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For additions, corrections, or suggestions please contact the webmaster |
Maps |

1. Sheridan Kaserne, late 1970s

2. Reese Barracks, late 1970s
3. Flak Kaserne, late 1970s

4. Gablingen Kaserne, late 1970s

5. Quartermaster
Supply Center, late 1970s

6. Infantry Kaserne, 1950s
Topographical map of Augsburg and vicinity.
Map was compiled and published in November 1978 by the 585th Engineer
Company, 649th Engr Bn (Topo)(Army). Map was based on map series M735,
sheets L7530 & L7730.
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format
of the same map.
Click here
for a list of the installations. |
Augsburg Topo
(228 KB)
NOTE: I plan to post extracts from the "Troop Units" section of the telephone directories sometime in the near future - if I see that there is any interest. |
1. Augsburg Telephone Directory, 10 Nov 1949
NOTE: Click on thumbnail of newspaper to read the entire issue. |
Occupation Chronicle - Some of the issues published while in Germany |

1. Augsburg Post Times - June 19 1947 (PDF) |
Click on thumbnail
to view larger image |

Luftgaunachrichten Kaserne, Augsburg

Luftgaunachrichten Kaserne, Augsburg

Luftgaunachrichten Kaserne, Augsburg

Somme Kaserne, Augsburg |

Somme Kaserne, Augsburg |

Sign in front of Flak Kaserne, Augsburg (Dick Hanner) |

Bldg #207 (on the right), Flak Kaserne, Augsburg (Dick Hanner) |

US Army Hospital, Flak Kaserne, Augsburg, 1970s |

Gate 1, Flak Kaserne, 1962 (Mark Gehman) |

Movie theater (center) and chapel (right), Flak Kaserne, 1962 (Mark Gehman) |

Bldg #202 (center), Flak Kaserne, 1962 (Mark Gehman) |

1. Neusäßer Str.

2. Bldg #206 |

3. Bldg #203 |

4. Parking lot in front of Bldg #207 |

5. Track park

5. Bldg #207 in background

Aerial photo of Flak Kaserne, looking southwest, around 1982 (Glen Bergen) |

Main gate, Flak Kaserne, around 1982 (Glen Bergen) |

Another look at the main gate, from inside the kaserne (Glen Bergen) |

6. Flak Kaserne, 1982

7. Flak Kaserne, 1982 |

8. Bldg #210, 1982 |

Gate on Langemarck Strasse, Reese Kaserne, Augsburg (Jim Sewell) |

Reese Kaserne, Augsburg, 1997 (Max Lohrmann) |

1. Ready for maneuvers, Reese Bks, Sept 1958 |

2. Conducting retreat, Reese Bks, Sept 1958

3. Prior to guard mount, Reese Bks, 1958-60

Aerial view of Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg, 2007 |

Front Gate (Grasiger Weg), Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg (ASA, 3rd Ops, FS Augsburg) |

Front Gate (Grasiger Weg), Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg (ASA, 3rd Ops, FS Augsburg) |

Front Gate (Grasiger Weg), Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg (ASA, 3rd Ops, FS Augsburg) |

4. Ready for maneuvers, Reese Bks, Sept 1958 |

5. Conducting retreat, Reese Bks, Sept 1958

Aerial view of Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg, 2007 |

Front Gate (Grasiger Weg), Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg (ASA, 3rd Ops, FS Augsburg) |

1. Access road |

2. Construction gate

3. Gate shack with map

4. AGS sign on gate |

5. Army store near Sheridan

6. Aerial of Sheridan Ksn construction site |
Photo #6 and some detailed construction pics and maps are available on the Sheridan Park website (content is in German). Check out all three sections - "Wohnungsbau", "Gewerbe" and "Park und Infrastruktur". |

