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-- now includes US Forces, Austria; Communications Zone, France;
& Southern European Task Force, Italy --

between January 1 - December 31, 2008

Changes in 2002; 2003; 2004 (Jan-Jun); 2004 (Jul-Dec); 2005; 2006; 2007; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023 and Current

The "U.S. Army in Germany, 1945-1989" website was initiated in 2002 to serve as a resource center for unit histories, photos, personal recollections and other related information pertaining to the United States Army's presence in Germany and the rest of Europe from the immediate post-WWII period to the end of the Cold War in Europe.

I have been doing research on the history of U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) for more than thirty years and have chosen to use the Web as a means for contributing - in a small way - to the study of the history of USAREUR. In addition, a significant part of the materials presented have been contributed by former members of units assigned or attached to USAREUR over the years or by others who share the same interest in the history of USAREUR.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information posted on the website, I cannot accept liability for errors or omissions.

I hope you enjoy reading and viewing the materials on this site. Corrections, suggestions, comments and submissions of additional matrials are ALWAYS WELCOME!
Links to other web sites are provided for your convenience. The author of this web site is not responsible for the information contained on those web sites. The provision of a link to another web site does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the author of that web site, or any products or services offered on that web site. The author will not accept any liability for the use of those links to connect to web sites that are not under his control.
Jan 5, 2008 Posted several emails: Bob Richards, 3rd Gun Bn, 39th Arty (280mm) (210th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section); Klaus Hinkelmann with info on Mystery Photo #4 (Mystery Photos Page); Paul J. Agostino, 162nd Ord Co, SASCOM (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance); Gerry Adams, HHB, 210th FA Gp Page (210th FA Gp Page).

Posted a graphic on the Overview Page, Army Aviation section, that shows the organizational changes to the 16th and 18th Aviation Battalion during the 1960s and early 1970s.
Jan 6, 2008 Posted several emails: Bill Terry, HQ TASCOMEUR, Worms (TASCOMEUR Page); George Engle, 552nd AAA Gun Bn (12th AAA Gp Page, Air Defense section); Robert Austin, 2nd Bn, 5th FA, on cross-training with British 20th Regiment, RA (175mm) (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); Jim Smith, 317th Sig Const Bn (317th Sig Bn Page, Signal); Jim Tarbet, 615th ACW Sqdn, Birkenfeld (Page 6 (412L System), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section).
Jan 13, 2008 Spent several days working on some nice slides I have recently obtained - 26th Trans Co and 59th Trans Co (Lt Hel) (54th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation section); General Walker Hotel, Berchtesgadener Hof, and Chiemsee Hotel (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section); 8th Evac Hosp (95th Med Gp Page, Medical).
Jan 19, 2008 Posted an email with photos: RC Neeb, Jr. 67th Avn Co (16th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section).

Posted another Mystery Photo (#12) on the Mystery Photos Page. Also added some doctrinal information concerning the transportation battalions, infantry division organic to the Pentomic infantry divisions in Germany in the late 1950s and early 1960s (Overview Page, Transportation section).
Jan 20, 2008 Posted an email from Dave Hodgeboom on the ADM engineer platoon of the 36th USAFAD (275th Engr Co chapter, 7th Engr Bde Page, Engineer section).

Also posted a 30-page manuscript on the Sergeant Guided Missile System published by the US Army Field Artillery School at Fort Sill, OK, in 1970 (1960s Chapter, Overview Page, Field Artillery section).
Jan 24, 2008 Posted some additional information on the 322nd Signal Battalion, V Corps, submitted by John Raquet (see his email - 322nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Jan 25, 2008 Posted an aerial photo of McPheeters Barracks (Langemarck Kaserne as it was known at the time), Bad Hersfeld, from 1945 (Fulda Page, Kaserne section).
Jan 26, 2008 Posted several emails with pics from Cleve Tarvin, 339th ASA Co (ASA Europe Page); Gabriel DeMartin, HHC, 37th Engr Gp (37th Engr Gp Page, Engineers).

Also added a unit history of 3rd Bn, 32nd Arm SCORPIONS compiled by Jake Greeling (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions section).
Jan 27, 2008 Posted several emails: James Jerry Langford, 62nd AAA Bn (AW)(SP) (1st AAA Gp Page, Air Defense section); Tommy Knox, 7th FA Bn (1st Inf Div Page, Divisions); Hal Knapp, 29th TAAM (205th Trans Bn (AVIM), Army Aviation section).
Jan 29, 2008 Posted some 1988-89 photos submitted by Peter Blume, Germany, author of several publications on USAREUR and US Army vehicles & equipment in Germany (8th Inf Div Page, Division section).
Feb 2, 2008 Posted a detailed article on Dental Services in USAREUR from 1965 - includes 9th Hosp Cen, 819th Hosp Cen (ComZ), SETAF, Berlin Brigade and Heidelberg MSA (9th Hosp Cen Page, Medical section). Also, an extract (several pages and a map) from the EES Motorist's Directory for 1951 (AAFES-EUROPE Page). This posting includes a complete list of EES Autobahn Snack Bars. EES stuff submitted by Patrick Biddy. Added a scan of the EES Pamphlet - Serving Those Who Serve which was published in the late 1950s (AAFES-EUROPE Page).
Feb 4, 2008 Posted an email with pics from Lou Kolkhorst, Co A, 3rd Avn Bn (3rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section).
Feb 5, 2008 Posted an email from Scott Blue, 205th Trans Bn (AVIM) (205th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation section).

