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For additions, corrections, or suggestions please contact the webmaster |
Maps - late 1970s |

1. Downs Bks
hand-drawn map, 1970s (KB)

2. McPheeters
Bks hand-drawn map, 1970s (KB)

3. Bad Hersfeld
Sub-post hand-drawn map, 1970s (KB)
Click on thumbnail
to view larger image |

Ludendorff Kaserne, Fulda |

Ludendorff Kaserne, Fulda |

Ludendorff Kaserne, Fulda |

Ludendorff Kaserne, Fulda |

Ludendorff Kaserne (Downs Barracks), 1950 (NARA) |

Members of 1st Battalion, 14th ACR, Downs Barracks, 1954 |

1. 11th ACR Hqs Bldg, Downs Bks |

2. 1st Squadron motor pool |

3. Fulda Railhead |

4. Main gate, 1987 |

5. Regt HQ Bldg, 1987

6. Bldg on Downs Bks, 1954

Barracks - Tank Co (left side); "A" Company on right, Downs Barracks, 1954 |

14th ACR NCO Academy & "B" Co barracks, Downs Barracks, 1954 |

Post chapel, Downs Barracks, 1954 |

Movie theater at Downs Barracks, Fulda, 1954 |

7. Mess Hall |

8. Volleyball

9. "C" Company, 14th ACR

Former Post Engineer Area on Buttlarstrasse, known as Fulda Sub-Post (BING) |

A. Kaserne, Bad Hersfeld |

B. Kaserne, Bad Hersfeld

C. Kaserne, Bad Hersfeld

Langemarck Kaserne (McPheeters Barracks) prior to WWII (German Postcard) |

Langemarck Kaserne (McPheeters Barracks) prior to WWII (German Postcard) |

Aerial view of McPheeters Barracks (Siegfried Walter) |

Main Gate, McPheeters Barracks, 1985 |

1. McPheeters Bks, May 1950

2. McPheeters Bks, 1945

3. McPheeters Bks, early 1950s |

4. Branch Exchange, McPheeters Bks, 1950 |

5. 3rd Bn Hqs Bldg, McPheeters Bks, 1954 |

6. Main Gate, McPheeters Bks, 1954 |

The Class III Dump on B 62 at Eichhof, near Bad Hersfeld (Hagen Wirkner)
(This was one of several Forward Class III Supply Points in Germany)
If anyone has details please contact the webmaster. |
The Class III Dump at Eichhof, near Bad Hersfeld (Hagen Wirkner) |

Location of the Bad Hersfeld Class III Dump (GOOGLE) |

1. Class III Dump, Bad Hersfeld

1. NATO Site 14, Bad Hersfeld |

2. NATO Site 14, Bad Hersfeld |

1. OP Alpha |

2. OP India |

3. OP India |

4. OP India |

5. OP Romeo |

6. OP Romeo |

1. Semmelberg - B Btry tactical site |

2. Semmelberg - B Btry tactical site |
USMCA Fulda / 220th BSB (APO 09146) - Histories, Misc. Information |
1974 |
(Source: Email from Robert M. Turner) |
I served in Fulda 1974-1976 in the Regional Personnel Center, SP4 Robert M. Turner.
We provided personnel management for all military personnel (and their dependents) from Fulda, Bad Hersfeld and Wildflecken. While based in Fulda our headquarters was in Heidelberg.
I specialized in in-processing, reenlistments, retirements and Article 15’s. Handled Officers and NCO’s particularly.
Do you have further info, photos, stories or contacts? Any other personnel stories in West Germany during that time?
Thanks for what you do. |
Research Request |
Information is being compiled for a history of the U.S. Army installations in the Fulda and Bad Hersfeld areas, 1945 to 1990s.
Help keep the memories alive! |
1. Historical information on installations and units
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for historical information on units and military activities including base support in the Fulda and Bad Hersfeld areas between 1945 and the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
2. Aerial & ground photos of kasernes & housing areas
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for period photos of the US Army installations (including dependent housing areas, schools, shopping centers, service (gas) stations & miscellaneous storage or maintenance facilities used by EES/AAFES, Quartermaster, Ordnance, Signal and Transportation units/activities) in and around Fulda and Bad Hersfeld from 1945 to the 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
3. Installation maps
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for facility/post engineer maps of the various installations, activities and housing areas in the Fulda and Bad Hersfeld areas from 1945 to 1990s.
Contact: webmaster
4. Military Community map
Requester: Webmaster
Subject: Looking for a map that shows in detail the Fulda military community boundaries for the period 1974-1990.
Contact: webmaster |
Related Links:
Hq/Hq Co, 14th A/C Regt (USCON), Fulda (enter "chuckthompsonoutdoors@attbi.com" into the Visit Albums text field and click on the button. Then select the Hq Co 14th Armored C album) The site presents many great photos taken by Charles Thompson during his tour with HHC between 1949 - 1951.
Fulda Gap - this ambitious web site - sorry, in German only at this time - is now online. |