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Wartime Host Nation Support
US Army, Europe
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
General Information on the WHNS Program in Europe |
- 1992 |
(Source: Wartime Host Nation Support - Turning Plans into Reality, COL William J. Flanagan and MAJ Thomas Schatte, ALOG, Jan-Feb 1988) |
Wartime Host Nation Support -- Turning Plans Into Reality
by Colonel William J. Flanagan and Major Thomas Schatte
Wartime host nation support (WHNS) provided by the German Army for designated U.S. requirements has a far-reaching impact on logistics support for U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR). Although not fully fielded, the 2d Support Command (SUPCOM) (Corps), VII Corps, is at the forefront in implementing WHNS, which is crucial to USAREUR's warfighting capability. Logisticians, particularly those who plan and execute logistics support for forward-deployed units and Capstone organizations designated for USAREUR, must fully understand the concept to ensure that the advantages and limitations of WHNS are properly addressed.
This new support concept is based on the April 1982 WHNS agreement committing the United States to reinforce its forward-stationed forces with six additional divisions and associated flying squadrons within 10 days. At the same time the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) agreed to provide support from both civilian and military sources. The military WHNS force consists of approximately 83,000 German reservists, of which 50,000 are dedicated to the support of USAREUR. For command and control purposes, these combat support and combat service support units earmarked for the U.S. Army are placed under brigade-level support commands -- in German, Unterstuetzungskommando, or UKdo. There are six UKdo's that support major U.S. Army commands (shown below). Of the six, four (Ukdo 3, 5, 8 and 9) have been activated, while a fifth, UKdo 4, is scheduled for activation in late 1987. The sixth UKdo, UKdo 7 -- an "equipment-holding" unit -- will be represented by a peacetime planning cell with the German Territorial Northern Command; UKdo 7 will support the 310th Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM) in wartime.

UKdo Support Concept
VII Corps and 2d SUPCOM are supported in wartime by UKdo 5. Formally activated in May 1986 and stationed in Ludwigsburg, north of Stuttgart, UKdo 5 currently consists of only 50 active-duty soldiers and will never have more than 100 active-duty soldiers in peacetime. Fully activated and mobilized, its wartime strength will be nearly 12,000 soldiers, a force larger than the peacetime strength of the 2d SUPCOM itself. The organization of UKdo 5 is shown in the chart in the UKdo 5 Chapter.
(Article is continued in the Ukdo 5 Chapter below) |
(Source: Bundesarchiv.de - German national archives web site) |
HQS (1) |
UKdo 3 |
13th COSCOM |
14 Jan 1986 |
31 Mar 1994 |
UKdo 4 |
3rd COSCOM |
1 Oct 1987 |
31 Mar 1997 |
UKdo 5 |
2nd COSCOM |
15 Dec 1985 |
31 Dec 1993 |
UKdo 7 |
TKdo Nord |
7th TAACOM (1) |
1 Oct 1988 |
30 Sep 1992 |
UKdo 8 |
TKdo Süd |
21st TAACOM |
1 Apr 1986 |
31 Mar 1997 |
UKdo 9 |
TKdo Süd |
1 Oct 1986 |
31 Mar 1997 |
(1) WBK . . . Wehrbereichskommando (Military District Command)
TKdo . . . Territorialkommando (Territorial Command)
Unterstützungskommando 3 |
UKdo 3 Crest

Command History
UKdo 3 Organization
UKdo 3 Stations
Unterstützungskommando 4 |
UKdo 4 Crest |
(Source: Unit list provided by Rick Anders, Germany) |

UKdo 4 Organization

TrspBtl 443 |
Unterstützungskommando 5 |
UKdo 5 Crest |
(Source: Wartime Host Nation Support - Turning Plans into Reality, COL William J. Flanagan and MAJ Thomas Schatte, ALOG, Jan-Feb 1988) |

