807th Tactical Control Squadron
US Air Force, Europe
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in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
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1957 (1 July - 31 December) |
1 July 1957 - 30 September 1957 |
Source: History of the 807th Tactical Control Squadron, 1 July 1957 - 30 September 1957, APO 65, USAF) |
United States Air Force in Europe
Twelfth Air Force
Tactical Control Wing, Provisional
807th Tactical Control Squadron |
Refer to HISTORICAL DATA, 807th Tactical Control Squadron, 1 April 1957 through 30 June 1957, by First Lieutenant Felix Dorough, USAF, Historical Officer, written under the provisions of RCS AU-D5. |
a. The name of the organization is "807th Tactical Control Squadron."
b. The 807th Tactical Control Squadron is located at Landstuhl Air Base, Germany, APO 65, USAF.
c. The Commander and Staff of the 807th Tactical Control Squadron are as follows:
(1) Lt Col Leo G. Clarke Jr., USAF, Commander
(2) Major Robert C. Morgan, USAF, Operations
(3) Major William B. Ryals, USAF, Communications and Electronics
(4) Lieutenant Roy N. Creasey, USAF, Administration
(5) Lieutenant Reed H. Hartsook, USAF, Materiel
(6) WO W-2 Peter P. Kryseski, USAF, Personnel
d. The mission of the 807th Tactical Control Squadron is outlined in Tactical Control Wing, Provisional Regulation 23-12, dated 3 April 1957.
See Appendix I |
No major changes occurred during this reporting period. |
There were no losses of Military Personnel by accident or illness during the reporting period. |
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Operationally speaking this has been another relatively quiet period in the Air Control Center. The daily routine
of performing the mission did not generate any great changes. The activity proceeded in a normal manner with the usual problems arising and being met and solved as the situation required. Personnel turnover was not as great as in the last period. Only six (6) airmen and one (1) NCO were rotated stateside. The assignment of eighteen (18) airmen and three (3) NCO's was most beneficial as these additional people made the difference between operating with shortages and having enough people to do the job. The new NCO's were particularly welcome. At the beginning of the period, the supervisory personnel situation was
1. Peter P. Kryseski, CWO, USAF, 807th TACONRON, APO 65, Subj: Hist Rgt, dtd 15 Oct 57, Personnel Officer.
2. Rober C. Morgan, Major, USAF,
807th TACONRON, APO 65, Subj: Hist Rgt, dtd 15 Oct 57, Operations Officer.
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rather desperate;
however, at the end of the period, the ACC was in a much improved position in these respects. The assistant NCOIC was detailed to the job of squadron training NCO making room for better utilization of newly promoted Technical Sergeant Donald R. Brister and the placing of newly promoted Staff Sergeant Charles R. Robillard as NCOIC of the UHF/DF (?) section. The crew manning of controllers took a big step forward as Captain Lewis W. Roberts and Lieutenant James A. Coleman were assigned in the early part of the period. Four Warrant Officers were assigned near the end of this period, they were WO-W1 Floyd M. Taylor, WO-W1 George J. Loisel, WO-W1 Lee R. Bush and WO-W1 Kenneth A. Day. These officers were assigned as AFSC 27300 and are being utilized as Air Surveillance Officers on the crews. A reorganization in the squadron has brought about some changes in the organization of the ACC. The Intelligence function has been pulled out of the Training Section and put directly under the Operations Officer which has resulted in a closer tie to the activities in the Air Control Center. The break-out of the Communications from Operations has enabled the Operations Officer to put more time and effort into supervision of the Air Control Center and the Operations planning for the squadron. With the assignment of the Warrant Officers it was possible to assign controllers to the Offensive Mission Section and develop more procedures and activities for that section. The biggest change in operations at the ACC took place on or about 1 September when a four crew shift was put
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into effect after several years of three crew shift operations. The need for four crews developed because of a requirement to conduct full operations from a half hour before sunrise to a half hour after sunset. This new shift operation resulted in increased duty hours for the men and longer period between breaks, but with a more careful scheduling of details and additional duties the total number of hours is approximately the same as the normal day worker's schedule. The mobile facility continued to be the home of the Air Control Center. The fixed installation was once again a hope of the future. During each reporting period in the past a predicition has been made that during the next period plans for the new Air Control Center were to be fulfilled but each time construction delays have developed. It can be reliably estimated that during the coming reporting period the Air Control Center will be operating from the new installation. It has been one year since we moved into the mobile facility, during that time the facility has been pretty well worn out and considerable rehabilitation will be necessary before it can be used again. The program for MDAP training was again on a reduced basis as only three Greek Controllers and three Norwegian Controllers were in training in July. Cross-training with some of the adjacent areas was also limited because of personnel commitments for exercises during this period. An Operational Readiness Inspection of the 36th Fighter Day Wing was held in August and the annual full SHAPE Exercise "Counter Punch" was the highlight of the reporting period. During this reporting
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period, there were two Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force Air Defense Panel meetings and two Tactical Control Wing Operational meetings at which Major Robert C. Morgan was in attendance.
