The "U.S. Army in Germany, 1945-1989" website was initiated in 2002 to serve as a resource center for unit histories, photos, personal recollections and other related information pertaining to the United States Army's presence in Germany and the rest of Europe from the immediate post-WWII period to the end of the Cold War in Europe.
I have been doing research on the history of U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) for more than thirty years and have chosen to use the Web as a means for contributing - in a small way - to the study of the history of USAREUR. In addition, a significant part of the materials presented have been contributed by former members of units assigned or attached to USAREUR over the years or by others who share the same interest in the history of USAREUR.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information posted on the website, I cannot accept liability for errors or omissions.
I hope you enjoy reading and viewing the materials on this site. Corrections, suggestions, comments and submissions of additional matrials are ALWAYS WELCOME!
Links to other web sites are provided for your convenience. The author of this web site is not responsible for the information contained on those web sites. The provision of a link to another web site does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the author of that web site, or any products or services offered on that web site. The author will not accept any liability for the use of those links to connect to web sites that are not under his control. |
Jan 1, 2012 |
Jan 2, 2012 |
Added information on the activation of the 7th Medical Command in 1978 (7th Medical Command Page, Medical section) (primarily contains history of USAMEDCOMEUR leading up to the activation of 7th MEDCOM). |
Jan 5, 2012 |
Added information on V Corps Artillery and VII Corps Artillery from the 1966/67 timeframe including the organization of V Corps Arty & VII Corps Arty in June 1967 (V Corps Page & VII Corps Page). |
Jan 10, 2012 |
Added information and photos of the arrival of the 4th Infantry Division in Germany in 1951 (4th Inf Div Page, Divisions section). Also posted some information and some great photos of the AN/TPN-18 GCA radar at Schwaebisch Hall AAF in the early 1970s (Overview Page, Army Aviation section). Photos were submitted by Ray Dauphinais. |
Jan 11, 2012 |
Posted some information and nice photos of 3rd Platoon, 503rd MP Company, 3rd Armd Div, at Ray Barracks in Friedberg, 1969 (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions section). Photos were submitted by James Woodrum. Also added an email from Tracey (Marshall) Wirth who served with the 503rd MP Co in the mid-1980s (3rd Armd Div Page). |
Jan 13, 2012 |
Added a list of division military police units in Germany between 1950-1990 and some information on the functions of the Military Police Company in a combat division in 1968 (Page 2 - Overview, Military Police section). |
Jan 14, 2012 |
Jan 19, 2012 |
Added some information on the AFN Stuttgart station from 1969 (it had the distinction of being the only AFN station located in a dependent school) and a great photo of the station from 1984 submitted by Ed Ewing who went to that school in the late 1950s/early 1960s while his family was stationed in Stuttgart (AFN-Europe Page). |
Jan 20, 2012 |
Created a consolidated list of field artillery battalions in Germany (Division, Corps and Army artillery) - the list is for battalions stationed in theater before the big CARS redesignations of 1957/1958 (Troop List Menu). This list is still missing some information (I am working on that) and might need some corrections. If anyone has additional details, please contact me. Really could use some help - unit histories, personal recollections, photos - in expanding our coverage of the field artillery battalions in the 1950s.
I will start work on additional field artillery lists for the CARS (Combat Arms Regimental System) and ARS (Army Regimental System) periods as well as list for other combat arms organizations soon. |
Jan 23, 2012 |
Posted several emails: from Ralph Lohmann, platoon leader in C Company, 1st Bn, 87th Inf in 1963-64 (Page 1, 8th Inf Div, Divisions section); Viktor Peteris with the 89th Engineer Company (Port Construction) at Rochefort in the early 1950s (Page 5 - Com Z Ports, COMZEUR section); John Propelka, D Btry (HJ), 1st Bn, 28th Arty (Page 2, 8th Inf Div, Divisions section); David Caveny, with 4th Armd Div Arty but detached to G-3 Air, Q 4th Armd Div, early 1960s (Page 2, 4th Armd Div, Divisions section). |
Jan 24, 2012 |
Added a new unidentified photo (#33) on the Mystery Photo Page. Need some help identifying the Army airfield from 1954 shown in the photo.
