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For additions, corrections, or suggestions please contact the webmaster |
Maps |

1. Hindenburg
Kaserne, 1982

2. Bleidorn
Kaserne, 1982 |

3. Barton Barracks, 1982 |

4. Katterbach Kaserne, 1982
annotated copy |

5. McKee Barracks,

6. McKee Barracks, early 1980s

8. McKee Barracks, 1974

9. Storck Barracks, 1979 |

10. Storck Barracks, early 1980s |

11. Shipton Kaserne, 1990 |
Topographical map (Landesvermessungsamt Baden-Württemberg, L6926 / 1:50 000) of the Crailsheim area.
Topographical map of Ansbach and surrounding
area. Probably around the 1970s.
1. Hindenburg Kaserne
2. Barton Barracks
3. Bleidorn Kaserne
4. Bleidorn Family Housing
5. Ansbach Army Heliport
6. Bismarck Kaserne
7. Urlas Training Area
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format
of the same map.
Ansbach (KB)
Click on thumbnail
to view larger image |

Kaserne auf der Ludwigshöhe

B. Kaserne auf der Ludwigshöhe |

C. Bleidorn Kaserne

D. Bleidorn Kaserne |

Barton Barracks, May 1950s (John Provan) |

Barton Barracks, early 1950s (Neil Coy) |

Post Chapel, Barton Barracks, early 1950s (USAREUR Technical Schools, Big Picture) |

Aerial photo of Bleidorn Kaserne, 1950s

Main gate, Bleidorn Kaserne, late 1950s (Johnnie Moellering) |

Consolidated mess hall, Bleidorn, late 1950s (Johnnie Moellering) |

"Redlegs" Theater, Bleidorn, late 1950s (Johnnie Moellering) |

1. Bldg #5206, Bleidorn Kaserne, 1955 - see Gallery Page 1 for more photos from Jim Sandrin

2. View of motor pool area, 979th FA Bn, Bleidorn Kaserne, 1952-54

3. Another view of motor pool area, Bleidorn Kaserne, 1952

4. Looking across snow-covered quad to Bldg 5200, Bleidorn Kaserne, 1952

5. Sign at gate, Bleidorn Kaserne, 1953

6. Inside main gate, Bleidorn Kaserne, 1963

7. CS Pltn billets, 1964

8. CS Pltn motor pool, 1964

9. HQs Bldg, USAREUR Signal School

10. Reveille cannon, Signal School

11. 18th FA Gp Mess

12. Firing Btry barracks |

8in SPs of the 750th FA Bn at Bleidorn Ksn (Bob Blankenhorn) |

Change of command ceremony, 18th FA Gp (Bob Blankenhorn) |

Aerial photo of Hindenburg Kaserne, maybe 1960s (German Postcard) |

Aerial photo of Hindenburg Kaserne (Lenny Hass) |

Main gate of Hindenburg Kaserne, 1953 (Webmaster's collection) |

1. Hindenburg Ksn, 1993

Aerial photo of Ansbach Air Depot at Katterbach, 1946 |

Recent aerial view of Ansbach AHP (GOOGLE Maps)

Aerial photo of McKee Barracks, August 1991 (Stadtarchiv Crailsheim) |

The main gate at McKee Barracks, Jan 1978 (Barbara Spengler) |

Installation sign for McKee Barracks at the main gate, c. 1968 (Terry Stock)
Winter 1977/78, Mc Kee Barracks (Barbara Spengler)

1. McKee Barracks, around 1958

2. McKee Barracks, around 1960

3. Sign at entrance to McKee Bks, late 1980s

4. Quarry at Tiefenbach |

5. Quarry at Tiefenbach |

6. HQ Bldg, 2nd Bn, 42nd FA |

In front of Hq Building, 2/42nd FA at McKee Barracks, c. 1974 (Nifft Shea)
(Click here for more of Shea's great pics on Flickr) |

