631st Tactical Control Flight
Paul Costinett)
The individual sitting with his hand to his face is me, smoking a cigarette when I should be paying attention to the scenario. Stretched out and overlooking the hill is SSgt Corby Wilhoit, who was a super mechanic and QA guy. The truck to the right is a camo'd M-49. The yellow rope is the perimeter of the deployed fuels area. We are probably involved in an assault or intruder scenario. Taken at Kaltenbuch. |
The SSgt standing, I can't recall. Except that he was as SATCOM guy. The guy seated is Mike Ulrich, probably a Sgt in this shot.
I hung out with him a good bit while at the unit. I know he got out in Germany. |
Louis Brown and Gary M. Oda. Taken inside the AGE shop. Both great guys.