Added some information and newspaper articles about the early days of US military railway in the Occupation Zone 1945-46 (Overview Page, Transportation section). Will be adding more on this topic soon.
Feb 6, 2008 Posted an email with pics from Jim Gibson, 34th Hospital Train (57th Med Bn Page, Medical section).
Feb 9, 2008 Reorganized the 3rd Constabulary Brigade Page to make it more conform with the other unit pages of the USAREUR in Germany website. Will do the same with the 1st and 2nd Con Bde pages in the next week or so.

Posted an email with pics from Dan Langhans, son of Lewis Langhans, Jr., 72nd Constabulary Sqdn, Böblingen (3rd Con Bde Page, US Constabulary section)
. Post includes two issues of the TEN HIGH, the weekly newspaper of the 10th Con Regt.
Feb 10, 2008 Posted another Mystery Photo (#13) on the Mystery Photos Page. Maybe some train buffs can help us on this one?
Feb 15, 2008 Posted an email with photos from Jim Reinecke, 40th AAA Bn & 69th AAA Gp (69th AAA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section).

Also added a complete 8-page issue of the 7th Army Sentinel, Jan 18 1952 (7th Army Page).
Feb 16, 2008 Posted some really nice pictures of Campbell Barracks and Mark Twain Village from around 1962-63 (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section). Also added photos from the first year of operation of the Fürth Medical Depot, 1946 (Fürth Medical Depot Page, Medical section).
Feb 17, 2008 Posted some emails: from Barry J. Veden, 504th Avn Co (504th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); Dr. James Whittaker, HQ US Constabulary (US Constabulary Page).

Added some photos of crypto equipment used at the 7774th Sig Svc Bn submitted by Jack Emanuelson, "B" Co, 7774 Sig Svc Bn (7774th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). Also posted the telephone directory (11 pages) for USAREUR Ordnance Division, effective March 1956 (1950s Chapter, Overview Page, Ordnance section).
Feb 18, 2008 Added several articles on the 604th Comm Sq (Ops) that appeared in The Comm Net, 2nd Comm Gp in 1960 and '61 (Page 5 (Communications), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section).
Feb 23, 2008 Posted a couple of emails: from Tim Richards, HQ 35th FA Group & Btry "A," 2nd How Bn, 37th Arty (35th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section); Scott DiLuciano, Co "B," 63rd Sig Bn (63rd Sig Bn Page, Signal section); David M. Neville, 606th Ord Co (Ammo) (84th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section).

Added a detailed installation map of Nahbollenbach QM Depot from 1953 (Baumholder Page, Kaserne section).
Feb 24, 2008 Posted some emails: from Samuel Burke, B Btry, 6th MSL Bn, 60th Arty (69th ADA Gp Page, Air Defense section); Ronald R. Rohrer, 52nd Sig Svc Detachment, Herzo (ASA Europe Page).

Added the Mannheim Ordnance Page (Ordnance section).
Feb 27, 2008 Posted an email from Joe Jarosz, Army brat, with an answer for Mystery Photo #11 (Mystery Photo Page).

Added photos of Rhein-Main Air Base from 1949-50 (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section).
Mar 1, 2008 Added some nice photos of the Maschinenfabrik in Oberursel, home of the 85th Ord Bn, 33rd and 42nd Ord Companies in the early 1950s (85th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section and Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section). Also posted three pages from the USAFE Ramstein AB Telephone Directory, Jan 1971 with some organizational information regarding Headquarters FOURTH ATAF (USAFE TACS Page).
Mar 2, 2008 Added an email from Harold H. Bergers, The Netherlands, who submitted a scan of a rare 23rd MSL Det patch (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section).

John Fahey made me aware of a recent STARS & STRIPES article that indicates that HQ USAREUR and HQ V Corps might merge into 7th Army next year as part of the ongoing Transformation efforts. See S&S article.
Mar 4, 2008 Added several issues of the KEYSTONE NEWS (28th Inf Div weekly newspaper) to my collection. Posted the front page of the May 1, 1952 issue (28th Inf Div Page, Divisions section).
Mar 8, 2008 Posted an email with pics from William E. Serchak, 1st How Bn, 75th Arty (210th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section); Gene Colonna, 255th Ord Det (3rd Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); detailed information on the General Electric role in the installation and tesing phases of the 412-L Project (Page 6 (412L System), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section).

Cornelius Goldberg (USAREUR) sent me a link to a very interesting website called PANORAMIO (www.panoramio.com). This website combines GOOGLE Maps satellite imagery with peoples' photos. Just type into the Search box the desired city, town in German (or anywhere else) and Voila!, you have the satellite view and any photos that have been submitted by people for that area. Really interesting!
Mar 9, 2008 Posted some emails: from Glen Reid, HHD, 68th Med Gp (68th Med Gp Page, Medical section); William Chakeres, 70th Trans Det, Boscomantico AAF, Italy (Installations Page, SETAF section).
Mar 12, 2008 Posted some emails: from Charles Brown, HHC, 11th Engr Gp (11th Engr Gp Page, Engineer section); Barbara Showell, 3rd Bn, 59th ADA (10th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section).