UKdo 5 Organization
(Article is the continuation of the article in the General Chapter above)
VII Corps and 2d SUPCOM are supported in wartime by UKdo 5. Formally activated in May 1986 and stationed in Ludwigsburg, north of Stuttgart, UKdo 5 currently consists of only 50 active-duty soldiers and will never have more than 100 active-duty soldiers in peacetime. Fully activated and mobilized, its wartime strength will be nearly 12,000 soldiers, a force larger than the peacetime strength of the 2d SUPCOM itself.
The process of activating, stationing, equipping, training, and designating missions for UKdo 5 is a challenging task, one which is not yet complete. The entire process must be completed before UKdo 5 can be considered "missioncapable"-that is, able to mobilize within 96 hours, deploy, and perform its wartime mission. |
The normal complexity of these tasks is redoubled because UKdo 5, a German unit, is intended to support only U.S. soldiers. A review of this process as it applies to UKdo 5 and the 2d SUPCOM provides a good understanding of the WRNS process and the lessons applicable to logisticians.
The German Army has divided the WHNS unit activation process into two parts partial and full activation. For the German Army, a date assigned to either stage indicates the start of the process, not its completion. Thus a full activation date of October 1988 means the series of tasks that constitute full activation starts on that date.
Partial activation includes the process of publishing unit orders and identifying specific reservists to man a given unit. A small cadre of from three to five active-duty personnel in addition to civilian staff members are also assigned. The vehicles and other equipment to be mobilized from the civilian sector, known as "materiel mobilization augmentation," are also identified by serial number and owner, and mobilization orders are prepared. Finally, alert and mobilization plans are developed.
Once full activation starts, operational planning begins, and both active-duty and reserve personnel can be trained in their new unit's mission. Unit equipment other than materiel mobilization augmentation items is procured and stored in the mobilization support site, or armory.
Several UKdo 5 units have started the full activation stage. To date, the headquarters and supply companies, the two Lance escort batteries, the field replacement battalion, the transportation regimental headquarters company, and one transportation battalion have started full activation. Two more units began full activation beginning in October 1987, and the remainder are scheduled in the 1988-1992 timeframe.
The new units require facilities to store the equipment and to serve as mobilization sites. Initially, an attempt was made to station as
many units as possible in existing facilities, but space was quickly exhausted. Most of the units require new construction, much of which is still underway. Completion of this infrastructure for UKdo units is projected into 1991.
In but one of many examples of the lower-level cooperation needed to ensure the success of the WHNS program, UKdo 5 and 2d SUPCOM conducted a trafficability test of an armory complex designed to accommodate the M911 heavy equipment transporter (HET). The test revealed that the planned layout would not accommodate the HET's wide turning radius, and revisions to the layout plans were made before the complex was constructed. This type of interaction is required to reduce construction problems.
WHNS unit equipment falls into one of four categories as indicated by numerical codes on unit tables of organization and equipment (TOE's). Equipment that is German-sourced and -funded includes military-unique equipment, such as rifles, pistols, protective masks, and protective clothing.
Major items of U.S.-manufactured equipment are the camouflage nets and support systems, the HET's with trailers, and the forklifts used in transportation and ammunition-handling units.
A third category of equipment includes the trucks, cars, motorcycles, and other items that belong to civilian firms in peacetime and will be requisitioned for military use in wartime. The vehicles are identified by serial number and owner. Requisition documents are prepared for wartime contingencies, and mobilization exercises are periodically conducted in which the vehicles are called in and inspected for serviceability.
Finally, there are items of standard German Army equipment that, by virtue of the cost-sharing agreement, are paid for by the United States. These include more than 380 line items, encompassing a wide range of items, including military conversion kits for civilian vehicles, light anti-tank weapons, and fire extinguishers.
Of the U.S.-sourced and -financed equipment, only the camouflage nets and support systems have been procured. The 6,000-pound, rough-terrain forklifts are scheduled for acquisition in 1988 and 1989, while the HET's will not be available until 1989 at the earliest. To ensure this process remains on track, the funding for both items must be given high priority.
Training for German reserve units is very different from that of U.S. reserve units. To understand the WHNS process one must understand the German training system.
