TAGO DA Washington, DC dtd 27 Aug 54. Auth Strength: 7 OffIcers, 0 Warrant Off, 31 EM.
15 Nov: |
Company B (Scty) Reorganized under TO&E 19-177, dtd 1 Nov 54.
15-19 Nov: |
Conducted annual small arms qualifications at the WSPG range.
10 Dec: |
Lt. Col Charles L. Simpson, OrdC, promoted to rank of Colonel (06) and re-assigned to WSPG effective 5 Jan 54.
17 Dec: |
Battalion alerted for overseas movement to USAREUR. |
January – December 1955: |
3 Jan: |
Lt. Col Richard Walmer, OrdC, assigned and assumed command of the battalion.
Company A (Special Weapons) reorganized under TO&E 9-377 by
GO 1, Hq WSPG dtd 3 Jan 55.
Jan-Feb: |
Battalion packed equipment for overseas shipment.
1 Mar: |
Last Morning Report submitted to 97th MRU.
6 Mar: |
Battalion departed HAFB for Camp Kilmer, NJ via rail for movement to USAREUR, per Movement Order ORDES-ADJ 370, Hq WSPG, NM, dated 18 Jan 55.
7 Mar: |
Arrived Camp Kilmer, NJ. Battalion relieved from assignment to Office
Chief of Ordnance, Washington, DC and assigned to First Army,
Personnel Center Camp Kilmer, NJ.
14 Mar: |
Departed Camp Kilmer by busses to NYPE and boarded MSTS
Transport Private Thomas.
24 Mar: |
Arrived Bremerhaven POE, APO 69, NY, NY.
25 Mar: |
Relieved from assignment to First Army and assigned to USAREUR with
duty station at Artillery Kaserne, Neckarsulm, Germany, APO 176,
NY, NY. Traveled by rail.
28 Mar: |
Relieved from assignment to USAREUR and assigned to Seventh
Army 57th Ordnance Group (Ammo), APO 227, NY, NY. Per
classified TWX.
Apr-May: |
Upon arrival at Neckarsulm it was learned that the storage site at Siegelsbach was in the final stages of construction, so equipment could not be unpacked for a few weeks until the contractors had left the site. Therefore training or technical operations could not be started. When we moved overseas we packed our equipment in CONEX Containers. We were the FIRST army unit to use CONEX Containers for an overseas move.
11 Apr: |
Company B (Security) reorganized under TO&E 19-177R, dated
11 April 1955. Auth Strength: 5 Off, 191 EM.
18 Apr: |
Battalion reorganized under TO&E 9-375-54 per GO 65, Hq
USAREUR, dated 18 Apr 55. Authorized strength: 15 Off, 7 WO,
275 EM.
22 Apr: |
TAGO DA notified by letter 12th Ord Bn that 10 April is “Battalion
Day” for the organization.
15-30 May: |
Siegelsbach site completed, unpacked and started to set up Tech
6 Jun: |
The battalion was ordered to move to D’Isly Kaserne, Pirmasens in accordance with Movement Order #2 Hq 57th Ordnance Group, dated 20 May 1955. It was decided that we would trade places with the 9th Ord Bn (SWS) at Pirmasens. The primary reason for this move was to get the depot on the west side of the Rhine River. (Earlier as the Cold War heated up it was decided that the Rhine would be the Main Line of Resistance (MLR), it was also noted that many supply depots were on the East side, so they were re-located/established west of the Rhine or in France). Since we could not go to France with Special Weapons, we went to Pirmasens. Also the Siegelsbach site was designed for a Special Weapons Support Battalion.
While in Pirmasens we shared barracks with the 59th Field Artillery
Battalion (280mm Atomic Cannon). Due to lack of barracks
space, part of Company B was billeted in Zweibrücken.
10 Jun: |
Battalion relieved from assignment to 57th Ord Gp (Ammo), Seventh
Army and assigned to Ordnance Officer, Hq USAREUR per Troop
Assignment Memo Nr 13, by order of General McAuliffe.
13 Jun: |
The battalion was able to initiate an effective training program for
Company A personnel for the first time since the preceding
15 Jun: |
Hq USAREUR issued mission directive for the 12th Ordnance
Battalion to operate an Army Special Weapons Depot for the
European Theatre. The battalion was granted authority by CinC USAREUR to issue Ordnance Special Weapons Supply Memoranda (QSWSMs) and Ordnance Special Weapons Technical Instructions (OSWSMs).
Jun-Dec: |
Continued technical training program at the Tech Area at D’Isley
Kaserne, Pirmasens. Company B (Scty) continued it’s training and
Performed it’s assigned security functions.