Also added a nice aerial view of Ernst Ludwig Kaserne in Darmstadt from 1957. Shot shows Honest John rocket launchers and 280mm atomic cannons (Darmstadt Page, Kaserne section). Photo is from a photo album of a 216th FA Bn vet. More great photos from the album will be added soon.
Mar 16, 2008 Added Issue #2 (March 23 1956) of the Landstuhl News submitted by Joe Rushton (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section).
Mar 22, 2008 Added photos of the 97th General Hospital submitted by Jim Gibson, Utility Section (USAH Frankfurt Page, Army Hospitals, Medical section).
Mar 23, 2008 Added information and some photos of the US Army General Depot, Verdun submitted by Frank Santoro & Leon Purdham (Verdun Sig Depot Page, Signal section). Also posted quite a few photos from Co D, 508th MP Bn in Garmisch, Regensburg and during a NODEX operation in France submitted by various former members via Dick Burch (508th MP Bn Page, Military Police section).
Mar 26, 2008 Posted an email from Philip WP Kermott, liaison officer with the 6981st LS Sig Const Battalion in the early 1950's (6981st CSC Page, Signal section).
Mar 28, 2008 Something for the history buffs who are interested in the early Occupation period in Berlin - I have posted several very interesting pages of the Final Issue of the LIGHTNING BUG, the official newspaper of the 310th Infantry Regiment during its service as an element of the Occupation Army in Berlin (78th Inf Div Page, USFET section).
Mar 29, 2008 Posted photos of "A" Company, 34th Sig Bn submitted by Bill Burton (34th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). Also posted an email with pics from Marvin Ashmen, 22nd Ord Co (71st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section).
Mar 30, 2008 Posted an email from Roland E. Sharp, Co B, 7774 Sig Bn (7774th Sig Svc Bn Page, Signal section).
Mar 31, 2008 Posted an email with pics from George Kloss, Co A, 385th MP Bn (385th Mp Bn Page, Military Police section).

Also added the June 13 1953 issue of THE PASS TIMES, a Southeastern Area Command newspaper published in Garmisch. Scan of newspaper submitted by Robert F. Newbegin, Sr. (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section).
Apr 3, 2008 Posted an email from Hugh W. Morgan, 8th Avn Bn (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section).
Apr 12, 2008 Posted some photos of McGraw Kaserne from the early 1960s - submitted by several former members of the 508th MP Bn stationed there at the time (508th MP Bn Page, Military Police section).

Posted an email from Walter Dobinson, 2nd Bn, 83rd FA (41st FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section).
Apr 13, 2008 Posted some Hammonds Bks photos (Seckenheim), a roster of the 7774 Sig Svc Bn and some other information submitted by Roland Sharp, Co "B," 7774 Sig Bn (7774th Sig Svc Bn Page, Signal section).

Also added some information on the 57th Medical Battalion and hospital trains (57th Med Bn Page, Medical section)
Apr 16, 2008 Posted some information on the 7th Army MASS Project in the early 1960s (19th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). Also added photos of the 20th Ord Det (EOD) from 1958 submitted by Ricky S. Stauber (Explos. Ord. Page, Ordnance section).
Apr 18, 2008 Posted some information: 9th Hosp Center in 1964 (9th Hosp Center Page, Medical section); formation of Special Troops (Prov) under VII Corps (VII Corps Page, Corps Units section); AIRCENT Communications Group, Fontainebleau, France (AFCENT Page).
Apr 19, 2008 Posted some information on the Transportation Terminal Command, Europe and the Rhine River Terminal at Mannheim (Trans Term Comd Eur Page, Transportation section).

Also added some detailed personal recollections and many photos of Nancy Ordnance Depot submitted by Doran Ditlow (Nancy Depot chapter, Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section).
Apr 20, 2008 Posted some information: on the 92nd Trans Co (Car) located in Frankfurt 1968 (V Corps Page, Corps Units section); TAB Battery serving the 35th Arty Group (VII Corps Artillery Page, Field Artillery section; TASCOM in 1969 (TASCOMEUR Page); 521st Engr Gp, 1961 (521st Engr Gp (M&S) Page, Engineer section); Sig Svc Bn 4 in 1967 (4th Sig Gp Page, Signal section).
Apr 26, 2008 Posted two great photos of Würzburg from the mid-1950s. Also added photos of Hindenburg Kaserme from the mid-1950s (Würzburg Page, Kaserne section).
Apr 27, 2008 Posted an email from Ron Gooding, a former RAF member serving in the AIRCENT commo bunker in Fontainebleau, France in the late 1950s (NATO Communications chapter, Overview Page, Signal section).

Added more information on the role of the 19th Ord Bn in the 7th Army MASS Project (19th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). Also added some details on the ordnance detachments that repair the M33 Antiaircraft Fire Control System used by 90mm gun battalions in the 34th AAA Brigade (Early Years Chapter, Overview Page, Air Defense section); some information was added to the LONG THRUST Exercise chapter on the CEGE Page (Logistical Commands section).
Apr 28, 2008

Posted an email from Richard Martineau, HHD 1st Sig Gp at Orleans, France (1st Sig Gp Page, Signal section).

Added information on the ACAN major relay station at Leghorn, Italy, operated by the 21st Sig Co (ACAN chapter, Overview Page, Signal section).

