Ludwigsburg AAF (Pattonville), 1963 - day of Open House/Fly In; a CH-37 Mojave. |
Ludwigsburg AAF (Pattonville), 1963 - old wooden tower is visible on the left. J. used a portable tower in the back of a deuce-and-a-half which was located between the wooden tower and the building in the center of the picture, behind the H-34 helicopter. The Army had a dispute with the Stuttgart Int'l Airport on their landing agreement there. The 14th ATC - GCA and Tower section were called in, along with the Beacon section. This was the 14th Tower/GCA section's mission - to move to and operate from an airfield when "the ballon went up." They had never done it before, especially not with the volume of traffic found here at Ludwigsburg AAF. J. was called in on the third day of operations because their controllers could not handle the volume. J. controlled 99 percent of the traffic, 12-14 hour days, seven days a week. A lot more Army traffic came into Stuttgart Int'l - a lot more than Kitzingen which at that time was being called the busiest AAF in Germany. J. was replaced by an SP. 5 from his Platoon two days before it all ended. |