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Maps |

1. McGraw Kaserne

2. Alabama Depot


3. Warner Kaserne & Dependent Housing
Map of US facilities in Munich, 1945 (38th AAA Gp Occupation sector).
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format of the same map.
Map of US facilities in downtown area of Munich.
Click here for Key
to Map
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format
of the same map.
Munich (302
Topographical map of Munich North and
surrounding area. Probably around the late 1960s.
1. Warner Kaserne
2. Oberschleissheim Army Airfield
3. Will
Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format
of the same map.
Munich North
(319 KB)
Topographical map
of Munich Center and surrounding area.
Probably around the late 1960s.
1. Stetten Kaserne
2. Jensen Kaserne
3. Luitpold Kaserne
4. Peterson Kaserne
5. Henry Kaserne
6. Virginia Depot
7. Alabama Storage Area
Munich Center
(335 KB)
Topographical map
of Munich South and surrounding area.
Probably around the late 1960s.
1. McGraw Kaserne
2. 98th Gen Hosp
3. Perlacher Forst Housing Area
Munich South
(135 KB)
NOTE: I plan to post extracts from the "Troop Units" section of the telephone directories sometime in the near future - if I see that there is any interest. |
1. Munich Telephone Directory, 4 Nov 1946
2. Munich Military Post Telephone Directory, 1 July 1947
3. Munich Military Post Telephone Directory, 4 April 1948
4. Munich Military Post Telephone Directory, 17 Dec 1949
5. Munich Military Post Telephone Directory, 15 June 1952 |
6. Munich District, SACOM Telephone Directory, 10 April 1954 |
NOTE: I plan to post extracts from the command, unit and community newspapers sometime in the near future - if I see that there is any interest.
Click on thumbnail of newspaper to read the front page. (Click on numbers following caption -- if available -- to view subsequent pages of the same issue.) |
The Munich American (Munich Military Post) - Some of the issues published while in Germany |
The SACom Scene (Southern Area Command) - Some of the issues published while in Germany |
Click on thumbnail
to view larger image |

The old Munich Hauptbahnhof - replaced in 1955 with a new one

US Ticket Office at the old Munich Hauptbahnhof (Webmaster's collection) |

The American Way Special Service Club, Munich, 1952 (Webmaster's collection) |

Munich American High School in Perlacher Forst, 1960 (TIME Inc.) |

1. Munich 1945 |

2. Perlacher Forst Housing, 1957 |

1. Alabama Depot |

1. Virginia Depot, 2002 |

1. Schwabinger Krankenhaus (KB) |

2. 98th Gen Hosp, Schwabing, 1953 |

3. 98th Gen Hosp, Schwabing, 1953 |

4. Army Hospital Munich, 1960s |

5. 2nd Field Hospital |

Aerial photo of former Jensen & Stetten Barracks, April 1970
(Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung, München)
(Click on image to view a higher resolution version) |

1. Jensen Bks, 1950s (KB) |

2. Jensen Bks, 1950s (KB) |

3. Jensen Bks, 1950s (KB) |

4. Jensen Bks, 1950s (KB) |

Aerial photo of McGraw Kaserne, April 1989 (Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung, München)
(Click on image to view a higher resolution version) |

McGraw Kaserne, 1950 (Walter Elkins) |

1. Munich-Harlaching |

2. Santa arrives at McGraw Ksn, Dec 1957 |

3. McGraw Kaserne |

4. McGraw Kaserne, 1963 |

5. Von Steuben Hall, 1963 |

McGraw Kaserne, c. 1958 (Paul Zale) |

McGraw Kaserne, c. 1958 (Paul Zale) |

6. Bldg #17, c. 1958 |

7. 508th MP Bn motor park |

7. Bldg #12 |

A. SS Kaserne, Munich |

B. SS Kaserne, Munich |

C. SS Kaserne, Munich |

D. SS Kaserne, Munich |

E. SS Kaserne, Munich |

Aerial photo of Warner Kaserne, July 1963 (Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung, München)
(Click on image to view a higher resolution version) |

Warner Kaserne Bird's Eye view, recent (Bing) |

Warner Kaserne motor pool - a beehive of activity, 1961 |
Looking towards Warner Barracks main gate area, c. 1965 (Richard Hackwith) |

Warner Kaserne parade ground, c. 1956 |

Wash rack at Warner Kaserne, c. 1956 |
1. SS-Kaserne at the end of WWII |

2. Motor Pool, 1961 |

3. Warner Kaserne, c. 1956 |

4. 11th Abn Div tanker |

Aerial photo of Henry Kaserne, July 1963 (Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung, München)
(Click on image to view a higher resolution version) |