Apr 30, 2008

Added information on the Nordenham Helicopter Repair Station in northern Germany (overhauled Army helicopters in the 1960s) (1960s Army Avn Maint chapter, Overview Page, Army Aviation section). Also posted some interesting details on the Zweibrücken Terminal District in the 1960s (US Army Petroleum Distribution Command Europe chapter, COMZEUR Page); on the Engineer Maintenance Division, KAD (Kaiserslautern Army Depot Page, Army Depots section).

May 2, 2008

Added information on the 85th Maint Bn from 1970 (85th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section).

May 3, 2008

Added information on US Army Computer Systems Comd, Europe in 1970 (USACSC-SGE Page, Signal section); on the 38th Ord Bn in the early 1950s (38th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); Ordnance Field Maintenance Shops in SACom in 1954 (Area Commands Page).

May 4, 2008

Posted an email and two photos submitted by Roger Horton, UARG early 1970s (CEGE Page, Logistical Commands section).

Also added some information on the Equipment Maintenance Group under HQ US Army Area Command (Area Commands Page); 14th Avn Co and the introduction of Army Flight Following Services in Germany (59th ATC Bn Page, Army Aviation section); Army Flight Operations Detachment (AFOD) in 1971 (59th ATC Bn Page, Army Aviation section). Created the USAREUR and Seventh Army Troops Page in HQ USAREUR section.

May 10, 2008

Added information: on the 57th Ordnance Brigade from 1971 (57th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section); Aviation Section, 160th Sig Gp in 1956 (160th Sig Gp Page, Signal section); MOBIDIC computer complex in 1967 (7th Army SUPCOM Page, Support Commands section); AFOF (Army Flight Operations Facility) Heidelberg in 1967 (59th ATC Bn Page, Army Aviation section); Avn Sec of US Army Area Command, 1966 (Area Commands Page).

May 11, 2008

Posted several emails: from MAJ Peter Chen, XO of the 53rd Joint Movement Control Bn -- successor to the 53rd Trans Bn -- now serving in Afghanistan (53rd Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); Andrea Conklin, New Jersey/Germany, who visited Sheridan Ksn in Sept 2007 (Augsburg Page, Kaserne section); David J. Glynn, Co "A," 97th Sig Bn, Feudenheim Bunker (97th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).

May 17, 2008

Posted an email with photos from Robert Paul, 7th Signal Support Battalion - including Relay Cadillac, Relay Chrysler and Relay Imperial (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Air Defense section); additional photos of Verdun Signal Depot that includes an installation map and aerial photo of the depot from the mid 1950s, submitted by Angelo Cinti (Verdun Sig Depot Page, Signal section).

Also added a PowerPoint presentation prepared by Walt Gelnovatch (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal Section). Walt talked about the Startegic Communications and Long Lines communications during the Cold War in Europe -- with focus on the 102nd Signal Battalion during the 1950s/60s -- during a reunion of the 102d Signal Bn in Wiesbaden, Germany this past April. (Attention! - BIG file -- about 5 MB.)

May 18, 2008

Created a page for 7th Army Logistics and posted information on Project MASS (7th Army Logistics Page, 7th Army section).

May 24, 2008

Posted some information: on the Hoek Van Holland Microwave Relay site in 1967 (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); 37th Ord Ammo Bn (37th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section).

May 25, 2008

Posted some information on the Quartermaster Corps participation in the 7th Army MASS Project (2nd QM Group Page, Quartermaster section); the 591st TAAM Company in 1956 (41st Trans Bn (AAM), Army Aviation section).

May 26, 2008

Posted some great recent photos of Hoppstädten Airfield (former Boehmer AAF) submitted by Tobias Geiß from Germany (Baumholder Page, Kaserne section); also information on the construction of the Brüggen MW Relay site as part of the Western Extension of the European Broadband System (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal).

May 31, 2008

Added a section to the 7th Army Page on Operation REFORGER, the original redeployment of Army and Ar Force units to the US in 1968.

Posted an email from Wallace O. Enderle, former Commanding Officer of the 447th Sig Bn, 1966-68 (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).

Jun 1, 2008

Posted some really nice photos of the former Melibokus Radio Station - soon to be torn down; photos were submitted by Markus Ruehl, Germany (Melibokus chapter, 102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section).

Jun 3, 2008

Posted some great recent photos of Neubrücke Army Hospital submitted by Tobias Geiß from Germany (Baumholder Page, Kaserne section). The facility is now a campus of the University of Trier.

Jun 7, 2008

Posted an email from Paul Laffitte, 604th Comm Sqdn, Bann "A" Site (Page 5 (Communications), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section).

Added information on the 24th Engr Pltn, 7th Army Map Depot (521st Engr Gp Page, Engineer section); ADSEC HQ, 1958 (ADSEC Page, COMZEUR section); 7th Army Air Reconnaissance Company (7th Army Troops chapter, 7th Army Page).

Added a link to a Flickr web page with lots of great (recent) photos of the Nike sites in Italy formerly supported by the 559th USAAG (559th USAAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section).

Jun 8, 2008

Added information and photos of the Mannheim Ordnance Supply Depot in 1955/1958 (19th Ord Bn Page and Mannheim Ord Depot Page, Ordnance section).

