The "U.S. Army in Germany, 1945-1989" website was initiated in 2002 to serve as a resource center for unit histories, photos, personal recollections and other related information pertaining to the United States Army's presence in Germany and the rest of Europe from the immediate post-WWII period to the end of the Cold War in Europe.
I have been doing research on the history of U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) for more than thirty years and have chosen to use the Web as a means for contributing - in a small way - to the study of the history of USAREUR. In addition, a significant part of the materials presented have been contributed by former members of units assigned or attached to USAREUR over the years or by others who share the same interest in the history of USAREUR.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information posted on the website, I cannot accept liability for errors or omissions.
I hope you enjoy reading and viewing the materials on this site. Corrections, suggestions, comments and submissions of additional matrials are ALWAYS WELCOME!
Links to other web sites are provided for your convenience. The author of this web site is not responsible for the information contained on those web sites. The provision of a link to another web site does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the author of that web site, or any products or services offered on that web site. The author will not accept any liability for the use of those links to connect to web sites that are not under his control. |
Jan 6, 2020 |
Posted an email submitted by Marvin Jackson, 560th Signal Battalion, SETAF, with the exact location of the Yankee Relay station in northern Italy (560th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); and another former 560th Sig Bn member: Chester Bennett, Vicenza, late 1960s; Bill Panknin, 504th Maintenance Company, Bamberg, early 1970s (71st Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section); Dale Whitaker, BOC, 6th Missile Battalion, 60th Artillery, Grafenwoehr, late 1960s (69th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense).
Added some photos submitted by Willie Fong, Battery B, 1st Target Acquisition Battalion, 26th Artillery, Darmstadt, early 1970s on the Darmstadt Page (Kaserne section) and on the V Corps Artillery Page (Corps section). |
Jan 17, 2020 |
Posted several emails: from Randy Rapp, 94th Engineer Combat Battalion (Heavy) in Darmstadt, late 1970s (94th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); James O'Brien, MP Platoon, 2nd General Hospital, Landstuhl, late 1960s (USAH Landstuhl Page, Army Hospitals sub-menu, Medical section); James Ebbenga, Flight Operations, Company B, 8th Aviation Battalion, Finthen, mid-1970s (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation).
Added several photos and an article: 295th Aviaton Company's first months in Germany from the ARMY AVIATION DIGEST, November 1976 (11th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); Artillery Kaserne, Garmisch before WWII from my collection (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section); Ernst Ludwig Kaserne, Darmstadt before WWII from my collection (Darmstadt Page).
As I dig deeper into the history of each of the US Army kasernes in Germany from 1945 to 1991, I am adding a "Request for Assistance" section to the respective garrison pages (Kaserne section).
The purpose is to seek assistance from our readers in answering questions or providing additional information on various topics and submitting photos or maps.
To start this off, I have added requests for Ernst Ludwig Kaserne in Darmstadt and Peden Barracks, Wertheim. These requests will be updated and new ones added as I make progress in my research efforts. |
Jan 30, 2020 |
Posted several articles: 4th Armored Division arrival in Germany as part of Operation GYROSCOPE (4th Armd Div Page, Divisions section); in 1958 several streets and the airfield at Cooke Barracks, Göppingen, were named and dedicated in honor of former members of the 4th Armd Div (Göppingen Page, Kaserne section); also added a graphic that shows the DUI's of the 260mm Artillery Battalions that served in Germanyin the 1950s. Will add a similar graphic for those 280mm gun battalions that served in the late 1950s-early 1960s soon. (Overview Page, Field Artillery section).