Henry Kaserne Bird's Eye view, recent (Bing) |

Henry Kaserne main gate, 1960 (Steve Wilson) |

Aerial photo of Will Kaserne, July 1963 (Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung, München)
(Click on image to view a higher resolution version) |

Will Kaserne Bird's Eye view, recent (Bing) |

Access road to Will Kaserne, 1952 (Webmaster's collection) |

A D7 Dozer of 609th Engr Co at Panzer Kaserne (Will), c. 1945 |

Panzer Kaserne (Will), c. 1945 |

Will Kaserne (foreground) and Warner Barracks (background), c. 1965 (Richard Hackwith) |

1. Sign to Kaserne (146 KB) |

2. Sign to Kaserne (116 KB) |

3. Medical track (175 KB) |

4. 24th Inf DivArty Hqs (202 KB) |

5. July 4th 1964 (151 KB) |

6. Labor Day 1964 (133 KB) |

7. Labor Day 1964 (118 KB) |

8. Labor Day 1964 (139 KB) |

9. Labor Day 1964 (139 KB) |

10. Medical Section (180 KB) |

11. Will Kaserne (210 KB) |

11. Strassenbahn behind Warner Kaserne (123 KB) |

PWE 26: 6th TD Gp sign in front of Headquarters, 1945 (Rob Haldeman) |

Female POWs at PWE 26, 1945 (Rob Haldeman) |

1. Fliegerhorst Bad Aibling 1945

2. Fliegerhorst Bad Aibling 1945 |

Nice driving tour of the old station as it appeared in 2011 (blackpoolvideo - YouTube) |

Main gate of the former Bad Aibling Station in 2007 (Dick Beers) |

BA dependent housing area, 2007 (Dick Beers) |

BA Station map near main gate, 2007 (Dick Beers) |

3. Bad Aibling Station, 1990s

4. View of main gate from the access road |

5. Dick Beers next to weathered station sign |

6. Bldg 301 inside main gate |

7. Bad Aibling Station, 1990s |

8. Bad Aibling Station, 1990s |

9. Bad Aibling Station, 2007 |

10. Bad Aibling Station, 2007 |

11. Bad Aibling Station, 2007 |

Main gate, Bad Aibling Station, 1968 (Terry Huffaker) |

18th USASA Field Station headquarters building (#301) (Terry Huffaker) |

12. Bad Aibling Station, 1968 |

13. Bad Aibling Station, 1968 |

14. Dependents School, 1968 |

15. Post chapel, 1968 |

A. SS Übungslager, Dachau |

Aerial photo of MMP Ordnance Service Center, early 1950s |

In late 1947, HHB, 1st DivArty was located at Dachau (Janice Tennant) |

Dachau community shopping center, 1947 (Janice Tennant) |

Entrance to the Munich Military Stockade at Dachau, 1950 (Webmaster's collection) |

1. Eastman Barracks and the former Dachau Concentration Camp, 1950s (282 KB)

2. Eastman Barracks, 1950s |

3. Dachau Kaserne, 2002 |

4. Dachau Kaserne, 1950s |

Post headquarters, Camp Dachau, 1947 (Janice Tennant) |

Main gate at Camp Dachau, 1947 (Janice Tennant) |

Camp Dachau with post headquarters in the middle, 1948 (Janice Tennant) |

Salute cannon and 1st DivArty headquarters building, 1947 (Janice Tennant) |
General Gallagher, EUCOM Director of Posts, inspection visit 1948 (Janice Tennant) |

5. Camp Dachau, 1948

6. Camp Dachau, 1947 |

7. Camp Dachau, 1947

8. Camp Dachau, 1947 |

9. Camp Dachau, 1948 |

1. Airfield Hqs Bldg (KB) |

2. Building attached to the maintenance hangar (KB) |

3. Maintenance hangar on north side (KB) |

4. Another view of the hangar (KB) |

5. Motor pool (KB) |

6. Inside the motor pool building (KB) |

7. Control tower and ops building (KB) |

8. Old Luftwaffe building (KB) |

9. South hangars (KB) |

10. South hangars (KB) |

11. Inside one of the south hangars (KB) |

12. Another hangar - maybe number 9 (KB) |

13. West hangars (KB) |

14. Inside one of the west hangars (KB) |

15. Inside of the maintenance hangar (KB) |

16. (KB) |

17. (KB) |

18. Old maintenance hangar (KB) |

19. Control tower (KB) |

20. West hangars (KB) |
Starnberg |

1. Officers Yacht Club, 1953 (KB) |

2. Officers Yacht Club, 1953 (KB) |
USAFE Air Bases
Neubiberg |

1. Neubiberg AB, 1940s |

2. Neubiberg AB, early 1950s |
Munich-Riem |

An airman waits for a ride into town at the Munich Air Base, 1946 (Walter Elkins) |
USMCA Munich (APO 09407) - Garrison History & Operations |

