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Strategic Communications Command-Europe
US Army Strategic Communications Command
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
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History |
(Source: 9th Signal Command web site) |
In 1947, the War Department redesignated the 9423rd TSU, War Department Signal Center, as the U.S. Army Command and Administrative Communications Agency in 1947, simplifying the title to U.S. Army Communications Agency 10 years later.
On April 1, 1962, ACA merged with the U.S. Army Signal Engineering Agency to form the U.S. Army Strategic Communications Command (USASCC). A staff agency of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer located in Washington, D.C., USASCC was charged with the engineering, installation, operation and maintenance of the Army’s portion of the Defense Communications Agency’s global communications network.
Even as the reorganization of the Department of Defense communications network got under way in the early 1960s, the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 exposed serious flaws in communications between the U.S. State Department, American Embassies, and the Soviet Union. Post-crisis analysis of communication delays confirmed a need for a rapid upgrade of interdepartmental and international communication capabilities. President Kennedy ordered the establishment of the National Communications System interconnecting the State Department, the Department of Defense, and several other federal agencies. The Secretary of Defense became the executive agent for the NCS and the director of the Defense Communications Agency (later redesignated Defense Information Systems Agency) was appointed NCS manager.
The USASCC’s mission, as the Army proponent of the NSC, expanded in December 1962 to encompass
(1) the management of strategic transportable communications, fixed signal communications, the Military Affiliate Radio System, frequency interference resolution, and communications equipment research and development;
(2) worldwide test and evaluation, guidance on maintenance planning practices, and development of engineering criteria for fixed plant and associated equipment;
(3) acquisition management of automatic data processing equipment – except tactical – for Armywide application; and,
(4) supervision of transportation and traffic management of the Signal field command.
As USASCC’s mission grew, so too, did its physical appearance. Activation of the 11th Signal Group (later Brigade) and the 505th Signal Company May 1, 1963 at Fort Lewis, Wash., provided USASCC with tables of organization and equipment units which, when adequately trained and equipped, could support emergency operations; and emergency operations were not long in the making.
March 1, 1964, the Army established the Office of the Chief of Communications-Electronics and discontinued the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. Simultaneously, USASCC (now U.S. Army STRATCOM) became upgraded to major Army command status with full command and control over worldwide strategic communications. The organizational structure of STRATCOM quickly expanded with the establishment of STRATCOM-Europe in July 1964, STRATCOM-Pacific in September 1964 (and STRATCOM-Pacific’s STRATCOM facilities in Hawaii, Vietnam, Okinawa, Taiwan and Thailand in November 1964).
As the conflict in Southeast Asia committed more and more American forces and services, the mission of STRATCOM in Vietnam grew proportionately. Signal groups and battalions operated in the various Corps tactical zones without the benefit of centralized command and control. To fill that void, STRATCOM established the 1st Signal Brigade. Formed in 1966 in Vietnam, the 1st Signal Brigade assumed command and control over all Army communications-electronics resources in Southeast Asia. Scattered among 200 sites in Vietnam and Thailand, the brigade became the largest combat signal unit ever formed.
In 1967, STRATCOM headquarters moved from Washington, D.C., to Fort Huachuca, Ariz. In 1973, STRATCOM assumed responsibility for the communications systems at all Army posts, camps and stations, as well as depots and arsenals. This responsibility included all telephone systems, telecommunications centers, non-tactical radio systems, television distribution systems and public address systems.
As the nature of the war in Vietnam blurred the distinction between strategic and tactical communications, STRATCOM personnel and equipment became more and more supportive of tactical operations. As such, STRATCOM leaders moved to modify the command’s designation to better suit its changing mission by dropping “strategic” from its designation. In 1973, the Army redesignated STRATCOM as the U.S. Army Communications Command.
During the late 1970s and into the 1980s, the rapid proliferation of computers and ADPE throughout the Army extended the mission of USACC into information systems management. Consequently, in May 1984, USACC was redesignated U.S. Army Information Systems Command. Under the Army’s new Information Mission Area concept, USAISC began to consolidate communications with automation and other IMA disciplines to include records management, visual information, printing and publication. Before the advent of IMA, automation resource control and acquisition management was the business of individual MACOMs. Now, the Army recognized a need to centralize efforts globally under the IS management authority of USAISC. |
1965 |
(Source: SIGNAL, Jan and April 1965) |
First Anniversary for STRATCOM
The world-wide Strategic Communications Command (STRATCOM) was upgraded to a Major Army Command on March 1, 1964 following the re-organization of all Army communications-electronics in early 1964. STRATCOM is successor to the old U.S. Army Communications Agency (USACA), which was re-designated the U.S. Army Strategic Communications Command in 1962,.