Captain Dixon Nichols went to the Zeiss plant at Oberkochen with the Kindsbach Commandant to discuss the technical requirements for a new Direction Finding board to be installed in the new Control Center. Captains Francis Barnes and Eugene Freeman, Senior Controllers, spent five days at Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force Headquarters in Trier participating in a Control and Reporting System Conference to produce some standard procedures to be used within 4ATAF. The Squadron Commander, Operations Officer, Communications Officer and Chief Controller took a four day tour of all the radar sites in the Tactical Control System. The trip was expedited by the use of an H-21 helicopter which enabled landings to be made at each of the Tech sites and saved considerable time and travel effort in getting around the system to personally meet the operations people. In addition to the monthly Argus Air Defense Exercises and Mobility Readiness Drills involving two (2) of the radar sites a great deal of effort and time was spent in operations meetings at Headquarters, 12th Air Force and Headquarters, Tactical Control Wing, Provisional, discussing ways and means and planning realignment of the Tactical Control System. A decision in this matter was finally arrived at on 10 September 1957 and specific plans for implementation are being awaited. The visit of the Air Force Academy Cadets on tour was another high-light in the activities
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around the Air Control Center in August.
The third quarter of 1957 saw a continued program of training to improve the mobility and technical skill of personnel assigned to this section. This training was actually carried on quite extensively within the HF Sub-section giving personnel considerable experience under actual field conditions. From July through September nine field exercises were undertaken by the HF Sub-section with varying degrees of success. This program uncovered many deficiencies within this sub-section which are being worked out gradually.
From July through September 1957, there was a considerable turnover in personnel. One T/Sgt, AFSC 30472,
was assigned as NCOIC of the HF Maintenance Sub-section and the other 30472 was assigned as Assistant NCOIC of FM/VHF and NCO in charge of maintenance for this sub-section was relieved of duty for processing to the ZI. He was replaced by the Assistant NCOIC.
From July through September this section lost through rotation and transfer the following: One (1) T/Sgt, AFSC 29370, one (1) S/Sgt, AFSC 30452B, four (4) S/Sgts, AFSC 29350, six (6) 30452B's, one (1) 30452, one (1) 30430B, and one (1) 36152. Many of these
3. Byron C. Baxter, 1st Lt, USAF, Communications Historian, 807th TACONRON, APO 65, Subj: Hist Rgt, dtd 15 Oct 57.
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airmen rotated due to normal completion of tours. The present austerity program has caused early rotation of several well qualified airmen to the ZI for discharge. In some cases, early rotation has been up to nine months earlier than the normal rotation date and has caused some difficulties due to inexperienced three (3) level Radio Mechanics being assigned. An accelerated training program was initiated during September of this year to relieve this problem area. It has been progressing satisfactorily to date.