Work begun on the construction of our permanent storage site at
Massweiler, Germany. The Massweiler Site was a four level cave
system that originally had been a Korps Headquarters for the
German Army during WWII. Since 1945 the US Army Quartermaster Corps had been using it for storage. The site was completely re-furbished by the Corps of Engineers and Barracks, Motor-Pool, etc constructed.
1 Jul: |
Battalion reorganized under TO&E 9-375R per Hq USAREUR GO
120, dated 27 May 55. Auth Strength 15 Off, 7 WO, 270 EM.
19-22 Jul: |
Technical Proficiency Inspection conducted by an AFSWP Team.
Rating of Satisfactory attained. (Only rating of SAT or UNSAT
Aug-Dec: |
A rigorous training program in both technical and security areas
continued during this period. Personnel losses, mainly due to
expiration of terms of service, lessened unit efficiency.
18-19 Oct: |
Annual small arms qualifications conducted at the D’Isley Kaserne
firing range.
1 Dec: |
Hq & Hq Det and Company A TO&E’s augmented by Hq
USAREUR Table of Distribution TD 77-0012 dated 1 Dec 55.
Adding 1 Off, 1 WO and 28 EM as the 0012th Army Unit.
12-14 Dec: |
Annual (FY56) Inspector General (IG) Inspection conducted.
Satisfactory Rating attained. |
January – December 1956: |
Jan-Apr: |
The situation with respect to technically trained personnel
continued to deteriorate. Only two (2) trained officers, one (1) trained warrant officer and one (1) qualified EM were assigned
during the spring of 1956. A point was reached during April 1956
when only eight (8) school trained technicians were filling TO&E
positions. This reduced unit capability to approximately 35%,
leaving essentially cadre strength.
3 Feb: |
Table of Distribution TD 77-0012 further expanded to authorize a
Cryptographic Section within Hq & Hq Det.
10 May: |
Another intensive technical training cycle was initiated in an attempt
to bring the battalion up to an acceptable level of performance.
4 Jun: |
Lt Col Richard Walmer reassigned to CONUS for retirement from
the service.
5 Jun: |
Maj Chandler S. Redfield, OrdC, assumed command of
the battalion.
27-29 Jun |
A Technical Proficiency Inspection (TPI) was conducted by
USAREUR Ordnance. A rating of Satisfactory was attained.
Only Sat or UnSat rating given.
30 Jul-1 Aug: |
Annual (FY 57) Inspector General (IG) inspection conducted. The battalion received a raring of Excellent.
3 Aug: |
Maj Walter E. Mehlinger, OrdC, assigned, and assumed
command of the battalion.
6 Aug: |
The battalion was relieved from assignment to Hq USAREUR –
Ordnance Office and assigned to Advance Section, USAREUR
Communications Zone (ADSEC-COMZ), Verdun, France
APO 122, NY, NY.
20-22 Aug: |
A Technical Proficiency Inspection (TPI was conducted by AFSWP.
Some deficiencies, directly traceable to the heavy loss of qualified
Personnel, were noted. However, a rating of Satisfactory was
Attained. Only Sat or UnSat ratings given.
25 Sep: |
All positions authorized by Table of Distribution TD 77-0012 dated
1 Dec 1955 and amended 3 Feb 56, were added to respective
TO&E’s. TD 77-0012 disbanded effective 8 Oct 56.
1-3 Oct: |
Annual small arms qualifications conducted at the D’Isley Kaserne
firing range.
1-31 Dec: |
Moved from D’Isly Kaserne, Pirmasens to permanent site at
Massweiler, Germany. Dependent families relocated from housing
Area at Pirmasens to Zweibrücken. |
January – December 1957: |
Jan-Apr: |
Due to the move from Pirmasens to Massweiler little or no time
was available for technical training during the fall of 1956. An
intensive training program was initiated during Feb-April.
6-8 May: |
The battalion underwent a Technical Proficiency Inspection (TPI)
by USAREUR. A rating of Satisfactory was attained. Only Sat or
UnSat ratings given.
30 May: |
Maj Walter E. Mehlinger reassigned.
1 Jun: |
Maj Chandler S. Redfield, OrdC, assumed command of
the battalion.
1 Jul: |
The battalion (less operational control of the supply and stock
control functions) assigned to 71st Ordnance Group, APO 189,
Pirmasens, Germany per paragraph 2, Hq ADSEC-COMZ TM&AO
#21 dated 27 Jun 57.
16-19 Jul: |
The battalion underwent a Technical Proficiency Inspection (TPI)
by AFSWP. A rating of Satisfactory was attained. Only Sat or
UnSat ratings given.
6 Jul-10 Aug: |
Col Edward J. Soares assumed command of the battalion.
