Bad Hersfeld MP Station, 1980s
name withheld)
Sub-post Installation Sign
This aerial photo shows the Bad Hersfeld sub-post looking west (top of photo). The "L" form in the southeast corner shows the MP Barracks as the base of the L (564th MP Company -- formerly B Co. 709th MP BN when I lived there in 1973). The southern most building (left side of photo) was the former Rod and Gun Club. The largest building (furthest west at the top) was the TMP motorpool. The MP's used the basement of the TMP motorpool as their motorpool and as a storage facility. At the center of the installation was the MP Station (red roof). It also housed TMP dispatch, ACS, Deputy Sub-Community Commander (later Community Management Officer when the slot was civilianized), and the ITO. In the 1970 MI had a CI office on the 2nd floor. Arms rooms, evidence room and MPI offices were in the basement. The southwest corner was the PDO lot. The rest of the installation was comprised of DEH facility engineers shops and admin offices - housing and housing referral etc.