Newest issue of the German publication FAHRZEUG Profile covers rocket and missile artillery in USAREUR from 1954 - 2008. Author is Peter Blume who has written several of the USAREUR-related special issues of the FAHRZEUG Profile journals (Bibliography Page).

Jun 9, 2008

Added information on the US Army Railway Maintenance Activity at Rheinau in 1968 (Overview Page, Transportation section).

Jun 12, 2008

A new book has just been released that chronicles the evolving role of the U.S. Army in Europe during the Cold War years in Europe. Special focus is placed on organizational and doctrinal changes within Seventh Army as this command evolved into the largest and best-prepared field army ever deployed by the U.S. in peacetime. Author is Ingo Trauschweizer. (Bibliography Page).

Jun 14, 2008

Posted an email and several photos submitted by Rick Barbera, 5th Radio Relay Squadron attached to AIRCENT in the early and mid-1950s (AIRCENT Chapter, NATO Communications, Overview Page, Signal section).

Also posted some photos from a photo album of the 216th FA Bn (280mm) (36th FA Group Page, Field Artillery section).

Jun 20, 2008

Created the 9th Trans Gp (COM Z) Page and posted information on the RED BALL EXPRESS operation along the LOC in France in 1954 (9th Trans Gp, Transportation section).

Jun 21, 2008

Posted several emails: David Freed with some additional information on RUFM - the Frankfurt Major Tape Relay station (4th Sig Gp, Signal section); Charles Long, 66th Trans Co with some photos of the IHC-DCO 205H tractor (53rd Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); Tom Pickett, 69th Trans Co (28th Trans Bn Page, Transportation).

Jun 22, 2008

Posted some information on the USAREUR Signal Center at Campbell Barracks in 1963 (4th Signal Gp Page, Signal section); also an explanation for the transfer of light helicopter (CH-34) companies to the newly formed ROAD divisions in the 1963 timeframe (1960s chapter, Overview Page, Army Aviation).

Added quite a few photos: Ernst Ludwig Ksn, late 1950s, submitted by the "RED SCARF CLUB" website (Darmstadt Page); Patton Barracks, 1970-71, submitted by Earle McDaniel (Heidelberg Page); Rose Barracks, 2008 submitted by Rodrigo Gebhard, Germany (Bad Kreuznach Page) --- all in the Kaserne section.

Jun 23, 2008

Added information on the US Army Aviation Maintenance Center at Mannheim-Sandhofen in 1963 (Avn Maint Cen Page, Army Aviation section).

Jun 28, 2008

Added information on SHAPE communications in mid 1950s (NATO Communications chapter, Overview Page, Signal section); 7th Army VHF Relay network in the 1950s (160th Sig Gp/Bde Page, Signal); Army Aviation maintenance in 7th Army in the mid-1950s (41st Trans Bn (AAM) Page, Army Aviation section); 521st Engr Gp early involvement in Project MASS (521st Engr Gp Page, Engineer section); and some details on V Corps Artillery in 1956 (V Corps Page, Corps Units section).

Also posted a link to a very interesting YouTube video about the 280mm Atomic Cannon (280mm Cannon chapter, Overview Page, Field Artillery section)

Jun 30, 2008

Added information on the USAREUR Signal Operations Battalion, 7774th AU in 1956 (7774th Sig Svc Bn Page, Signal section).

Jul 2, 2008

Posted some great photos of the Rotunda Snack Bar (IG Farben Bldg) and Zephyr Diner submitted by Frank Fischer whose father worked for EES/AAFES-EUR for 35 years (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section).

Happy 4th of July (Independence Day)!

Added information on MASS Platoon, 97th Sig Bn that operated the Transceiver Division at the 7th Army Stock Control Center at Vaihingen (97th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).

Posted information on two new publications that cover USAREUR military vehicles during the Cold War (REFORGER exercises) and post-Cold War periods (Bibliography Page)

Jul 5, 2008

Posted an email from William Whittaker, 264th FA Gun Bn (280mm) -- describes life as a "red leg" in Giessen in the late 1950s (42nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section).

Added information on the end of US Army operations at Butzbach Ordnance Depot in 1954 (Butzbach Ord Depot Page, Ordnance section); Mainz Ordnance Maintenance Depot 1954 (Mainz Ord Depot Page, Ordnance).

Jul 12, 2008

Added information on the early days of SETAF (SETAF Page); also added a section on the Leghorn Port of Embarkation, Livorno, Italy, with some information from 1956; included are some details on US Army Transportation Corps floating equipment used at POE's during that period (SETAF Page).

Jul 14, 2008

Posted unit history of the 12th Ord Bn (Special Weapons Depot) submitted by James A Ogle (12th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section).

Posted several emails: from Vance R. Bublitz, Site 59 (Clausen), 636th Ord Co, 1973-77 and Jeffrey Schillinger, 636th Ord Co, 1971-73 (84th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section).

Jul 15, 2008

Posted an email with photos from Arthur Dunphy, 543rd FAM Bn (CPL) (SETAF Page).

Jul 16, 2008

Posted emails: from Jim Nygard (34th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Tom "Patch" Slater (440th Sig Bn Page, Signal).

Jul 18, 2008

Posted emails: from Ewing O. Lawson, Jr 296th CC&S Co and Paul H. Beeman, 296th Svc Co (8th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section); Dave Gettman, son of Henry Gettman, 507th Ord Co (8th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section).

