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Military Police Battalion
Southern Area Command
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
History |
- 1964 |
(Source: Email from Dick Burch) |
The 508th Military Police Battalion was originally constituted on 29 July 1921 in the Organized Reserve as the 308th Military Police Battalion. This unit was allotted to the Regular Army, 1 January 1938. The 1st of June 1940, the Battalion was officially re-designated as the 508th Military Police Battalion. The 508th Military Police Battalion with Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment and Companies A, B and C, were activated 20 March 1944 at Ft Sam Houston, Texas.
(The Battalion arrived in the European Theater in December 1944. It initially served in England where in January 1945, it was transferred to the newly formed 15th Army. In mid-March, the 508th was moved to France and attached to 1st Army. The battalion participated in the final drive of the allied armies into Germany performing traffic control, operation of straggler control points, and suppression of violence between Russian and Polish displaced persons and German Civilians in and around the area of Dueren, Germany. For more details, see Dick Burch's HHD, 508th MP Bn web site - link is in the Related Links section below.)
Battalion Headquarters, 508th Military Police Battalion was moved on 27 April 1945 from Dueren to Frechen, Germany, APO 408 and the Companies and Detachments of the Companies were on duty throughout the Aachen-Cologne Area. On 24 June 1945, orders were received effecting the assembly and transfer of the 508th Military Police Battalion to Munich, Germany, APO 403, in the heart of Bavaria. This meant the end of attachment to the 1st US Army and assignment to the 15th US Army and a new assignment with the famous 3rd US Army with General George C. Patton as the Commanding General.
The 508th Military Police Battalion arrived in Munich on 27 June 1945 with Hq and Hq Detachment and Co's A, B and C and was located in the Stetten Kaserne, Dachau Strasse. The MP Station was located at #6 Sophien Strasse, (behind the train station) downtown Munich. On the 12th of July 1945, the 508th Military Police Battalion relieved the 512th Military Police Battalion of all active duty in Munich and having been reinforced with 200 enlisted men took over the mission of law enforcement in Munich and it's environs.
This was indeed a difficult assignment for an Army MP Battalion. Munich, a pre-war city of 750,000 and the age old culture center of Bavaria, had also the dubious fame of being the birthplace of the Nazi Party. In fact, the beer cellar in which Hitler first met his cohorts and which was later the scene of a bombing attempt on his life, had been adopted for use as an American Red Cross Club, the "Buergerbraeu-Keller".
To facilitate and raise the efficiency of operations, the city was divided into three sectors with a company assigned to each sector. Co "A", 508th MP BN was assigned the section north of Landsberger Strasse and west of the Isar River. Co "B" 508th MP BN was assigned the opposite sector East of the river and south of Landsberger Strasse. Co "C" 508th MP BN was assigned the Area from the Hauptbahnhof (Main Railroad Station) west to the suburb of Laim.
The problem of policing included control of large numbers of Displaced Persons and their camps. These people were of all nationalities from all of Europe and included the lawless elements always found in such homeless groups. Black marketeering, riots and crimes of violence aggravated by a large influx of allied troops on furlough and pass, kept the Battalion busy day and night.
There were two (2) Traffic Posts operated by Company C, 508th MP BN in it's sector. One being at the eight-street intersection at Rosenheimer Platz and the other at the three-street intersection at Zweibruecken Strasse and Rosenheimer Strasse. It was the duty of Military Police on these posts to keep traffic moving properly, give correct directions to and locations of travel routes to anyone traveling through or in Munich. It was a large task at this time as the flow of traffic was continuous, with convoys of troops being shifted to new stations and being deployed.
It was difficult at first to get the German civilians to obey signals as they were unfamiliar with them. However it was not long before the Germans began to understand with the help of Radio announcements and other informational programs. Several thousands bicycles and other vehicles were impounded, before the rule that main streets and highways were "off limits" to Germans was fully understood.