Map of Munich area installations and activities, 1949 (Walter Elkins & GOOGLE Maps) |

Cover of the German book: "Amis in Giesing, München, 1945-1992" |
Amis in Giesing: In October 2012, the association "Friends of Giesing" organized an exhibit at the cultural center located in the former Giesing train station to remember and celebrate the nearly fifty-year presence of US service personnel and their families at McGraw Kaserne, and the Harlaching, Ramersdorf and Perlacher Forst housing areas in southeast Munich. The exhibit was very successful and was later also displayed at other locations in Munich.
A team of German historians collected documents and photos and interviewed both Germans and Americans about their experiences in Munich between the years 1945 and 1992 when the garrison was closed in the early stages of the military drawdown of the 1990s. Their efforts have now been compiled into a book that captures, in 228 pages and close to 300 photos, the experiences of both US soldiers and their families as well as their German neighbors and provides a window into the American way of life, Munich style.
For more information, check out the Volk Verlag website (publisher) or the German Amazon website. |
Munich Military Post (March 1947 - December 1952) |

Map of Munich Military Post (Walter Elkins)

Originally, Headquarters of the Munich Military Post was located at
107 Königinstrasse in Munich (Webmaster's collection) |

Organization of Munich Military Post, 1947 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, May 14 1950) |
On March 15, 1947 the Munich Military Post (MMP) was activated as part of a major reorganization of administrative responsibilities within EUCOM. The post's predecessor was the Munich Military Community which had been established in September 1946 when the first US dependents started to arrive in Theater.
The post, currently under the command of Brig Gen Edmund B. Sebree, has its headquarters at McGraw Kaserne in Munich. With its area of responsibility covering 11,000 square miles (about the same size as Maryland), the post is the largest single military establishment under the control of the US Army. The post's American population is about the same as that of Albany, NY; its German population matches that of Cincinnati, OH.
The initial post organization was a compact command that consisted of the city of Munich and several landkreise in the immediate vicinity (Ingolstadt,
Pfaffenhofen, Freising, Dachau, Erding, Fürstenfeldbruck, Starnberg, München, Ebersberg and Wolfratshausen). The posts immediate higher headquarters at the time was the 1st Military District. |

McGraw Kaserne, Hqs Munich Military Post, 1950 |
In January 1948, the post was expanded when the former Berchtesgaden and Bad Tölz Military Posts merged with MMP. The post now covered approx. 7,000 sq miles. On November 1, 1948 the post area was extended once more, when the former Regensburg Military Post was absorded into MMP. With its 11,000 sq mi the post was now the largest in the US Army.
Designated now as a "major command," the Munich Military Post is divided into a headquarters area and seven subposts: Bad Tölz, Berchtesgaden, Murnau, Degerndorf, Regensburg, Landshut and Straubing.
One of the largest sections in the MMP post structure are the Post Engineers. Under the direction of Lt Col Sam P. Graham, the Munich post engineer officer, the section's staff consists of 14 officers, two warrant officers, a handful of EM's and over 7,000 German employees. The post engineers are allotted over 50 percent of the post's annual budget to fund the various activities the engineers are responsible for. For example, the section maintains 1,231 dependent houses, a large number of bachelor billets, plus other requisitioned property totaling approximately 3,000 individual parcels of real estate.
Through the Engineers, the post provides everything from a cake of ice for the familiy ice box to community fire departments.
Munich Military Post headquarters is pretty well centralized in McGraw Kaserne and additional units are being drawn into the kaserne area as part of the consolidation policy currently being implemented. The reduction of staff at the Land Commissioner for Bavaria has allowed more post functions to move into the large main headquarters building (Bldg #7) shared by Army and State Department personnel. |
1947 |
(Source: Email from Bob King, 7822nd SCU) |
I was a member of the 7822 SCU from March, 1947, to February, 1948.
To my regret I did not keep in touch with other members of the unit, not even the baseball and basketball team members of which I was one. IMostly interested in the team members, of course, though I'm not sure what records might exist - or have existed - for the teams.
Physically, the 7822 was in a building that was at one time - so we were told - and insurance office building quite near the English Gardens. Both barracks and offices were in the same building, though the Post Engineers (attached) had offices in a second building nearby.
The "mess hall" was across the street from the main building - and was a real shocker on a GI's first visit. You walked into a lobby with a (probably) Polish DP as a greeter, then through a curtained doorway into the dining area. There were no lines - you simply sat down at a table with plate and utensils already in position, and dishes of food on the table from which to serve yourself. Waiters constantly replenished the dishes, and your drink, as needed. Oh, yeah -- we were also told the mess hall had at one time been a stable. Sure couldn't tell it.
About a block to the west was a main thoroughfare, Koeniginstrasse (which comes up if you "Google" the area), and a short distance south a Gesundheitstrasse (believe it or not) - which does not come up.
The 7822 was pretty well splintered - I don't remember the full unit ever being assembled at one time - which may be one reason I fail to remember names. That and old age.
When I first arrived, the incoming group apparently was more in number than expected. I and 3 others lucked out by being given a room formerly occupied by a 1st Sargeant, so we weren't even in the main barracks area - possibly another reason names escape me.
I was initially assigned to the engineers as a "cost accountant," a job I knew absolutely nothing about, and later to the AG section. There I and a couple of other guys simply filled requisitions from other units for the forms the Army seemed to constantly require.
I played on the post baseball team - won (I believe) 10 games as a pitcher with no losses. And I can't remember a single name from that team. Ditto the basketball team. In fact, the only names I remember are Don Korth, one of the 3 others in the sergeant's room, and Don Smart, who accompanied me on a couple of short leaves. Ran into Korth out in Maryland when I was called backed for Korea (he was, also). He was a Mormon, as were the other 2 guys in that first room, and from Utah. Smart was from Kansas (I think).
t would certainly be interesting to hear from someone who was there at the time - or at least to find a way to search out Korth or Smart. |

