If you do NOT see the Table of Contents frame to the left of this page, then
Click here to open 'USArmyGermany' frameset |
For additions, corrections, or suggestions please contact the webmaster |
Maps |

1. Gen Lucius
D. Clay, 1985 |

2. Truman Plaza,
Clay Hqs and Turner Bks, 1985 |

3. McNair
Barracks, 1985 |

4. Andrews Barracks, 1985 |

5. Roosevelt
Barracks, 1985 |

6. USAH Berlin,
1985 |

6. Von Steuben
Compound, 1985 |

8. Tempelhof
Central Airport, 1981 |
Map of the American Sector of Berlin. The map was included in the Nov 25 1945 edition of Parade Rest, the 309th Inf Regt newspaper. This was one of the first editions of the newpsaper in Berlin after the 309th had been deployed from Hessen to take over the former 505th Prcht Regt sector in Berlin.
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format of the same map. |

American Sector in Berlin
and Facilities |
Map of the American Sector of Berlin.
The map was included in the "Information for New Arrivals"
booklet prepared by Headquarters, Berlin District, in July 1946.
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format
of the same map. |
American Sector
in Berlin
and Facilities
Map of the US Installations in Berlin.
The map shows relative location of all major installations (with exception
of Roosevelt Barracks and Tempelhof Central Airport) in the US Sector
in the 1980s. UPDATED!
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format
of the same map. |
US Installations
in Berlin
I plan to post extracts
from the "Troop Units" section of the telephone directories sometime
in the near future - if I see that there is any interest. |
1. US Forces Berlin Telephone
Directory, 1 October 1945 |
2. Berlin Telephone Directory, 1 February 1947 |
3. Berlin Telephone Directory, 1 April 1949 |
4. Berlin Telephone Directory, 1 July 1950 |
5. Berlin Telephone Directory, 1 November 1952 |

6. Berlin Telephone Directory, 20 May 1954 |
7. Berlin Command Telephone Directory, 1 December 1956 |
8. Berlin Command Telephone Directory, 27 December 1961 |
9. Berlin Command Telephone Directory, 1 October 1979 |
10. Berlin Command Telephone Directory, 1 October 1981 |
11. Berlin Command Telephone Directory, 1 September 1985 |
I plan to post extracts
from the command, unit and community newspapers sometime in the near future
- if I see that there is any interest.
Click on thumbnail of newspaper to read the front page. |
Berlin Sentinel / The Grooper - Some of the issues published
while in Germany |
1, No. 1 |
Berlin |
missing |
Oct 5, 1945 |
Vol. 1, No. 2 |
Berlin |
13, 1945 |
1, No. 3 |
Oct 20, 1945 |
Vol. 1, No. 4 |
Berlin |
Oct 27, 1945 |
Vol. 1, No. 5 |
Berlin |
Nov 1945 |
Vol. 1, No. 6 - 16 (1) |
Berlin |
missing |
17, 1945 |
1, No. 17 |
Berlin |
24, 1945 |
1, No. 18 |
Berlin |
1, 1945 |
1, No. 19 |
Berlin |
8, 1945 |
1, No. 20 |
Berlin |
15, 1945 |
1, No. 21 |
Berlin |
missing |
22, 1945 |
1, No. 22 |
Berlin |
5, 1946 |
2, No. 1 |
Berlin |
missing |
12, 1946 |
2, No. 2 |
Berlin |
19, 1946 |
2, No. 3 |
Berlin |
26 - Feb 9, 1946 |
2, No. 4 - 6 |
Berlin |
missing |
16, 1946 |
2, No. 7 |
Berlin |
23 - Mar 23, 1946 |
2, No. 8 - 12 |
Berlin |
missing |
30, 1946 |
2, No. 13 |
Berlin |
6, 1946 |
2, No. 14 |
Berlin |
13 - May 17, 1946 |
2, No. 15 - 20 |
Berlin |
missing |
24, 1946 |
2, No. 21 |
Berlin |
31, 1946 - |
2, 22 - |
Berlin |
all subsequent issues |
(1) The numbering of the issues seems to be incorrect. |
Click on thumbnail
to view larger image |

1st SGT of 3rd Bn, 16th Inf stands in front of entrance to Hqs building

Formation of MPs enter OMGUS compound
Corrections: MP unit in photo is probably the 822nd
MP Company