A Traffic Regulating Post (TRP) was established at Rosenheimer Strasse and Zweibrueckener Strasse. The TRP was manned by two Military Policemen and a German Interpreter. This post was equipped with large maps of Germany and locator logs for units. It became one of the critical and central information agencies in Munich. Also attached to this TRP were two-foot patrols, which covered the surrounding area directing people to the TRP and enforcing uniform regulations and other laws.
In Aug 1945, the direction of traffic at intersections was turned over to American-trained Civil Police. This ended the mechanical direction of traffic by Military Police, but the TRP was kept in operation for the benefit of Americans. On St. Martins Strasse, a Maintenance Law Office was maintained which had a Desk Sergeant and the necessary interpreters and clerks. This was the Operations Office for Company C sector. Also attached was an Investigation Section which made Special Investigations in cases of serious crimes, curfew violations by civilians were handled in this office with the offenders being booked and sent to Cornelius Prison for trial. Company C, 508th MP BN also furnished a detachment known as the "Palace Guards” which furnished security for HQ. Third U.S. Army (Rear) located at Tegernseerland Strasse. It also guarded the home of General Mueller, Chief of the Military Government of Bavaria. A Summary Court was stationed approximately ten miles south on A-6 South Autobahn. Company C, 508th MP BN furnished Desk Sergeants and clerks for the court. This Court handled all traffic violators expeditiously. Company C, 508th MP BN also maintained motorcycle patrols on the main highways in this area coordinating with the 503rd Military Police Battalion.
One notable lack in equipment that increased the difficulty of operation was radio communications. This situation was relieved in September 1945, by the installation of Police Radio Net. This net was the second of it's type to be operated on the continent by a Military Police Organization, the first having been installed in Paris. With the installation of this net completed and with the consolidation of Booking Office at MP Headquarters at 28 Ludwig Strasse, the operating efficiency increased to a point that compared favorably with any Metropolitan Police Force.
By December 1945, the 508th Military Police Battalion was well settled in Munich with the main problem being the loss of trained personnel in the redeployment rush. In any event a better but less active year was looked forward to in 1946. At the beginning of 1946, the members of the 508th Military Police Battalion were to be patrons of an eventful year. The Battalion was the receipient of frequent commendations from higher headquarters and distinguished personages. The 508th MP BN Basketball team the “Raiders” won the Class "B" championship, defeating all three leading contenders on consecutive evening in a playoff series which began on the 10 of February, terminating 12 February 1946.
During October 1946, the whole Battalion was utilized in order to facilitate the raid on the Luitpold Kaserne (DP Camp). The efficiency and co-operation of those concerned was outstanding, and enabled the raid to become another successful operation in the annuals of the 508th Military Police Battalion history.
By those who participated or witnessed the eventful visit of the Army Chief of Staff General Dwight D. Eisenhower reviewing the elements of the 508th Military Police Battalion and the 2nd Constabulary Brigade, a memory of that colorful moment will not be easy to forget. Components of the 508th Military Police Battalion escorted General Eisenhower during his visit to Munich. The General was accompanied by General Joseph T. McNarney, Lt. General Geoffrey Keyes, Maj. General Ernest N. Harmon, Brigadier General Hobart R. Gay, and Brigadier General Walter Muller on history of the city. The impressive procession consisting of eight sedans escorted by motorcycle platoon left the Munich Bahnhof after the arrival of the five star General, and proceeded to the Koenigsplatz, where before the war, the legions of Hitler paraded. In this vast reviewing ground, General Eisenhower reviewed elements of the 508th Military Police Battalion and the 2nd Constabulary Brigade. Included in the parade were A, B and Provisional Companies of the 508th Military Police Battalion and a horse-mounted platoon, color guards, the band, four companies of foot troopers, motorcycle platoon, and jeep, armored car and light tank units all of the 2nd Constabulary Brigade. The remainder of the 508th Motorcycle Platoon escorted the group of Generals and officers about Munich, visiting the headquarters of OMGB, the Export Schau, and finally the two DP Camps outside of Munich, where General Eisenhower was met by Major General McBride, Commander of the 9th Infantry Division. |
508th MP Bn AOR, early 1950s