Former Munich Military Post command building (BING) |
1948 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, July 13, 1948) |
Munich Military Post Command to move to McGraw Kaserne by Aug 1
The command group of MMP will move by Aug 1 from its current location (1) to McGraw Kaserne. MMP is commanded by Col Sevier R. Tupper. McGraw Kaserne is the home of the Office of Military Government for Bavaria.
The top floor of the main building is being cleared for the post executive and chiefs of staff.
Outlying agencies of the post, such as the finance office and civilian personnel office, will move into the former post headquarters.
Webmaster note: Headquarters of the Munich Military Post was located at 107 Königinstrasse before the move to McGraw Kaserne.
1949 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, May 5, 1949) |
Brig Gen Edmund B. Sebree, CG, 2nd Constab Brigade, assumes command of Munich Military Post
On June 1, Brig Gen Sebree will replace Col Sevier R. Tupper as the commander of MMP. (Tupper is returning to the US for reassignment.) Sebree will retain command of 2nd Constab Brigade in addition to his new duties as post commander.
Col Tupper has commanded the Munich post since August 1947. Under Tupper the post has grown to include seven subposts.
Among the many improvements introduced by Tupper was the unique Post Service Center setup at Dachau to handle all of the service functions for the thousands of soldiers and civilians assigned to the area. This centralization of houseleeping has met with great success.
Brig Gen Sebree has commanded the 2nd Brigade since September 1947. |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, July 7, 1949) |
Munich Military Post Highway Patrol Detachment
The Highway Patrol was organized in November 1948. The Munich Detachment operates as a special branch under the MMP Provost Marshal's Office. There are 46 enlisted men and one officer assigned to the det. Detachment commander is Capt Vernoin H. Shively.
For road patrol, the detachment is equipped with 13 sedans, six jeeps and 8 motorcycles. These vehicles cover an average of more than 60,000 road miles a month on the Munich post.
The main station is in Munich and three substations are located at Chiemsee, Passau and Regensburg. |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Sept 21, 1949) |
New Commisary at McGraw Kaserne
An ultramodern commissary is scheduled to open soon at McGraw Kaserne. The commissary is expected to be finished around Jan 1 1950.
The new commissary will be of an entirely new design, similar to large Stateside retail self-service grocery stores. Features of the new store include: 72 feet of meat counters; 24 feet of counters for dairy products; 116 feet of counters for fruits and vegetables; 40 feet of counters and refrigerators devoted to the frozen-foods department; special types of counters that can hold 2,600 different kinds of items; nine checkout counters; and a lounge.
With the opening of the new store, the Harlaching (1) and Schwabing (2) stores will be closed.
(1) The Harlaching sub-commissary was located at 8 Langobardenstrasse.
(2) Not yet confirmed, but it appears that the main commissary was located in the basement of 107 Köninginstrasse (Schwabing). |