Considerable progress was made during the third quarter of 1957 to increase our capabilities from a communications standpoint. The new FM equipment authorized by our Squadron UAL was received and is now in operation. With the receipt of this equipment, action was started to turn in all AN/TRC-11 and -12 FM Radio Equipment. The new AN/FRC-35 FM equipment has proven satisfactory. The installation of the AN/GTA-6A equipment continued to progress toward a satisfactory conclusion. The connectors necessary to fabricate the special interconnecting cables necessary for this installation were received in August and the cable completed in September. It is anticipated that this equipment will be installed in the Air Control Center no later than December 1957. New test equipment has been received during the third quarter enhancing our capabilities to properly maintain the equipment in a more effective manner.
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During August several personnel from the 2nd Communications Group, USAFE, and Headquarters, 12th Air Force visited the HF Receiver Site. On 6 August 1957 Lieutenant Colonel Whitsitt, Major Wilkins, Hq USAFE and Captain B. S. Vernon, 2nd Communications Group visited "A" Site. On 13 August 1957 Lieutenant Colonel Cole, 2nd Communications Group and Major Ivey visited "A" Site. On 14 August 1957, Major General Disosway, Commander Twelfth Air Force, made an official visit to this facility.
Site improvements have received considerable attention during this quarter at the FM/UHF Sub-section.
Here again most of the work was handled by site personnel. This sub-section made considerable progress in "Operation No-Mud." Work on this project consisted of grading the roads, hauling red sand, ditching and construction of some culverts. Cinders were spread over all road areas and PSP is to be laid; the amount contingent on supplies available. All sites have safety precautions. All vans were removed from blocks in compliance with TACONWG Regulation 77-1 in keeping with the policy of mobility and fire prevention.
Problem areas continued to be a source of irritation within this section. To date there was little if any action taken by 2nd Communications Group to improve the interconnecting cable between the ACC and the communications sites. Due to the numerous slices and the wet weather encountered in this geographical location, this cable tends to leak causing remoting lines to short out. With the completion of the new ACC it appears that positive action should be initiated to eliminate this area of deficiency.
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Test Equipment shortages continue to be hindering maintenance of some of our equipment. This is slowly being worked out.
The receipt of applicable regulations and directives has improved slightly during the third quarter. Lack of proper OJT Package Program in the desired quantity continues
to hinder our OJT programs; however, they remain on back order. |
1 October 1957 - 31 December 1957 |
Source: History of the 807th Tactical Control Squadron, 1 October 1957 - 31 December 1957, APO 65, USAF) |
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In comparison with past periods the activities of the Operations Section were relatively slow. No major exercises or maneuvers were scheduled and the routine monthly exercise activities were reduced because of weather and economy measures being applied. The mission of the unit was accomplished without any notable problems arising that were not met and solved as the daily situation required. The Intelligence Sub-section was kept busy in the latter half of the reporting period assisting the Tactical Control Wing Intelligence Branch in completing a data study of East Zone air traffic. Previous to this activity the people in the Intelligence Sub-section had been hard pressed to keep busy because no specific mission had been spelled out for them. At the end of the period, some definite plans were being formulated which will establish some worth while activities directly related to the accomplishment of the