508th MP Bn AOR, 1957-64
During 1945-51 the 508th Military Police Battalion with its subordinate companies - Hq and Hq Detachment, Companies A, B and C - was first located in the Stetten Kaserne, Dachau Strasse. The MP Station was located at #6 Sophien Strasse (behind the main train station) downtown Munich. On 20 September 1951, in accordance with a directive originating at Headquarters, European Command, the Battalion was reorganized to include Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 508th Military Police Battalion and Companies "A,""B," "C." Also at this time, Company "D" 508th MP BN (which had been inactive since 1944) was reactivated. (Added June 27, 2006: Initially, Company "D" was located and headquartered in Bad Toelz with detachments in Garmisch, Murnau and Degerndorf.
In late 1954, Co D headquarters relocated from Bad Toelz and was headquartered in Reese Barracks, Augsburg, retaining its detachments in Garmish, Oberammergau, Berchtesgaden, Bad Toelz, Degerndorf, Murnau, and Fussen.)
The mission of the Battalion was enlarged to include the police responsibility for the entire 11,000 square miles of Munich Military Post, the largest military post in the world and Garmisch Military Post as well.
At this time, Company "C" 508th MP BN was relocated from McGraw Kaserne and headquartered in Regensburg with Detachments in Landshut and Straubing. During this re-organization of the 508th MP BN, Company "D" 508th MP BN was located and headquartered in Bad Toelz with detachments in Garmisch, Murnau and Degerndorf.
Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 508th Military Police Battalion, with Company's "A" and "B" (-) remained in McGraw Kaserne and continued policing the metropolitan area of Munich. Company "B" had a Detachment located in Berchtesgaden.
In 1957, due to changes in the organizational structure of the Southern Area Command (SACOM), it became necessary to regroup elements of the Battalion in order to function as an integral unit. Under the new disposition, all elements of the 508th Military Police Battalion were attached to the Munich Post.
In late 1957, Company "C" headquarters relocated from the Regensburg, Landshut and Straubing areas to Reese Kaserne and later Infantry Kaserne, Augsburg, Germany. Company "D" headquarters relocated from Bad Tolz, Garmisch, Murnau and Degerndorf to Regensburg with Detachments at Landshut and Straubing. Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 508th Military Police Battalion and Companies "A" and "B" remained in McGraw Kaserne and policed the city of Munich. Company ''A'' had Detachments in Garmisch, Bad Tolz and Berchesgaden. Company "B" had Detachments in Bad Aibling and Chiemsee. |
In August 1963, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 508th Military Police Battalion and Company's "A" and "B" relocated from McGraw Kaserne (across the road from the main gate of McGraw Kaserne) to a new Headquarters, 508th Military Police Battalion Building called Von Steuben Hall. On 21 October 1963 the new Headquarters Building was dedicated and Platoons of the 508th MP's and the 760th Battalion Feldjaegers (German MP's from the German Bundeswehr) were present for the dedication. At this time, Company "C", 508th MP BN was located at the Infantry Kaserne in Augsburg. Company "D", 508th MP BN was located in Straubing, Landshut and Regensburg.
On 1 July 1964, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 508th Military Police Battalion and Companies "A," "B," "C" and "D" were deactivated per USAREUR General Order No.201. During 1 June 1964 saw the formal deactivation ceremonies of the 508 Military Police Battalion. On the last day, the unit marched from Von Steuben Hall (across the road from McGraw Kaserne) and entered the gates of McGraw Kaserne proceeding up the main street to the front of Southern Area Command (SACOM) Headquarters. Battalion personnel then formed into a Battalion Formation and a brief history of the 508th MP BN was read. Colonel Lee C. Miller, SACOM Commander reviewed the troops and the colors were officially retired by Major Franklin M. Conway, Commanding Officer of the 508th and SGM Murrey E. Morris, BN SGM. Colonel Miller made a final address to the Battalion and then the 508th Military Police Battalion passed in review and marched away for the last time.
Upon deactivation of the 508th MP BN in Munich, former members from Company's "A" and "B" were either assigned to Co C, 793rd MP BN, which was assigned to Von Steuben Hall, Munich to replace the 508th MP BN in Munich. Former members of the 508th MP BN not remaining in Munich were reassigned to other military police units within Germany.
(The above unit history information was obtained by reviewing files of the 508th MP BN at Carlisle Barracks, Pa; information provided by the MP School Historical Office; and from information obtained from the 1947 508th MP BN Yearbook; open sources and from experiences of former members of the 508th MP BN during 1944 to 1964. The history was compiled and documented by Richard W. Burch, retired member of the Military Police Corps and former member of the 508th MP BN.) |
Of The Troops And For The Troops