Parade in downtown Munich initiates the Soap Box Derby event in 1950 (Webmaster's collection) |
1950 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, June 23, 1950) |
A crowd of Americans and. Germans gathered at Munich's Bavarian Ring Sunday afternoon to see Lothar Hirschel, of Munich, become the 1950 Munich Soap Box Derby champion, which entitled the youngster to the 1,000-mark prize which goes with the title.
Among the celebrities attending were Land Commissioner for Bavaria Clarence M. Bolds, Munich GYA Officer LtCol Gustav Albrecht, and Sgt Ted Rohr, GYA noncommissioned officer for Munich. To Bolds went the honor of driving the first racer down the specially constructed ramp. The actual racing began Saturday after an address by Bolds, Albrecht and the lord mayor. A highlight of Saturday's events was the race down the ramp in soap box racers by three of the top racing drivers in Europe before the war, Manfred von Brauchitsch, Ewald Kluge and Rudolf Carracciola. The money which was won by the new Munich Soap Box Derby champion will be used to further his education, and was donated by a Munich merchant. |
1952 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Jan 25, 1952) |
Properties Returned to Germans
The US Army recently returned 11 additional local properties that had been requisitioned after the war for use by US troops. They included:
 three former displaced persons camps (Feldafing, Föhrenwald and Schleissheim)
 one kaserne (on Rosenheimer Strasse in Munich)
 three empty plots of land at Gauting
 a sanatorium
 two residences - one 45-room and one 13 room building
There were no details in the article on the eleventh property. |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Aug 3, 1952) |
Properties Released by MMP
The Munich Military Post Realty Office released more than 100 properties (located in various cities throughout MMP) during the first six months of 1952.
Among the properties returned to the German economy:
 31 family residences
 21 office buildings
 13 factories
 12 apartment buildings
 11 barracks (buildings)
 7 hotels
 5 warehouses
 5 restaurants
 4 hospitals
An earlier article (June 8, 1952) reporting on 29 properties returned at that time, listed four labor camps, a kaserne, and part of the BMW factory in Munich. |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Sept 21, 1952) |
30 Additional Properties Released
The Munich Military Post derequisitioned and released an additional 30 properties recently.
Properties in Munich:
 a 15-room residential building
 a German youth center of 32 rooms
 an office building
 three parcels of land
Properties in Bad Tölz Subpost:
 4 residences with a total of 116 rooms
 a garage
 a shop with 5,255 sq feet
 a parcel of land
Properties in Landshut Subpost:
 the Drexelmaier Hotel
 two gasoline pumps
Properties in Regensburg Subpost:
 a 50-room office building in Kötzing
Properties in Straubing Subpost:
 a training area of 4,518 square feet
 3 houses (residences)
 2 garages
Properties in Berchtesgaden Subpost:
 a 63-room castle
 a 49-room school
 four residences with a total of 102 rooms
 an 18-room apartment house
 a workshop |
1954 |
(Source: SACOM - Munich District Telephone Directory, 10 April 1954) |
INSTALLATIONS in the Munich Area: |
Corrections, installation maps, aerial photos and additional details requested |
1963 |
(Source: STATION LIST, USAREUR, 30 Sept 1963) |
UNITS in the Munich and Dachau: |
A Co, 242nd QM Bn (DS) |
Alabama Area |
Det, 522nd QM Co (Sup Depot) |
Alabama Area |
2nd HOW Bn, 37th FA |
Dachau Ksn, Dachau |
HHB, 6th MSL Bn, 62nd AD |
Dachau |
78th Engr Co (Maint)(DS) |
Dachau Ksn, Dachau |
500th Ord Det |
Dachau Ksn, Dachau |
B Btry, 6th MSL Bn, 62nd AD |
Erding |
3rd Engr Bn |
Henry Ksn |
3rd Bn, 19th Inf |
Henry Ksn |
1st Bn, 35th FA |
Henry Ksn |
3rd Bn, 70th Arm |
Henry Ksn |
E Co, 724th Maint Bn |
Henry Ksn |
13th MP Det (Crim Invest) |
McGraw Ksn |
26th AG Postal Base (Type O) |
McGraw Ksn |
42nd Med Co (Amb) |
McGraw Ksn |
B Co, 102nd Sig Bn (MW RR) |
McGraw Ksn |
105th Fin Sec Disp |
McGraw Ksn |
HHC, A, B Co, 508th MP Bn |
McGraw Ksn |
US Army Garrison Munich |
McGraw Ksn |
US Army SSU Munich |
McGraw Ksn |
A Co, 24th Avn Bn |
Oberschleissheim Airfield |
A Btry, 6th MSL Bn, 62nd AD |
Oberschleissheim |
661st Trans Co (Lt Trans M&S) |
Oberschleissheim Airfield |
2nd Field Hosp |
Perlacher Forst |
2nd Pat Holding Det |
Perlacher Forst |
483rd Med Det (Vet Food Insp) |
Perlacher Forst |
Aug, HHD, 2nd QM Gp |
Texas Area |
HHC, 242nd QM Bn (DS) |
Texas Area |
2nd Sq, 9th Cav |
Warner Ksn |
1st Bn, 21st Inf |
Warner Ksn |
22nd Ord Co (DS) |
Warner Ksn |
HHC, 3rd Bde, 24th Inf Div |
Warner Ksn |
HHD, 71st Ord Bn (M&S) |
Warner Ksn |
596th Trans Co (Lt Trk) |
Warner Ksn |
HHB, 10th AD Group |
Will Ksn |
3rd HOW Bn, 11th FA |
Will Ksn |
HHB, 24th Inf Div Arty |
Will Ksn |
3rd Bn, 32nd Arm |
Will Ksn |
5th Med Bn, 32nd Arm |
Will Ksn |
1st Bn, 34th FA |
Will Ksn |
88th Med Det (Dent Sv) |
Will Ksn |
Det 3, US Army Sig Spt Unit |
Will Ksn |
503rd MI Co (Scty) |
N/A |
AFN Munich |
N/A |
In the early days, AFN Munich's studio was located downtown in the Kaulbach Strasse; still there at this point? |
Corrections, photos and additional details requested |
1986 |