STRATCOM, with headquarters in the Munitions Building in Washington D.C., is commanded by Major General Richard J. Meyer. The command's mission includes not only the installation, operation and maintenance of the Army's strategic communications, but also the development, engineering and modernization of equipment.
The Command provides the Army's portion of the Defense Communications System (DCS).
USASCC-Europe, established in July, 1964, with 3100 personnel, is the largest of STRATCOM's five subordinate commands. USASCC-Europe is headquartered at Neue Kaserne, Schwetzingen, Germany, and executes the Command's strategic communications mission in Europe, providing Unified and Army commanders with strategic communications, engineering, installation and maintenance support.
The sub-command supervises not only the USAREUR station near Heidelberg, and the major STARCOM stations at Pirmasens, Germany; Saran, France, and Leghorn, Italy, but also includes the former European Field Office at Heidelberg: the 22d Signal Group at Mannheim; the 106th Signal Group at Camp Des Loges, France. |
Abbreviations used: |
Defense Communcations System |
Strategic Army Communications |
Strategic Communications Command |
U.S. Army Communications Agency (1957-1962) |
U.S. Army Strategic Communications Command (1962-1973) |
(Source: FM 11-23, US Army Strategic Communications Command (Theater), November 1969) |
(Source: Annual History, U.S. Army, Europe, 1 January -31 December 1966) |
Realignment of Communications Support
On 1 July 1964 the Department of the Army
had activated the United States Army Strategic Communications
Command as a separate major command under the Army
Chief of Staff. Concurrently, the Department had formed the
United States Army Strategic Communications Command, Europe
(USASTRATCOM-EUR), as a subcommand that was to control a
substantial portion of USAREUR's communications resources,
including the 106th Signal Group --supporting USEUCOM -- the 22d
Signal Group, and the major relay stations.
After several
months of experience, USAREUR had recommended improvements in
the support rendered by USASTRATCOM-EUR, which were in full
agreement with the unified-management principle for communications resources. In July 1965 the Department of the Army had therefore
directed the further realignment of USAREUR's signal resources
under USASTRATCOM-EUR, stipulating that the Commanding General of
USASTRATCOM-EUR serve also as USAREUR's Deputy Chief of Stuff,
Communications-Electronics (DCSC-E).
On 1 November USAREUR had
transferred 17 units, including the 516th Signal Croup -- supporting
USAREUR headquarters -- and the headquarters resources of the U.S.
Army Signal Brigade, Europe, to USASTRATCOM-EUR (Chart below) |
The 1966 Reorganization
In January 1966 USAREUR and USASTRATCOM conducted a joint review to determine the effectiveness of the communications support and to recommend adjustments based on the year's operating experience. The 1965 realignment had left two of USAREUR's major commands -- the United States Army Area Command (USAACOM) and the United States Army Communications Zone, Europe (USACOMZEUR) -- with extensive organic communications capabilities. In April USAREUR considered the transfer of their signal support units -- the 4th and 1st Signal Groups, respectively -- to USASTRATCOM-EUR. |
This realignment would consolidate the responsibility for operating and maintaining the Automatic Voice Switching Network (AUTOVON), Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN), interface equipment, telephone exchanges, and communications centers. While USAACOM favored the transfer of the 4th Signal Group to USASTRATCOM-EUR, USACOMZEUR preferred to retain control of the 1st Signal Group during the critical months of the relocation from France. A realignment before completion of the relocation would complicate the difficult negotiations with the French for the continued use of the tropospheric-scatter and other long line systems.
In their second joint report, USAREUR and USASTRATCOM-EUR recommended the complete integration of the staffs of USAREUR's Communications-Electronics Division and USASTRATCOM-EUR headquarters. They also advocated the extension of the single-managership principle to include all of USAREUR's fixed-plant communications facilities. To implement this recommendation CINCUSAREUR proposed to transfer USAACOM's 4th Signal Group to USASTRATCOM-EUR by 1 October, whereas the timing of the transfer of the 1st Signal Group would depend on the problems incident to the relocation of USACOMZEUR.