2. Rober C. Morgan, Major, USAF, 807th TACONRON, APO 65, Subj: Hist Rgt, dtd 15 Jan 58, Operations Officer.
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unit mission. The personnel force in the section was more stable than at any other time in recent years. No officers were rotated and only two airmen completed their tours and returned stateside. On the positive side of the personnel ledger Operations gained two officers, one Warrant Officer, three Non-commissioned Officers and four airmen. Second Lieutenant Michael P. Murray, USAF, was assigned to the Intelligence sub-section for duty. First Lieutenant Leonard B. England, USAF, was assigned to the Air Control Center for duty as a controller. His previous station was the Control and Reporting Center at Turkheim as a result he was a very valuable addition to the operations section. Warrant Officer W-1 George H. Hartzell, USAF, was also assigned to the Air Control Center as a controller. The supervisory personnel situation continued to improve with the assignment of one technical sergeant and two staff sergeants and with the promotion of three airmen to staff sergeant. Probably the greatest gain in the Air Control Center was the utilization of radio operators as direction finding operators in the Ultra High Frequency/Direction Finding Air Control Station. These sixteen airmen added to our normal authorization of radar operators enabled the section to be fully manned. The most noteworthy event was the fruition of long awaited plans to operate the Air Control Center from the permanent facilities that have been under construction for over a year. On 1 December the new Air Control Center went into operation and the mobile Air Control Center was closed down after almost fourteen months of continuous twenty-four
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hour operations. The fact
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1959 (1 January - 30 June) |
Source: History of the 501st Tactical Control Wing, 1 January 1959 - 30 June 1959, Ramstein Air Base, APO 12, US FORCES) |
United States Air Force in Europe
501st Tactical Control Wing
807th Tactical Control Squadron |
Operating Location #1, Birkenfeld, Germany
Operating Location #2, Berlin, Germany |
Supervise, operate, maintain and support assigned and/or attached units and/or facilities which provide air surveillance data gathering, processing and display and weapons commitment, control and recovery, as directory by the Commander, 501 Tactical Control Wing. |
Officers |
Airmen |
Civilians |
Total |
AN/GRC-27; AN/GTA-6A; AN/TRC-24; AN/TCC-3; AN/GRC-26D; AN/TCC-14 |
COMMAND: On 20 March 1959, USAFE ADVON assumed all operational and administrative control of the Air Control Center, which was redesignated the Central Europe Combat Operations Center. Authority: General Order 32, Hq USAFE, 11 May 1959.
ADMINISTRATION: During the period 5 through 15 January, an inspection of this unit was conducted by the Inspection Team from the 501 Tactical Control Wing. General overall results of this inspection were considered satisfactory to excellent. We were again inspected by a USAFE Inspection Team during the period 4 through 15 May. The results of this inspection were not reported direct to the units, though 501 Tac Con Wg received a list of irregularities and/or deficiencies for each unit. This unit was considered to be in an overall satisfactory condition. On 14 May 1959, T/Sgt Reginald G. Carter was reassigned from the 501 Tac Con Wg to assume the duties of Sergeant Major of this unit.
Site AD-333 net ceased operation on 20 February 59, and AD-334 net ceased operation in April. The DF Fixer net ceased operation on 22 June 59. At "B" Site AN/GRC-26 vans were installed as backup for AN/GRC-26A equipment for maintenance on BC-610 transmitters. AN/GRC-26D vans were moved to Bann Site, installed and remote operations became effective 20 May 59. All AN/GRC-26A equipment was removed from the Site and turned in to Supply. The VHF equipment was removed from "A" and "B" Sites and turned in to Supply on 26 June 59. "B" Site was thus combined with Bann Site, eliminating one Site.
approximately 16 January 59 Operating Location #2 began receiving individuals assigned from other units within the Wing. This unit was nearly 100% manned by the end of February. This increase in assigned personnel created additional workload within the squadron. However, this situation created no serious problems. On 6 March, Lt Col L. G. Clarke, Jr., Squadron Commander was promoted to the temporary grade of Colonel. On 20 March he was reassigned to Hq USAFE, APO 12. Lt Col Jack L. Pageler, 603d Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron was reassigned to this unit as Commander. On 1 May approximately 43 officers and 54 airmen were reassigned to this organization from Hq Sq Section, USAFE, for duty at the CECOC.
OPERATIONS: The Operations Section ceased to function within the squadron effective 31 March with its move to the CECOC whereby USAFE assumed operational and administrative control of the Air Control Center.