List of US Army installations in the Munich Military Community, 1980s
Research Request |
Information is being compiled for a history of the U.S. Army installations in the Greater Munich, Dachau, Schleissheim, Fresing and Bad Aibling areas, 1945 to 1990s.
Help keep the memories alive! |
1. Historical information on installations and units
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for historical information on units and military activities including base support in the Greater Munich, Dachau, Schleissheim, Freising and Bad Aibling areas between 1945 and the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
2. Aerial & ground photos of kasernes & housing areas
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for period photos of the US Army installations (including dependent housing areas, schools, shopping centers, service (gas) stations & miscellaneous storage or maintenance facilities used by EES/AAFES, Quartermaster, Ordnance, Signal and Transportation units/activities) in the Greater Munich area, Dachau, Schleissheim, Freising and Bad Aibling from 1945 to the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
3. Installation maps
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for facility/post engineer maps of the various installations, activities and housing areas in the Greater Munich, Dachau, Schleissheim, Freising and Bad Aibling areas from 1945 to 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
4. Military Community map
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for a map that shows in detail the Munich military community boundaries for the period 1974-1990.
Contact: webmaster
5. Post Telephone Directory
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: The post telephone directory (any time frame) often provides great historical information on units and activities located on post, including building numbers. The table of contents of a typical post telephone directory can be found here.
Contact: webmaster
6. Map of Munich Military Post (1940s), Munich District (1950s) and Munich Post (1960s)
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for detailed maps of the various iterations of the Munich military community from the early military post days (1947) to the establishment of the Munich Military Community in 1974.
Contact: webmaster |

First days of the Occupation -- thr 45th Inf Div during the Memorial Day parade in Munich, 1945