Added additional information on the 296th CC&S Co (8th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section).

Jul 19, 2008

Posted some information on the 65th Data Processing Unit in Heidelberg in 1968 (USAREUR & Seventh Army Troops Page, HQ USAREUR section).

Jul 22, 2008

Posted front and back page of the March 18 1960 issue of The Port Reporter, the military newspaper of the US Army Port of Embarkation, Bremerhaven (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne section).

Jul 23, 2008

Posted an email from Joe Tropea, "A" Co, 447th Sig Bn, 1970-75 with details on Cemetery 51, Kleine Brogel, Belgium (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). Also posted emails with photos from Norm Gregory, 2nd Bn, 73rd Arty (HJ) (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions section) and Rodney L. Maedke, HHB, 10th Arty Gp, Ernst Ludwig Ksn, Darmstadt (10th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section).

Jul 26, 2008

Added some information on the Data Processing Branch, AG Division at HQ USAREUR in the mid-1960s (65th DPU chapter, USAREUR & Seventh Army Troops Page, HQ USAREUR section); Communications within an Infantry Division Aviation Company, 1959-60 (1960s chapter, Overview Page, Aviation section).

Posted another Mystery Photo (#14) on the Mystery Photos Page.

Aug 2, 2008

Posted several emails: from Roman P. Weber about his tours with Company "B," 93rd Sig Bn (93rd Sig Bn Page, Signal section) and Company "C," 504th Sig Bn (504th Sig Bn Page, Signal); John Lundgren with a very nice photo of the 69th Arty Gp site at Wuerzburg AAF in 1968 (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section); William Chandler with some great details on the 7774 Sig Sv Bn (7774th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).

Aug 8, 2008

Posted several photos of 67th AAA Gun Battalion in Worms, mid-1950s (1st AAA Gp Page, Air Defense section).

Aug 9, 2008

Started a new column on the Kaserne Page for "3D" satellite views of former kasernes used by the US Army in Germany. The 3D-views are courtesy of Microsoft's Live Search Map website (Bird's Eye feature). Have added links to 3D-sat views for most of the kasernes in the former Frankfurt, Fulda and Nuernberg Military Communities. You can zoom in and out, change the angle, and perfom other interactive features on this site. GREAT!!! (Will add links to kasernes of other former MILCOMs in the next weeks.)

Aug 10, 2008

Posted several emails: with several photos of 2nd Bn, 67th ADA submitted by Richard Edwards, 1974 (108th ADA Gp Page, Air Defense section); Vincent Coviello, 39th Sig Bn, 1980s (39th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Kenneth M. Winters, Co D (AVIM), 503rd Avn Bn (503rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); with photos of 2nd Bn, 83rd FA from Jerry Harper (41st FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section); Nick Shillinger, Co A, 25th Sig Bn (25th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).

Added links to 3D-sat views for most of the kasernes in the former Göppingen, Mainz, Neu Ulm/Ulm and Würzburg Military Communities (Kaserne Page).

Aug 16, 2008

Posted several emails: Denton Aylor, Co A, 26th Sig Bn (26th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); George Perez, 33rd US Army Missile Det (I (BE) Corps chapter, Page 2, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section); Bill Lichtenberg, Co C, 360th Sig Bn (360th Sig Bn Page, Signal); Bruce Love, Co A, 293rd Engr Bn (293rd Engr Bn Page, Engineer section).

Also added information regarding the inactivation of US Army Garrison Darmstadt (Darmstadt Page, Kaserne section) and for US Army Garrison Hessen and Hanau Community (Hanau Page, Kaserne section).

Added links to 3D-sat views for most of the kasernes in the former Aschaffenburg, Hanau, Heilbronn, and Darmstadt Military Communities (Kaserne Page).

Aug 23, 2008

Posted many photos of Will Kaserne, Munich (Munich Page, Kaserne section) and several of Nahbollenbach Army Depot (Nahbollenbach AD Page, Army Depots section) - the latter were submitted by Hartmut Wettmann, Germany.

Aug 24, 2008

Posted several emails: Bill Parrish, 602nd TCS and Roy Olson, also 602nd TCS (both on Page 7 (407L System), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); "Sonny," B Btry, 1st TAB, 26th Arty (V Corps Arty Page, Field Artillery section).

Also added links to 3D-sat views for most of the kasernes in the former Munich Military Community as well as Google Maps links for kasernes in the Kassel military community area (both on the Kaserne Page).

Aug 30, 2008

Posted several emails: Henry E. Thomas, 602nd TCS, 1940s (Page 1 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); George O. Smith, CO of Co B, 31st Trans Bn, early 1960s (31st Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); Steve Harmon, 563rd Engr Bn (563rd Engr Bn Page, Engineer section).

Aug 31, 2008

Posted some additional information on the Rhine River Terminal in Mannheim (Trans Term Comd, Eur Page, Transportation section).

Added links to 3D-sat views for most of the kasernes in the former Stuttgart and Wiesbaden Military Communities (Kaserne Page).

Sep 1, 2008

Posted an email with photos of Tompkins Barracks, Schwetzingen, in 1951/52 submitted by Tom Thomas, 524th Engr Co (Topo) (Engr Topo Cen Page, Engineer section).