SUPPLY: This unit received $500,000.00 in equipment excess to the 619 Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron (sic) due to deactivation of that unit during this period. Approximately $450,000.00 of this equipment was turned in to Base Supply for transfer to other organization. Approximately $50,000.00 worth of equipment that became excess due to Mission Changes was turned in during this period. |
As directed by Letter, 501 Tactical Control Wing, 5 January 1959, subject: Establishment of Operating Location, this organization established and assumed responsibility for Operating Location #2 located at Tempelhof Air Base, Berlin, Germany. |
APO 633, New York, New York
(NUMBER: 32) |
11 May 1959 |
ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE APPOINTMENT OF THE DIRECTOR, UNITED STATES AIR FOCES IN EUROPE, CENTRAL EUROPE COMBAT OPERATIONS CENTER (USAFE CECOC). - 1. Announcement of the appointment of Colonel Edward S.E. Newbury, (AFSN removed), United States Air Forces, as Director, United States Air Forces in Europe Combat Operations Center (USAFE CECOC), effective 20 March 1959, is confirmed.
2. As Director, Colonel Newbury is responsible for the performance of the primary mission at the United States Air Forces in Europe, Central Europe Combat Operations Center and has operational and administrative control over personnel assigned to duty with this center.
General, USAF
Commander-in-Chief |
Colonel, USAF
Director of Administrative Services |
1959 (1 June - 31 December) |
Source: History of the 501st Tactical Control Wing, 1 June 1959 - 31 December 1959, Ramstein Air Base, APO 12, US FORCES) |
United States Air Force in Europe
17th Air Force
501st Tactical Control Wing
807th Tactical Control Squadron |
Operating Location #2
807 Tactical Control Squadron
APO 742, US Forces |
The mission of the Commander, 807 Tactical Control Squadron, is to supervise, operate, maintain and support assigned and/or attached units and/or facilities which provide air surveillance data gathering, processing and display and weapons commitment, control and recovery, as directory by the Commander, 501 Tactical Control Wing. |
Officers |
Airmen |
Civilians |
Total |
OA-1395/GRC (10); OA-1394/GRC (4); OA-1392/GRC (3); OA-1389/GRC (3); OA-1387/GRC (4);
OA-1676/GRC (1); OA-1398/GRC (3); GTA-6 (2); AN/GRC-26D (4)
ADMINISTRATION: Major Walter S. Reed, (AFSN removed), Comm-Elect Staff Officer, departed 18 Jul 59 for duty with European Radio Frequency Agency, London. On 3 Aug 59, Major William O. Maynor, (AFSN removed), assigned as Administrative Officer; subsequently reassigned and departed 23 Sep 59. During this period, 3-5 Aug 59, a 501 Tac Con Wg inspection was conducted in this organization. This resulted in an overall "excellent" rating. On 16 Nov 59, due to coming rotation of SSgt John D. Morrill, (AFSN removed), Unit Classified Clerk, SSgt William H. Loveland Jr., (AFSN removed), was assigned this section. TSgt Reginald C. Carter, (AFSN removed), NCOIC, Administrative Section, revamped the physical layout of the section, providing more expedicious flow of administrative functions.
PERSONNEL: The shortage of Personnel Specialists was finally alleviated
by assignment of one airman from the Zone of Interior on 15 Jul 59. The personnel section is now 100% manned for the first time in one year. No major problems existed in maintenance of records for those assigned to Operating Location #2. On 3 Aug 59, Lt Col Jack L. Pageler, relinquished command by being transferred to the Operations and Training Division in Hq, 501 Tac Con Wg. Lt Col Edwin L. Murrill was reassigned from the 616 ACW Sq to take over as Commander. No major changes have occurred in the Unit Manning Document during this period. On 15 Nov 59, the Central European Combat Operations Center, Hq, USAFE, was redesignated 17AF Combat Operations Center, which involved changing the records of all personnel assigned to that operation.