Added several emails: Frank Gallagher with a photo of the train crew of the Mozart train in Austria, around 1950 (Duty Trains, Overview Page, Transportation section); Freddie Johnson with additional comments on Mystery Photo #62 (Mystery Photo Page); Dale Coenen, 2nd General Hospital at Landstuhl, early 1970s (USAH Landstuhl Page, Army Hospitals sub-menu, Medical section); Rafael Gonzales, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion, late 1970s - early 1980s (2nd MI Bn Page, Military Intelligence); Ben Harris, 24h Aviation Battalion, Oberschleissheim, mid-1960s (24th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Mar 6, 2020 |
Posted several articles: 56th Medical Battalion, Schwäbisch Hall, 1952 (30th Med Gp Page, Medical section); Formation of the 7th Medical Brigade under COSTAR II, 1965 (7th Med Bde Page, Medical section); Pre-WWII brochure for the Schloss Hotel in Heidelberg (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section); List of APO Numbers (world-wide) showing the original 1-3 digit format and the corresponding, new 5-digit APO numbers (adapted to the ZIP Code system in the US) introduced in 1965 (Postal Units Page, Adjutant General section).
Added several emails: Mark Peck, 68th Transportation Company, Mannheim, late 1970s (24th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); Larry Blaha, D Battery, 6th Battalion, 59th Artillery, at Finthen Airfield, mid-1960s (10th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense); Ralph Frankieiwvz, Aviation Company, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment at Hoppstädten, early 1960s (Hoppstädten Army Airfield Page, Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Army Aviation); Richard Walter, E Company, 703rd Maintenance Battalion, Aschaffenburg, late 1970s (Page 3, 3rd Inf Div, Divisions section).
Posted some photos of Tempelhof Airfield in the 1940s (Berlin Page, Kaserne section); 544th Transportation Truck Company, Badenerhof Kaserne, Heilbronn early 1950s (27th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); and Lee Barracks, Mainz-Gonsenheim in the 1950s (Mainz Page); 393rd Field Artillery Battalion, Kitzingen, mid-1950s (142nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section). Have also resolved two of the Mystery photos: Photo #64 and Photo #66 (Mystery Photo Page). |
Mar 31, 2020 |
Posted several emails: a follow up email from Jose A. Garcia, 6th Missile Battalion, 61st Artillery, early 1960s (69th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense); Armando Granado, 2nd Battalion, 37th Field Artillery, Bad Kissingen, mid-1960s (35th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section); Roger Quillings, 699th Maintenance Company, Hanau, mid-1980s (85th Ord/Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section); Paul Klinko, 545th Military Police Platoon, Stuttgart, late 1970s (Stuttgart AAF Page, Army Airfield & Heliport sub-menu, Army Aviation section).
Added information on: the Grafenwoehr GCA, 1964 (Grafenwoehr AAF Page, Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Army Aviation section); a graphic showing the home station 'interchanges' (swaps) of divisions and armored cavalry regiments during Operation GYROSCOPE in the 1950s (Gyroscope Movements Page, 7th Army section); information on the first year after the 24th Infantry Division was reactivated in Germany when it was initially configured as a "composite" division (24th Inf Div Page, Divisions section).
Posted photos of the 77th Ordnance Company (Heavy Automotive Maintenance) at Sandhofen, 1958 (81st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); an aerial photo of Vogelweh Housing Area, Kaiserslautern, 1960s (Kaiserslautern Page, Kaserne section); a firing range at Baumholder Training Area mid-1950s (Baumholder Page); and, finally, I also added two new Mystery photos: #67 and #68, both from the 1950s or early 1960s (Mystery Photo Page). |
Apr 23, 2020 |
Posted information on the Administration Company, Medical Battalion, Suppy & Transportation Battalion and Maintenance Battalion for the following divisions in the mid-1960s: 3rd Infantry Division (Page 3, 3rd Inf Div, Divisions section); 8th Infantry Division (Page 3, 8th Inf Div); and 24th Infantry Division (Page 3, 24th Inf Div). (Corresponding information for 3rd and 4th Armored Divisions will be added soon.)
Also added: a YouTube video on the US Army's MOBIDIC mobile computer in 1959 (7th Army Logistics Page, 7th Army section); information on the planning for the Defense Communications System (DCS) in the early 1970s (DCS Page, Signal Corps Overview, Signal section).
Apr 30, 2020 |
Similar to the updates on April 23, I have posted information on the Administration Company, Medical Battalion, Suppy & Transportation Battalion and Maintenance Battalion for the following divisions in the mid-1960s: 3rd Armored Division (Page 3, 3rd Armd Div) and 4th Armored Division (Page 3, 4th Armd Div).