U.S. personnel, accustomed to the "1-week-end-per-month-and-2-weeks-in-summer" approach to reserve training, are surprised by the German system. Training for WHNS units follows the same pattern used for all other German reserve units, and it is basically the same as that used successfully during World Wars I and II.
Formal, mandatory unit training occurs once every 2 years for combat units, and once every 3 years for combat support and combat service support units. This training period is normally 12 days long. Part of this period consists of unit-leader training, and it culminates with a 30-hour field training exercise. The entire unit trains together a total of 6 to 10 days. While other training takes place, such as military school courses or individual participation in other exercises, by U.S. standards, the German formal training cycle is austere in terms of time allotted.
One major offsetting factor is the universal requirement for military service. Every enlisted German reservist spends at least 15 months on active duty, and some spend up to 4 years before being assigned to the reserves. Commissioned and noncommissioned officers have from 2 to 15 years of active-duty experience.
In addition, many German reservists designated for WHNS units are already working for the U.S. Army, training for their wartime jobs every workday. These are the men of the Civilian Support Groups (CSG's), an outgrowth of the postwar Labor Service Units. The 6930th CSG is a 2d SUPCOM subordinate unit whose draft-eligible German males will be incorporated into a WHNS unit upon mobilization. This plan allows the continued use of well-trained personnel who, as reserve soldiers, would not then be subject to employment limitations imposed upon civilians. Personnel in CSG units have years of experience in highly technical fields, are familiar with U.S. procedures, and are often proficient in English; these advantages offset some training limitations.
The German system appears to work well. A recent training exercise for a WHNS Lance escort battery supporting VII Corps proved that in spite of the training cycle, WHNS units can operate successfully with U.S. units. The key to maximizing training effectiveness is to ensure that a WHNS unit conducts its training together with its supported U.S. unit. This requires a serious commitment and full involvement by the U.S. unit. Lessons learned from the Lance escort battery training confirmed the need for U.S. personnel to fully brief WHNS personnel on the U.S. unit's mission. German linguists, always a scarce commodity, are vital to successful mission accomplishment, and the U.S. unit must monitor and provide feedback on effectiveness of the support provided.
Although UKdo 5 or any UKdo will not be fully fielded for 3 to 4 years, many actions can be taken now that will enhance the capability of UKdo units when they do become fully operational. The experience of 2d SUPCOM and UKdo 5 demonstrates what can be done now.
The 2d SUPCOM and UKdo 5 have established a close and proactive working relationship and thus have gained valuable insight into wartime cooperation. The staffs of both headquarters have developed a joint field standing operating procedure (FSOP). The FSOP incorporates special procedures to accommodate UKdo 5. UKdo 5 has different command and control principles, equipment, and operating procedures than those of 2d SUPCOM, which had to be taken into account in revising the FSOP.
To familiarize the WHNS unit with U.S. terms and procedures and U.S. personnel with German procedures, UKdo 5 participated in a command post exercise, Wintex-Cimex '87, alongside 2d SUPCOM units and personnel from the 167th Corps Support Command (COSCOM), 2d SUPCOM's Capstone unit. Liaison teams were dispatched to 2d SUPCOM and VII Corps headquarters, while the UKdo player cell was located with 2d SUPCOM's subordinate Active and Reserve Component units. The operational chain of command was played off-line to avoid confusing present-day with future capability. Designated layers from 2d SUPCOM medical groups and materiel and transportation staff sections provided taskings to the UKdo that mirrored those of 2d SUPCOM units. UKdo 5 staff officers conducted daily briefings in English for 2d SUPCOM personnel.
As a result of the exercise, both units became thoroughly familiar with the other's operations and gained valuable experience for future operations. The exercise also provided the opportunity for maximum interface between UKdo 5 and 167th COSCOM units, thus building operational expertise for both elements of 2d SUPCOM's wartime force -- U.S. and German reserve units. Command post exercises of this nature must be conducted as early as possible to ensure good interface and proper employment of UKdo units.
Training of UKdo 5 personnel in U.S. procedures has not been limited to formal exercises. Training has included orientation classes on 2d SUPCOM organization and missions for both active-duty and reserve UKdo personnel. M16 rifle qualification, always popular with German partnership units, assumes a particularly practical dimension for UKdo 5 personnel, as they stand a far greater likelihood of someday employing the M16 in earnest. To share lessons learned so far, 2d SUPCOM and UKdo 5 have presented joint classes to German soldiers and officers as part of the German Army's WHNS course for personnel who will serve with WHNS units.