3rd Army Unit Directory at an unidentified
intersection in downtown Munich, 1946

Memories of days gone by ... an Army shuttle bus approaches the Karlstor in downtown Munich |
Kaserne Histories |
Leopold Kaserne, Munich |
(Source: Email from Robert D. Glenn) |
I was stationed at Leopold Kaserne in 1953. The Quartermaster Depot was on Dachau Str and Leopold Str. Depot. Comder was Col Brill. I find no referance anywhere of this Depot. I have been to Munich serveral times and the Leopold Kaserne was still there in 2001 but the Depot was replaced by the Olympic Sports area.
There is very little I can tell you about Leopold Kaserne. I arrived there in August of 1953. Just finishing basic at Fort Ord California. I was assigned to the Headquarters 562nd QM Petroleum Supply Co (Mobile), APO 108. In the same Barracks was the 626th Refrigeration Trucking Co.
Our motor pool was on the corner of Leopold Str. and Dachau Str. (in the direction of intercity of Munich). I was assigned to the motor pool as a driver for 562 Petroleum Co. on call from the Quartermaster HQ Depot. I was also assigned as a driver for Depot Commander Col. Brill, among other duties such as driver for the Inspector General. My last assignment there in Munich was a dispatcher from the motor pool.
There was a Detachment from the 626 Refrigeration Trucking Co. in Nuernberg, however I do not know the name of the Kaserne, but it was directly across the street from the famous Palace of Justice.
In February 1954 the 562 Petroleum Co M was transferred to Camp Busac France. I was there with them for about one month before being transferred to Ingrandes Depot, Ingrandes, France.
I put in for a transfer back to Germany and in April 1954 was assigned to 43rd Inf. Div. Sheridan Kaserne in Augsburg.
Thank you very much for your interest in my question. |
Luitpold Kaserne, Munich |
(Source: Wikimedia.org) |
Oberwiesenfeld AAF, Munich |
(Source: Günter Braun, Chairman of Bayerische-Flugzeug-Historiker e.V.) |
The airfield Munich Oberwiesenfeld was used by the U.S. Army from 1945 until 1957.
Little is know about the U.S. Army units in Oberwiesenfeld. In 1945 some C-47 were either stationed there or frequently visitors.
Around 1950/1955 a helicopter unit with H-19's was stationed there. (Some years ago I received a letter from a GI stationed at Oberwiesenfeld. Unfortunately this letter is still in one of my 30 unpacked packing cases. I'll see if I can find this letter ...)
The terminal building was used by Radio Liberty from 1953 until 1968.
In 1957 the U.S. Forces handed the airfield over to German authorities. It is not known, if only the aviation surface and control or the complete airfield area including barracks were released. (It might be of interest: the barracks near the airfield had no relation to aviation before 1945.) According to some contemporary witnesses, GIs were still on duty as guards at the perimeter fence of the area after 1957.
The airfield was finally closed in March 1968 and the terminal building blown up in August 1968. Later, the former airfield area was converted into the sports ground for the 1972 Olympic Games. |
(Source: Peter Sickinger, member of Bayerische-Flugzeug-Historiker e.V.) |
UNITS stationed at or operating out of Oberwiesenfeld AAF |
10 Apr 1945 - 1946 |
925th Sig Co with Det A |
Feb 1946 - Oct 1946 |
7th Inf ? |
Jun 1946 - 1950 |
U.S. Constabulary |
1 Jul 1946 |
HHC CC "A" 4th ArmdDiv renamed HHT 2nd Con Bde; HQ Flight located in Oberwiesenfeld 1946 |
1946 |
925 Sig Co renamed EAD Signals Div ??? and relocated ???) (EAD = Erding Air Depot ???) |
24 Nov 1950 |
2nd Constabulary Bde inactivated. |
15 Dec 1952 |
HQ Flight in Oberwiesenfeld |
May 1955 |
5 Cessna L-19's stationed at Oberwiesenfeld, unit unknown |
Oberschleissheim AAF, Munich |
(Source: Alfred Woodson; information is taken from a German publication) |
On April 29, 1945, the 7th Army occupies the airfield without a fight. Two American units are stationed at Schleissheim as of September of that same year. When they pull out of the airfield in February 1946, the runways are detonated.
The Cold War convinces the US of the necessity of stationing American troops in Germany on a long-term basis. Starting in 1947 and with the help of German civilians and prisoners-of-war, "Schleissheim Airfield" is (repaired and) chiefly used by transport (army aviation) units. The American army helicopter unit organizes its air and alpine rescue service for southern Bavaria from this base.
The soldiers' tour of duty at Schleissheim usually lasts only two years. Initially there is little fraternizing, but this changes with time. Many of the locals work as civilian employees at the field. Once a year the Americans hold an "open house" at the installation.
Inconveniencing of the local population due to air traffic noise reaches its peak in 1966/67 during the Vietnam War. At the American flying school located at Schleissheim at this time, the only one outside of the US, pilots are trained for service in Vietnam on some 100 helicopters (based at the school).
With the end of their active involvement in the Vietnam conflict, the US Army withdraws from Schleissheim. On May 31, 1973, the airfiled is officially turned over to the Federal Republic of Germany. |
(Source: Günter Braun, Chairman of Bayerische-Flugzeug-Historiker e.V.) |
UNITS stationed at or operating out of Oberschleissheim AAF |
29 Apr 1945 |
106th Cav Gp; 20th Armd Div; 180th Inf Regt (45th Inf Div); 45th Inf Div Arty; 171st FA Bn; 189th FA Bn; 106th AAA AW Bn SP; |
30 Apr 1945 |
157th Inf Regt |
8 May - 4 Oct 1945 |
816th Engr Avn Bn |
1945 |
925th Engr Avn Bn |
Jul - 4 Oct 1945 |
11th QM Truck Co |
6 Sept - 4 Oct 1945 |
1012th Engr FF Pltn; 2008th QM Truck Co |
10 Sep 1945 - 15 Mar 1945 |
344th Bombardment Gp Hqs |
4 Oct 1945 - |
494th, 495th, 496th and 497th Bombardment Sqs; 8th Base Op Sq; 478th Air Sv Gp; Det of 21st Weather Sq; 720th Air Material Sq; 896th Air Engr Sq; 1520th QM Bn; 1901st QM Truck Co; 1948th QM Truck Co; 1995th QM Truck Co; 2019th QM Truck Co; 1605th Ord MAM Pltn |
16 Mar 1946 - |
Det A, 70th Fighter Wing |
1947 |
1770th Labor Supervision Co (LSC) |
1948 |
1820th LSC; 1124th LSC |
1951 |
73rd LSC |
?? |
1605th LSC (MAM) |
Jan 1956 - Dec 1958 |
48th Trans Co |
4 Mar 1956 |
587th Trans Co (Lt Hcptr) |
May 1956 - Feb 1963 |
18th Trans Co (Lt Hcptr); 110th Trans Co (Lt Hcptr) |
?? |
661st Trans Co (Lt Hcptr) |
Dec 1958 - Sep 1961 |
564th Trans Det; 571st Trans Det |
1959 - 1963 |
8th Trans Bn |
1961 |
329th Trans Det |
1961 - Apr 1963 |
91st Trans Co |
1962 |
Avn Sec, 2nd HOW Bn, 37th FA (Bn located at Dachau Kaserne) |
Jul 1962 - Sep 1972 |
Btry A, 6th MSL Bn, 62nd Arty (HAWK tactical defense site) |
?? |
D Troop, 9th Cav |
1965 |
Co A, 24th Avn Bn (24th Inf Div) |
1968 |
7th Army Aviation Training Center |

