3rd Bn, 8th Cavalry - 8th Inf Div
Paul Cleary)
Coleman Barracks, Sandhofen and Sullivan Barracks, Mannheim.
This is somewhat of a mystery picture. I don't remember that type of building on Coleman. (Webmaster note: 2nd Bn, 87th Inf was stationed at Sullivan Bks, Mannheim in 1965.)
Source: Gert Scheuermann, Germany - This was definitely in Sullivan Bks. and/or Benjamin-Franklin-Village. The 2 buildings in the background are on Columbus Street, which had the only residential buildings in Mannheim with 4 floors (our packers always cursed when they had moves in Appartments G and H).
The building in the foreground (No. 735) would also somehow correspond with the numbers at BFV.
Also, currently many of the residential buildings in Heidelberg's Mark-Twain-Village are torn down, as the large lawn-space in between does not produce revenue. The area between the main train station and the former PX has already been torn down. The back part of Patton Barracks (ex Motor-Pool) will soon host a new sport arena. |
This picture was taken in front of D Trp orderly room. The H-13 is a static display which was decorated for Christmas and New Year. The three members of D troop are from left to right: spec Gregory, spec John Heaton and spec Wayne Luce. The building set back is possibly B or C troop orderly room, I think Hdq troop orderly room was over by the mess hall. I think directly across from D toop orderly room was an S and T unit. |