The past year's joint implementation of the WHNS concept has yielded many valuable lessons. Not all of them, however, were what we wanted to learn. Although much progress has been made, many challenging problems have been identified that still require solution.
WHNS units are German units, organized to German TOE's, and employed in accordance with German doctrine. There are subtle differences between German and U.S. units -- differences in doctrine, training, manning, and equipping that are of no consequence when German units interface with German units, or U.S. with U.S., but which often cause a less-than-perfect match when German units must support U.S. units.
U.S. terminal transfer units, for example, will normally perform the loadmaster function for a truck unit that arrives to pick up cargo, since U.S. truck units do not have that capability. However, in the German Army, it is the truck unit, not the terminal transfer team, which determines the loading of each truck. Consequently, when a U.S. truck arrives at a German WHNS terminal transfer point neither unit will have the loadmaster capability. The same holds true for loading documentation in these units. Adjustments must be made to rectify the differences.
Similarly, functional gaps exist because German logistics doctrine does not require performance of a particular task. In U.S. ammunition supply units, the function of surveillance (ensuring ammunition stocks are serviceable and safe to use) is provided for by TOE's. U.S. units also closely manage the issue and stock accounting of ammunition. German ammunition units, on the other hand, are more austerely manned and do not perform surveillance and accountability functions in the same manner as U.S. units, nor are they trained in U.S. procedures for these tasks, given the limited training time available.
The best solution for eliminating these and other functional gaps lies in the employment of cellular logistics teams (CLT's). A CLT is a small team of U.S. functional area specialists, normally reservists, who fill the gap between a WHNS unit's capability and the U.S. requirement. Teams vary in size according to the type of WHNS unit they support. Currently, they are envisioned primarily for ammunition supply companies, POL supply battalions, and terminal transfer companies. The concept was first defined in 1984, and tentative agreement on CLT composition was reached in February 1987. The agreement was signed on 20 July 1987.
A generic mission for any CLT includes providing liaison and interface between U.S. and German WHNS units; providing U.S. workload data to German units; maintaining visibility of supplies and equipment; and reporting their status back through U.S. channels. While the CLT concept will be costly in terms of additional U.S. personnel, it offers an effective way to overcome problems relating to U.S.-German doctrinal and procedural differences. At the same time, the CLT provides a radio communications link which is U.S.-compatible.
There are also equipment differences that must be recognized and adjustments that must be made. For example, U.S. regulations require JP4 fuel to be filtered twice before being pumped to an aircraft. Consequently, all U.S. fuel trucks and storage tanks have fuel filters and separators. However, the fuel storage tanks in WHNS petroleum supply battalions are not so equipped, thus rendering them unsuited for JP4 storage. This problem is being addressed.
While the WHNS program has developed considerably since its inception in 1982, much remains to be done. The U.S. and German forces involved are breaking new ground in interoperability and mutual support, and valuable lessons have been learned that will help logistics planners make the best of this essential warfighting asset and facilitate the employment of WHNS units.
These are some key lessons that must be kept in mind by those involved in the WHNS process
Key U.S. personnel interfacing with UKdo's must understand the German language and terms.
We must give high priority to ensuring that funding is aligned with the activation schedule.
U.S. units must provide early, meaningful training opportunities for key WHNS personnel.
FSOP's must be developed, played out in command post exercises, refined, used in field exercises, and then refined again.
We must use every opportunity to build joint understanding of support requirements and the supporters' capabilities, through social, sport, command post, and field exercises.
We must build on experience gained in other
U.S. and WHNS units.
Colonel William J. Flanagan (Quartermaster Corps) is commander, Defense Logistics Agency-Europe. Until June 1987, he was chief of staff, 2d Support Command (Corps), in Europe. Colonel Flanagan is an Army War College graduate and a frequent contributor to Army Logistician.
Major Thomas Schatte is civil affairs officer, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Security, Operations, Training, and Intelligence, 2d SUPCOM. As a German linguist and former chief of plans and operations, V Corps, GS, Major Schatte has had extensive experience in the implementation of the wartime host nation support program

