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between July 1 - December 31, 2004

Changes in 2002; 2003; 2004 (Jan-Jun); 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023 and Current

Links to other web sites are provided for your convenience. The author of this web site is not responsible for the information contained on those web sites. The provision of a link to another web site does not constitute an endorsement or approval of that web site, or any products or services offered on that web site, by the author. The author will not accept any liability for the use of those links to connect to web sites that are not under his control.
Jul 1, 2004 Posted some information on the 606th AC&WS submitted by Jerry Mangas from the Hof Reunion web site (Command & Controls Section, 94th ADA Gp/Bde Page). Also created the 504th Sig Bn Page and added some information and photos submitted by Kendall Fugate (see also Mannheim and Bremerhaven Pages). More photos to be added later today.
Jul 2, 2004 Posted thumbnails of additional photos submitted by Kendall Fugate on the 504th Sig Bn Page, Kaiserslautern Page and Hanau Page. Will post the corresponding larger resolution images this evening. Also posted an email from Bert Inoue, 138th Ord Co (72nd FA Gp Page); partial roster contained in SO #30 of the 7783rd Ord Svc Co in 1949 (Berlin Page); a great group photo of Headquarters Battery, 96th AAA Bn in 1953/54 (4th Inf Div Page) submitted by Armand Dion.

The USAREUR History Office has posted several additional USAREUR historical manuscripts in PDF format in the 'Publications Section' of their web site. (Go to the Related Links Page for a link to the web site.)
Jul 3, 2004 Posted photos on the Berlin Page from the early 1950s that were submitted by Bill Moran, 7783rd Ord Svc Co and APO. Also posted an email from Bill O'Connor, 5th Bn, 1st Arty (94th ADA Gp/Bde Page). Added a nice aerial view of Hohenfels Training Area, probably from the 1960s (Grafenwöhr Page).

There will be no further updates until July 15 when I return from my vacation. If you have images that you would like to send me, please wait until I get back so my mailbox will not exceed capacity. Other emails - information, inquiries, suggestions - are still welcome - I will try to check my mailbox on a regular basis but cannot guarantee a response until I return.
Jul 15, 2004 Posted an email with some photos from Robert Brien (69th ADA Bde Page).

The USAREUR History Office has posted additional historical items in PDF format in the 'Publications Section' of their web site. Includes a compilation of General Orders naming former Wehrmacht kasernes in honor of decorated US military personnel and some more STATION LISTS. Of special interest is the USAREUR station list listed for AUGUST 1964. It is actually the Seventh Army Station List for that same period! Very nice!! (Go to the Related Links Page for a link to the web site.

Warning! Warnung! Some of these PDF files are rather large (30+ MB))
Jul 17, 2004 Posted Chapter V of Robert Gunnarsson's excellent USAREUR Military Police Unit History Project. Chapter covers the Customs units. (Theater PM Page, Military Police section).
Jul 18, 2004 Posted an email and some pictures sent in by René Meier of Det A, 7th Army Sig Spt Unit (11th Sig Bn Page).
Jul 20, 2004 Posted an email from E.C. Wallenfeldt, 38th Engr Co (540th Engr Gp Page).
Jul 24, 2004 Posted several great photos of the Donnersberg Radio Station submitted by René Meier (102nd Sig Bn Page). Will post additional photos relating to Det A, 7th Army Sig Spt Unit, at Donnersberg on the 11th AD Sig Bn Page later today.
Jul 27, 2004 Posted an interesting email from Richard Brown who was Det Commander of the 69th Arty Det in support of the Honest John units fielded by I (BR) Corps in NORTHAG (59th Ord Bde Page).
Jul 30, 2004 Posted an email from another Det Commander of the 69th Arty Det: Dick Murphy (59th Ord Bde Page).
Jul 31, 2004 Posted several emails: Carter J. Doering, Petroleum Command Europe (Com Zone Page, Logistical Comds section); Robert Brien, HQ 69th ADA Gp (69th ADA Bde Page); Frank Boyd, 2nd Gun Bn, 38th Arty (212th FA Gp Page); Gaither Kitchell (212th FA Gp Page).
Aug 1, 2004 Posted several additional emails: Karin C. Menzel (6930th CSC Page, Labor Service section); Smokey Bassett, MSgt & GS-12, USAF (Command & Control section, 94th ADA Bde Page); Warren Stroud (son of Donald D. Stroud, 143rd Eng Co FB, 1952-53) (37th Engr Gp Page) (more to come).

