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For additions, corrections, or suggestions please contact the webmaster |
Installation Maps - late 1970s |

1. Rose Barracks, 1970s

2. Minick Kaserne, 1970s

3. George C. Marshall Kaserne, 1970s

4. Bad Kreuznach Army Hospital, 1970s |

5. De
La Marne Kaserne, 1970s

6. Bad Kreuznach
Army Airfield, 1970s

7. Rose Barracks

8. Anderson Barracks |

9. QM and R&U Area |

10. Marne Kaserne |
Topographical maps of Bad Kreuznach and
surrounding area. These maps are reproduced from the "U.S. Military
Installation Atlas" published by the 37th Transportation Group
in 1980.
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format
of the same map.
Click here
for a list of the installations. |
Bad Kreuznach
Topographical map of Bad Kreuznach. This map was provided by Rodrigo Gebhard, Germany.
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format of the same map.
List of Installation:
1. Marshall Kaserne
2. Bad Kreuznach AAF
3. Minick Kaserne
4. Rose Barracks
5. Housing Area
6. Hospital Kaserne
7. Rheingrafenstein LTA
Bad Kreuznach (KB)
After the last units had left the community, a stone memorial was erected by the City of Bad Kreuznach to commemorate the friendships developed over the past 50 years between the US Army and the local German populace. (Image submitted by Rodrigo Gebhard, Germany) |
Click on thumbnail
to view larger image |

A. Des Gouttes Kaserne |

B. Hindenburg Kaserne |

C. Hindenburg Kaserne |

Hospital Kaserne, Bad Kreuznach, possibly late 1950s (Walter Elkins) |

Aerial photo of Hospital Kaserne, Bad Kreuznach (Bernd K. Holderbaum) |

Hospital Kaserne, Bad Kreuznach |

1. Former BK Hospital, 2005 |

2. Main gate, BK Hospital, 2005 |

3. BK Hospital, 2005 |

4. BK Hospital, 2005 |

5. Main entrance, BK Hospital, 2005 |

6. Barracks, BK Hospital, 2005 |

7. BOQ (?), 2005 |

Bad Kreuznach Army Hospital, 1952 (Webmaster's collection) |

Retreat at the 20th Station Hospital (Webmaster's collection) |

Parking lot, Bad Kreuznach Army Hospital (Webmaster's collection) |

8. Catching the shuttle bus |

9. Hospital parking lot |

10. Hospital MP |

11. West wing |

8th Infantry Division Headquarters, Rose Barracks, 1959 |

8th Infantry Division Headquarters, Rose Barracks, 1967 |

1. Main gate, 2006 |

2. Barracks bldg, 2006 |

3. Former NCO Club |

4. Post chapel |

5. Warehouse |

6. Warehouses |

7. Barracks |

8. QM Laundry? |

9. Barracks |

10. Motor pool |

11. Gas station |

12. Tracks to railhead |

Installation Map with Sat view |

13. Main gate |

14. Main gate |

15. Main gate |

16. Main gate |

17. Bldg 5300 |

18. Bldg 5300 |

19. Bldg 5300 |

20. Bldg 5300 |

21. Bldg 5300 |

22. Bldg 5301 |

23. Bldg 5301 |

24. Bldg 5301 |

25. Bldg 5302 |

26. Bldg 5302 |

27. Bldg 5303 |

28. Bldg 5303 |

Rose Barracks, c. 1958 |

20th Transportation Battalion motor pool, Rose Barracks, 1960 |

Leonard Yniguez, A Co, 20th Trans Bn, walks past the entrance to the Snack Bar, 1961 |

Rose Barracks dispensary, mid-1960s (Walter Saka)