USAREUR implemented the immediately feasible portion of the joint report by transferring the 4th Signal Group to USASTRATCOM-EUR on 25 August. The integration of USASTRATCOMEUR headquarters and USAREUR's Communications-Electronics Division was to await the completion of the merger of USAREUR and Seventh Army headquarters.
FRELOC and HEADCON Communications
In Belgium.
The separation of SHAPE and USEUCOM headquarters made it necessary to provide USCINCEUR with communications support in Belgium. The provision of emergency communications at Casteau involved the procurement and installation of cryptologic and teletype equipment, ground stations for USCINCEUR's airborne command post (SILK PURSE) and his command and control radio net, broadband system access to the Defense Communications System (DCS), and leased circuits. USEUCOM estimated the total cost of the Phase I communications facility at Casteau -- scheduled to be operational by 15 March 1967 -- at $731,000, of which $531,000 would be one-time expenditures.
USCINCEUR tasked CINCUSAREUR to install the KG-13/HY-2 terminal and the KY-3 narrow-band terminal extensions at the new SHAPE location.
At Stuttgart
(1) Overall Requirements. The communications facilities planned for USEUCOM headquarters at Stuttgart included the relocation or installation of an automatic-dial telephone exchange -- with related equipment and services -- expanded from a 1,000- to a 1,200-line capacity; a permanently installed communications center; two AUTOVON access lines bypassing France; the Emergency Action Transmission System (EMATS) -- its direct link with the Joint Chiefs of Staff -- with related cryptologic gear; voice and secure voice equipment; a ground station for USCINCEUR's command and control radio net and SILK PURSE; temporary European Tropospheric-scatter System, Army (ET-A) circuitry; a 120-channel microwave system with interfaces to the broadband system; and the addition of two new consoles. These facilities were to be operational by 1 March 1967.
(2) USAREUR's Responsibilities. The USEUCOM communications-electronics support plan assigned the following tasks to USAREUR:
(a) Funding. In August the Department of Defense authorized 4,028,600 from Army FY-1967 funds for USEUCOM's communications at Stuttgart -- to include transportation, building, and installation. On 1 November the Department of the Army allocated to USAREUR $2,932,000 for the new USEUCOM command center but did not make available the funds needed for other communications projects.
(b) Military Construction. The military construction projects initiated by USAREUR included building modifications for the communications center, a telephone exchange building, and a facility for the Defense Communications Agency, Europe (DCA-ECR). Construction on the telephone exchange was to begin by 10 October, and the other two projects were to be in progress by 1 December. Since the timely completion of these Phase I projects was essential to the timely relocation of communications, USAREUR submitted requests for construction authority on 21 September. However, delays in obtaining approval produced slippages in USAREUR's construction projects.
(c) Installation. In late 1966 USAREUR installed
at Stuttgart approximately 40 percent of the long line radio
systems for which it was responsible. It established the
temporary communications center in vans near the communications
center building and expanded the telephone system by installing
equipment and cable nets.
(d) Relocation of the 106th Signal Group. To provide sufficient signal personnel for the communications projects at Stuttgart, USAREUR phased the movement of personnel from the 106th Signal Group and the 257th Signal Company in such a manner that the advance elements were on station by 1 November and an additional company -- the 246th Signal Company -- was on station by the end of December.
At Worms and Zweibruecken.
In November the Secretary of Defense decided to move USACOMZEUR to Worms and the Supply and Maintenance Agency to Zweibruecken. To meet the initial communications requirements at Worms, USAREUR planned to convert the unmanned satellite switchboard to a manned configuration, add 500 lines to the telephone exchange, expand the cable distribution system, and provide an interim communications center. The target completion date for these projects was 1 March 1967. Similar requirements existed at Zweibruecken. At the end of 1966 detailed planning and engineering design were in progress.
Support of Wartime Headquarters Echelons.
As a result of the realignment of headquarters, USAREUR had to assist in locating a site and provide communications support for GREYHOUND -- the wartime ground alternate echelon of USEUCOM -- and for the relocated USAREUR wartime headquarters.