Added a great 1965 aerial view of Kingsley Bks, Hof (courtesy of the Hof Reunion Assn.) to the Bamberg Page.
Aug 2, 2004 Posted an email from Ruppert Stanley, 15th USAFAD (59th Ord Bde Page).
Aug 3, 2004 Added some information to the 1950s' Section of the Overview Page, Signal Corps Section. One of the projects I am currently working on is to provide some detail on Theater - Army Group - Army - Corps level signal support during the 1950s and 60s. Input from former Signal Corps members or anyone else knowledgeable on the subject would be very much appreciated!
Aug 4, 2004 Started the 25th Sig Bn and 40th Sig Bn Pages.
Aug 5, 2004 Started the 7732nd FA Group Page (US Constabulary section).
Aug 6, 2004 Started the USAH Heidelberg Page (Medical section) with some photos of the 3rd Gen Disp in 1969. Also posted emails from Bob Cullums, E Co, 34th Sig Bn (34th Sig Bn Page); Walter Coin, 535th Engr Co (LE) (130th Engr Bde Page).
Aug 7, 2004 Added two photos submitted by Roger Anctil, 88th Ord Co (HM) to the 8th Maint Bn Page. Posted emails from Gary Kuhn, a retired DA civilian who worked at the 7th Army CATC in Vilseck (School Command Europe Page); Richard Landry, 93rd Engr Co (FB) (540th Engr Gp Page). Also added a schematic that shows the DCS Backbone and ECCCS (Cemetery Net) radio shots from DCS Station Stein (39th Sig Bn Page).
Aug 8, 2004 Added 69th MSL Det and 570th Arty Gp roster information for the 1962-1969 period (59th Ord Bde Page). Posted an interesting email from Chris Manolis on the 11th AD Sig Bn Page. Alos posted some pictures submitted by Dennis Shufelt who served with the Air Force detachment at the Hohenstadt radio relay site in the early 1960s (Hohenstadt section, 102nd Sig Bn Page).
Aug 9, 2004 Posted the front page of the May 22, 1953 issue of The Com Z Cadence on the Com Zone Page (Logistical Commands section). The Com Z Cadence was a weekly newspaper published by the Orleans Area Command in France. Added an interesting email from William Maples, who served with a detachment of the 17th Sig Bn in the Feudenheim Bunker (17th Sig Bn Page) - higher resolution images will be added later tonight.
Aug 10, 2004 Added an email from Larry N. Osborne, 2nd Bn, 87th Inf (8th Inf Div Page). Also posted information and photos submitted by Jerry Broussard, 63rd Engr Bn, Giessen (63rd Engr Bn Page) - large resolution photos will be added tomorrow.
Aug 13, 2004 Posted a very interesting email from Ballard Fleming who served with the 22nd Sig Gp during its formation in the early 1960s (22nd Sig Gp Page).
Aug 14, 2004 Posted an interesting email from Jay Wilcox who served with the 69th Art Det during its formation in 1963 (570th USAAG section, 59th Ord Bde Page). Added a link to Dirk Schulz's new web site on FLIEGERHORST SANDHOFEN AND COLEMAN ARMY AIRFIELD (Mannheim Page, Kasernes section).
Aug 15, 2004

Posted an interesting email from Mike Oravitz (10th ADA Gp Page). Added a list of Key Personnel and Sub-Area Commanders to the SACom section (Area Commands Page).

Aug 17, 2004

Added a link to the STARS & STRIPES article on the US (partial) withdrawal from Germany. Link is on the Main Table of Contents Page (left frame with burgundy background).

Also posted some interesting emails: Bret Tomlin (41st FA Bde Page); George Sleboda (71st Ord/Main Bn Page); Jim Roberts (555th Engr Gp Page); Karl Vogeley (87th Ord/Maint Bn Page).

Aug 18, 2004

Added some historical information to the 7th Army Page.

Great news! My web hosting service provider has just doubled my web server space from 400 to 800 MB at no additional cost. I will now be able to add more scans of newspapers and photos.

