Port of La Pallice, mid-1950s
Miguel Duncan)
Major Duncan is in front row, fourth from left, July 1956. On the back of this photo my father wrote: “This was the day I had the Allied officers for an orientation tour of the Port facilities. Denmark, Sweden, Britain, and Norway were represented. Two American officers were also with the group. The Lt with the dark glasses (far right) is one of my officers. I have one Capt, two 1st Lt’s, and two 2nd Lt’s. In the background is the US Army 100-ton floating crane. The biggest in France... I’m signed for it. Because its assigned here we get, in addition to our regular shipping, all ships with heavy lift aboard. In addition to this, we are the only Army Port in France that receives privately owned cars belonging to military personnel in France. In May we handled 1,100 cars.”