(1) GREYHOUND. USAREUR surveyed possible GREYHOUND sites on U.S. installations approximately equidistant on the Casteau-Stuttgart communications axis. The only USAREUR facilities that met both geographic and technical criteria were at Pirmasens, Idar-Oberstein, and Zweibruecken. USEUCOM, however, considered these facilities technically unsuitable and directed USAREUR and USAFE to determine jointly the merits of Air Force facilities at Bitburg, Hahn, and Spangdahlem. CINCUSAFE objected that these tactical airfields were unsuitable for GREYHOUND, since they would be prime targets for enemy attack. In December, therefore, USEUCOM officers surveyed the sites proposed by USAREUR and USAFE in order to recommend a suitable choice.
(2) USAREUR Main and Alternate Headquarters. To meet the requirements for wartime main and alternate headquarters, USAREUR developed the new concept of presurveying and selecting a number of possible sites which, like wartime QRA Pershing sites, would not be improved or occupied before the outbreak of hostilities. In September USAREUR surveyed and selected sites lying along the communications axis in the western areas of the Federal Republic of Germany. It prepositioned transportable communications equipment and personnel in existing U.S. facilities, where they were ready to deploy to a designated headquarters site at short notice. In November USAREUR closed its wartime headquarters in Maison Fort, France, and by December the new concept was in effect.
HEADCON Communications.
(1) Peacetime. USAREUR's initial study concluded that the existing and programed facilities of the USAREUR Operations Center were -- with two exceptions -- adequate to support the consolidated USAREUR and Seventh Army headquarters in all peacetime operations up to and including the announcement of a state of alert. For normal operations the consolidation required the rerouting of seven leased teletype circuits and the extension of USAREUR's tactical alert net to Seventh Army troop units.
(2) Wartime. Upon the announcement of an alert, designated personnel would separate from USAREUR, reestablish Seventh Army headquarters, and assume tactical control of Seventh Army units. In order to accomplish this action with a minimum of delay, USAREUR decided to establish an initial Seventh Army tactical operations center at Tompkins Barracks, Schwetzingen, about six miles from Heidelberg. This operations center -- subsequently designated Seventh Army Main Lead Element Command Post (MLE-CP) -- would assume tactical control of Seventh Army elements within two hours after an alert and would function until the establishment of the Seventh Army Main Command Post. By 14 November the MLE-CP communications were in place.
(3) Seventh Army Communications Command. As part of the HEADCON reorganization, USAREUR created the Seventh Army Communications Command -- Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment (HHD) and supporting elements -- at Coleman Barracks, near Mannheim, from the resources of the 12th Signal Group.
Other Actions.
USAREUR also had to assist in locating sites and providing support for the European Data Gateway Station and the U.S. Army Command Issuing Office, Europe (USACIO-EUR), at Poitiers, France. In addition, USAREUR had to obtain the Italian Government's approval for locating the AUTODIN center -- programed for Maison Fort, France -- at Coltano, Italy, and to ask the Netherlands Government for approval to locate a tropospheric-scatter site in Rotterdam.
(1) European Data Gateway Station. In its efforts to locate a site for the European Data Gateway Station, USAREUR surveyed several sites and proposed to DCA-EUR a site at Pirmasens. Since DCA-EUR found the site technically acceptable, it scheduled the relocation of the station for the second quarter of 1967.
(2) USACIO-EUR. The relocation of USACIO-EUR was urgent because it was USAREUR's sole source of cryptologistic support. USAREUR proposed its establishment at De La Police Caserne, Worms, Germany, beginning on 10 December, but by 31 December the Department of the Army had not approved the relocation. In the interim USAREUR had proceeded with the minor construction of alterations needed to support the USACIO-EUR.
(3) AUTODIN/Coltano. The establishment of the AUTODIN center at Coltano presented no major difficulties since the funds and equipment already programed for Maison Fort were available. By late November USAREUR had secured DCA approval of the Coltano site, and during the following weeks negotiations for a formal agreement with the Italian Government were in progress.
(4) The Tropospheric-Scatter Site at Rotterdam. In November a survey team including USAREUR representatives visited the proposed tropospheric-scatter site at Rotterdam. However, pending the Secretary of Defense's approval of the project -- a part of DCA's FRELOC plan -- there was no further progress.