Aug 19, 2004

Posted an email from Anthony Chittenden, HQ SOCEUR, who corrected the date for the aerial photo of Panzer Kaserne, Böblingen (Stuttgart Page, Kasernes section). Also added some information on the 11th Trans Terminal Comd "B" (Com Zone Page). Will finish up the related installation maps tomorrow.

Aug 20, 2004

Added some information on the V Corps and VII Corps Pages. Posted emails from James Bell, 36th Trans Co (Lt Hel) (54th Trans Bn (Hcptr) Page, Army Aviation section); Michael Sebek, 7/61st ADA and 6/56th ADA (32nd AADCOM Page).

Added a link to Ron Buckholz's Kriegsfeld-North Point Special Weapons Depot web site (Worms Page and 59th Ord Bde Page).

Aug 21, 2004

Added some information concerning the German 1st SSMW (Flugkörpergeschwader 1 - Pershing 1 and 1A) in Landsberg and the 2nd SSMW at Geilenkirchen on Page 2 of the 59th Ord Bde Pages. Posting includes links to the German reunion page for FKG 1 and FKG 2.

Aug 22, 2004

Posted an email from Harry Jones, D Btry, 6th Bn, 59th ADA (10th ADA Bde Page) and some pics from a photo album of an unidentified former member of the 109th Inf Regt at Gablingen in 1953 (28th Inf Div Page). Also posted some pictures of Kriegsfeld Special Weapons Depot, courtesy of Ron Buckholz and the Kriegsfeld SW Depot web site (59th Ord Bde Page)

Aug 23, 2004

Posted an email from Ivan Hutchinson who served with the 7972 Labor Service Supv Det at Bensheim (6960th CL Gp Page, Labor Service section).

Aug 25, 2004

Posted several emails: Ed Gibson, who served with the 7773 Signal Service Co in Berlin and some information on the Berlin Duty Train (Berlin Brigade Page); Earl Benedict, who served with the Kaiserslautern Army Depot Complex in the 1970s (Kaiserslautern Army Depot Page, Army Depot section); Bob Monasmith, who served with the 6th Cav Group in the early post-war period (6th Armd Cav Regt Page, Armd Cav section); Ben Rutherford, 42nd FA Group (42nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section).

Aug 26, 2004

Posted an email from Jim Howeth who served with the 2nd ASA Co (EW) and then the 202nd ASA Co (ASA Europe Page); Harris W. Williams, 256th Sig Co (Spt) at Verdun (Com Zone Page, Logistical Commands section).

Aug 28, 2004

Posted more emails: from Jeff Berger (11th AD Sig Bn Page); Walter Daugherty (72nd Sig Bn Page); Cristopher Vock, 275th Sig Co (Com Zone Page). Posted some information and photos on the 2nd Avn Co (FWTT) submitted by RC Nees (8th Trans Gp Page, Army Aviation section).

Aug 29, 2004

Created the 81st Ord/Maint Bn Page; posted emails from Ed Oleski, 533rd Ord Co, on the new 81st Ord Bn Page; D.J.Davis, Hq Co, 656th Engr Bn (656th Engr Bn Page). Added some information on the 1st Maint Bn (1st Maint Bn Page).

Aug 31, 2004

Posted an interesting email from John Meekins, 251st ASA Processing Co (ASA Europe Page). Added some information on the 1st Maint Bn (1st Maint Bn Page).

Sep 1, 2004

Posted two additional photos submitted by RC Neeb (8th Trans Gp Page, Army Aviation section). Also posted an interesting email from Tom Senuta who served with the 16th AOD (59th ATC Bn Page, Army Aviation section)

Sep 3, 2004

Posted emails from: Michael Rattler (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Army Air Defense section); James E. Maxwell (10th ADA Gp Page). Also added some nice photos of Daley Bks, Bad Kissingen, from the mid-1980s (Schweinfurt Page, Kasernes section). Photos were submitted by Art Geahr, Alpha Btry, 1st Bn, 1st ADA.

Sep 5, 2004

Posted information and charts from the US Army Ordnance Industrial Center, Europe at Sandhofen in the 1960s that was submitted by Henry A. Ulrich, Jr. (Industrial Cen, Eur Page, Ordnance section)

Sep 12, 2004

Started a page on the Air Force's Theater Air Control System to provide some details on USAFE's role within NATO's Integrated Air Defense system (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section). With time, I will be adding more information on the 86th Air Division, the 601st Tactical Control Wing, the various Aircraft Control & Warning Squadrons and other USAFE supporting units.