2/42nd FA mess hall at McKee Barracks (Nifft Shea) |

Two soldiers walk towards the Family Housing area (Nifft Shea) |

7. Motor pool in background |

8. Hendrix Theater |

9. Hendrix Theater, side view |

10. Sadowski Range |

11. Maintenance shop |

12. Crailsheim Reenlistment Office |

The 2/42nd FA motor pool at McKee Barracks, c. 1974 (Nifft Shea) |

Missile crew practices on a LANCE missile and LZL-Launcher (Nifft Shea) |

Hangar at Crailsheim airstrip, probably 1950s (Webmaster's collection)
(If you have photos and/or information on the US Army aircraft that
of Crailsheim, please contact the webmaster.) |

Nice aerial view of Storck Barracks and the Illesheim airfield (Andrea Wilkins) |

Another great aerial view of Storck Barracks and the Illesheim airfield (Andrea Wilkins) |

1. Illesheim Airfield, around 1960

2. Illesheim Airfield, around 2000

3. Illesheim Airfield, 1970
Click here to supersize

4. Storck Bks, 1968 |
USMCA Ansbach / 235th BSB (APO 09177) - Histories, Misc. Information |

US Army installations in and around Ansbach, 1990 (GOOGLE)
(Source: Email from Stafford Maheu)
Thanks for your excellent site and all that you do to preserve our Cold War experiences in Germany. I saw that you had posted a map entitled U.S. Military Installations in/around Ansbach - 1990 on 31 May, and were looking for other information. Your map is accurate with what I believe is one exception. I think that #8 and #9 should be swapped. The ADA Initial Ready Position (IRP) site was nearer to Shipton Kaserne than the ASP. (Webmaster note: the two mislabeled locations have now been corrected.)
I was stationed at Shipton from Nov 1987 to April 1991 and had arrived as part of a new PATRIOT battalion (6-43 ADA) which had been activated at Ft Bliss, TX to replace 2-57 ADA (Hawk) in Ansbach. The battalion Fire Direction Center was on Shipton with the rest of HHB and an organic DS Maintenance Company. There were three line batteries of which two were positioned on IRPs for 180 day periods. The third line battery was in a 90-day maintenance cycle. When the maintenance cycle completed it would replace the longer serving battery at an IRP. While in maintenance cycle the battery's eight PATRIOT missile launchers remained uploaded and were stored at the Central Missile Storage Area (CMSA). The CMSA for 6-43 ADA was at 49º 25' 55.02"N, 10º 24' 09.38"E. That's another minor facility for the Ansbach community. The battalion's second IRP was near the CMSA at 49º 26' 18.44"N, 10º 23' 56.37"E.
Both IRPs had been converted from Hawk configuration to support PATRIOT equipment. When I was stationed later in Germany (1999-2002); the PATRIOT battalion was still there (re-flagged as 6-52 ADA), but the missiles were gone. As such the CMSA, was being utilized by the Ansbach community as to store government housing furniture. The battalion has since departed Germany with the Shipton IRP recently becoming the new site of the Ansbach PX facilities.
Hope that this helps.
Ansbach is located in the northern part of Bavaria, approximately 117 miles southeast of Frankfurt and 26 miles southwest of Nuernberg. Community Commander for Ansbach was the Commanding General, 1st Armored Division.
In 1975, Ansbach Military Community consisted of installations in and around the city of Ansbach and the sub-communities of Illesheim and Crailsheim.
Geographic Locations identified as part of Ansbach MILCOM in USAREUR Reg 10-20, 14 Dec 1978 (1):
Ansbach |
installations: Hindenburg Kaserne; Barton Barracks; Bleidorn Kaserne |
Buettelberg |
radio relay facility - B Co, 11th AD Sig Bn (mid-1980s) |
Colmberg |
radio relay facility |
Crailsheim |
installation: McKee Barracks |
Endsee |
local training area |
Feuchtlach |
local training area |
Hesselberg |
radio relay facility - 141st Sig Bn (mid-1980s) |
Illesheim |
installation: Storck Barracks (& AAF) |
Katterbach |
installations: Bismarck Kaserne; Ansbach Army Heliport |
Langlau |
ammunition storage site |
Nanloch (sic) |
this is probably a typo; anybody know which remote site could have been meant? |
Click here for the Ansbach MILCOM section of the BICC list |
(1) The list of remote sites associated with Ansbach MILCOM in the 1978 Reg was incomplete. Some of the missings sites: URLAS local training area (also a tactical defense site of a HAWK air defense battery) and Oberdachstetten local training area. There were probably others. Additional information and details would be appreciated! Contact the webmaster.
On 1 October 1991, under the Community Command Plan, USMCA Ansbach was reorganized and redesignated as the 235th Base Support Battalion and attached to the concurrently activated 99th Area Support Group in Nuernberg. Crailsheim sub-community became an Area Support Team under the 235th BSB.
