Film Project:
"75th Anniversary of the USO"
(Email from John Provan, author of several US military history books)
The 75th anniversary of the USO (United Services Organization) is coming upon us (February 2016). A topic for which I am working on a documentary for American Television and am seeking the help of the readers.
Almost every city in the United States had a USA facility during World War Two and many soldiers and family members recall to this day the famous "USO Camp Shows," held almost everywhere around the World.
Over the past two years I have been filming Veterans of all wars, gathering their comments about the USO. Unfortunately, the USO lost most of it's
records in a flood many years ago, which is why I, as a historian living in Germany, and my father (a retured Vietnam war veteran) have decided to undertake this project.
Do any readers of this website have memories of the USO, that they would be willing to share?
We are looking not only for stories and photos, but also any home-made 8mm or Super 8 films one may have taken of a USO facility, a trip or Camp Show, that might be extremely interesting and helpful for this documentary.
Contact information:
John Provan III
Kelkheimer Str. 29a
65779 Kelkheim
Tel.: 011-49-6195-61350