I am trying something new -- check out the Campbell Bks, Patton Bks and Tompkins Bks Photo sections on the Heidelberg Page. I have added links to "Additional Kaserne Photos" (Kaserne section). Click on the link and a pop-up index of additional photo sets will de displayed. The index provides links to other sets of photos of each of those kasernes that have been posted on Unit or Command Pages along with the memories and stories of former members of a particular unit or command. This way I hope to offer visitors to the Kaserne Page a bigger selection of photos for each kaserne. Let me know what you think about the idea!
Sep 8, 2008

Posted an email with photos of Bamberg Army Airfield in the late 1960's submitted by the then Airfield Commander, Billy R. Wood, Avn Sec, 35th FA Gp (35th FA Group Page, Field Artillery section).

Sep 14, 2008

Posted several pages from the EUCOM RAILWAY GUIDE including a map of US Duty Trains in Germany in 1951 (Overview Page, Transportation section); a 1950 Christmas Menu for the 604th Aircraft Control & Warning Sqdn in Freising with personnel roster (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); some recent photos of Carl Schurz Kaserne submitted by Robert Borm, Germany (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne section).

Posted an email with some pics of the 82nd Msl Det and the SAS at Lechfeld Air Base in the early 1970s submitted by Bill Newton (512th USAAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section).

Sep 21, 2008

Posted an email with photos of Kindsbach Combat Operations Center (COC) in the early 1970's submitted by Robert Jordan, Det 1, 615th AC&W Sqdn (ADOC Kindsbach Chapter, USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section). Also posted photos submitted by Kent Hoffman, HHC, 32nd Tank Bn (Ray Bks, Friedberg) and ARC Director, Ayers Ksn, Kirch Göns (mid 1960s) - Ray Barracks and Ayers Kaserne pics (Giessen Page, Kaserne section) - WAC Circle PX (Frankfurt Page) - American Red Cross Headquarters, McGee Bks, Bad Cannstatt (Stuttgart Page).

Oct 21, 2008

I am back!

Sorry, I have been on the road on business for most of the past 6 weeks and have not had much time for updating the website or responding to the hundreds of emails that have come in during this period. Will start working immediately on the many photos, personal memories and unit histories that I have received in the past weeks. It will take some time, but I will respond to the emails as soon as I can.

Oct 22, 2008

Posted some information on a new book (in German) that has come out in 2008: Bremerhaven und die Amerikaner by Horst-Eberhard Friedrichs (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne section).

Oct 23, 2008

Posted an email with pics submitted by Jack Falcone, 1st ARB 48th Inf (4th Armor Gp Page, Armored Cavalry section).

Also added several recent photos of closed installations in Würzburg sent in by Phil Boehner (Würzburg Page, Kaserne section).

Oct 24, 2008

Posted a very nice aerial photo of the tent city at Coleman Barracks, Sandhofen, during the 1961 Berlin build up - submitted by Jon Bacon (Mannheim Page, Kaserne section).

Oct 26, 2008

Posted some corrections to the 547th Engineer Battalion unit history submitted by Jon Bacon (547th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section).

Added a list of callsigns used by air defense radar stations in Central Europe from the 1950s to the end of the Cold War - list was submitted by Frank Fischer from Germany who is publishing a book on a history of RHEIN CONTROL, the upper airspace control center, from its beginnings in June 1957 under the 619th TCS to the 1970s (Page 1, USAFE TACS, Air Defense section).

Posted a nice series of photos submitted by Claude Montigneaut from France who visited the old Nancy Ordnance Depot recently (Nancy Ord Depot chapter, Page 2 (Army Depots), COMZEUR section). Hope to hear from former US or French military or civilian personnel who served at NOD and can provide some details on the photos.

Nov 8, 2008

Posted an interesting series of photos and information on Sampigny Chemical Depot in France submitted by Bob Cannon, 337th Chem Depot Co (Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). Also some photos of McGraw Ksn and 2nd Fld Hosp (Munich Page, Kaserne section) and the Gen Walker Hotel (Garmisch Page) submitted by John Farineau.

Nov 9, 2008

Posted some photos of the Kleine Brogel Communications Station from 1973 submitted by Joe Tropea (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); two photos submitted by Lydell Lane, C Btry, 3rd Bn, 35th FA (72nd FA Group Page, Field Artillery); email and photos on the 62nd Engineer Company in Vicenza, late 1950s, submitted by Bill Sedwick (SETAF Page).

Nov 10, 2008

Posted some great photos of Armstrong Kaserne, Buedingen, from the late 1950s (Hanau Page, Kaserne section).

November 11 -- Veterans Day 2008

Take time today to Thank a Vet!

Nov 12, 2008

Posted doctrinal information on the Air Defense Artillery communications within a Field Army from 1966 (Command & Control Page, Air Defense section). This should relate directly to the requirements within 32nd AADCOM in Germany at that time.

Nov 13, 2008

Posted an email with photos submitted by Peter Hauck providing some details on the 7th ICC and other units that he was assigned to in Germany in the late 1960s (7th Army SUPCOM Page, Support Commands section).