COMMUNICATIONS: During this period, Captain Alerd M. Hedvall, (AFSN removed), was promoted to Major. In September 1959, Major Hedvall, Communications Officer, was transferred to Hq, USAFE. On 1 Aug 59, Captain Norbert M. Ganska, (AFSN removed), was assigned to this section to take over duties of Communications Officer. CWO Round, OIC, "A" Site and Bann Site, CWO Scattini, OIC, ACC Communications and SSgt Bassford, NCOIC, Communications Office, rotated to the ZI. "A" Site and B" Site combined with Bann Site in the month of August. Commencing 9 Jul 59, considerable relocation and installation of equipment was carried out at Bann Site. On 28 Jul 59, "A" Site Operations, with all the receiving equipment and personnel was moved to Bann Site. MSgt Davisworth was relieved from his duties as NCOIC of Bann Site by TSgt Varvorines on 10 Sep 59. On 21 Sept 59, TSgt Nell superceded TSgt Varvorines as NCOIC of Bann Site, with the latter holding the position as Assistant NCOIC. In August 1959, 1st Lt Marcus E. Rinks, (AFSN removed), was made OIC of the Kindsbach Wire Section, 807 Tac Con Sq.
SUPPLY: During
the period 9 thru 26 August 1959, an equipment review was conducted by Hq, USAFE Equipment Review Board. At this time, all Unit Mission Equipment (UME) for the squadron was deleted from the UAL, due to change of authorization. The number of line items was reduced from 271 to 172. Reduction of UAL Dollar Value due to directed "turn-ins" was $555,041.00. At the same time, the UAL for the 501 Tac Con Wg was reduced from 136 line items to 119. The total Dollar Value of the 501st UAL Directed turn-ins was $3,079.00. Total reduction for both accounts was 116 line items with total value of $558,120.00. The Minx-Rafax Equipment was declared excess by Wing Material and Unit Supply was directed to pick up this project equipment and turn it in to Base Supply. This equipment consisted of 108 boxes of major components and 52 boxes of equipment spares, accessory kits, electronic tubes and miscellaneous parts. This was turned in to Supply as complete sets. Disposition of this equipment is being directed by Hq, USAFE through Base Supply. During the period 15 October - 1 November 1959, the Unit Supply moved its storage and operations from Warehouse Bldg 2126 to Squadron Bldg 2118. This move was necessary to provide Base Supply with badly needed warehouse space. This move, too, greatly reduced our storage space and precludes our storage of large items or a large quantity of smaller items. Approval granted by Hq, USAFE, 11 August 1959, to convert three each Radio Sets AN/TRC-32, SN5820-505-0459, from complete sets to component parts. Excess parts generated by this conversion were turned in to Base Supply. All vehicle authorizations were deleted from the UAL (UME Equipment) by Hq, USAFE UAL Review Team. There were 52 each vehicles on hand at this time. Of these vehicles, 12 each have been shipped within the Wing. 32 each are awaiting disposition instructions and 8 each are awaiting preparation of LTI's. Hardly any communications equipment remains on the UAL except thoise items required by OL-2, Bann Site and the Wire Section of 17AF COC.
OPERATING LOCATION #2: During this period,
air conditioning was installed and proved very beneficial. Ten days were required for installation and since it was installed by indigenous personnel, the operations had to be moved to another room. Track production varied according to the weather and Soviet/Satellite maneuvers. The week of 13-19 September 1959 was the highest when 1768 tracks consisting of 3224 aircraft were recorded. The track production dropped to the lowest point in December. Chaff drops were heavy. A total of 66 drops were observed, most of them during the last part of September and the first part of October. No drops were seen from 26 October to the end of the period. The maintenance of radar and communication equipment by AACS was excellent. Our teletype communication "off time" totaled 290 hours including 96 hours of scheduled maintenance, and 110 hours of line or unknown trouble. The balance was equipment trouble. Teletype equipment was "not" available for use only .0219% of the time. The main difficulty was out-dated equipment.
KEY PRSONNEL, 807th Tactical Control Squadron |
Grade |
Name |
Duty Title |
Lt Col |
E. L. Murrill |
Commander |
Capt. |
N. M. Ganska |
Communications |
Capt. |
N. M. Ganska |
C & E |
1st Lt |
C. T. Smith |
Admin |
CWO-2 |
P. T. Kryseski |
Personnel |
CWO-2 |
B. R. Rowe |
C&E Supply |
Capt. |
W. E. Hoff |
O.L. #1 Commander |
1960 (1 January - 30 June) |
Source: History of the 501st Tactical Control Wing, 1 January 1960 - 30 June 1960, Ramstein Air Base, APO 12, US FORCES) |
According to Headquarters, 501st TCW Special Orders Number WS-154, dated 28 March 1960, Lt Col Rhodes M. Elan was appointed Commander of the 807th Tactical Control Squadron, APO 12, US Forces, effective 4 April 1960.