SichBtl 451 |

InstBtl 451 |

SchwBrKp 4501

TrspBtl 453 (1)
(1) TransBtl 453 (453rd Transportation Battalion) is probably one of the subordinate battalions of TrspRgt 45 (45th Transportation Regiment) on the org chart. |
(Source: JOBBER, April 13, 1987) |
SUPCOM, UKdo 5 working on better relations
by Bob Beckstead
The recent WINTEX/CIMEX field training exercise may be history in the books, but for the soldiers of the 2nd Support Command (Corps), it represented the beginning of a new working relationship with their German counterparts.
Although 2nd SUPCOM had been dealing with the German Army unit, Unterstuetzungs-Kommando (UKdo) 5 for over a year, it was the first time the two units had actively worked side-by-side, according to Maj. Thomas Schatte, 2nd SUPCOM's Civil Affairs officer.
"It was a valuable experience for them (the soldiers of UKdo 5)," Schatte said, adding that the Americans also benefited from their first face-to-face working relationship with the unit.
In previous exercises, such as Crested Eagle and REFORGER, UKdo 5 had been involved merely as spectators. But during WINTEX/CIMEX, they were a part of the action.
"About 30 (UKdo 5) personnel were involved, working in the player cell," said Schatte. "They received orders from 2nd SUPCOM, went through the staff procedures, and conducted nightly briefings for the 2nd SUPCOM staff in English.
"It was the first time they physically worked with the Americans, and that was a very beneficial aspect of the exercise," Schatte continued.
UKdo 5 is a German Army support command which is aligned with the 2nd SUPCOM under the provisions of the April 1982 Wartime Host Nation Support Agreement. It is one of six support commands, which are chiefly composed of combat support and combat service support units. Under the bilateral agreement, the Germans provide certain types of military units to support the U.S. forces during wartime. The United States reciprocates by providing reinforcing divisions.
The UKdo subordinate units are not active Army, but are reserve units which are mobilized once every two to three years for training, according to Schatte. The 50-man headquarters and "a couple of reserve units" are the only UKdo 5 units that have thus far been activated, Schatte said.
In wartime, however, the number of UKdo 5 personnel would climb to nearly 12,000 soldiers. Of these, over 8,000 support 2nd SUPCOM directly. They are broken down into five major units, including a transportation regiment, ammunition regiment, petroleum supply battalion, maintenance battalion, and a casualty evacuation battalion.
UKdo headquarters, which was formally activated in December 1985, is located in Ludwigsburg. Since its activation, soldiers from Headquarters, 2nd SUPCOM have been working to build a closer relationship with their German counterparts.
"The activities have been more professional than social," said Schatte. Besides acting as official observers during Crested Eagle and REFORGER, a translator from UKdo 5 was also attached to 2nd SUPCOM for two weeks in March 1986 to brush up on military terminology. In May 1986, 2nd SUPCOM provided an honor platoon for UKdo's official activation ceremony.
The Day of Camaraderie in July 1986 was another chance for the American and German soldiers to get together, an event that will be repeated during this year's Day of Camaderie celebration. And last Thursday, about 15 UKdo 5 enlisted soldiers underwent weapons qualification with 2nd SUPCOM's Special Troops Battalion.
Because of these partnership-type activities, Schatte said that 2nd SUPCOM had, in January, applied for the exchange of partnership scrolls between the two units. Approval of the request would cement an official Project Partnership relationship between 2nd SUPCOM and UKdo 5.
It hasn't all been a bunch of get-togethers though. There have also been paperwork projects between the two, which are just beginning to take form.
"We've been working on developing a joint SOP (standard operating procedure) for working together," Schatte said. "It's an on-going process. We still need to refine the principles of cooperation.
"We do have war plans," he continued, "but we need to refine those. You never stop working on them, because it (the planning) is never done."
The ultimate key to success, Schatte said, is when the two units are able to apply these paperwork principles to an actual side-by-side working relationship.
But before that can happen, more work must be done. Schatte admitted that the program is "still trying to get off the ground. It will take two to four years to complete," he said.
The building-up process involves identifying personnel for assignment to the UKdo units, building an infra-structure (kasernes and facilities), requisitioning and receiving equipment, and training the personnel.
Throughout this build-up process, contact between 2nd SUPCOM and UKdo 5 will be a major factor in the program's success. The two units currently keep in touch with each other "about every other day," Schatte said, in the form of phone conversations, meetings, training exercises and get-togethers.
Working together, the two units will continue their planning so that, if necessary, they will be able to perform their assigned missions together in the event of war.
(Source: The Aschaffenburg Forum, June 28, 1989) |
German soldiers escort Lance battalion
by Karen and Rob Ault
The woods are quiet as the German soldiers move slowly through the forest, looking for anything out of the ordinary - anything that could ruin their mission of guarding a U.S. Army Lance missile firing platoon.
Finding nothing, they begin to deploy around the firing point and secure it for the American missile crew.
But this wasn't wartime. This was a recent training exercise conducted by the 3rd Battalion, 12th Field Artillery, and their German Lance Escort Battery 4502. The units spent two days training together, learning new tactics and how to work with each other.