29. Bldg 5303 |

30. Bldg 5304 |

31. Bldg 5304 |

32. Bldg 5304 |

33. Bldg 5304 |

34. Bldgs 5304, 5306 & 5328 |

35. Bldg 5305 |

36. Bldg 5305 |

37. Bldgs 5305 & 5306 |

38. Bldg 5306 |

39. Clock tower |

40. Bldg 5309 |

41. Bldg 5309 |

42. Bldg 5309 & Rose Theater |

43. Rose Theater |

44. Rose Theater & motor pool |

45. |

46. Bldg 5325 |

47. Bldg 5325 |

48. |

49. Motor pool |

50. Motor pool |

51. Motor pool |

52. Motor pool |

53. Motor pool |

54. Bldg 5339 |

55. Bldg 5348 |

56. Motor pool across Alzeyerstrasse |

57. NCO Club |

58. NCO Club |

Main gate, Rose Barracks, 1971 (Mac Bentley) |

HHC, 8th Infantry Division sign in front of barracks (Mac Bentley) |

Partial view of the post from the HHC barracks (Mac Bentley) |

The 'Flaming Arrow' mess hall on Rose Barracks (Mac Bentley) |

59. Bldg 5331

60. Bldg 5331 |

61. Bldg 5331

62. Perimeter road |

63. Bldg 5332 |

64. Bldg 5332

65. Bldg 5333, mess hall

66. Bldg 5333 |

67. Bldg 5333 |

68. Bldg 5334

69. Bldg 5334

70. Bldg 5335 |

71. Bldg 5325 |
Des Gouttes Ksn
Minick Bks |

8th S & T Battalion at Bad Kreutznach, 1964-66 (Walter Saka, YouTube video) |

1. Main Gate, 1961 |

2. Inside Des Gouttes Kaserne, "A" Battery personnel enjoying a Saturday in the Summer of 1961 |

3. Looking north from the main gate, AutoHaus Walter von Hoff
4. Mess Hall (left side of bldg) and EES facilities |

5. 580th Engineer Company barracks |

6. MP (and others) barracks in bldg on left |

7. Retreat Ceremony

Bad Kreuznach QM and R&U Area, 1953 (Webmaster's collection)
(If you have additional maps, photos or information on the QM and R&U Area from the 1950s, I would
like to hear from you! Falls Sie ein deutscher Angestellter waren, können Sie auch gerne auf deutsch schreiben.) |

1. Family Housing, 2005 |

2. Family Housing, 2005 |

3. Family Housing, 2005 |

4. Family Housing, 2005 |

5. Family Housing, 2005 |

6. Family Housing, 2005 |

7. Family Housing, 2005 |

8. Family Housing, 2005 |

9. Family Housing, 2005 |

Family Housing map, 1980s
Index of facilities |

Satellite View, BK Housing |

10. Former Rheingrafenstein Storage Area, 2005 |

11. Former Rheingrafenstein Storage Area, 2005 |

12. Former Rheingrafenstein Storage Area, 2005 |

13. Former Rheingrafenstein Storage Area, 2005 |

14. Former Rheingrafenstein Storage Area, 2005 |

15. Location of Storage Area, 1957

16. RTO, 2006 |

17. RTO, 2006 |

Marne Kaserne at Bingen, 1953 (Webmaster's Collection)
(If you have additional maps, photos or information on De La Marne Kaserne from the 1950s, I would
like to hear from you! Falls Sie ein deutscher Angestellter waren oder bei der Labor Service gedient
haben, können
Sie auch gerne auf deutsch schreiben.) |

De La Marne Kaserne at Bingen, mid-1950s |

1. Bingen aerial (KB) |

Oppenheim Cantonment (Anderson Barracks), Dexheim, 1953 |

Anderson Barracks, Dexheim, c. 1954 |

Anderson Barracks, Dexheim (Mike Smith) |

1. Anderson Barracks, 1960 |

2. View from IFC guard shack |

3. B 1-5 barracks, USO Club and gym |

4. Pay Meyers |

5. Post gym |

6. PX and Snack Bar, middle |

7. Gooch next to car made of plywood |

8. Mess Hall |

9. Ron Meyer |

10. Barracks buildings |

11. B 1-5 deuce-and-a-half |

12. 12th Engr Bn HQ bldg

13. USO Club
USMCA Bad Kreuznach (APO 09111) - Garrison History & Operations |
Area of Responsibility of the Bad Kreuznach Military Community, 1970s-80s
Bad Kreuznach merges into 53rd ASG, October 1992
Research Request |
Information is being compiled for a history of the U.S. Army installations in the Bad Kreuznach & Dexheim area, 1945 to 1990s.
Help keep the memories alive! |
1. Historical information on installations and units
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for historical information on units and military activities including base support in the Bad Kreuznach, Dexheim and Bingen areas between 1945 and the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
2. Aerial & ground photos of kasernes & housing areas
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for period photos of the US Army installations (including dependent housing areas, schools, shopping centers, service (gas) stations & miscellaneous storage or maintenance facilities used by EES/AAFES, Quartermaster, Ordnance, Signal and Transportation units/activities) in and around Bad Kreuznach, Dexheim & Bingen from 1945 to the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
3. Installation maps
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for facility/post engineer maps of the various installations, activities and housing areas in the Bad Kreuznach, Dexheim & Bingen area from 1945 to 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
4. Military Community map
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for a map that shows in detail the Bad Kreuznach military community boundaries for the period 1974-1990.
Contact: webmaster |

View of the southeast side of the Kurhaus Hotel, early 1950s after having
been derequisitioned by the US Army