508th MP Battalion, 1952 Yearbook
1953 |
(Source: MILITARY POLICE Journal, February 1953) |
The "new look" sported by the 508th MP Battalion in Metropolitan Munich is being hailed as one of the most notable advances in the policing of the largest city in the US Zone of Germany since the Bn assumed the task shortly after the close of WWIl in 1946.
Few shed tears when the old familiar white top jeeps were finally shunted aside in favor of the 20 new 1952 Chevrolet sedans, least of all the German policemen who used to bounce around the rear of the jeeps when riding with MPs patrols over the bumpy cobblestone streets of Munich as part of German-American police cooperation providing for mixed patrols netting the city, capable of handling any German or American incident.
But comfort was not the sole objective of the Battalion's innovation. Other, and more important, advantages have been cited, such as economy and safety. The sedans saved the government money the day they were installed because their purchase price is substantially lower than that of jeeps whose four-wheel and low-range drive can hardly be used in the city. Subsequent experience has shown that the sedans use less gas than the old jeeps and the fewer repairs needed because of the lessening of accidents save the tax-payer money. The new vehicles are safer because of the greatly increased field of vision, ease of driving, right and left turn indicators, and more room for the occupants. Freedom of movement enables the policemen to enter and leave the vehicle more easily and promotes greater security in the guarding of prisoners.
The new sedans are well-equipped for just about any weather and emergency. Radios provide for quick dispatch of the patrol car to the scene of an incident. Defrosters and heaters make winter driving safer and more comfortable. Emergency equipment includes a siren, flashing blue light, first-aid kit, blanket, tool kit, tow rope, warning kit composed of flares, flashlights, battery-operated baton, and roadside reflectors, and an operations kit consisting of special instructions, city maps, and a list of wanted persons, AWOLs, and stolen vehicles.
The white-marked OD sedans are used solely for partol. Although they have been displaced, the jeeps have not lost their usefulness. While up to eight sedans are on patrol during each eight-hour patrol with two military and one German policemen in each, the jeeps are used for other battalion functions. Special military police details, battalion alert exercises, field problems, and everyday incidental details keeps the jeeps busy and in much demand. But it is in the present primary duty of the Battalion of policing Munich and cementing German-American relations through close police work that the new vehicles are proving their worth. |
1959 |
(Source: Email
from Finley Duke (SP4)) |
508th Military Police Battalion DI
I noticed that you didn't have anything about the 508 MP Battalion.
Maybe the following can be used.
In 1943, Col. Elmer L. Lentz was sent to Fort Sam Houston, Texas to
activate and command the 508th Military Police Battalion and deployed
with them to England in December of 1943. His unit supported the First
US Army throughout Europe during the war with emphasis on prisoner
of war operations. The 508th had occupation duty in Munich, Germany
in support of the Third US Army until 1946.
I arrived in Augsburg in late December 1959. I was picked up at the
train station by the First Sgt. in a 1957 Chevrolet sedan. The other
solders that I had traveled with were loaded into big trucks. They
were still there (in the cold) as we drove away in the warm sedan
to my new home at 'Infantry' Kaserne.
I was nineteen years old, and now a part of CO. 'C' 508th Military
Police Battalion. Captain Krebbs was CO. I was a Pvt. (E-2). One end
of our barracks was bombed in WW2 and never repaired. It was still
that way when I left. When I rotated, Lt. Bell had just been promoted
to Captain and CO, replacing Capt. Shannon (Capt. Krebbs' replacement).
I soon learned that CO 'A' and 'B' were in Munich, CO 'D' was in Regensburg.
Our unit policed all military personnel and their dependents, as well
as American civilian personnel employed my the military including
school teachers, civil servants etc. We had four town patrol units
and two traffic units for traffic accidents involving American military
personnel. One unit in the city, the other a Highway patrol unit assigned
to the autobahn and outlying areas. The Hwy. Patrol unit performed
the same duty as the old 62nd Highway patrol unit from a few years
past. The town patrol units operated in the same manner as any 'back
home' police Dept. in keeping the peace among the troops who were
on duty, or off. We ran three shifts, 24 hours a day including a shift
supervisor, desk Sergeant and a jail.
We were just kids, but it didn't take long to get old. The Berlin
wall going up caused me to be extended six months past my expected
rotation date. I left in the summer of 1962. Except for Basic training
at Fort Ord and MP school at Fort Gordon my active duty was in Augsburg.
I went to Germany on a ship called the 'Patch,' I returned to the
States on a ship called the 'Rose.'
My duty with the 508th MP Battalion was an unforgettable experience.
I don't know when the 508th left Germany, but; On, 2 April 1973, the
508th Military Police Battalion at Fort Riley Kansas was redesignated
as the 716th Military Police Battalion. (Webmaster Note: According
to the Army Lineage Series "Military Police," the 508th
was inactivated in Germany on 1 July 1964. The Bn was reactivated
at Fort Riley, KS on 25 August 1967 and remained on active duty until
29 March 1973 when it was again inactivated.)
(Source: Southern Area Command newspaper article from July 1964 submitted by Richard Burch) |
508th MPs Deactivate In Munich
Monday, 1 June (1964), saw the formal deactivation ceremonies of the 508th Military Police Battalion in front of Headquarters, Southern Area Command, McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany. The entire battalion, including detachments from Straubing, Augsburg and other outlying installations, passed in review and witnessed the formal retirement of the battalion colors. |
Maj Franklin M. Conway, CO of the 508th, furls the colors for casing at the retirement ceremony |
Maj Franklin M. Conway, Commanding Officer of the 508th, and Sgt Maj Murrey E. Morris retired the colors. Col Lee C. Miller, SACom Commander, reviewed the troops.
Military Police responsibilities in the Munich area have been assumed by the 793rd MP Battalion which has its headquarters in Nurnberg. The unit in Munich will be Company C. The official date for the change was 1 July per USAREUR General Order No. 201. Many of the personnel of the 508th have simply undergone a name change, staying in Munich with the 793rd. Since this is now a company level operation, others have transferred to other MP units in Germany.
The 508th has served its 43 years in many capacities. Originally constituted 29 July 1921 in the Organized Reserve as the 308th Military Police Battalion, the unit was allotted to the Regular Army 1 January 1938. The 1st of June, 1940, saw the battalion officially redesignated as the 508th MP Battalion. Thus, 24 years ago, the battalion acquired its present designation.
The unit served in the Rhineland and Central European Campaigns during World War II. It was activated on the 20th of March, 1944, at Fort Sam Houston, was redesignated as a service battalion late in 1947, and in September, 1951, again became a regular battalion.
On the last day, the unit marched through the gates of McGraw for the final time, proceeded to the front of SACom Headquarters and formed a battalion formation. A brief history of the unit was read, Colonel Miller reviewed the troops, and the colors were officially retired. Colonel Miller made a final address to the battalion and the 508th passed in review and marched away. |
After the ceremonies the members of the battalion held a picnic at Perlacher Forst. Steaks, beer, and music by the Western Gentlemen called a close to an exciting day of ceremony and festivities: the battalion birthday and its formal retirement. |
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the 508th MP Bn, please
contact me . |