Sep 13, 2004

Posted an email from Lewis Wood, 32nd AADCP, 1961-62 (Command and Control Section, 94th ADA Bde Page).

Sep 14, 2004

Posted emails from Tom Craycraft, Bocksberg Radio Site, 1967-69 (447th Sig Bn Page); Dave Zigler, DSP 3rd Bn, 71st ADA (94th ADA Bde Page).

There will be no updates until after this Sunday. I will be out of town on a business trip.

Sep 22, 2004

Added some information to the USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section. Also posted an email from Ed Donohue, 71st Ord Gp/AWSCOM, 1958-61 (71st Ord Gp Page).

Sep 24, 2004

Posted a great aerial view of Pruem Air Station, 1985, courtesy of Rick Hanson (Baumholder Page).

Sep 25, 2004

Posted a map (still a draft) of the fixed radar sites operated by USAF, GAF and FAF units as part of the integrated air defense system in the 4th ATAF region in the late 1950s and 1960s (USAFE TACS Page). Also added more USAREUR POV license plate samples - submitted by Mike Montgomery, HQ USAREUR ODCSENGR (Military Posts Page)

Sep 26, 2004

Posted some information on the 546th Ord Co (DAS) submitted by Eugene F. Horak (81st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). Added some information on the EUCOM Quartermaster School (School Command Page).

Sep 29, 2004

Posted Robert Gunnarsson's latest manuscript - Railway Guard Units (MP Unit Histories Page, MP section). Also added a nice aerial view of the Bocksberg Radio Site found on a German postcard from the mid 1960s (Overview Page, Signal section).

Oct 1, 2004

Posted an extensive list of QM service stations in Germany and France from the late 1950s (AAFES-EUR Page).

Oct 2, 2004

Added the HQ SHAPE section to the HQ USAREUR Page. Also posted photos and information on the elite V Corps Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol Company to the V Corps Page). Make sure to check out the Photo Album's of V Corps LRRP and VII Corps LRRP on the 75th Ranger Rgiment Assn. web site. Posted an article with pics of the 427th Army Band in Kaiserslautern, 1954 (Area Commands Page).

Oct 8, 2004

Posted an interesting email from Bob Wooten who talks about the Cemetery Net (447th Sig Bn Page).

Oct 9, 2004

Posted a detailed email from Michael D. Roberts who describes the role of a maintenance battalion of the USAREUR Augmentation Readiness Group in the late 1960's (CEGE Page, Logistical Commands section). Also posted an email from Jack W. Schwalbe, 546th Ord Co (71st Ord Bn Page). Posted some information on Lt Gen Hoge as CG, 7th Army (7th Army Page).

Oct 10, 2004

Posted several emails: Paul Giblin, 269th Sig Co, 1976-77 (72nd Sig Bn Page); Rod Currie, Pirmasens, 1957-58 (Western Area Command section, Area Commands Page); T.W. Scott, A Company, 709th MP Bn, 1974-75 (709th MP Bn Page); Bob Lipscomb, SIC, S-2, HQ VII Corps Arty, 1965-66 (VII Corps Page, Corps Units section).

Also posted the unit rosters for "A" Battery, 40th FA Gp, submitted by Jim Ryan (40th FA Group Page, Field Artillery section); strip map of the Munich area around 1964 sent in by Richard Burch (Area Commands Page).

Oct 11, 2004

Posted some additionals details on the Air Force 412L system and the Army's AN/MSG-4 system (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section).

Oct 13, 2004

Posted several emails from former members of the 807th Tac Con Sq at Kindsbach in the 1950s: Carl Wenberg and Brian Coy. Also added a nice postcard with a close up view of the Wasserkuppe radar site from the early 1970s (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section).

Oct 14, 2004

Added some historical information about the French NIKE units to the 357th Arty Det section, info was submitted by Rick Anders (5th USAAG, 59th Ord Bde Page). Also, the Frankfurt Bilder Web Site reports that they have just posted photos of Maurice Rose (Bonames) Army Airfield. Posted information on the naming of Turley Barracks (Mannheim Page).