In addition, I have added information on the following units: 28th Base Post Office in Frankfurt, 1954 (Postal Units Page, Adjutant General section); 502nd Replacement Company, 2nd Armd Div, Bad Kreuznach, 1950s (Page 3, 2nd Armd Div, Divisions section); Kaiserslautern Movement Control Office, an element of Company D, 8th Transportation Group, 1953 (8th Trans Gp Page, Transportation section); 37th Transportation Motor Transport Command at Mannheim in 1955 (37th Trans Gp Page, Transportation section).
May 24, 2020 |
Posted a detailed map of the US Army facilities in Vienna, 1946 (Vienna Page, Camp Directory menu, HQ USFA section).
Added photos: a 280mm cannon artillery unit providing a demonstration of the atomic cannon at the German Artillery School in Idar Oberstein, 1950s (Overview Page, Field Artillery section); photos of Rose Barracks, Bad Kreuznach, 1971, subitted by Mac Bentley (Bad Kreuznach Page, Kaserne section); and a photo from 1970 submitted by Frank Taylor that shows the shacks used by Customs MPs and the German Zoll at the back gate of Carl Schurz Kaserne in Bremerhaven (42nd MP Gp Page, Military Police section); a wonderful photo of the Schumann Theater, a.k.a. Crossroads PX, in 1955 (AFEES-Eur Page).
Some information: on the Transportation Section of the Heidelberg Military Post in 1952 (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section); the complete issue of the December 24, 1953 issue of the BERLIN OBSERVER (Berlin Page); an article on the Army Exchange Service gas station in Bremerhaven, 1946 (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne section); some details on the role of the 3rd Replacement Depot (Forward) at the Staging Area, 1946 (Bremerhaven Page).
And several emails:
George Sparks, 534th Field Artillery Battalion, Bad Kissingen, mid-1950s (72nd FA Gp/Bde Page, Field Artillery); a follow up from Phil Konitshek, Installation & Maintenance Team, 4th Signal Group, Mannheim, late 1950s (4th Sig Gp Page, Signal Corps section); Mark Seyler, 56 (Olpherts) Special Weapons Battery, 39 Heavy Regiment (RA), Sennelager, Germany (570th USAAG, SASCOM Page, Ordnance section); Marty Kennedy, 583rd Ordnance Company, Münster-Handorf, late 1960s (570th USAAG, SASCOM Page).
July 4, 2020 |
Happy Fourth of July - Stay Safe
Some information: on the Communications-Electronics Support Company, STRATCOM-Europe, at Neuostheim (Mannheim), late 1960s (5th SIG COMD Page, Signal section); the 497th Signal Photographic Service Company, Karlsruhe and Kaiserslautern, early 1950s (7th Sig Bde Page, Signal); 399th Evacuation Hospital (Semimobile), Landstuhl, early 1950s (95th Med Gp Page, Medical section); various articles on the 144th Signal Battalion, 4th Armored Division, in the mid-1960s (4th Armd Div Page, Divisions); 531st Ordnance Company in Mannheim-Kafertal, early 1950s (66th Ord / Maint Bn Page, Ordnance).
Also added several photos of the division review held at Campo Pond in Hanau as part of the ceremonies celebrating the 16th anniversary of the 3rd Armored Divison in April 1957 (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions section); and a nice network map for Armed Forces Network, Europe from the special 25th Anniversary booklet published in 1968 (AFN-Europe Page). |
July 23, 2020 |
Posted several emails: Delbert R McGuire, served at the radio relay site at Linderhofe, mid-1960s (Linderhofe Communications Station Page, DCS Europe Wideband Sites sub-menu, Signal section); Glenn Gloeckner with the 601st Air Support Operations Center (ASOC), an Air Force unit supporting V Corps, in Frankfurt, mid-1980s (V Corps Page, Corps section); Garry Bond, with the 75th Army Security Agency Company in Verona, Italy, late 1950s (SETAF Page); David O'Brien, with 3rd Battalion, 28th Infantry (part of 4th Brigade, 4th Inf Div) at Wiesbaden Air Base in the early 1980s (4th Bde, 4th Inf Div Page, Divisions section); and additional information added to Hugh Murphy's original email - Hugh served with 4th Missile Battalion, 6th Artillery (94th ADA Gp/Bde Page).
