Bad Hersfeld MP Station, 1980s
name withheld)
MP, BGS (German Border Police), Courtesy Patrol and Zoll (German Customs). The MP SGT Steusser later became a hero at the end of Gulf War I.  The 11ACR had the worst peace-time accident in Army history in Doha Kuwait.  Ammunition ignited in the regiment’s motorpool and while most (sane) folks were trying to get out of the motorpool,- Stuesser and other went into the motorpool to help wounded etc.  A tanker truck full of fuel was pierced by shrapnel below the air line.  Fuel was pouring out into the motorpool which had wounded troops, fires and rounds going off.  Stuesser broke the lock on the tankers steering wheel and drove it out of the motorpool and into the desert while fuel was spilling out the hole in its side. He was awarded the bronze star with V device upon returning to Fulda.  I was present at the ceremony in the Fulda MP Station.
Aerial of the Bebra Bahnhof