Oct 17, 2004

Started the 108th ADA Bde Page (Air Defense section) and posted photos submitted by Willie Sass, 2nd Bn, 60th ADA.

Oct 18, 2004

Added and email with some interesting photos of the 7th Army Aerial Reconnaissance Support Company submitted by Ben Young (7th Army Page). Also posted information and photos concerning the AN/TSQ-78 operations control system at Würzburg submitted by Dana Davis (69th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section).

Oct 26, 2004

In the past two weeks, I have not been able to respond to many emails or post new materials because I have been busy converting over to a new PC and upgrading the image and web development tools that I use. I am now done with that and will - hopefully - be even more productive than before.

Posted some additional information about the 7th Army Air Recon Co sent in by Ben Young (7th Army Page). Added an email from Bruce Scott who served with A Co, 11th AD Sig Bn in the early 1980s (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Air Defense section). Also posted a great trip report to Hohenstadt Radio Station (oct 2004) by Walt Gelnovatch (102nd Sig Bn Page).

Oct 27, 2004

Posted an email with some pics from Jim Sewell, C Co, 385th MP Bn, 1973-77 (385th MP Bn Page). Also added unit rosters for the 98th Gen Hosp, 7785th AU, 6th Conv Cen, and 34th Amb Train from 1955 - all stationed at USAH Neubrücke (Baumholder Page). Added some articles from the 7ATC Training Times: Communications and Electronics School (School Comd, Eur Page) and the Graf Upgrade Project in the early 1980s (7th Army Training Comd Page, 7th Army section).

Oct 28, 2004

Posted some information on the 3574th QM Truck Company in Berlin (Berlin Brigade/Comd Page).

Oct 29, 2004

Posted an article on the transfer of the Wildflecken military community from 7ATC to V Corps that occurred in 1982 (Wildflecken Page). Also posted a link to Bruce Christman's excellent history of Gerszewski Barrack, Knielingen (Karlsruhe Page).

Oct 30, 2004

Added some additional articles from the 7ATC Training Times: "Graf 83" Upgrade Project (7th Army Training Comd Page, 7th Army section); DSMB, 3rd Bn, 60th ADA (69th AAA Gp/Bde Page); Communications and Electronics School (School Comd, Eur Page).; 36th USAFAD in Hemau (59th Ord Bde Page); 535th Engr Co at Graf (563rd Engr Bn Page); Air Force Liaison Office, 7ATC (7th Army Training Comd Page). Also articles from 5th Signal Comd's ECHO: AFOD (59th ATC Bn Page); ESEIA-Eur, formerly CEEIA-Eur (5th Sig Comd Page); Radio Facilities Carlisle and Rester, AFOD (59th ATC Bn Page).

Oct 31, 2004

Posted some doctrinal information on the Army Command and Adminstration Network (ACAN) in the 1950s (Overview Page, Signal section).

Nov 1, 2004

Posted some images of Pirmasens AAF (Pirmasens Page).

Nov 2, 2004

Posted several images of the 2nd ARB, 51st Inf at Ford Barracks, Ulm in 1960 (4th Armd Div Page). Posted an email from Edsel Freeman, B Co, 7773rd Sig Bn (Overview Page, Signal section).

Nov 4, 2004

Posted several images of the 519th FA Bn at Sonthofen (7732nd FA Gp Page).

Nov 5, 2004

Posted a schematic that tries to explain the Field Army Area Communications System in Germany in the early 1960s (505th Sig Gp Page).

Nov 6, 2004

Added nice aerial views of Kaiserslautern, late 1950s (Kaiserslautern Page, Kasernes section) and Pirmasens, early 1960s (Pirmasens Page). Also posted two older photos of the Army Hospital at Münchweiler courtesy of the Münchweiler County web site (Pirmasens Page). Added some details on Theater level communications in Europe in 1966 (5th Sig Comd Page).

Nov 7, 2004

Posted an email from Shawn Dulmage who served with the 53rd HMSC in Hanau (8th Maint Bn Page). Also added an interesting article from The Guardian about an V Corps LRRP field problem in 1961, submitted by Richard Cole (V Corps Page).