Horse Platoon at Hq OMGUS

3rd Bn, 16th Inf honor guard stands in front of Hq OMGUS building

5. OMGUS Compound, 1945

6. Entrance to Russian sector, 1945 |

Former McNair Barracks (BING) |

Aerial photo of McNair Barracks, 1961 (Webmaster's collection) |

1. 7873rd Honor Guard Pltn, 1949

Former Oliver Barracks (BING) |

16th Constab Sq sign at Oliver Barracks, 1940s (Webmaster's collection) |

Oliver Barracks, 1940s (Webmaster's collection) |

AFN Berlin building in Berlin-Dahlem, 1947 (Webmaster's collection) |

1. Berlin-Dahlem, 1950 |

2. Truman Hall, 1950 |

3. Truman Hall, 1950 |

4. Truman Hall, 1950 |

5. Truman Hall, 1950 |

6. Inside Truman Hall, 1950 |

7. Inside Truman Hall, 1950 |

8. Harnack House, 1950 |

9. Harnack House, 1950 |

10. Officers Club Patio |

11. Argentinische Allee, 1956 |

12. Argentinische Allee, 1956 |

13. TAB and Columbia House with Memorial

14. Airlift Memorial, 1956 |

15. Berlin Airlift Memorial

16. American WACs and German women, 1945 |

17. American WACs in Berlin 1945 |

18. Wannsee Rec Cen, 1989

19. Truman Hall Shopping Center, 1948

Tempelhof Airfield, 1950 (Webmaster's collection) |

Aerial view of Tempelhof Airfield, June 1945 (Webmaster's collection) |

A C-97 Stratofreighter lands at Tempelhof during the Berlin Airlift (Webmaster's collection) |

1. Arrival of VIPs at Tempelhof Airfield, possibly late 1945

2. Tempelhof Airfield, same view, 2004 |

3. Activity at Tempelhof Airfield, possibly 1947

4. Tempelhof AB, 1946

5. Tempelhof AB, 1946 |

6. Red Cross Club, 1940s

7. Transient Billets, 1940s |

Tempelhof Airfield layout 1946 (Webmaster's collection) |

Tempelhof Airfield Terminal, 1946 (Webmaster's collection) |

Tempelhof Airfield Operations, 1940s (Webmaster's collection) |

VE-Day ceremony at Tempelhof Airfield, 1946 (Webmaster's collection) |

Tempelhof Airfield Snack Bar, 1946 (Webmaster's collection) |
USMCA Berlin (APO 09742) - Histories, Misc. Information |
District |
Original Berlin
District Patch
District Patch
Brigade |
(Source: "The
Story of Berlin Brigade", US Army, Berlin Pam 870-2, 1981.) |
Story of Berlin Brigade" is a training and public infomation
pamphlet first published in the fall of 1975. Its immediate
intent was to provide historically oriented material for newly
assigned personnel attending the Berlin Brigade's School of
The "Story" is not a formal unit history, and source
references have been intentionally ommited. As its "870"
designation implies, however, factual accuracy has been maintained
to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the aim of
compressing the complex events of 35 years into brief, narrative
Click on the thumbnail to view the contents. |
Charlie |
(Source: "Checkpoint
Charlie ", US Army, Berlin Pam 870-1, 1980.) |
Charlie" is a training and public information pamphlet
meant to provide a brief, factual account of Checkpoint CHARLIE
in historical context. As with the other pamphlet mentioned
above (Pam 870-2), the objective of this pamphlet was to provide
an historical perspective of this cold war symbol in a way to
support the peacetime mission of the Berlin Command and allow
the newly assigned soldier to better understand current events
(in 1980).
Click on the thumbnail to view the contents.
Alpha |
Sketch map, Berlin-Helmstedt Autobahn 1961 |
Berlin-Helmstedt Autobahn Mileage Chart, 1961
A military policeman gives instructions to a woman who's about to drive
the stretch of the autobahn through East German territory between
Helmstedt and Berlin, 1961 (Stars & Stripes) |
Check Point Helmstedt, "Checkpoint Alpha",
Alpha", several years later.
(Source: Email from
Bill Moran) |
Ordnance Service Company
Special Order No. 30, 6 Sep 1949 (during the Berlin Airlift).
Click on the thumbnail to view the contents.
After going to school at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland
I was made an instructor there. I didn't like it so ask to be
put in pipeline and went to Berlin on one of the last planes
in the Airlift. I was assigned to the 7783rd Ord Svc Co.
In 1950 the Ordnance unit was reduced from a Company to a Detachment
and then sent to Paris. I transferred to the APO; my buddy Billington
transferred to the MPs.
Someone needs to find more info on the 7783 Ordnance. I seem
to find NOTHING. It would be nice to hear from some of the guys.
We had such a great time in that outfit. Hard work but a lot
of fun. Several went with me to the APO and those in the 759th
MP Bn kinda lost contact. Billington and I staid in contact.
We were together when I met my future wife and he was my best
man. I went to Postal School outside Frankfurt (Drake Area).

1. 759th MPs

2. Parade on
McNair Bks, 1949-50 |

Parade on McNair Bks, 1949-50 |

4. Post chapel,
Andrews Bks |

Bill Moran (2nd from left) and buddies

MPs of the 759th MP Bn, Berlin

View of the Ordnance shops in Berlin just off Potsdammer Chaussee.