235th BSB AOR
Map on left shows the area of responsibility of the 235th BSB (formerly Ansbach Military Community) within the 99th Area Support Group, Nürnberg, 1993. |
Research Request |
Information is being compiled for a history of the U.S. Army installations in the Ansbach & Illesheim areas, 1945 to 1990s.
Help keep the memories alive! |
1. Historical information on installations and units
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for historical information on units and military activities including base support in the Ansbach & Illesheim area between 1945 and the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
2. Aerial & ground photos of kasernes & housing areas
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for period photos of the US Army installations (including dependent housing areas, schools, shopping centers, service (gas) stations & miscellaneous storage or maintenance facilities used by EES/AAFES, Quartermaster, Ordnance, Signal and Transportation units/activities) in and around Ansbach, Katterbach & Illesheim from 1945 to the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
3. Installation maps
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for facility/post engineer maps of the various installations, activities and housing areas in the Ansbach, Katterbach and Illesheim areas from 1945 to 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
4. Military Community map
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for a map that shows in detail the Ansbach military community boundaries for the period 1974-1990.
Contact: webmaster
5. Post Telephone Directory
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: The post telephone directory (any time frame) often provides great historical information on units and activities located on post, including building numbers. The table of contents of a typical post telephone directory can be found here.
Contact: webmaster |
OF Bleidorn Kaserne
Source: Ansbach Community Bridge (Ansbach MILCOM newspaper), October
6 1982 |
Kasernes have
long history
NOTE: In July, the Ansbach Community Bridge gave you a brief
view of the history of the kasernes in the Ansbach area. In the next
four issues we will look at the history of the kasernes in the Ansbach
Military Community. In this issue, we will see how Bleidorn evolved
from being a minor support kaserne for Rommel's 7th Panzer Division
into the modern Artillery kaserne it now is:
The Bleidorn Kaserne was completed in 1936. Situated on the south
ridge overlooking Ansbach, Bleidorn has one of the most scenic locations
in the area and provides a beautiful view of the city and up the valley
toward Wuerzburg.
The Kaserne was first occupied in October 1936, by the 17th Reconnaissance
Group, (Panzeraufklaerungsbataillon), an element of the 7th Panzer
Division, General Rommel's first major command. The group was organized
with four companies and consisted of approximately 500 personnel.
The Headquarters and Service Company consisted of the command elements
and support functions. Among those was the signal section which was
responsible for all communications. The 17th Panzeraufklaerungsbataillon
remained in Bleidorn until the beginning of the war in September 1939
when the Battalion was fully amalgamated with the 7th Panzer and left
Ansbach. At the beginning of the war, the first of a long series of
tube artillery units moved into the Kaserne. An artillery unit larger
than a battery, but smaller than a battalion with the designation
103 and armed with 75 mm guns occupied a portion of the Kaserne during
1941 and 1942. The 53rd Artillery Battalion was a unit similar to
today's Advanced Individual Training units. The cadre of the unit
consisted of wounded combat veterans who were no longer physically
fit for combat. New soldiers were trained on 100 mm guns and 150 mm
Howitzers. This unit remained until the end of the war in 1945.
After the end of the hostilities, the kaserne was largely used by
civilian agencies. In 1945 and 1946, it was a refugee repatriation
camp which dealt primarily with homeless Jews. It later processed
displaced persons from many of the eastern European countries. During
this period the buildings on the east side of the quadrangle were
used as displaced persons hospitals while the buildings on the west
side of the quadrangle were vacant.
The United States Army moved into Bleidorn in the end of 1949. The
first US unit to occupy the post was the 539th Signal
Construction Company with a German
Labor Service Signal Construction Company. Under the direction