Also added several photos: the EES Service Station on the Autobahn near Ingolstadt, 1950s (AAFES-Europe Page); Daley Barracks, Bad Kissingen, photos submitted by Kevin Brown, B Battery, 2nd Battalion, 41st Field Artillery, (Schweinfurt Page, Kaserne section); Flak Kaserne and Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg, submitted by Jim Volstad, HHC, 502nd ASA Gp, mid-1970s (Augsburg Page, Kaserne section and 502nd ASA Gp Page, ASA-Europe).
Finally, added information on various topics: four articles related to the 8th Infantry Division in the late 1980s - Task Force Skyhawk, 4th Brigade, 8th Inf Div, 1989 (Avn Brigade, 8th Inf Div Page, Divisions); Detachment 12, 7th Weather Squadron at Finthen (Finthen Army Airfield Page, Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Army Aviation section); 1st Bn, 59th ADA (C/V), 8th Inf Div, goes to Baumholder to train in the SHORAD Dome, 1989 (8th Inf Div Page); and the 108th Military Intelligence Battalion in 1988 (8th Inf Div Page). |
Aug 13, 2020 |
Posted several emails: Stephen Crouch, son of the commanding officer of the Ober-Ramstadt Tire Rebuild Depot, late 1940s (Ober-Ramstadt Ordnance Depot Page, Ordnance section); Lee Bradley, 537th Military Police Company, NACom, at Turley Barracks, Mannheim, late 1950s (94th MP Bn Page, Military Police section); Harry Troyer, Aviation Company, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Hoppstädten AAF, early 1980s (3rd ACR Page, Armored-Cavalry section); additional information submitted by Sam Samuels, former commanding officer of the 557th QM Company at Nahbollenbach QM Depot, 1969-1970 (St. Andre QM Depot Page, Army Depots section); Denton Bragg, Company "B," 45th Medical Battalion, Gibbs Kaserne, Frankfurt, late 1960s (Page 3, 3rd Armd Div); Neil P Albaugh, 157th Ordnance Detachment at Babenhausen Kaserne, early 1960s (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).
Added photos: the HQ building of Heilbronn Station (military community) in the early 1950s (Heilbronn Page, Kaserne section); an aerial photo of Pinder Kaserne, Landshut, 1960 (Regensburg Page); an aerial photo of Mansfield Kaserne, Straubing, 1960 (Regensburg Page); several photos of Funker Kaserne, Esslingen, on occasion of a ceremony held in 1948 celebrating the 10,000 jeep produced (rebuilt) at the Rebuild Plant (Esslingen Page, Rebuild Shops sub-menu, Ordnance section).
And I added information on several additional topics: a Manning Table for the 6934th Civilian Labor Group (Center) from 1958 (6934th LSC Page, Labor Service section); several articles on the 178th Personnel Services Company in Aschaffenburg, 1983 & 1992 (Pers Svcs Units Page, Adjutant General section); article on the opening of the 33rd Army Medical Depot at Fontainebleau, France in 1953 (Fontainebleau Medical Depot Page, Army Depots section); article on the 53rd Ordnance Group in Mannheim, 1954 (53rd Ord Gp Page, Ordnance). |
Sep 3, 2020 |
Posted several emails: Mel Linville, who served with the 5th Maintenance Battalion, CEGE in Pirmasens in the early 1970s (CBT EQUIP GP EUR Page); Richard Gillolgy, 62nd Aviation Company (Corps) and then 5th Battalion, 158th Aviation, at Maurice Rose Army Heliport & Wiesbaden Air Base, late 1980s-early 1990s (Bonames AAF Page, Army Aviation section); Orville Grady, Team "B," 508th US Army Artillery Detachment, 570th US Army Artillery Group, Erle, Germany (5th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section).