All the units lined up at Roosevelt Barracks (about 1951) for Saturday
inspections. That's right in front of the building where 7781 SCU
billeted. Down to the right was where the Transportation company billeted.
Horse Platoon (759th MP Bn) - additional comments from Bill Moran
I was in the Airlift in the 7783 Ordnance and saw the horse platoon in many parades at McNair. I think this took place in 1950 because the Constab (in Berlin) was broken up in 1950 and parts went to the Infantry and parts went to the MPs.
A brief article in the STARS & STRIPES indicates that the Horse Platoon, 16th Constab Sq was transferred to the 759th MP Bn when the 16th was disbanded.
(Source: Office
of Medical History, OTSG/MEDCOM Historical Program) |
In the Books and Documents section of this official web site of the Army Medical Corps is a unit history of the 279th Station Hospital while stationed in Berlin immediately after the end of WWII:
279th Station Hospital Report of Operations for 8 May 1945 to 30 September 1945
279th Station Hospital Report of Operations for 1 October 1945 to 31 December 1945
(Source: Stars &
Stripes, European edition, Tuesday, June 29, 1948)
food fleet arrives for Berliners (article)
By Joe Fleming, S&S Staff Correspondent
(Source: Stars &
Stripes, European edition, Tuesday, July 24, 1948)
Berlin: Life under
the cold siege
By Joe Fleming, S&S Staff Correspondent |
(Source: Military
Engineer, Jul-Aug 1960) |
Flugplatz Tempelhof
By Herbert J. Call
article will be added soon
(Source: Stars & Stripes, European edition, September 1961) |
Soviet convoy at Checkpoint Charlie
Gus Schuettler, S&S |
follow link to view photos and read the article from the Stars & Stripes archives |
(Source: Stars & Stripes, European edition, September 1961) |
Divided city
By Gus Schuettler, S&S
follow link to view photos and read the article from the Stars & Stripes archives |
(Source: Stars & Stripes, European edition, September 1961) |
2nd BG Honor Guard
By Bob Milnes, S&S |
follow link to view great photos from the Stars & Stripes archives |
(Source: Stars &
Stripes, European edition, Tuesday, May 3, 1963)
A boy's life at
Checkpoint Charlie, 1963
By James Gunter, S&S Berlin Bureau
link to view photos and read the article from the Stars & Stripes
(Source: Stars &
Stripes, European edition, June 11, 1982)
President Ronald
Reagan in Berlin, 1982

lady Nancy Reagan, U.S. Ambassador Arthur Burns and West German
Chancellor Helmut Schmidt applaud as President Reagan pauses
during a speech to 20,000 people who were invited to a garden
party at Charlottenburg Castle. During his three-hour stop in
Berlin, Reagan challenged the Soviet Bloc to "think of your
own coming generations. Do the Soviet leaders want to be remembered
for a prison wall ... with barbed wire and armed guards whose
weapons are aimed at innocent civilians — their own civilians?"
link to view photos and read articles from the Stars & Stripes
archives |
(Source: Stars &
Stripes, European edition, Saturday, June 23, 1990) |
Checkpoint becomes
page in history
By Ken Clauson, S&S Bremerhaven bureau
link to view photos and read the article from the Stars & Stripes
archives |
USMLM Association - The United States Military Liaison Mission (USMLM), 1947-1990, has been called the most successful and productive intelligence collection organization of the Cold War era. USMLM and its members performed a dual mission: liaison between the US and Soviet military forces in a divided Germany and intelligence monitoring of Soviet forces in East Germany.
Brigade - Website dedicated to the veterans
of the Berlin Brigade.
Tankers - Website features all armored
units stationed at Turner Barracks in Berlin from 1951 to early 1990s. LINK INACTIVE
Guard Battalion - Very well done website dedicated to the
former members of the Labor Service unit in Berlin
US Military Veterans Association - A veterans association
established for the benefit of all Berlin US Military Veterans and
Active Duty Members who served in Berlin from 1945 to 1994.
Wall Watchers - A great Yahoo Group site open to all but with
focus on veterans of the Berlin Brigade, Berlin. You have to become
a member of the group to get access to all features - it's worth it.
McNair Museum
- Approximately 250,000 Berliners worked for the Allies in various
areas of administration, maintenance, supply, housing, security etc.
during the period from 1945 to 1994. This website is dedicated to
keeping the memory of their contributions alive.
- Geoff Walden's Berlin Page in "Third Reich in Ruins"
- Geoff Walden's page with pre-WWII and WWII era photos of Lichterfelde
Barracks in Berlin.
Forces Françaises à Berlin - a great site featuring the French
Forces in Berlin, 1945-1994.
(In French and German)
- 1969 - a well researched and very interesting website hosted
by Robert W. Rynerson who served as a Russian-English Interpreter
in the Rail Transportation Office in Berlin. Great "duty train" stories and information.
The Berlin
Observer - a very interesting website featuring articles and
photos faithfully reproduced from the original issues of the Berlin
Observer, the newspaper of the Berlin Command.
e r l i n - B r i g a d e - M e m o r i e s - Rainer von Bronewski's
dedication to the Americans who served with the Berlin Brigade. Rainer
also wrote a book, "Growing up with American GIs",
about his positive memories of past times spent with the Americans
in Berlin. Despite what the politicians and the media might suggest,
we still have a lot of friends over there!
Bravo - border control point at Dreilinden/Drewitz (Berlin)
- German language only! LINK INACTIVE
Helmstedt Detachment - Yahoo Group Page for US Army veterans (and other NATO members) who served at "Checkpoint Alpha" in Helmstedt.
Berlin RTO and Helmstedt Detachment Photo Page - on Jay Daves' Hompage (Part 5) LINK INACTIVE |