Bldg #175, EM Club, Sheridan Kaserne, mid-1970s (Jim Volstad) |

Bldg #118, Mess Hall, Sheridan Kaserne, mid-1970s (Jim Volstad) |

Bldg #112, Recreation Center, Sheridan Kaserne, mid-1970s (Jim Volstad) |

Bldg #125, Bowling Center, Sheridan Kaserne , mid-1970s (Jim Volstad) |

7. Back gate |

8. Parade ground

9. Bldg #157

10. Entrance to 2nd Ops Bn |

11. Entrance to 3rd Ops Bn

Augsburg Shopping Center was located in the QM Supply Center (Mark Gehman) |

Main gate, Infantry Kaserne, Augsburg, early 1950s (Max Lohrmann) |

Infantry Kaserne, early 1950s (Max Lohrmann) |

Infantry Kaserne, c. 1960 (Byrle Wentz) |

1. Motor pool area, Infantry Ksn, Augsburg, 1960-62 |

2. Co C, 508th MP Bn motor pool, Infantry Ksn, 1960-62

Main gate, Gablingen Kaserne, Augsburg, 1960 |

109th Inf Regt NCO Academy, 1950s |

1. Haunstetten Airfield (KB) |

2. Haunstetten (KB)

A. Jäger Kaserne, Füssen |

B. Jäger Kaserne, Füssen |

Barnette Barracks, Füssen, 1940s |

USAREUR Ordnance School, Füssen, 1950s (Germany postcard) |

USAREUR Ordnance School, Füssen, 1950s (Webmaster's collection) |

70th FA Bn, 1949

2. 70th FA Bn, 1949

3. 70th FA Bn, 1949 |

Location of Dillingen Kaserne, 1950s (German postcard) |

Dillingen Kaserne, 1954 (Webmaster's collection) |

A. Scharnhorst Kaserne, Kempten

B. Scharnhorst Kaserne, Kempten

Landsberg War Crimes Prison, 1950s (Webmaster's collection) |

Burg Kaserne, Sonthofen, 1960s (German postcard) |

Burg Kaserne, mid to late 1950s (Germany postcard) |

Burg Kaserne, serving as a replacement depot, early 1950s (Webmaster's collection) |
USMCA Augsburg/ 236th BSB (APO 09178) - Histories, Misc. Information |
Augsburg is located in the southern part of Bavaria, approximately 68 kilometers west of Munich. Community Commander for Ansbach was the Commander, VII Corps Artillery.
In 1975, Augsburg Military Community consisted of installations in and around the city of Augsburg with several remote sites.
Geographic Locations identified as part of Augsburg MILCOM in USAREUR Reg 10-20, 14 Dec 1978 (1):
Augsburg |
installations: Sheridan Kaserne; Quartermaster Kaserne, Reese Kaserne; Flak Kaserne |
Bonstetten |
radio relay facility |
Derching |
Gablingen |
installation: Gablingen Kaserne |
Haunstetten |
Landsberg |
local training area |
Lechfeld |
local training area |
Schwabstadl |
Click here for the Augsburg MILCOM section of the BICC list |
(1) The list of remote sites associated with Augsburg MILCOM in the 1978 Reg was incomplete. One of the known missings sites: Marxheim river training area. There were probably others. Additional information and details would be appreciated! Contact the webmaster.
On 1 October 1991, under the Community Command Plan, USMCA Augsburg was reorganized and redesignated as the 236th Base Support Battalion and attached to the concurrently activated 99th Area Support Group in Nuernberg. |
(Source: New Augsburg Scene, Feb 1992) |
Commander views Augsburg's future.
Col Alan Fox, Senior Tactical Commander, 236th BSB
As a result of significant changes in troop population levels, population centers, and reduced funds available for base operation support, USAREUR now has established 10 ASGs which will perform the primary functions and services that the 40 separate Military Communities performed before.
By the way, you will also have to learn a whole new set of acronyms ASGstands for Area Support Group. Each ASG has one or more subordinate units called Base Support Battalions, or BSBs. The BSBs are usually located in each of the former military communities and provide the direct services to the soldiers, civilians and family members of that community and any remote sites within the battalion's area of responsibility.
Augsburg is now serviced by the 236th BSB (Augsburg) which is part of the recently activated 99th ASG in Nuernberg. Other BSBs within the 99th ASG are located in Ansbach, Bamberg and Nuernberg.
Who's who in Augsburg?
The 236th BSB, commanded by Lt. Col. Stephen Daly, has realigned the community staff along traditional military staffing lines. For example, instead of a DPCA (Director of Personnel and Community Activities) we now have a S-1. Instead of DPTMS, we now have a BSB S-2/S-3. Instead of a DOL, we now have a S-4. DEH remains as DEH.
The 236th BSB has a total staff of 47 military and 492 civilian personnel, and has assumed responsibility for 14 remote sites.
Also of note to yours truly, there are no longer community commanders anywhere in Germany. Most of the officers still remain, they have however a new name and redefinition of their duties and responsibilites. I am now the Augsburg Senior Tactical Commander (STC). I have less to do with the routine, daily administration and functioning of the community than I did in the past. My primary duty of overseeing the quality of life, general well-being and operation of the communty remains clearly the first interest of the STC.
The BSB commander runs the staff and the community, but he does so with the interest of the command clearly in mind.
(Source: New Augsburg Scene, April 1992)
Commander welcomes remote site residents to the Augsburg community family
Col Alan Fox, Senior Tactical Commander, 236th BSB
You may not know it, but there are more than 4000 "Augsburgers" out there who do not live in Augsburg! These are the military service members, civilians and retirees who reside within the Greater Augsburg Base Support Battalion area in locations appropriately known as Remote Sites. Let me tell you a little about these folks and their homes as we welcome them into the Augsburg fold.