Members of 3-12th FA and 4502 Escort Btry
watch a fire mission demonstration
This was also the first time in USAREUR that a German escort battery had worked with Lance on a battalion-level exercise. Although Lance has been deployed in Europe since 1974, the concept of using a German unit to provide security for Lance is only about four years old, according to Maj. Mark Morrison, operations officer for 3rd Bn, 12th FA.
The goal of the exercise was to "establish and refine the tactics we will use in wartime if we were to use a German security unit," Morrison said.
The German reservists had previously provided escort to field artillery units in the Bundeswehr. The battery is armed with 20mm cannons to defend against aircraft and armored vehicles and various small arms. The troops are well versed in infantry tactics and respond well to any aggressors, said 2nd Lt. Kenneth Greer, a Battery B launch platoon leader. |
The German unit acted as a security escort, sweeping the area around the Lance unit. The unit gave warnings of aggressors and responded accordingly during a mock battle, said launch platoon leader 1st Lt. Richard Majancsik from Battery B, 3rd Bn, 12th FA.
With the Germans providing security, lance crew members can concentrate on their technical task. "It is going to make our job easier," Majanesik said.
Although there were language difficulties, both sides agreed they had worked well together and learned a great deal.
They used a lot of sign language, and with the pieces soldiers knew of each other's language, they were able to understand each other, said Sgt. David Arellano from Battery A.
During the three-day exercise, the units tested new tactics prescribed by a four-year USAREUR study on Lance survivability. The study assessed all types of threats to lance units - including air, ground, motorized, reconnaissance and electronic. Based on the way an enemy would find and attack a Lance unit, the study derived new tactics to increase survival including the use of security units, Morrison said.
"Some are very different than ways we have used traditionally to defend ourselves," he said. The exercise will be the basis for the German Artillery School's doctrine on security units, although there may be some variation between battalions, Morrison said.
The exercise is a good exchange of ideas and techniques, according to Oberst Leutnant Ulrich Dinkelaker. The German lieutenant colonel is from the German Field Artillery School.
Every soldier has the opportunity to contribute to the doctrine. Soldiers see it from the foxhole level and can give suggestions on tactics, Dinkelaker said. This gives purpose to the training.
"If it's not meaningful, interest flags," Morrison said, referring to both the American soldiers and the German reservists.
German males are compelled by law to serve in the reserves after their required 15 months active-duty service. These soldiers, some with long hair or beards, leave their jobs in the civilian sector, taking vacation time, to train 12 days every two years. They serve in the reserves for six years then are listed in the inactive reserve, said Hauptman Friedhelm Duesterwald, company commander of HHC UKDO 5.
Unterstützungskommando 7 |
Nachschubbataillon 133 web site) |
UKdo 7 Crest |

UKdo 7 Organization
Twisteden Ammo Site
(Source: Rick Anders, Germany, and Nachschubbataillon 133 web site) |
StKp UKdo 7 |
HHC, UKdo 7 |
in Köln |
VersKp 4701 |
4701st Sup Co |
not yet formed |
InstLenkGrp 471 |
471st Maint Contact Tm |
in Köln |
FErsBtl 471 |
471st Repl Bn |
in/around Köln |
SichBtl 471 |
471st Guard Bn |
not yet formed |
NschRgt 47 (?) |
47th Sup Regt |
not sure if this C&C unit existed |
NschBtl 471 |
471st Ammo Bn |
not yet formed |
NschBtl 472 |
472nd Ammo Bn |
6953rd CSC |
formed on 1 Oct 1988; in Mönchengladbach |
2./NschBtl 472 |
2nd Co, 472nd |
2047th CSG |
formed on/after 1 Oct 1988; in Bremerhaven |
3./NschBtl 472 |
3rd Co, 472nd |
2056th CSG |
formed on/after 1 Oct 1988; in Twisteden |
NschBtl 473 |
473rd POL Sup Bn |
not yet formed |
InstBtl 471 |
471st Maint Bn |
not yet formed |
x./InstBtl 471 |
x Co, 471st Maint Bn |
8900th CSG |
x./InstBtl 471 |
x Co, 471st Maint Bn |
8903rd CSG |
x./InstBtl 471 |
x Co, 471st Maint Bn |
8908th CSG |

