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Aviation Battalion
V Corps
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
History |
1965-72 |
18th Aviation Bn DUI |
In June 1965, the 8th Transportation Battalion at Nellingen Kaserne near Stuttgart was redesignated as the 18th Aviation Battalion.
In Jan 1967, the 18th was moved from Nellingen to Fliegerhorst Kaserne, Hanau.
18th Avn Bn, Semiannual Historical Report, 1 Jan 1969 - 30 Jun 1969)
The 18th Avn Bn underwent a reorganization on May 15, 1969 that
resulted in the 90th Avn Co (MH), Hanau AAF, being relieved from
assignment to the Bn.
Transition to OH-13 (throughout the Bn?) occurred in March 1969.
(after May 15 1969?):
18th Avn Bn
Pocket Patch
Avn Co
Pocket Patch
Trans Det
Pocket Patch
66th Avn Co
Pocket Patch |
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the 18th Aviation Battalion,
please contact me . |
In 1965, the 18th Avn Bn was part of the Seventh Army Transportation
Aviation Group (headquartered in Ludwigsburg) and comprised the following
subordiante units: |
18th Avn Bn |
AAF, Stuttgart |
Avn Co (Corps) |
Frankfurt |
Avn Co (Corps) |
AAF, Stuttgart |
Avn Co (Med Hel) |
Illesheim |
Late 1966 or early 1967, USAREUR aviation assets were reorganized and the 18th Avn Bn was placed under the command of V Corps (Webmaster Note: correspondingly, the 16th Avn Bn was formed and placed under VII Corps). The reorganization was based on several recommendations rising from a study of combat support aviation in Vietnam and consolidates Army planes at higher organizational levels to provide easier cross-attachment to divisions when the aircraft are needed for large-scale airlifts.
(March 1967) CO of the 18th is Lt Col Patrick N. Delevan.
ORGANIZATION (March 1967): |
HHC, 18th Avn Bn |
Fliegerhorst Ksn, Hanau |
TO/E 1-256F65 |
66th Avn Co (Corps) |
Gibbs Ksn, Frankfurt |
TO/E 1-127D61 -- uses Bonames AAF ; several types of aircraft |
90th Avn Co (Med Hel) |
Storck Bks, Illesheim |
TO/E 1-258F65 -- CH-37 MOJAVE |
350th Avn Co (Air Mbl Lt) |
Fliegerhorst Ksn, Hanau |
TO/E 1-077E63 -- CH-34 CHOCTAW |
(Source: Email from Mac Cruz) |
I was assigned to 720th Signal Detachment (Avionics) in 1968 to 1969. I was at Fliegerhorst (Hanau) and at Gibbs (Frankfurt).
At Fliegerhorst we worked on 350th (Avn Co) aircraft avionics. At Bonames AAF I worked on 66th Avn Co aircraft.
My NCO was SSG Smith. We were housed next door to the EM Mess Hall and just behind the flight line, with a big square in between the barracks. I would like to know what happened to the 720th Sig Det.
I was SP5 Cruz at the time. We first started out with 30th Trans. Co, then transferred to 18th Avn. BN.
We were only about 10 to 12 men in the unit. Also, when I was at 66th Avn Co, they had just put in the new hanger. I remember some of the names of the personnel. |
(Source: Robert
Müller, 69th Sig Bn) |
It appears that
the 90th Transportation Company, a CH-37 unit originally based at
Fort Knox, KY, was transferred to Illesheim Army Air Base near Ansbach,
Germany in late 1961. |
(Source: Annual
Historical Summary, HQ USAREUR & Seventh Army, 1 Jan - 31 Dec
1966, HQ USAREUR 1967) |
In 1966, the
18th Aviation Battalion was assigned
to Seventh Army Support Command and was composed of two medium helicopter
companies, the 4th and 90th Aviation Companies.
Under the HEADCON implementation plan, USAREUR reassigned the 4th
Aviation Company from the 18th to the 16th Aviation Battalion and
assigned the 18th Aviation Battalion, including the 90th Aviation
Company, to V Corps. Concurrently?, the corps' 66th Aviation Company
was reassigned to the 18th Aviation Battalion. |
1971 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Oct 22, 1971) |
The battalion provides aviation support to V Corps.
The battalion comprises a headquarters and headquarters company and two aviation companies -- the 66th and 350th. CO of the battalion is Lt Col Dennis M. Boyle. (Boyle also serves as the Fliegerhorst Sub-community commander, reporting in that role to the Hanau Military Community commander. The Fliegerhorst sub-cmty comprises about 2,700 military personnel and 700 dependents.)
Current unit commanders:
HHC, 18th Avn Bn -- Capt William H. Wimsatt
66th Avn Co --Maj Richard M. Pribnow
350th Avn Co -- Maj Jack R. Watkins
The 66th Avn Co uses fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft to furnish aerial transportation to V Corps Hq staff and visiting VIPs; courier flights; radio relay services; and aircraft support for radiological surveys, road and traffic reconnaissance, and other services. In addition, the company helps in managing airfield operations at Fliegerhorst AAF such as manning the flight operations tower; operating the ground control approach (GCA) radar system; as well as operating the POL supply point and service platoon.
The 350th Avn Co provides air mobility for troops during tactical operations; it also controls most of the battalion's maintenance and repair operations through two subordinate detachments: the 654th Trans Det and the 720th Maint Det.
ORGANIZATION (Oct 1971): |
HHC, 18th Avn Bn (Cbt) |
Fliegerhorst Ksn, Hanau |
TO/E 1-256G |
66th Avn Co (Corps) |
Fliegerhorst Ksn, Hanau |
TO/E 1-127D |
350th Avn Co (Air Mbl Lt) |
Fliegerhorst Ksn, Hanau |
TO/E 1-077E -- CH-34 CHOCTAW |
654th Trans Det (Hel FM) |
Fliegerhorst Ksn, Hanau |
TO/E 55-500R |
720th Maint Det |
Fliegerhorst Ksn, Hanau |
TO/E 29-680D |
66th Aviation Company |