1. MPs
investigate air crash site in Munich. 1947 or '48

2. 508th
MP's during demonstartions by DPs

3. 508th
MP's provide crowd control during a demonstration

4. Highway Patrol, 1949 |

5. Joint Pltn - members of Co "A" and "B" |

6. In the field, June 15 1963 |

7. Ops with German Feldjägers |

8. At Armd Cav airfield |

9. Roadside halt |

10. PFC's Knaack and Threadway |

11. Bivouac |

12. Patrol in a German town |

1. Bn Hqs, 1962

2. In front of Kaserne

3. Main Gate

4. HHD



Headquarters & Headquarters Detachment, 508th MP Bn |

1. Retreat ceremony in front of HQ SACom, McGraw Kaserne, Munich, May 1960


Company "A," 508th MP Bn |
(Source: Email
from James W. Jackson, "A" Company, 508th MP Svc Bn, 1949-52) |
I was a member
of Company "A", 508th MP Bn from Dec 1949 until Aug 1952, in Munich,
Germany. When I joined the 508th we were stationed in the Stettin
Kaserne on Dachau Strasse in Munich. We were later stationed at the
McGraw Kaserne in Munich. I later joined the United Stares Air Force
and retired in 1974, spending all my time in the Air Force Air Police
and Security Police.
I will never forget this experience.
Jim Jackson |
(Source: Email
from Albert N Levison, 508th MP Svc Bn, early 1950s) |
When I joined
Co A in Jan 1950 after serving in the Constabulary, there were Companies
A and B, both operating in Munich. The Isar River was the dividing
line, and the two companies switched parts of the town each month.
Highway Patrol was formed, and in the summer of 1951, Company C was
formed to serve outlying towns.
I served for a short time in the 3rd Platoon of Company C in Landshut
before rotating to the States and on to KOREA.
Albert N Levison, MSG, US Army Retired |
Levison, 508th MP Bn, on patrol in a rural area of Munich,
summer 1950. |
Robert G Adams, Al's partner, taken in Munich south of
the Isar, summer 1950. |
(Source: Email from Wayne Fitzpatrick, "A" Company, 508th MP Bn, 1962-63) |
I was once a member of Co A, 508th Military Police Bn, Munich, Germany. I was initially stationed at McGraw Kaserne and later at Berchtesgaden for the balance of my stay. I pitched softball for the battalion, in 1962, and we won the SACom Championship against HQ, SACom. I loved my stay in Germany and being an MP. (SACom - Southern Area Command, Munich)
I had Basic at Ft. Gordon in late 1961, went over on the USNS Patch and returned on the USNS Gordon. After my active duty I served in a Signal unit in Denver and later as an NCOIC of an NCO Academy. |
(Source: Email from Richard Burch, Co A, 508th MP Bn) |
A Co, 508th MP Bn |
I was stationed in Co A, 508th Military Police Bn, 1963 to 64. I worked D/Sgt at the McGraw MP Station and then worked TAPs the rest of my stay there. CPLs William Andrews and Bob (FATS) Bradshaw were my partners in the TAPs Section.
PHOTO: Here is a picture of Co A, 508th Military Police Bn, passing in review at McGraw Ks, Munich, Germany.
When Co A moved in 1963 from McGraw Kaserne to Von Stuben Hall, the new 508th MP Bn building outside the Kaserne, we were taking down the old day room displays and behind a corner built in display cabinet was this picture from the past. Needs to be put back into the History Books of Co A, 508th MP Bn for some former members to see. It was before we got rid of the "Ike Jackets"!!
NOTE: Richard also has a post on the 15th MP Bde Page that decribes his assignment to the 31st MP Det in Stuttgart.
In addition, Richard has started a page on Military.com that features Company A, 508th MP Bn at McGraw Kaserne. |
Co A, 508th MP Bn
1940's-50's |

1. Ready to go on patrol

2. Motorcycle Escort Platoon


4. CPL Tom Still, Co "A" |

5. CO, 508th MP Bn inspecting unit |

6. BG Jeremiah P. Holland, USAREUR Provost Marshal |

7. Königsplatz parade 1955 |

8. Members of the 508th on duty in downtown Munich

8. Battalion sign |
9. BG Holland, PM USAREUR
10. Highway Patrol unit

11. MP Station |

12. Members of Highway Patrol Unit |

13. MP Station, Ulm

1. SGT Burch waiting for VIPs on autobahn (62 KB)

2. Bn formation at McGraw Ksn (145 KB)

3. 508th MP Bn motor pool, McGraw Ksn (130 KB)

4. 508th MP Bn motor pool

5. Wayne Fitzpatrick, Co "A"

6. Opening ceremony

7. SGT Burch escorting "short timers" to the Munich train station |
Company "B," 508th MP Bn |
1946 |
(Source: Bob Kruger via Dick Burch) |
Officers & NCOs, 1946 |
Here is a great picture of the Officers and NCO'S, Company B, 508th MP BN taken during June 1946 at the Stetten Kaserne, Munich, Germany.
Picture provided by Bob Kruger, former Platoon Leader, 508th MP BN Motorcycle Escort Platoon and Company Commander, Co B, 508th MP BN during 1945 to 1947 at Stetten Kaserne, Munich. |
1953 |
(Source: Email
from Jim Rodgers, "B" Company, 508th MP Bn, 1953-55) |
I had just turned
19 when drafted in March 1953, took basic and MP training at Gordon,
shipped out to Germany in late July (can't remember the name of the
ship but have a friend who served on the Rose as a very young
MD much later), the Korean war ended while I was in-transit.
Served with Co. B from August 1953 till February 1955 when I came
home. Co's A, B and Hqtrs were all in the same building in the McGraw
Kaserne on the outskirts of Munich. I remember being impressed with
our quarters, wide halls with real tile floors and our rooms all had
hardwood floors, the Germans built things to last. Our duties were
policing the military personnel and civilian dependents. There were
a large number of troops in the Munich area at that time. Our outfit
consisted of the young draftees and "grizzled" veterans, most of whom
had served in Korea, and many in World War II as well.
I have never had any regrets, a couple of years to mature and see
some of the world and meet some interesting people. Went to college
on the GI Bill when I got out, and ended up with a pretty good career.
Who knows how my life would have turned out otherwise.
Jim Rodgers |
1954 |
(Source: Email from Ron Straube, B Co, 508th MP Bn, 1954-55) |
I am sending you several pictures of my service in the 508th at McGraw Kaserne from 1954-1955. I was attached to Company B and then for a period of time on TDY to the Provost Marshall Office working at the MP Station at Sophien Strasse, Munich, as Desk Clerk.
The first picture is the MP Station crew consisting of Fred McQueen (seated), myself, Ron Straube, behind him, to my right, the radio operator, and to my left our interpreter and a German police officer. In looking over the pictures you have on your site, this may be the only picture of a MP station crew. I hope you can use it.