of the 539th, the German Labor Service company underwent rapid expansion
and soon grew to battalion size. Its increased size and a new mission
made the Signal Construction units too big, and in 1951 they left
In the early 1950's, the headquarters of the 18th
Field Artillery Group moved into Bleidorn, and was accompanied
by one of the battalions of the group. The battalion was a 155 mm
Field Gun Battalion which was redesigned at the 70th Armored Field
Artillery Battalion in 1955, and remained until the early 1960's.
In the early 1960's, the Kaserne was the home of the 2d
Bn, 40th Artillery, a Corporal Missile Battalion. This
unit remained in the Kaserne until late 1963 when they were deactivated.
In late 1963, the billets were remodeled and in early 1964, a Sergeant
missile battalion moved in and remained until 1966. In mid-1966, the
2d Bn, 28th Artillery, a 175 mm Gun Battalion
stationed at Hindenburg Kaserne moved to Bleidorn and has remained
as the major tenant of the Kaserne to the present time. In addition
to the 28th Field Artillery several smaller units have occupied the
Kaserne since 1966. Other tenant units have included 501st Military
Police Company and elements of the 793d Military Police Company.
The kaserne has a long and distinguished history. In the next issue,
we'll look at Storck Barracks (Illesheim) and Oberdachstetten which
constituted a major German armaments production center and range facility.
(As far as I can determine, this article was never published.) |
OF THE Katterbach Kasernes
Source: Ansbach Community Bridge (Ansbach MILCOM newspaper), July
21 1982 |
Another kaserne
at Katterbach, was built in 1935. Katterbach was then (and still is)
a typical farmers' village, although it was annexed to the city of
Anbach in 1972.
In the fall of 1934, the German Government started buying real-estate
in the community to build an airfield for the German Air Force. Construction
started in 1935, south of Highway 14 and simultaneously the construction
of dependent housing area commenced in Obereichenbach. In 1938 the
whole project of the Katterbach airfield was completed and Bomber
Wing 53 moved in. They flew missions to Spain during the Civil War
and the Wing received the name "Legion Condor".
Headquarters of Bomber Wing 53 remained in Katterbach throughout the
whole war. During World War II, Bomber Wing 53 flew missions in Poland,
France, England, and Russia. The last mission was flown on January
5, 1945 to London.
After the war, units from the 1st US (Infantry)
Division moved into both north and south side of Katterbach,
but stayed there for less than a year. EES
(European Exchange System) moved in then and Katterbach South developed
into one of the biggest depots in Europe. The North Kaserne was utilized
by Labor Service until 1954, at which time a Bundeswehr Signal Battalion
moved in. EES depot Katterbach folded up in 1966 and gradually Army
Aviation units started utilizing some of the structures. In August
1968, the North Kaserne was vacated by the Bundeswehr and after rehabilitation
the 1st Battalion, 37th Armor was moved
from Hindenburg Kaserne, Ansbach to North Kaserne, Katterbach in 1969.
OF Hindenburg Kaserne
Source: Ansbach Community Bridge (Ansbach MILCOM newspaper), July
24 1986 |
in Ansbach are used to the historical buildings that line the
city streets, but few realize that the kaserne housing First
Armored Division Headquarters was first used as a military installation
more than 250 years ago.
Although none of the buildings on Hindenburg Kaserne date from
the original construction in 1722, many date back to the mid
1800s, including the division headquarters building.
Initially constructed in about 1850, the big brick structure
is now a Denkmal - a building on the German National Registered
List of Historical Sites.
Like most buildings exposed to the elements for more than 80
years, the headquarters building was weathering and the bricks
starting to crumble, according to Lt. Col. Raymond Powell, Director
of Engineering and Housing. Repairs were time consuming, but
the finished effort earned the U.S. Army an award from the City
of Ansbach for restoration and preservation of an historical
The award was presented July 3 in a ceremony at the Museum,
to Powell and Chief of Design Roger Alker.
Powell said the work mainly involved restoration of crumbled
sections of brick, cleaning and application of a sealant to
the exterior of the building to prevent further weathering.
The 10-month project was done by a German firm that specializes
in restoration of facades on historical structures.
Restoration of the stone and iron fence around the kaserne was