Added photos: the 78th Engineer (Combat) Battalion at Phillips Barracks, Karsruhe, submitted by Jerry Coombs whose father served with the battalion during the GYROSCOPE move to Germany in 1957 and beyond (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); USAREUR Medical School at Degerndorf, 1953 (USAREUR School Command Page); Kimbro Barracks at Murnau and the Drop Zone at Schwaiganger submitted by Wolfgang Ott, a German civilian who lived near the US kaserne at Murnau in the 1960s and 70s (Bad Tölz Page, Kaserne section). |
Sep 18, 2020 |
Added information on several topics: An information booklet on the Combined Arms School, at Vilseck, 1960 submitted by Rita McKensie whose father, M/Sgt Glen Jannusch, was assigned to the Communications Section of CAS (7th Army Page, 7th Army section); a copy of the "The Ship I Sailed On" infomation booklet from 1956 with images of a typical troopship voyage between the Brookly Army Terminal and Bremerhaven, Germany in the 1950s (Military Sea Transportation Page, HQ USNAVGER section); a copy of the Orientation Issue of the EAGLE'S VIEW, the 12th Aviation Group's newspaper, from 1985 (12th Avn Bde Page, Army Aviation section) - submitted by Richard Gillogly; Maintenance Department, Combined Arms Training Center (CATC), Vilseck, 1973 (7th Army Page). |
Nov 10, 2020 |
Added information on several topics: the 25th Transportation Battalion at Göppingen which was attached to the 9th Infantry Division in the mid-1950s (9th Inf Div Page, Divisions section); 193rd Military Police Customs Company at Neu Ulm (42nd MP Gp Page, Miliary Police); the opening of a new supply port at St. Nazaire, France in 1953 (St. Nazaire, Port Operations Page, COMZEUR section); Kaiserslautern Cold Stores in 1968 (DLA-EUR Page, Logistics).
Posted several emails: Ken Lizotte, 1st Battalion, 333rd Field Artillery, Wiesbaden, mid-1970s (42nd FA Gp/Bde Page, Field Artillery section); Allen Clarke with the 41st Transportation Battalion at Finthen AAF, early 1960s (41st Trans Bn (AAM) Page, Army Aviation); Charles Kauric, C Battery, 6th Battalion, 517th Artillery (HAWK) in Butzbach, mid-1960s (10th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense).
Created a Page for Finance Support units that served in USAREUR during the Cold War (Finance section).
Posted several sets of photos: 1st Battalion, 36th Artillery, Neu Ulm mid-1960s submitted by Steve Joslin (35th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section);
Camp de Gron, St. Nazaire, France in 1956 submitted by James Edmondson whose father was stationed there in the mid-1950s (St. Nazaire, Port Operations Page). |
Dec 15, 2020 |
New emails: Peter Byrne, Coltano Signal Station, Italy late 1960s (Coltano Page, 509th Signal Battalion, Signal section); Pete Hodges, 176th Personnel Service Company at Bremerhaven, late 1970s (Pers Svc Units Page, Adjutant General section); Ray C., 24th S&S Company in Giessen, mid-1970s (142nd S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster section).
Added historical information on various
units: 4th Infantry Division bids farewell to Frankfurt with a colorful review parade in front of the Roemer, downtown Frankfurt am Main, May 1956 (4th Inf Div Page, Divisions); Wiesbaden Army Hospital, 1945-1949 (Wiesbaden Hospital Page, Medical section); Regensburg Army Hospital 1940s/early 1950s (Regensburg Hospital Page).
Also added some photos from my collection: the Air Returnee Center at the Baseler Hof Hotel, Frankfurt, in 1949 (Replacement System Page, Adjutant General section);
a nice photo of the main gate at Rhein-Main Air Base, mid-1970s (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section); Schumann PX and Snack Bar across from the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof, 1949 (Frankfurt Page); two photos from Garmisch - the railroad station and the Garmisch Shopping Center, early 1950s (Garmisch Page); Bad Kreuznach Army Hospital, early 1950s (Bad Kreuznach Page). |
This website will continue to undergo many changes as I keep adding information (maps, photos, histories of military communities, kasernes, units and personal recollections) and experiment with formats, resolutions, etc. |