Nov 16, 2008

Posted several emails: Bob Baylor, 601st TCS, (Page 7 (407L System), USAFE TACS, Air Dfense section); Marcus Weldon, 10th AHB (10th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); Terry Cochran, 53rd Trans Bn, late 1960s (53rd Trans Bn Page, Transportation); James N. Vandenberg (USN), currently with HQ EUCOM, Vaihingen, provides details on the former 7th Army Hqs Bldg (Bldg 2307, Patch Bks) (7th Army Page); Ron Ruiz, 17th Field Station, Rothwesten (Field Stations chapter, USASA Eur Page, Army Security Agency section).

Nov 18, 2008

Posted two Mystery Photos (#15A and #15) on the Mystery Photos Page. Who can identify the US Army medical clinic?

Also added a group photo of Hq Det, 25th Sig Bn from 1964 submitted by Gary Potter (25th Sig Bn Page, Signal section)

Nov 23, 2008

Received an answer to the two Mystery Photos (#15A and #15) on the Mystery Photos Page.

Added a great photo of Camp Baumholder from 1945 (Baumholder Page, Kasernes section); also added some very interesting information on the 't Harde (NL) Tributary Site operated by the 128th Sig Co in the 1970s submitted by Joseph Ruiz (39th Sig Bn Page, Signal); a few recent photos of Fiori Barracks and Graves Kaserne, Aschaffenburg submitted by Douglas G. Urbanek, currently working in Stuttgart (Aschaffenburg Page, Kaserne section); several photos of Pioneer and Leopold Kasernes in Regensburg from 2007 submitted by Bill Beumer (Regensburg Page, Kaserne section).

Dec 3, 2008

Added a few photos of the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof and the Schumann American Red Cross Club from July 1946 (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section). Rearranged the photos on the Frankfurt Page, consolidating the Hauptbahnhof and WAC Circle photos under their own topic tags. Also added two photos of Fritzlar Air Base from 1946 (Kassel Page, Kaserne).

Posted Mystery Photo #16 on the Mystery Photos Page. Who can identify this former German kaserne used by US Forces in 1946?

Dec 4, 2008

Posted an email from Paul Diaz, Relay Capri, Co A, 11th AD Sig Bn (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Signal section).

Added Chapter 1 of the personal recollections of Jim Graham who served with the Office of Operational Intelligence (OIN), HQ 4ATAF at Ramstein Air Base in the early 1970s (USAFE TACS Page 1, Air Defense section).

Dec 12, 2008

Posted some historical information on the Aalen Ordnance Maintenance Depot (51st Ord Gp Page, Ordnance section).

Dec 13, 2008

Posted Mystery Photo #17 on the Mystery Photos Page. Who can identify this former German kaserne used by 4th Armored Division in Regensburg in 1946?

Also added information on The Mozart, the military train operated by the US Army Transportation Corps between Salzburg and Vienna, Austria (Overview Page, Transportation section).

Posted several emails: Scott Grev with Hqs 17th FA Bde during its inactivation (17th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery); photos from Bill Brandt (94th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense); David Whereatt, Relay 10 (Breungeshain), Det B, 7th Army Signal Support Unit (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Air Defense).

Dec 14, 2008

Posted some emails: with pictures submitted by Larry Sirmans, 814th Engr Co (FB) (37th Engr Gp Page, Engineer section); Merv Christensen, 552nd Engr Co (PB) and HHC, 11th Engr Gp (11th Engr Gp Page).

Dec 20, 2008

Posted some emails: Paul Herbold, 1st MSL Det (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section); Bob Liddell, former CO of 73rd Sig Bn (1985-87) (73rd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Steven Mortenson with photos, 75th FA Det (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance).

Also created a sub-menu for the Ordnance section - this table of contents lists and links directly to US Army warhead support detachments and special ammo ordnance units that supported NATO nuclear-capable artillery and air defense units. (Will start doing this for other sections as well that have large numbers of "separate" company and detachment-sized units such as army aviation, signal, transportation sections, etc.)

Dec 21, 2008

Posted some emails: Joe Chetwynd, "A" Co, 237th Cbt Engr Bn (237th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Paul McKennon, USASA Comm Unit Europe (Army Security Agency Page).

Added some information on the 36th MRU attached to 7th Army Special Troops (7th Army Special Troops, 7th Army Page).

Thanks to Paul McKennon, USASA Comm Unit Europe in the early 1970s, I was able to finally track down the exact location of the former Kennedy Kaserne, a.k.a. the White House. See the Frankfurt section on the Kaserne Page for a Google Earth sat and a 3D (bird's eye) view.


Dec 25, 2008

Posted some information on hospital trains that serviced the Com Z during the early 1950s (9th Hosp Center Page, Medical section); the 5th Radio Relay Sqdn in France (AFCENT Terrestrial Transmission Systems chapter, Overview Page, Signal section); some more on The Mozart military train from Salzburg to Vienna (Overview Page, Transportation section); 505th AAA Opns Det (12th AAA Gp Page, Air Defense section); 7849th Ordnance Stock Control Center (1950s chapter, Overview Page, Ordnance section).

Dec 26, 2008

Posted a series of photos of the Massweiler Cave submitted by Walter Stutterich via Sebastian Hoock and Thomas Neser, both from Germany (Pirmasens Page, Kaserne section).

  This website will continue to undergo many changes as I keep adding information (maps, photos, histories of military communities, kasernes, units and personal recollections) and experiment with formats, resolutions, etc.