2. Co B, McGraw Ksn, around 1955 |

3. Inspection |
1955 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, March 4, 1955) |
Munich MP Station, Sophien Strasse #6

MP Station, Sophien Strasse
Briefing, MP Station |
The Military Police Station at Sophien Strasse #6 ( ) near the Munich Hauptbahnhof is responsible for the lives and property of US military personnel and their dependents within a 108 square mile area of metropolitan Munich. The station handles all police matters pertaining to US personnel stationed in the city. It operates around the clock.
Officer in charge of the station is Maj Lawrence D. Tuttle, the assistant provost marhsal. The Station is comprised of three sections: Traffic, Police and Criminal Investigation.
TRAFFIC SECTION -- this 18-man section is responsible for making sure that vehicles owned by US personnel are operated sagely and in compliance with Army regs.
Both American private as well as military vehicles are stopped randomly for checks on mechanical condition, registration papers and drivers' licenses.
POLICE SECTION -- this section performs motorized and foot patrols throughout the 108 square mile area as well as manning the desk. Prior to leaving the station for their patrols, the men receive daily briefings on "hot spots" and "off limits" areas.
The patrols are in constant contact with the station through a two-way radio system. (The station is also connected to other stations through a teletype system for exchange of information such as escaped prisoners and road and weather conditions.)
German police also cooperate with the MPs on patrol.
A two-man AWOL apprehension team checks trouble areas, the Bahnhof, bars and hotels and asks military personnel for proper ID.
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION SECTION -- also known as MPCID, this group is responsible for apprehending personnel who have committed felonies and crimes of violence or other criminal offenses. They investigate murders, rapes, assaults, larcenies and black-marketing activities. Working in two-man teams, one investigator works at the station while the other is at home on call. A German detective works with the section to assist in cases that also involve German nationals.
The station also has a German interpreter. |
(Source: Email from Alan "Al" Kober) |
I was stationed at McGraw Kaserne from March 1955 until I was transferred to Berchtesgaden in Spring of 1956. Remained there until discharged in August 1957. I did 18 months in Munich and 13 in B’gaden.
The 508th has an Alumni Association. They have an annual meeting but I have never been.
would like to hear from anyone I served with. |

508th MP Bn motor park, McGraw Kaserne (Dick Burch) |
MCGRAW KASERNE -- At McGraw Kaserne, our billet was a German hospital and we could see the front gate.
My best friend was Johnny Wallace. He was a snuff user and he would lean out the window and spit on the sidewalk which was outside the Kaserne, so much that he had a large stain on the concrete.
Our building was on the left as you came through the gate, to the right was the girls dormitory from U Maryland.
Further down on the left was SACOM HQ.
The colonel who was the CO of the 508th was friendly with the colonel at Dachau who had a daughter at U of M. Occasionally someone would have to draw a sedan, pick up a WAC from the 26 PBO and drive the daughter back to Dachau.
The girls (at the dorm) complained because our motor park was behind their dorm and when we changed shifts it was noisy, same as when we had an alert and left in the middle of the night.
The mess hall was to the right and further back from the road that ran down the center of the Kaserne. The EM club was above the mess hall.
There was very large garage in that area that was used for honor guards when it was raining or snowing.
The movie theater was to the left as you came out of our billet. The snack bar was straight and to the left after the motor pool garage and before the snack bar.
Perlacher Forest housing area was straight out the gate and probably ¼ mile down the street. Sorry I could not be of more help.

A pre-WWII era photo of the former Reichskanzlei that would become headquarters for
Berchtesgaden Sub Post after the end of WWII. |

Berchtesgaden Sub Post headquarters building (Webmaster's collection) |
STRUB KASERNE -- I don’t remember the name of the Kaserne in B’gaden but I believe we were in the Strub Kaserne. I do remember that there was a German Labor service company also in the (Strub) Kaserne. Their club was above our mess hall and it was open when we finished the night shift so we had a couple of beers up there. The manager was a husband and wife, she liked me well enough to bake me a cake when I left.
There was also Air Force personnel on the same floor as we were billeted.
There were 4 to a room and we had an extra wall locker filled with things. The 62nd Highway Patrol would call the desk on the phone when they saw a sedan with our bumper markings and we would push the locker in to the AF room.
STANGGASS KASERNE -- The picture of the building with the Nazi symbol over the door (Stangass Kaserne) was where the MP Station was, finance was in the basement and the commanding Colonel of the area lived on the 2nd floor.
Speaking of the colonel his daughter married while I was there. As I recall her husband ran the hotel in the center of B’gaden, the Deutches House. The colonel had the MP’s supplement the local police in directing traffic to the church and reception at the hotel. We were all paid by the colonel, $10 I think.
Later that night as shifts were changing 2 or 3 of the bridesmaids came down the inside stairs to the desk area with cake and Champaign. They stayed for a few minutes chatting with us. Nice.
I got to go to B’gaden because our 1st Sgt. Earl Dixon, combat infantry in WW11 and Korea was from Rome, Ga. And my best friend Johnny Wallace was from Rome, Ga. And he asked Johnny who he wanted to go with him. Earl Dixon wanted to get back to the infantry and was successful. He wanted out of the MP’s. Nice to see the pictures.
There were 8 enlisted plus a Sgt in charge. Interesting 7 of us were RA one was a draftee. He married a local girl and stayed in. I heard many years ago from him, he did a tour in VietNam and his commanding officer was the one we had in Munich at the time he was in Munich. He was Lt. Daniel R. Holt now retired as Lt. Col. |