not part of the same project, Powell said, but the fence does
date from the same era as the building and complements the old
The building that now houses Army Community Service, Red Cross,
Housing Referral and 17th Finance was once officers' quarters.
Many of the long, one-story structures, such as those that house the Army Post Office and the Vehicle Inspection Station, were stables for the horses of the 17th Cavalry Regiment. The brick structure that now houses the JAG Office was once the Regimental Commander's Quarters.
The building is among the oldest on post, and is under consideration for inclusion on the list of historical sites, Powell said.
Powell said that all exterior work done in the city, including Hindenburg Kaseme, must be approved by the City Planner before the actual work begins.
More than a dozen Ansbach residences and businesses were honored at the ceremony for facade restoration work. Each representative received a photo-embelished certificate acknowledging their work, and a copy of a history of Ansbach from Lord Mayor Dr. Ernst-Guenther Zumach.
What is today known as Hindenburg Kaserne has a long and distinguished history stretching back to the time of Magrave Wilhelm Friedrich. Following are some of the key dates in the kaseme's history. |
1722 |
Wilhelm Friedrich began construction of a kaserne for an infantry
regiment. It was located at the present site of Hindenburg Kaserne. |
1724 |
Christine Charlotte completed the kaserne, including a chapel and
military cemetery. |
1842 |
Chevauleger Regiment moved in and built the necessary stables. (In
1806 Ansbach had become part of Bavaria). |
1863 |
Second Royal Bavarian Uhlan Regiment Koenig (King) was activated and
moved into the kaserne. |
1880 |
military cemetery was leveled. |
1901 |
old kaserne was torn down, and the chapel destroyed. |
1921 |
World War I, the Second and Third Squadron of Cavalry Regiment 17
moved into the rebuilt kaserne. |
1935 |
kaserne was named Hindenburg Kaserne. The cavalry was replaced by
the 53rd Artillery Regiment, a horse drawn howitzer unit. During World
War II the kaserne housed an infantry battalion. Immediately after
the war, the kaserne was used as a refugee camp for Lithuanians, Estonians
and Latvians as well as for a few Polish refugees. |
1951 |
sub-post Ansbach moved into Hindenburg Kaserne which had been vacated
by the refugees and partially refurbished. A Military Police Station,
dispensary and other facilities were established. It took several
years before the first unit, a Chaparral Missile Battalion, part of
the 18th Field Artillery with headquarters at Bleidorn, moved into
Hindenburg. In the middle 1960s the Artillery battalion moved out
to make room for 1-37th Armor, a first step in moving the 4th Armored
Division from Goeppingen to Ansbach. |
Late 1960s |
Armor moved to Katterbach's Bismarck Kaserne, where a Bundeswehr signal
battalion had been stationed, and after refurbishment of the post,
4th Armored Division, (later designated the 1st Armored Division),
moved into Hindenburg Kaserne in 1971. |
Source: Crailsheim ACS Welcome Packet, early 1980s |
McKee Barracks, located midway between Nürnberg (Nuremberg) and Stuttgart on Route 14, was named after Major John L. McKee, Jr. of the 901st Field Artillery Battalion. Major McKee was killed in 1945, while engaged in a spotter flight over Trebnitz, Germany.
McKee Barracks is located one mile east of Crailsheim, a junction point for highway and railway traffic crisscrossing central Germany.
During World War II, the area now known as McKee Barracks was an aviation and pilot training school for the Gernan Luftwaffe. A portion of this field was destroyed in the Allied bombing in March, 1945, and during the Four Day Battle in April, 1945 when elements of the 10th Arnored Division occupied Crailsheim. Two of the hangars are still standing at the rear of the post air strip.
American troops, after fierce fighting, occupied Crailsheim on 6 April, 1945, withdrew on 10 April and reoccupied the area on 20 April, 1945.
McKee Barracks, plus five four-story dependent buildings, were built in 1951. On December 15, 1952, the Recreation Center was first opened and in 1953, the remaining dependent quarters were completed. The gym was completed in 1954, followed by construction of the Tank Park Hardstand in 1957 and the washracks in 1958.
There are a total of 107 permanent and 19 temporary buildings. This includes space for approximately 2,000 troops and 309 families. Normal support facilities are available. |
Related Links:
Missile Battalion, 28th Artillery - an interesting webpage hosted
by the Lacrosse Battalion's Reunion Group. |