The tower at Bonames AAF as seen from the helicopter pad, 1967 (David Foutz)

Senior V Corps officers stand next to several of the 66th Avn Company
fixed wing
rotarty aircraft
used to support V Corps, 1967 (David Foutz) |
1963 |
(Source: Virgil Mortenson, 66th Avn Co, 1963-65) |
I was stationed with the 66th from June 1963 to November 1965. I worked in communications at Bonames
airfield. Gibbs Kaserne was the location of our barracks back then also. Our barracks were located at Camp Eschborn for a short time.
We were in a small building just north of the hangars
and on the right side as you drove onto Bonames installation. I believe the building was #552 on the map. |
1965 |
(Source: David Foutz, 66th Avn Co, 1965-67) |
From late Dec 1965 until mid May 1967 I was stationed at Gibbs Barracks and worked at Bonames AAF. I have a few good pictures of the tower and aircraft with some of the officers and enlisted men of the 66th Aviation Company standing around. Some are color and some black and white.
I mainly worked in operations at the airfield and later assumed the company duty driver position. Also, the pocket patch for the 66th was not available while I was stationed at Gibbs and I was wondering if any are still available.
The hangars on both sides of the Operations building and tower were for the maintenance of the aircraft.The Operations building main floor was where the pilots filed flight plans and got weather reports. The second level was office space as far as I know and the control tower was on top. They were accessed from metal stairs on the outside of the building. I didn't go to the second floor very often, but I don't think any other units had office space there. My roommate, David M Singleton from Indiana was a clerk upstairs. |