Nov 8, 2004

Posted an email from Sue Tully who served with the 128th Sig Co in Belgium and later was CO of the 270th Sig Co (operated the AUTODIN switching center) in Pirmasens (39th Sig Bn Page). Also posted a nice aerial view from the early 1960s of the kaserne in Eschwege that had served as the EUCOM Ordnance School until it was turned over to the fledgling Bundeswehr in the mid 1950s (School Command Europe Page).

Nov 9, 2004

Posted some articles: 631st Tactical Control Flight (USAFE TACS Page); 981st MP Company (385th MP Bn Page); D Company, 3rd Avn Bn (3rd Avn Bn Page). Also added a link to two separate photo essays by Gus Schuettler, Stars and Stripes, on Berlin in 1961, that give you a hint of the deep emotions felt by the people of Berlin after the Wall went up and the tensions that were felt by the Allied soldiers in confronting the Russian bear on a daily basis (Berlin Page). Posted some photos of 1st Bn, 68th Arm from the 1960s (8th Inf Div Page).

Nov 10, 2004

Some more photos for the Pathfinder vets - 1st Bn, 87th Inf in Baumholder, probably late 1960s (8th Inf Div Page). Also added an article on the activation of the 55th Maint Bn (56th FA Bde Page). Posted satellite views of North Point, Muenster and Siegelsbach Ammo Depots from the late 1990s (59th Ord Bde Page).

Nov 12, 2004

Posted some recent emails: from Hans Chevalier (6981st CSC Page, Labor Service section); Jack Strimbu who served with an unidentified Signal unit in Verdun from 1955-58 (Com Zone Page, Logistical Commands section).

Nov 13, 2004

Posted some recent emails: from Jerry Patterson (14th ACR Page).

Nov 16, 2004

Posted emails: from Bernie Powell who served with the District Constabulary in the Bremen Enclave in 1946 (Bremerhaven Page); Phil Medeiros who served with the 8th Maint Bn, late 1960s (8th Maint Bn Page); Christopher Hall, formerly with the 588th MI Det (2nd AD (FWD) Page, Divisions section). Also posted some information on the 315th Sig Bn - predecessor to the 102nd Sig Bn - sent in by Walt Gelnovatch, 102nd Signal Battalion, late 1950s (102nd Sig Bn Page).

Nov 17, 2004

Posted articles on the 581st Sig Co (39th Sig Bn Page) and the 159th MedEvac Det (421st Med Co (AA) Page).

Nov 19, 2004

Posted a great aerial view of the US Army's Marine Barracks in Bremerhaven (Bremerhaven Page).

Nov 20, 2004

Added some emails: David Vickers on British Signal support of their CORPORAL units in the early 1960s (2nd Page, 59th Ord Bde); Bill Gazdagh on the AMF(L) (51st Maint Bn Page). Also posted a great aerial view of Hohen Peissenberg submitted by Thomas Fürst, webmaster of the (Overview Page, Signal section).

Nov 21, 2004

Added some articles from the Baumholder COMMUNITY NEWS from the 1982-84 period: 615th AC&WS, Birkenfeld (USAFE TACS Page); 7th CEC, Nahbollenbach (CEGE Page, Logistical Commands section); Technical Validation Inspection of Div Arty, Baumholder (8th Inf Div Page).

Nov 23, 2004

Added a link to online 1985 Unit History of the US Military Liaison Mission Potsdam recently released by the USAREUR Military History Office (Related Links Page). Includes a Special Dedication to LTC Arthur D. "Nick" Nicholson who was killed by Soviet soldiers while performing the USMLM mission in March 1985.

Nov 24, 2004

Posted a map that shows the division of air defense roles between theater army and field army AD assets in 1957 (32nd AADCOM Page).

Nov 26, 2004

Started the 197th Ord Bn Page and the 3rd Ord Bn Page (Ordnance section) and posted some interesting articles about those units.

Nov 27, 2004

Posted rosters for 24th Inf Div units stationed on Flak Ksn in Augsburg in late 1959 (24th Inf Div Page). Also posted some pictures of Radio Relay 28 in the early days, submitted by James Nelson (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Air Defense section).

Nov 28, 2004

Started the US EUCOM Page (not to be confused with EUCOM from the 1940s) and added several items including maps from the Paris area. Also added some information regarding the 33rd Missile Detachment that supported the Belgian I Corps in the early 1960s (Page 2, 59th Ord Bde section).