Command and Control
Army Command and Control Network.
USAREUR's command and control communications linked the Heidelberg headquarters to USEUCOM in peacetime and had to be capable of assuming USEUCOM's command and control functions in a wartime emergency. USAREUR therefore continued to develop a number of projects designed to enhance its command and control posture and -- through the Defense Communications System -- link it with U.S. Army forces worldwide. During 1966 a private contractor installed Army Command and Control Network (ARCCNET) switching equipment in the USAREUR Operations Center at Heidelberg. The equipment included the ARCCNET Emergency Action Console -- part of a system that would eventually link major Army headquarters throughout the world. USAREUR planned to install similar equipment at the Seventh Army Main Lead Element Command Post and at the new USACOMZEUR headquarters at Worms during the first quarter of 1967.
Interim Computer Facility.
In 1965 USAREUR had requested funds to begin building modifications for its interim computer facility. On 21 March 1966 the Department of the Army approved the request and released $13,900 for the design phase of the project. On 13 May USAREUR issued the construction directive to its Engineer Element which scheduled the project for completion in November 1967.
Automated Systems Design.
In 1966 USAREUR continued the systems design study -- begun in 1965 -- to identify areas of its command and control system most suitable for automation. As a preliminary step USAREUR had submitted the data automation requirement for its Command Center Support System, which the Department of the Army approved in March 1966. Subsequently, in April, USAREUR headquarters established the Support Systems Branch that prepared and submitted the computer system specifications.
Interim Defense Communications Satellite Project.
In 1965 USAREUR, the Satellite Command (SATCOM) and DCA had
agreed on Landstuhl, Germany, as the test site for satellite
communications ground terminal equipment. However, protracted
negotiations with the Federal Republic of Germany delayed host-nation approval of the project until early 1966. In March
communications personnel of USASTRATCOM-EUR moved the transportable
ground terminal equipment to Landstuhl, where they tested it
during the remainder of the year.
1967 |
(Source: USAREUR STATION LIST, 30 June 1967) |
HHC, 4th Sig Gp |
McGraw Kaserne, Munich |
11-122F65 |
5th Sig Det Svc |
Nancy, Fr. |
11-500D62 |
12th Sig Det Svc |
Vatry, Fr. |
11-500D62 |
16th CS Det |
Karlsruhe |
29-500D58 |
21st Sig Co Svc |
Camp Darby, Livorno, It. |
11-500D62 |
HHC, 22nd Sig Gp |
Funari Bks, Mannheim |
11-022E61 |
32nd SC Co Svc |
Camp Darby, Livorno, It. |
11-500D62 |
52nd SC Co Svc |
Dreux AB, Dreux, Fr. |
11-500D62 |
HHD, 68th SC Bn Spt |
Nellingen Ksn, Nellingen |
11-116D65 |
A Co, 68th Sig Bn |
Neureut Ksn, Karlsruhe |
11-116R55 |
B Co, 68th Sig Bn |
Nelson Bks, Neu Ulm |
11-116D65 |
C Co, 68th Sig Bn |
Pendelton Bks, Giessen |
11-116D65 |
HHD, 72nd Sig Bn Spt |
Neureut Ksn, Karlsruhe |
11-116R55 |
97th Sig Det Svc |
Maison Fort, Orleans, Fr. |
11-500D62 |
HHD, 102nd Sig Bn Spt |
Coleman Bks, Mannheim |
11-116R55 |
A Co, 102nd Sig Bn |
IG Farben Bldg, Frankfurt |
11-116R55 |
B Co, 102nd Sig Bn |
McGraw Ksn, Munich |
11-116R55 |
C Co, 102nd Sig Bn |
Rhine Ord Bks, Kaiserslautern |
11-116R55 |
D Co, 102nd Sig Bn |
Nelson Bks, Neu Ulm |
11-116R55 |
E Co, 102nd Sig Bn |
North Point Depot, Kriegsfeld |
11-116R55 |
HHD, 106th Sig Gp |
Patch Bks, Vaihingen |
11-022E61 |
169th Sig Co Rad Rly VHF |
Neureut Ksn, Karlsruhe |
11-500D62 |
201st Sig Co Radio Relay |
Neureut Ksn, Karlsruhe |
11-377E55 |
229th Sig Co Const |
Neureut Ksn, Karlsruhe |