Operating Location 1, 807 Tac Con Sq, located at Birkenfeld Air Station, was discontinued effective 1 February 1960. |
(Source: Letter from Headquarters, 501st Tactical Control Wing (USAFE), APO 12, US Forces, dated 20 April 1960) |
United States Air Force
20 Apr 60 |
SUBJECT: Mission of the 807th Tactical Control Squadron
TO: 807 Tac Con Sq
1. PURPOSE: This letter states the squadron mission, delineates command relationships, functions and responsibilities, and outlines logistic support concept for the 807th Tactical Control Squadron.
2. MISSION: The mission of the 807 Tac Con Sq is to:
a. Operate and maintain a Reporting Post (RP) for the purpose of extending the USAFE early warning capability.
b. Perform intelligence recording and reporting as directed by Director, 17 AF Combat Operations Center (COC).
c. Provide administrative and logistical support to assigned and attached personnel and units.
d. Install and/or operate and maintain certain communications and electronics equipment to support the 17 AF COC.
e. Perform such other functions as may be directed by the Commander, 501st Tactical Control Wing.
a. Command control is exercised by the Commander, 501 Tac Con Wg.
b. Operational control over the RP is exercised by CINCUSAFE through the Commander, 17 AF with execution by the Director, 17 AF COC.
c. Operational control of personnel assigned to duty in the COC is vested in the Director 17 AF COC.
d. In wartime, Commander, 4 ATAF will exercise operational control over the RP through the 4 ATAF Air Defense Operations Center (ADOC).
e. Commander, 807 Tac Con Sq will exercise command over assigned personnel and operating locations.
4. LOGISTIC SUPPORT: Logistic Support will be provided to the 807 Tac Con Sq in accordance with USAFE Support Plan 400-59, titled, Logistic Support of USAFE Elements Located in the Federal Republic of Germany, dated 12 January 1959.
5. FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: In performance of his mission the Commander, 807 Tac Con Sq will:
a. Provide, timely and accurate air surveillance data, intelligence recording and reporting from the RP to the 17 AF COC.
b. Install, and/or operate and maintain the following communications-electronics equipment for 17 AF COC:
(1) Point-to-point HF net control station.
(2) Air/Ground Communications.
(3) GTA-6 internal communications system.
c. Provide unit supply and administration, administration of military justice and personnel services as required to support assigned and attached personnel and units.
d. Develop and maintain unit plans which support the Emergency Defense Plan (EDP) and Combat Alert Plan (CAP).
e. Insure that key personnel acquire and retain a thorough understanding of all applicable operations plans in order that they will react immediately and correctly to declared emergencies.
f. Perform organizational and field maintennace on assigned communications-electronic equipment. (Ref. 501 Tac Con Wg Hand Book of Ground C & E Maintenance Organization Function Procedure).
g. Organize, train, equip and maintain operational readiness of assigned and/or attached units. Accomplish joint, unit and individual training as required.
h. Establish a squadron organizational structure to conform with AFR 20-15 and the Unit Manning Document.
i. Man the squadron according to the Unit Manning Document published by USAFE.
j. Equip the squadron with the equipment authorized in the Unit Allowance List, Programmed Communications Support Program and Equipment Component List.
6. The Commander 807 Tac Con Sq will as an additional duty serve as the Commander of Hq Squadron Section, 501 Tac Con Wg.
7. This letter is classified SECRET as it reveals a classified mission. Downgrading date cannot be determined at this time. (Webmaster note: this and related documents were unclassified in 1990)
s/ Carl C. Barthel
Colonel, USAF
1st Lt, USAF
Administrative Officer |