"C" Company Headquarters building, Infantry Kaserne, c. 1960 (Byrle Wentz) |

Flag Day, Infantry Kaserne, c. 1960 (Byrle Wentz) |
1961 |
(Source: Email from Fred Ettinger, B Co, 508th MP Bn, 1961-63) |

I served with B Company, 508th MP Bn, in Munich from Jan 1961 to Aug of 1963, reaching the rank of Corperal. Served with some very fine young men. The majority of Co. B then seemed to be draftees and the majority came from Western Pa. Our company commander was Capt. Zane.
We had great duty - we patrolled all of Munich plus the suburbs, and also had detachments in Bad Aibling, Regensburg and Straubing.
I worked a special unit called "Traffic Pax" with Corporal William Isentroute (IKE). Our duty was to catch traffic offenders while in the act with two 35mm cameras mounted on the dash. We traveled all over the SACom (Southern Area Command) and used this gear.
Photo: Cpl. William "IKE" J. Isentroute in the drivers seat of the Traffic Pax patrol car. |
We were all put on alert during the Cuban Missile Crisis. And during these alerts my duty was to escort the 280-mm Atomic Cannon.
While stationed at McGraw Kaserne we held an honor parade for General Clark's retirement. He had to order our supply sergeant to wear his full and complete uniform (all his medals). As it turned, he was the most decorated man in Europe, and the low ranking men never knew it till then !!!!!!!!!!!
Back then we traveled to Europe and back on a troopship. I was on the USNS ROSE going over. |
Members of Company B, 508th MP Bn, in the field during an exercise in 1962 or 1963. |
1962 |
(Source: Email from Mike Brennan, Bad Aibling Det, 1962-63) |
I was a member of the Bad Aibling Det, Co B, McGraw Kaserne, Munich, Germany, from 1962-1963.
Bad Aibling Det -
Sgt Leo Fairchild, in charge
MP's: Mike Kristosik, Fred Kois, John Straderman, William White & myself.
Mission - Inntal-Autobahn patrol, Town patrol:
Autobahn Patrol - from Irschenberg to Lake Chiemsee;
Town Patrol - Bad Aibling, Rosenheim to Aschau.
Click here for an aerial view of the Chiemsee Hotel next to the Inntal Autobahn, early 1950s |
Company "C," 508th MP Bn |
(Source: Email from Edward C. Heitz, C Co, 508th MP Bn, 1956-59) |
I was assigned to Company C, 508th MP Bn from Aug 1956 until Aug 1959 from an assignment at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. Previous to that 3-year assignment, I was with the 793rd MP Bn at Nurnberg, Germany for 7 1/2 years, joining Company B there in June 1946.
My wife and family accompanied me to Augsburg aboard the USS General Alexander M Patch. At Augsburg, we lived in the US Army Housing area in a three story apartment building with 4 bedrooms, one for each of our children and a master bedroom.
Initially, I was assigned to Patrol Duty in the city of Augsburg, but soon was placed on duty as Desk Sgt and eventually was assigned as 1st Platoon Sergeant. Sfc Eddie Hagen, was our Operations Sgt; Sfc Rommie Howard was the 2nd Platoon Sgt; the 1st Sgt was Leslie; XO was Lt Rosen and Capt Sidella was the CO until Capt Krebs came on.
During the summer of 1957, I graduated from the 7th Army NCO Academy and in 1958, I was the Company Soldier of the Month 3 times and was 508th MP BN Soldier of the Month.
I formed the initial Company soltball team in 1958 and also coached it until I left in 1959. We had a great team and I hear that it went on afterwards to great success in the area. Chuck Robinson was our 1st Baseman and I'm sorry that I cannot readily recall any others. I also coached a fine team while on TDY at Bamberg for Company B 793rd in 1952. I was the catcher on all those teams.
My wife, Gertrude, and our children enjoyed our assignment in Augsburg very much. It was a great experience for our three children, who have given us six wonderful grandchildren and now three great grandchildren. We still support our troops and wish them the best in their Peace Missions through out the World.
From Augsburg, I returned to Fort Knox for three years and then finished out my 20 years career as Nuclear Security NCO with the 69th Ordnance Co at Vicenza Italy where I wrote the original Army Manual on Military Police Nuclear Security. I would greatly enjoy hearing from any of the old troops and also any of those now servicing.
Ed Heitz
(Source: Email
from Chuck Bradley, "C" Company, 508th MP Bn, 1957-60) |
I arrived in
Augsburg in Jan 57 and was assigned to Company "C" 508 MPs, housed
at Reese Kaserne. We remained at Reese until late 59 when the batallion
was moved to Infantry Kaserne. I left for stateside in Jan 60.
I just returned from a trip to Europe and as a side trip went to Augsburg
to see the old Kaserne. How depressing, when I was there Reese was
a vibrant full of life place. Now windows are broken, the buildings
are mostly deserted, wish I had never gone back. Augsburg looks great
though. Built up and the downtown area looks prosperous and beautifully
quaint. I didn't have a chance to see my old town patrol area, Oberhausen,
but still wonder how the Kosta Bar, Blue Grotto Bar and the fancy
bars like the Atlantic and Oase made out after I left.
The night I left the Batallion I had the unpleasant memory of seeing
one of my best friends end up in jail in our own PMO. As I remember
it he had been drinking and fighting, not that unusual at the time,
but I hope he made out O.K. He was one the best guys in the 508.
I also wonder about Cpl. Jim Skeens, Sp3s Jackson, motor pool, Sam
Richardson (sd to football team when not mping), Richard Burwell,
Youngstown, Ohio There were many more but their names are now hard
to recall.
My regards, PFC Chuck Bradley |
Co C, 508th MP Bn
Augsburg |