11-032L61 |
246th Sig Co Svc |
Patch Bks, Vaihingen |
11-500D62 |
257th Sig Co Svc |
Patch Bks, Vaihingen |
11-500D62 |
293rd Sig Co Svc |
Pruem AS, Pruem |
11-500D62 |
HHD, 360th Sig Bn Spt |
Staging Area, Bremerhaven |
11-116R55 |
A Co, 447th Sig Bn Spt |
Pruem AS, Pruem |
11-116R55 |
B Co, 447th Sig Bn Spt |
Pruem AS, Pruem |
11-116R55 |
C Co, 447th Sig Bn Spt |
Bremerhaven |
11-116R55 |
D Co, 447th Sig Bn Spt |
Linderhofe Ksn, Hilden |
11-116R55 |
510th Sig Co Svc |
Funari Bks, Mannheim |
11-500D62 |
HHD, 516th Sig Gp |
Neureut Ksn, Karlsruhe |
11-032F61 |
547th Sig Co Op |
Karlsruhe |
11-500D62 |
552nd Sig Co Op |
Karlsruhe |
11-500D62 |
Husterhoeh Ksn, Pirmasens |
Saran Fld, Fr. |
US Army Sig Center |
Heidelberg |
USASCC Eng Agency |
Mannheim |
Kilborne Ksn, Schwetzingen |
Asmara, Ethiopia |
Kagnew Sta, Asmara, Ethiopia |
Teheran, Iran |
Ankara, Turkey |
Sinop, Turkey |
Comd & Con Bn |
Kilborne Ksn, Schwetzingen |
CC-W13L |
Tranptl Comm Co |
Karlsruhe |
Cmd Issue Office |
Worms |
Kilborne Ksn, Schwetzingen |
London, Engl. |
Livorno, It. |
IG Farben Bldg, Frankfurt |
Rhine Ord Bks, Kaiserslautern |
McGraw Ksn, Munich |
Nürnberg |
Stuttgart |
Communications Engineering Department |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Nov 3, 1970) |
The Communications Engineering Department of STRATCOM-Eur is located at Autobahn Kaserne, Seckenheim ( ). The CED is responsible for directing STRATCOM's engineering projects in the European-African-Middle East area, anything from wiring a new telephone exchange to a complete upgrade of a major strategic communications installation.
CED is commanded by Lt Col Charles G. Stalfort. CED employs 28 DAC personnel, 32 local nationals (LN), and 10 military personnel.
The department is divided into three divisions:
Engineering Div
Engineering Management iv
The Engineering Management Division is directed by Mr. Michael P. Hess. His division oversees the technical work done by the CED. It schedules projects, decides on priorities, and is responsible for tasking the Engineering Div. The division also follows through on programming, procurement of necessary materials, installation and testing.
Ongoing projects include: High Frequency upgrades at Teheran, Sinop and Pirmasens;
The Engineering Division is directed by Dr. Frederick W. Falk. This division peforms site surveys and detailed station engineering. The division comprises four branches: Radio Br; Digital Communications Br; Wire Br; and Tech Control Center Br.
The Radio Branch is responsible for the installation of HF, LOS and Troposcatter communications equipment.
The Digital Communications Branch performs site surveys and station engineering for communications centers and digital subscriber terminal equipment (DSTE for AUTODIN).
The Wire Branch does site surveys and station engineering for dial central offices and insoide and outside wire plants.
The TCC Branch performs site survey and station engineering for technical control facilities - the nerve centers of fixed station sites.
Administrative Divsion - the Drafting Branch of the Admin Div employs 12 LN draftsmen who are involved in the production of comprehensive engineering drawings in support of the various projects that CED is directing.
Related Links:
USASTRATCOM HQ - New Yahoo Group for USASTRATCOM, STRATCOM, USASCC, USACEEIA, & USACSA civilian and military personnel moderated by Tom Custer. A great "meeting place" for anyone assigned to STRATCOM or its subordinate groups over the years. |
CommCenter Yahoo Group - this is a discussion group with focus on Communications Centers (fixed-station, tactical, mobile and shipboard). (Facilities covered include teletype, torn tape relay, AUTODIN and DMS.) Membership is restricted. |