Remote Sites
The new USAREUR Community Command Plan resulted in 13 locations which are spread throughout Southern Bavaria being identified and assigned as Remote Sites of Augsburg. (On the left) you will find information showing the locations and population supported in each city. ... It is our clear intent, from me as the Senior Tactical Commander, to Lt.Col. Daly as the Base Support Battalion Commander, down to the staff and worker at every level to treat our Remote Sites as if they were located right here in Augsburg. |
Research Request |
Information is being compiled for a history of the U.S. Army installations in the Augsburg area, 1945 to 1990s.
Help keep the memories alive! |
1. Historical information on installations and units
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for historical information on units and military activities including base support in the Augsburg, Landsberg, Kaufbeuren, Kempten, Füssen & Sonthofen areas between 1945 and the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
2. Aerial & ground photos of kasernes & housing areas
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for period photos of the US Army installations (including dependent housing areas, schools, shopping centers, service (gas) stations & miscellaneous storage or maintenance facilities used by EES/AAFES, Quartermaster, Ordnance, Signal and Transportation units/activities) in and around Augsburg, Landsberg, Kaufbeuren, Kempten, Füssen & Sonthofen from 1945 to the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
3. Installation maps
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for facility/post engineer maps of the various installations, activities and housing areas in the Augsburg, Landsberg, Kaufbeuren, Kempten, Füssen & Sonthofen areas from 1945 to 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
4. Military Community map
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for a map that shows in detail the Augsburg military community boundaries for the period 1974-1990.
Contact: webmaster |

Map of Augsburg Military Post (Walter Elkins)
Augsburg Military Post (March 1947 - December 1952) |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Feb 19 1950) |
The Augsburg Military Community was established on May 4 1946 when the first two dependents arrived from the States - the wifes of the 9th Infantry Division CG and of the Division G-2. By Christmas of that year, about 200 dependents were living in the Augsburg community.
The Augsburg Military Post (AMP) was (provisionally) formed in December 1946 and placed under the command of Col Sevier R. Tupper. Brig Gen Clinton A. Pierce became the post commander in January 1947. In July 1947, AMP absorbed Kaufbeuren Military Post and added Füssen and Sonthofen as subposts in August 1949, in effect nearly doubling the size of the command.
Post staff activities were located in Arras Kaserne (Augsburg) and in other headquarters buildings located in the city of Augsburg.
In early 1948, occupation authorities (OMGUS) began shifting many governmental responsibilities to the Germans. This shift created the need for office space for German administration and plans were drawn up to consolidate post facilities in Augsburg (in accordance with a EUCOM policy directing that, where possible, real estate be returned to the German economy). The first draft of the consolidation plan was submitted to military authorities in the summer of 1948 and proposed a four-phase approach.
A preliminary phase called for the combining of the two kasernes, Arras and Somme (1), into a single installation which would be named Reese Barracks and serve as the headquarters for the Augsburg Military Post. Most post staff activities would be moved to this installation.
The "Red Phase" (Phase 1) was scheduled for the latter half of 1948 and the beginning of 1949. In this phase buildings already having heat and requiring little or no reconstruction work would be made ready for units (rehabilitated). During this phase, the 7815th Station Complement Unit (the AMP administrative unit), the 536th MP Company, 557th Ordnance MAM Company, the 7970 CIC Detachment and the 15th CID were moved to Reese.
The unit mess halls were consolidated into one central mess hall and the EES bakery and civilian personnel office were moved into buildings on post.
The "Blue Phase" (Phase 2) was completed on Jan 1 1950. (So, it probably ran from early 1949 to the end of the year.) During this phase, several motor pools, the library, EES laundry and dry cleaning plants, the chapel, BOQs, Public Information Office and TI&E sections, sports fields, (facility) engineer units and the fire department were moved into the kaserne area.
Heating units were installed in all buildings that didn't already have heating and could not be used without heat.
The "Yellow Phase" (Phase 3) overlapped the "Blue" phase. This phase was still ongoing as this article was written. In this period EES warehouses and cold storage plants were consolidated and the previously used buildings returned to the German econmoy. The Special Services warehouse and the Packing & Crating Section of the Engineers were also moved into Reese.
The "Green Phase" (Phase 4) was scheduled to be implemented in 1950 and be completed by the end of the year. At that time all possible military and service installations/activities of the Augsburg post were to have been consolidated within Reese Barracks. (Some activities would remain outside of the kaserne: The America House and the GYA center in downtown Augsburg and the Bavarian Cross Roads Special Services Club.)
It was estimated that the cost of the entire consolidation project would be repaid within two years through the savings to be realized in rent, manpower, fuel, utilities, maintenance and repair, trash disposal, motor transportation and the reduced requirements for industrial police and military police guards.
(1) Somme Kaserne had served as a DP camp in the years immediately following VE-Day. |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, July 8, 1951) |
Neu-Ulm Subpost
The new Neu-Ulm Subpost will be activated soon. The subpost's first commander will be Lt Col William H. Seitz, Jr. (former S-1 of the Augsburg Military Post).
Five kasernes in Ulm and Neu Ulm will be renovated. They are:
 Hindenburg Kaserne, Ulm
 Flandern Kaserne, Ulm
 Boelcke Kaserne, Ulm
 Reinhard Kaserne, Neu-Ulm
 Ludendorff Kaserne, Neu-Ulm
All of the above properties (with the exception of Boelcke Kaserne) were used previously by IRO and are now under US Army control. Boelcke previously housed German industry. |
(Source: Email from John R. Penz, USAF) |
I was a US dependent in Germany from Nov 1946-May 1951. I was about to be drafted but had the choice of Army enlistment for 3 years or Air Force for 4 years. Basic Training for both was at Sonthofen (each separately of course). I had several friends that enlisted in the Army and took their BMT at Sonthofen as well. I have thus far been unable to find any Documentation on Sonthofen being utilized as a Basic Military Training site. |
BMT Certificate
I enlisted at Camp Lindsey, Wiesbaden, 28 May, 1951. AF 10610709. Serial numbers starting with 10 were for outside ZI (CONUS). Our barracks rooms were 4-man, wood parquet floors, built-in wall lockers inside and outside of room, no KP.
I was in the first class and we had to build our rifle range etc from scratch. We needed 30 to start the class, I was # 6. Finally made the quota with the arrival of a group from Britain. We mustered 33 on 1 July for official start.
We had to be bussed to Fuerstenfeldbruck for Clothing issue and our full field equipment was a web belt and canteen.
Basic was 4 weeks, and then had base of choice after that. Not much in the way of pics, was too busy having fun.
Matter of note; both groups consisted of US dependents, former servicemen, American citizens travelling abroad, and many, many US born kids whose parents returned to their native country prior to WWII. At the time they had until 21st birthday to choose their retain their US Citizenship. Might say we were multi-cultural.
(Source: Hanno Englaender, Germany) |
The former airfield of the local Messerschmitt works in Haunstetten ( ) was used by the US Army until it was abandoned in the 1960's in favor of Gablingen Airfield located north of the city of Augsburg. |
(Source: Photo - Author's private collection; Information: European Medical Support Archives, USAREUR Military History Office website) |