Dec 1, 2004

Added some photos submitted by Loren Frank Bound to the information on the 33rd Missile Detachment (Page 2, 59th Ord Bde section).

Dec 4, 2004

Added some information on the deployment of the SERGEANT and LANCE missile systems to the Overview Page, Field Artillery section. More to be added in the next few days. Also added a link to a German web site that focuses on the 236th Med Co (AA) (421st Med Co (AA), Medical section) - lots of pictures.

Dec 5, 2004

Posted several emails: Bill Caloia, B Co, 11th Sig Bn, 1970-72 (11th AD Sig Bn Page); Ray Lebowitz, H Co, 3rd Bn, 1958-60 (14th ACR Page); Philip R. Paonessa, B Co, 93rd Sig Bn/440th Sig Bn (440th Sig Bn Page).

Dec 7, 2004

Posted information on the early days of Advanced Weapons support (Special Weapons Depots section, 59th Ord Bde Page).

Also, the USAREUR History Office has posted a comprehensive list of bases closed in Europe since the Drawdown began in the early 1990s. The list includes the date of closure. (Go to the Related Links Page for a link to the web site.)

Dec 10, 2004

Posted a wonderful aerial photo of the IG Farben Hochhaus and surrounding area from 1959 (Photo #44 in the Frankfurt Kasernes section, Frankfurt Page). I have included a supersize version of the photo - rather large but full of details! Added some information on the role of the 42nd Field Artillery Group in providing atomic delivery support to NORTHAG in the late 1950s (42nd FA Bde Page).

Dec 11, 2004

Posted a link to the Biggs Library (Fort Eustis) web site where several online histories of US Army transportation battalions and companies can be accessed (4th Trans Comd Page). Thomas Fürst submitted another great Hohenpeissenberg photo - this time with the old MW tower (Overview Page, Signal section). Also added a photo of Frankfurt American High School, 1959 (Frankfurt Page).

Dec 12, 2004

Posted several photos from two photo books presented to Sp5 Thomas McDougal who served as Senior Staff Photographer in liaison to the Information Section, Hqs, V US Corps, from Jan 1959 to June 1960 (V Corps Page). The great photos of the IG Farben complex and Frankfurt HS added yesterday (Frankfurt Page) were also from those books.

Dec 13, 2004

Posted some additional information regarding the Quick Reaction Alert concept for Pershing units (56th FA Bde Page).

Dec 16, 2004

Posted an article on the 6970th Civilian Labor Group from 1977 with lots of historical details (6970th CSC Page, Labor Service section).

Dec 17, 2004

Posted some information and a unit patch submitted by Andy Revie, 205th AVIM Bn, 1984-86 (205th Trans Bn AVIM Page, Army Aviation section).

Dec 18, 2004

Added some history from the 1952 Yearbook, also posted some photos (14th ACR Page, Armd Cav section).

Dec 19, 2004

Added several emails: Jim Neville, Herzo Ed Cen (Nürnberg Page, Kasernes section); Ron Cummings, 32nd CSH (68th Med Gp Page); Mike Roberts with info on the ADM patch (3rd Inf Div Page).

Also added unit history information to the 68th Med Gp Page. Added some information on the 3rd Belgian Artillery battalion (LANCE) (Page 2, 59th Ord Bde).

Dec 22, 2004

Added some photos of the 141st Tank Bn (19th Armor Gp Page, Armd Cav section). Also posted a very nice postcard from the 1970s that shows a closeup of the radio relay station on Bocksberg (Overview Page, Signal section). Posted a Stars & Stripes article on the 10th anniversary of 4th ATAF (USAFE TACS Page).

Dec 26, 2004

Posted several emails: Doug Simon, 3-67th ADA (3rd Inf Div Page); Dennis Reel - brother of Nathan Reel, 35th Tank Bn (4th Armd Div Page).

Added some history to the Industrial Police section (Overview Page, Labor Service section)

Dec 27, 2004

Posted an email from Paul Seibold who has a question about the 7th Army SSI with a "Germany" tab worn in 1950s or 1960s (7th Army Page).

Dec 31, 2004

Posted an email with photos from Al Bien, B Co, 175th MP Bn (175th MP Bn Page).

  This website will continue to undergo many changes as I keep adding information (maps, photos, histories of military communities, kasernes, units and personal recollections) and experiment with formats, resolutions, etc.