Funkstreife Isar 12: "Billiges Benzin" (= cheap gas) Episode -- Part 1, 2, 3 |
Warner Kaserne, Munich |
(Source: YouTube) |
Webmaster note: Werner Ehrenreich from Germany gave me a heads up on an episode of the German TV series "Funkstreife Isar 12" that is available in three parts on YouTube. The series (produced by Bavaria Films) follows the adventures of a German patrol car, "Isar 12," in Munich in the early 1960s. The series was filmed on location in Munich.
One episode, "Billiges Benzin," involves the sale of US gasoline stolen from the Warner Kaserne motor pool by local national employees and sold on the black market. A lot of the filming was done in and around Warner Kaserne. Most on post scenes - the main gate, a tank park (3rd Bn, 34th Arm), and the local training area - appear in parts 2 & 3. Dialogue is in German and English...
I am pretty sure the SACom Public Affairs Office authorized the filming on the US Army post and, it appears, actual members of the 508th MP Battalioon had bit parts in the episode.
For more information on the German TV series (Wikipedia), click here.
If anyone can provide additional details, I would be very interested. |
Warner Airfield, Munich |
(Source: Email from Günter Braun, Chairman of Bayerische-Flugzeug-Historiker e.V.) |
You should add "Warner Field" to your list. Warner Field was a satelite airfield of Schleissheim AAF. It was located on the so called "Panzerwiese", a large meadow area north of Munich near the "Ingolstäder Strasse".
Warner Field had no buildings or other infrastructure, only a mobile tower and a fire engine in the open landscape. It was used for training helicopter pilots. |
Eastman Barracks, Dachau |
(Source: Dachau Concentration Camp pages of the Scrapbook Pages website) |
After the Dachau complex was liberated by the US Seventh Army on April 29, 1945, many of the SS soldiers were incarcerated in the prison compound that was formerly the concentration camp (War Crimes Enclosure No. 1).
American soldiers moved into the beautiful buildings in the SS-Übungslager and remained there for the next 28 years. The SS training camp was renamed the Eastman Barracks, and American soldiers were stationed here until 1973. The army garrison was then turned over to the Bavarian government and many of the buildings were torn down between 1978 and 1984. |
(Source: Email from Kai Reichardt, Germany) |
I am a German officer in Munich.
The Saar-Kaserne, later known as Stetten-Kaserne was one of three barracks at the Schwere-Reiter-Straße in Schwabing. The Saar-Kaserne was used by the US forces after the war by the name Jensen Barracks. I was there as a Lieutenant when it housed a part of the German officers school at the end of the 80ies.
Next to these barracks used to be an airfield called "Oberwiesenfeld", which was not used for aircraft after the war. However the Oberwiesenfeld was used as a storage area that was named Indiana Depot when used by the US forces. Unfortunately there`s nothing left of either, the Stetten-Kaserne or the Indiana Depot. The northern barracks are still in use. |
Henry Kaserne was probably redesignated as Bayern-Kaserne
Warner Barracks was released to the Bundeswehr in xxxx and was redesignated as Ernst-von-Bergmann-Kaserne
Will Barracks was released to the Bundeswehr in xxxx and was redesignated as Fürst-Wrede-Kaserne |
Related Links: |
Henry Kaserne - A place for veterans who served at HENRY KASERNE, Munich, Germany
Eastman Barracks, Dachau - A very informative website featuring the Dachau Concentration Camp and Memorial Site; includes some information on the post-war use of the former SS training camp which became Eastman Barracks and was used by the US Army until 1973
Warner Kaserne - very nice site by a 24th Inf Div veteran stationed at Warner in the 1960's.
Fursty Tree Movers - Exceptionally well designed website featuring USAFE units at Fürstenfeldbruck and Landsberg Air Bases in the 1950s.
Bavarian-Aviation-Historians - very nice site dedicated to the history of aviation in Bavaria. (Has pages in English, too.)
My Tour with the 11th Airborne Medical Battalion - a page on the wonderful 'Paratroopers of the 50s' web site; covers the medical battalion of the 11th ABN Div and Stetten Kaserne. |