Entrance to the 115th Station Hospital, December 1945
The 115th Sta Hosp originally operated a 750-bed station hospital in England until the end of the war in Europe. In May 1945, the personnel and equipment were moved to the European Continent and subsequently (August) moved to Augsburg with orders to set up a 750-bed station hospital as part of the Occupation Army.
The 115th took over the General Kneussl Kaserne (a.k.a. Neue Infanteriekaserne - later to become part of Sheridan Kaserne), a former Wehrmacht kaserne (constructed in 1936) that had been used by Seventh US Army as its headquarters immediately after V-E Day. The 15-acre, 14-building installation had to be repaired and converted to a hospital plant before the 115th could receive its first patients (November 1945).
The hospital downsized quickly as troops redeployed to the States in the months following V-E Day. Eventually it operated as a 150-bed station hospital.
By mid-1947 (date of the report) the facilities of the hospital had been consolidated so it could operate with a minimum of personnel. Treatment of patients was confined to two of the buildings which housed all wards, clinics, and out-patient services. All the messes (enlisted personnel; patients; officers and nurses; civilian personnel) had been moved into one building. Quarters for all Medical Department personnel were located within the kaserne with the exception of those for male officers who occupied requisitioned quarters near the hospital. |
Related Links:
Field Station Augsburg - Arne Mahlum's wonderful and comprehensive website dedicated to the veterans of ASA and INSCOM stationed in Augsburg. And there's much more on other units located in Augsburg from 1945 to closure in 1998. You have to check this one out! Broken Link!
US Army in Augsburg - a web site created for patch collectors and people interested in the now-closed Augsburg Military Community. Broken Link! |
Amerika in Augsburg e.V. - A German association dedicated to keeping alive the memories and the history of the US Armed Forces presence in Augsburg between 1945 and 1998 when the last troops left the city. The content is primarily in German but some of the members of the association speak english. The site contains information and photos of each of the installations and the dependent housing areas located in Augsburg. |