11-28 Aug: |
Maj Chandler S. Redfield, OrdC, assumed command of
the battalion.
29 Aug: |
Lt. Col Leonard J. Hempling, OrdC, assigned and assumed
command of the battalion.
2-4 Sep: |
Annual small arms qualifications conducted at the D’Isley Kaserne
firing range. |
January – December 1958: |
20 Feb: |
Further augmentation of TO&E by Hq USAREUR Table of
Distribution TD 77-0012 dated 28 Jan 58 and Hq USAREUR
GO 37 dated 20 Feb 58. Adding 3 Off, 5 WO and 160 EM.
Including an AWASP Det.
January – June 1959: |
24 Jun: |
12th Ordnance Battalion (Special Weapons Depot) in-activated at Massweiler, Germany per Hq USAREUR GO 158 dated 4 June 1959.
The 529th Ordnance Company and 564th Military Police Company activated at Massweiler per USAREUR GO 158.
Major Accomplishments: |
After moving into the Massweiler Site the battalion began to receive it’s depot stockpile from CONUS depots, and finally began it’s mission as the Theatre Special Weapons Depot for US Army Europe.
Prior to the arrival of the battalion in USAREUR there was no acceptable supply system for special weapons. Using units and support battalions requisitioned directly on Pueblo Ordnance Depot for special weapons equipment and supplies. This resulted in a loss of accountability with lost shipments and a lack of knowledge within the theatre as to what materials were on hand or on order. With the establishment of the Theatre Special Weapons Depot, the 12th Ordnance Battalion (SWD) became the stock control point for all Army special weapons within USAREUR.
During this period extensive planning and coordination was accomplished with Transportation, Military Police and other activities in the Northern and Western Area Commands to establish procedures for the movement of incoming Special Weapons from Rhein Main AB to the Massweiler Site and for re-supply shipments from Massweiler to the 9th, 10th and 15th SWS battalions.
During the period 1956-1959 the battalion provided special weapons depot support, including Calibration support, to Honest John and Corporal Missile units as well as 280mm and 8-inch Howitzer Artillery units through the 9th, 10th and 15th Ordnance Battalions (SWS).
Weapons supported were: |
MK 7 |
Warhead for Honest John & Corporal & Atomic
Demolition Munition (ADM).
T-4 |
Atomic Demolition Munition (ADM). |
MK 9 |
280mm Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile (AFAP). |
MK 19 |
280mm Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile (AFAP). |
MK 31 |
Warhead for Honest John, Nike Hercules & Atomic
Demolition Munition (ADM). |
MK 33 |
8-inch Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile (AFAP). |
(NOTE) |
Handling support was also provided to Redstone Ordnance companies in the handling of the W-39 Warhead. |
This unofficial and incomplete history of the 12th Ordnance Battalion (SWD) has been prepared by James A. Ogle who was a member of the Battalion from June 1953 to March 1958 and is based on personal records, records of unit historians obtained from the National Archives and his best recollections from that period.
Additional input/comments welcomed.
Prince George, Virginia 11 April, 2008. |
12th Ord Bn History |

1. Att A: DUI & Coat of Arms (136 KB)

2. Att B-1: Letter from CO 12th Ord Bn (108 KB)

3. Att B-2: Statement of Lineage (143 KB)
(Source: Email
from Ed Pruett, B Co, 12th Ord Bn) |
I was with Company
B, 12th Ord. Bn. from
Jan 1955 to Sep 1957. The 9th Ord Bn and 12th Ord Bn traded places
in about June 1955. The 12th went to Pirmasens and the 9th came to
Neckarsulm/Siegelsbach. The 9th Ord Bn was weapons and ordnance maintenance
and care. The 12th Ord Bn was a Special Weapons Detachment. When we
got to the cave at Massweiler, that is when our job really began.
We even had to check for radiation on people and on equipment. We
built warheads.
I have located about 280 of our guys who are alive and about 60 deceased
from the original 12th Ord Bn. I have guys who were with the unit
from the beginning in 1954 at Sandia to Holloman AFB, NM. Most of
those guys did not go to Germany because they did not have enough
time left for an overseas tour. I have continued to look for guys
who were with the unit through the end of 1959. I do have a couple
of guys who came into the unit in 1960 that wanted to hang with the
old guys. We have had two reunions and will have a third in May 2004
in Branson, MO. We hold the reunion for everyone in the unit. Hq Co.
A Co., and B Co.
I have a roster of guys. |
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Related Links:
12th Ordnance Battalion (Special Weapons Depot) - this website provides a place for all former members of the 12th Ordnance Battalion (Special Weapons Depot) (including family and friends) to provide information regarding their time in the unit, to contact other members, and to provide a history of the battalion. |