SichBtl 471

NschBtl 472
Unterstützungskommando 8 |
1986 - 19.. |
UKdo 8 Emblem |
(Source: Support Sentinel, Oct 8, 1986) |
The German Army's newest contribution to NATO operations, Unterstützungskommando 8 (UKdo 8 or Wartime Host Nation Support Command 8) was activated Oct 1.
The ceremony took place at 10:30 a.m. at Niederauerbach Kaserne in Zweibrücken. Units such as this one haven been established under the "Treaty on Host Nation Support During Crisis or War" between the governments of the United States and the Federal Republkic of Germany. U-Kommando 8 is one of several units formed to support the American Army and Air Force during time of war, and the first of two units to be activated in 21st Support Command.
Under the terms of the treaty, the Germans will provide combat service units to enable the 21st to better support American reinforcements arriving from CONUS.
U-Kommando 8 will primarily support the 60th Ordnance Group and the 29th Area Support Group. The other U-Kommando unit in 21st will activate next year, and it will support the 7th Support Command in Rheinberg.
The mission of U-Kommandos is to provide support to each Corps Support Command and Theater Area Area Command. U-Kommando 8 will support 21st with additional security, ammunition, and petroleum, oil, and lubrication (POL) handling units besides providing support to the 5th Signal Command and the 56th Artillery Brigade.
During peacetime, the units have a small active staff and are manned by mobilized reserves during war or emergency situations. Even though they are under the German Territorial Southern Command, they respond to support requirements of US Forces.
By 1992, six U-Kommandos will be established which, together, with reserve security battalions dedicated to protecting US facilities, will provide more than 90,000 German soldiers to support the US forces during wartime. These units represent an important logistical contribution to the sustainability of US foirces in Germany.

NschBtl 481 |

NschBtl 482

NschBtl 483

NschBtl 484

SichBtl 481 |

SichBtl 484 ? |

FmBtl 481 |
Unterstützungskommando 9 |
UKdo 9 Crest |
(Source: Rick Anders, Germany, and various others) |
StKp UKdo 9 |
HHC, UKdo 9 |
in Mannheim-Feudenheim |
VersKp 4901 |
4901st Sup Co |
in Kaiserslautern |
InstLenkGrp 491 |
491st Maint Contact Tm |
not yet formed |
FErsBtl 491 |
491st Repl Bn |
not yet formed |
KrTrspBtl 491 |
491st Med Trans Bn |
in Neubrücke |
KrTrspBtl 492 |
492nd Med Trans Bn |
in Köln |
TrspRgt 49 |
49th Trans Regt |
in/around Wittlich |
TrspBtl 491 |
491st Trans Bn |
in/around Ohlweiler |
TrspBtl 492 |
492nd Trans Bn |
in Borken |
TrspBtl 493 |
493rd Trans Bn |
in Uedem |
TrspRgt 490 |
490th Trans Regt |
Kaiserslautern |
TrspBtl 494 |
494th Trans Bn |
in Bexbach |
TrspBtl 495 |
495th Trans Bn |
in Oftersheim |
TrspBtl 496 |
496th Trans Bn |
6966th CSC |
in Kaiserslautern |
PiBtl 491 |
491st Engr Bn |
6970th CSC |
in/around Bruchsal |
Nachschubbataillon 133 - nice web site - in German; covers the history of the German Ammunition Battalion 472, part of the WHNS program, and successor outfits. Includes a very nice Unit History in PDF format with many photos.
Strategic Studies Project: NATO Burden Sharing - A National War College online report compiled in 1987 that reviews the concept of increased use of Host Nation Support in Europe. (PDF format) |