PFC David Foutz stands in the entrance to the airfield control tower, 1966 |
There was a small military intelligence building and another building behind the hangars. The airfield fire department was housed in the first hangar to the side of the Ops building and had red doors whereas the maintenance doors were yellow.
We flew Courier flights almost daily. The Beaver was used for this purpose. I believe we were mainly support for V Corps.
The POL dump (fuel) was off the end of the hangars where the wind sock is shown in the pieced color picture I sent. I wasn't sure if you wanted pictures of personnel that worked at the airfield. One is me standing at the control tower door. The colored picture is when some of us did maintenance on the helipad, and the next is inside the Operations building downstairs. Pictured is SSGT LaVoy seated and WO Skeen standing.
When I was stationed there, I don't recall a trailer being on the airfield (see Manfred Faber, Photo No 1). Behind the trailer in Faber's photo are two small buildings and to the best I call recall, they were used by military intelligence. They also had their own Huey and a young LT fresh from Nam who flew for them. Maybe that would explain the helicopter at that location, because the 66th didn't park helicopters over there while I was there. Ours were mostly park on the east end of the hangar as I recall.
You also asked about the weather. We had an Air Force weatherman assigned to the 66th and he lived in our barracks at Gibbs and he worked in the tower 5 days a week. I believe our tower controller were SGT Duncan and PFC Eric Garland. I have a pictures of them.
I have really enjoyed looking at all the information you have posted. It's hard to believe, looking at the 360 of the current Bonames, that it's the same place. It's nice that it is used and has a museum. |
I was reading through the information I sent you that said I did not remember a trailer by the Military Intelligence building, but have since found a picture, that I have attached (see below), that shows a trailer at that location.
Hope this will be of so help to you. |
1967 |
(Source: Bennie Williams, 66th Avn Co, 1967-69) |
I was in the 66 Avn. Co. at Gibbs from May 1967 to Aug 1969 when it was moved to Hanau. I was a crew chief on a Huey for General Boyle, the 3-star commander of V Corps. |
(Source: Email from Jim Snyder) |
I was assigned to the 18th (Avn Bn), 66th Avn Co, and 350th Avn Co between 1967-69. |

1. UH-1 at Bonames (KB) |

2. Close up of a UH-1, 66th Avn Co
6. Airfield tower and hangar area,
Bonames Army Airfield
350th Aviation Company |
1967 |
(Source: Email from Mike Belfiore) |
I was stationed with the 350th Avn Co in Hanau from 1967 to 1968, coming over from the 11th TC. which was decommissioned. I had arrived in Germany in January of 1966.
I am just going from memory right now, later I will go through my papers and put something together for the site. I believe the 11th TC was assigned to a transportation brigade with the 7th Army and was at Nellingen. Some time in 1967 it was deactivated, the helicopters, all CH-34s were put in storage. We were assigned to the 18th AVN BN and moved to Hanau.
At that point the 18th consisted of the 350th AVN company (CH-34s), the 90th AVN company (CH-37s) and the 66th AVN company which seemed to consist of V CORPS command aircraft.
I was then transferred from HHC to the 350th, where I remained until I was discharged in August of 1968. During this time I was always in the communications section, becoming the communications section chief. It was always a small group taking care of field communications and filling in as avionics repairmen because the real avionics people were all in Viet Nam. As I said I will put something more accurate together when I go through the attic. |
1972 |
(Source: Email from Mark Eltzroth, 654th Trans Det, 1972-74) |
I was in the Army from 1971 to 1974. I got to Germany in January of 1972. I was stationed in Germany with the 654th Trans Det for a short time and then we became part of the 350th Avn Co and then finally the 173rd Avn Co. The 654th was in the same barracks as the 350th. Just as Mac had stated we were next to the EM mess. The big square that Mac talked about was called "Red Square" I do not remember the 720th.
I was a crew chief on UH-1D 64-59792. It was the oldest ship in the company, But she always got me home. I lost all my old Army stuff years ago. It was nice seeing the old "Patches" again.
So many people were coming and going back then. All of us were supposed to be sent to Vietnam. But our orders were flagged and we ended up in Germany. As a mater of fact, most of all of are luggage was sent on a different plane and ended up in Nam. It took almost a month to get are stuff. Thanks to the "Short timers" that were leaving we got plenty of used clothing to last us till our stuff was found.
Some time in 1972 we became part of the 350 Avn. and in 1973 we became part of 173rd Avn Co. I am not sure of the exact dates. My oldest Son has a beer mug that I got for being the "Solder of the month" in July of 1973 and that was from the 173rd.
I would like to know more about what ever happened to Fliegerhorst. And some of the history about it. I was told that it was an old German air base during the war. I know we could still see the bomb crater around the base when we would fly over it.
Related Links:
66th Aviation Company, 1971-74 -