14. Ready for maneuvers, Infantry Ksn, Augsburg, Sept 1958 |

15. Conducting Retreat, Sept 1958 |

16. In front of Company barracks |

17. Parade, Sept 1958 |

18. TAPS van |

19. Chuck Robinson in the TAPS van |

20. TAPS patrol car |

21. Traffic accident in Augsburg |

22. Fatal traffic accident on the autobahn |

23. Traffic control point during field exercise, Sept 1958 |

24. Chuck Robinson with HP car |
Company "D," 508th MP Bn |
(Source: Email
from Patrick Garland, D Co, 508th MP Bn, 1958-61) |

Pat Garland (left), SP4 Barbato, and German Police Officer
Zeitler, on the banks of the Danube at Regensburg, 1958
I was a member of Co. D, 508th MP Bn., stationed in Regensburg
during the period of 1958-1961, having transferred from MP Co,
USAICTC, Ft Benning, GA. . At that time Co D had Regensburg,
Straubing and Landshut.
While with the 508th, I served as MP Patrolman, Traffic Accident
Investigator (TAPS), Desk Sergeant, and PMI attached to the
13th CID, Regensburg Sub-Station.
This is where I became aware that I wanted to serve in Law Enforcement,
and followed through with that goal. I went to CI Course, USAMPS,
in 1963, and served with CID Units afterwards.
In 1967, I again trained at USAMPS/USACIL, and after 2 years
was certified as a Ballistics Evidence Technician (MOS 95D30),
and served in that category at the Ft Gordon Crime Lab and USACIL-Europe,
Frankfurt, retiring as MSG E8 in 1974. I retired again in 1993,
from the Broward County Sheriff's Crime Laboratory, Ft Lauderdale,
FL, and now reside in Sun City Center. |
I was assigned to Co D, 508th MP Bn, Regensburg, from 1958-1961. Upon my arrival, the MP Station and billets were on Raffler Kaserne, and both of my children were born in the station hospital, also on Raffler. Memory is fading, but I guess we moved to Ft Skelly in 1959, and the resident units were the 3rd Squadron, 11th Arm'd Cav, and the 502nd Medical Company. There were probably others, but those I well remember.
An interesting story, I was on MP Duty and was sent to see the 11th's Officer of the Day. While out checking the guard posts (motor pool, I believe) he encountered a German National, wearing US Army uniform and carrying a rifle. Through my interpreter, the German had volunteered to replace a GI who had jumped the fence to consort with a fraulein. Of course, when the GI returned, he got more of a welcome than he wanted!
My last visit to Regensburg was in 1973, and the entire city had changed.
Thanks for all the work you do in keeping alive the story of USAREUR.
Co D, 508th MP Bn
Garmisch |

1. Sheridan Kaserne |

2. Sheridan Kaserne |

3. Sp3 Tom Volkman |

4. Garmisch |

5. Garmisch MP Station |

6. Garmisch MP Station |

7. OJT for German MPs |

8. On Route #23 |

9. On TAPS duty |

10. TAPS patrol |

11. Dackel-Stuberl Bar |

12. On patrol in Partenkirchen |

13. Routine check of Gasthauses |

14. Jim Westwick with 1949 Mercedes |
Co D, 508th MP Bn
Regensburg |

1. Regensburg |

2. Regensburg |

3. TAPS vehicle, a white M-38 Jeep, parked in front of the quarters of TAPS member Sp4 Pat Garland, Co D 508th MP BN, Regensburg. (Pat Garland) |

4. Jim Westwick, Co D, 508th MP BN ready for duty |
NODEX, 1956
Co D, 508th MP Bn |

1. MP squad tent |

2. Some of the French Gendarmes |

3. |

4. |

5. PFC Mike Bensley, Co D, 508th MP BN, takes a quick break while patrolling Quiberon, encompassing the NODEX operation on the French coast. (Jim Westwick) |
A, 508th MP Bn, McGraw Kaserne, Munich - Richard Burch's
very nice web page on Military.com; features history and mission
of Company A and some great photos of the MPs at McGraw Kaserne
in the late 1950s and early 1960s
Co B, 508th MP Bn, Stetten Kaserne, Munich - history, mission, memories of Company B
Co C, 508th MP Bn, Infantry Kaserne, Regensburg/Augsburg - history, mission, memories of Company C
Co D, 508th MP Bn, Infantry Kaserne, Bad Tölz/Regensburg - history, mission, memories of Company D
NOTE: Since posting the above link, Richard has added several
additional 508th MP Bn pages on Military.com, including Headquarters
508th MP Bn