Bad Kreuznach, 1950s - Kurhaus Hotel and Annex with the Kur Park (bottom left);
the Bad Kreuznach
Army Hospital can be seen in the distance |
(Source: 1952 Command Report, Western Area Command) |
The Kurhaus Hotel in Bad Kreuznach, with its annex, was the hub of the Bad Kreuznach District's activities in the early 1950s.
Headquarters offices were located in the Annex. The main building of the Kurhaus housed the American Officers' and Civilians' Club, with Class "B" Mess, Bachelor Officer Quarters, and billets for transients.
The basement of this building accommodated the District's Kindergarten and Class VI store.
While the large hotel was occupied for the most part by the US Forces for their facilities, the top floor of the building was reserved for use by the German owner.
Source: 410th Base Support Battalion files (former Bad Kreuznach
MILCOM), 1992
November 1937 |
City of Bad Kreuznach officially becomes a garrison of the German
Wehrmacht. The German soldiers are housed in emergency quarters pending
the construction of suitable billets. |
October 1938 |
of kaserne/billets is completed and named Hindenburg Kaserne. |
1945 |
Kaserne is evacuated by the German Wehrmacht soldiers. Between 16-18
March, US forces take and occupy Bad Kreuznach. They move into Hindenburg
Kaserne. |
- July, 1945 |
forces are stationed in Hindenburg Kaserne and perform occupation
duties. |
July, 1945 |
Kreuznach becomes part of the French Occupation Zone in Germany. The
French Army moves into Hindenburg Kaserne recently vacated by the
US troops and renames the installation Marshal Foch Caserne. |
1951 |
US 2nd Armored Division takes over the kaserne and renames it Maurice
Rose Kaserne, in honor of MGen Maurice Rose, a hero of WWII. |
1957 |
2nd Armd Div is replaced by the 8th Infantry Division under the "Gyroscope"
program. |
January 1992 |
8th Inf Div (Mech) is inactivated as part of the US drawdown in Europe.
The division is then redesignated as the 1st Armored Division which
had previously been located in Ansbach in Bavaria. |
World War I (1914-1918), French troops occupy Bad Kreuznach and the
area left of the Rhine River. They stay in Bad Kreuznach until 1930
and build the town's first barracks, Des Gouttes Caserne. |
1968 |
Gouttes Kaserne is renamed John W. Minick Kaserne. Minick was
killed in action in November 1944. |
1929 |
building complex on Franziska-Puricelli-Strasse is ereceted as a catholic
home for children. |
original structures including the chapel are taken over by the German
Wehrmacht at the outset of World War II as a military hospital. |
1945 |
the 4th Armored Division and the 1303rd Engineer Battalion of Gen
Patton's Third US Army occupy Bad Kreuznach between 16-18 March 1945,
US Army medical troops take over the installation as a field hospital.
American as well as German wounded soldiers are hospitalized there
and treated. |
1945 |
field hospital is turned over to medical authorities of the French
Army. |
1951 |
hospital reverts back to the US military as the 2nd Armored Division
assumes responsibility for the Bad Kreuznach area. The installation
is now called the 14th Field Hospital. |
1951 |
Army constructs additional buildings in Hospital Kaserne. |
1951-52 |
kaserne was constructed with DM funds to be able to supply and support
all units located in the Bad Kreuznach Military Sub-Post. For some
20 years it did not have a name but was referred to as "Sub-Post"
or "R&U and QM Area." |
mid-1970s |
facility was renamed Marshall Kaserne in honor of general and statesman
George C. Marshall (1880-1959). |
1951 |
of the kaserne was begun. The facility was completed in 1953. |
May 1953 |
facility was named after Technical Sergeant Fourth Class Ameth Anderson,
a WWII hero. |
1953-54 |
Barracks is home of the 17th Armored Engineer Bn (2nd Armd Div). |
1954-91 |
Barracks is home of the 12th Engr Bn (8th Inf Div). |
Service Station next to Dependent Housing in Bad Kreuznach, 1954 |
(Source: Installation Management Command, Europe Region website) |
Short History of Dexheim Anderson Baracks
- Anderson Barracks, Dexheim was established in 1951.
- Missile Station (Nike Site) was built 2 years later.
- During the following years several Facilities were added.
- In 1953 the 17th Engineer Battalion moved to Dexheim.
- In 1957 the 17th Engineer Battalion was replaced by the 12th Engineer Battalion.
- The 123rd Maintenance Battalion came after the 12th Engineer Battalion.
- In 1983 the Dexheim Missile Site was deactivated.
- This Facility was later used as a Storage area.
- During the same year, 1983, the Health Clinic was built.
- In 1984/85 the Patriot Site (up on Hill) changed it's function. New Troop Billets, HQ Building and Motor pool with workshops was built.
- Between the years 1987/89 the Elementary School has been upgraded and enlarged.
- During the same years the townhouses, Building No 6400 to 6417 were constructed.
- During 1988 to 1990 the new Commissary was built.
Related Links:
6912th Radio Squadron, Mobile (USAF), Bingen (1955 - 1958?) - Broken Link
8th Infantry Division - Broken Link |
Rodrigo Gebhard personal website - Rodrigo is a frequent contributor to the usarmygermany website. He is a resident of Bad Kreuznach and veteran of the German Air Force. His website includes a lot of great photos of all the former US Army installations in BK as well as some interesting pages on NATO air defense radar and command and control sites in southern Germany. |
8th Infantry Division Veterans - Steven J. Dong and Jimmy Cohea are the moderators of this Facebook Page for former members of the Pathfinder Division and their families. |