Also posted some additional emails: Richard Goldner, 85th FA Btry (HJ) & 510th FA Bn (HJ), SETAF, mid-1950s (1st Missile Comd Page, SETAF section); James Phillips, 288th Armd FA Bn, Hanau (30th FA Group Page, Field Artillery); Azie Magnusson, 11th Avn Co, Augsburg in the late 1950s (11th Abn Div Page, Divisions section). |
Jan 26, 2012 |
Created a consolidated list of tank battalions in Germany (Division and Corps) - the list is for battalions stationed in theater before the big CARS redesignations of 1957/1958 (Troop List Menu). This list is still missing some information and might need some corrections. If anyone has additional details, please contact me. Could use some help - unit histories, personal recollections, photos - in expanding the coverage of tank battalions in the 1950s. |
Jan 28, 2012 |
Reorganized the 43rd Inf Div Page and added some information on the 43rd Division air section at Augsburg (43rd Inf Div Page, Divisions section). Also reorganized the 28th Inf Div Page and added information on the 28th Quartermaster Company (28th Inf Div Page). |
Jan 29, 2012 |
Feb 3, 2012 |
Feb 5, 2012 |
Created a consolidated list of infantry regiments & battalions in Germany (Division and Corps) - the list is for battalions stationed in theater before the big CARS redesignations of 1957/1958 (Troop List Menu). This list is still missing some information and might need some corrections. If anyone has additional details, please contact me. Could use some help - unit histories, personal recollections, photos - in expanding the coverage of infantry, armored infantry and airborne infantry units in the 1950s.
Posted several emails: Fred Beckman, Company "A", CENTAG Signal (97th Sig Bn Page, Signal); James Martin, 16th Data Processing Unit (Special Troops, 2nd SUPCOM Page, Corps section); Noel Abbott, Hqs 68th Sig Bn (68th Sig Bn Page, Signal); John Williams, 275th ADM Company (7th Engr Bde Page, Engineers). |
Feb 7, 2012 |
Feb 9, 2012 |
Reorganized the 2nd Armored Division Page and added some information on the 29th Tank Bn, 67th Tank Bn and 124th Armd Ord Bn (2nd Armd Div Page, Divisions section).
Also created a Leghorn POE Page and consolidated information from the 9th Medium Port (US Forces, Austria) and the original Leghorn POE section. Also included information about LPOE from 1966 (Leghorn POE Page, SETAF Support ommand, SETAF section). |
Feb 10, 2012 |
Reorganized the Bremerhaven POE Page and created the Sub-ports in the UK Page (Transportation section). Posted some information on the UK Terminal Unit and the Southampton sub-port (Sub-ports in the UK Page). |
Feb 12, 2012 |
Posted some information on the 701st Ord Maint Company (Page 3 Div Trains, 1st Infantry Division, Divisions section). |
Feb 13, 2012 |
Feb 15, 2012 |
Created the USAREUR Marine Reserve Fleet Page and posted information on the floating equipment reserve during the 1950s in France and then the 1970s at Hythe, England. More to follow. |
Feb 20, 2012 |
Feb 21, 2012 |
Feb 22, 2012 |
Feb 28, 2012 |
Mar 1, 2012 |
Mar 3, 2012 |
Mar 9, 2012 |
Started two new pages from the immediate post-war era - Continental Base Section Page (TSFET, USFET section) and the 17th Major Port Page (TSFET, USFET section). The Continental Base Section in Bad Nauheim was one of the peacetime successors to the Communications Zone of WWII fame. The 17th Major Port in Bremerhaven was responsible for running the ports at Bremerhaven and Bremen in the ealry years after the end of WWII. Much more to come on these two organizations. |
Mar 13, 2012 |
Started a new page - Mystery Patch - that will present patches that cannot be identified by the submitter but appear to be related to a USAREUR or USAFE unit, or a NATO organization covered on this website. I will try to keep these limited to the scope of the website - but sometimes we will encounter patches that look like they belonged to a USAREUR, USAFE or NATO unit but turn out to be of a different organization.
William Keller, author of several very nice US Army patch books, has submitted several patches from his collection that he has not been successful in identifying. Let's see if someone can help in identifying some of these.
Posted some information about the AADCP detachment, 94th ADA Group on Hill 479 (Erbeskopf) and the Missile Control Center inside Boerfink Bunker submitted by Vince Pfeiffer (Missile Control Centers chapter, Command & Control Page, Air Defense section).
Mar 16, 2012 |
Mar 18, 2012 |
Mar 22, 2012 |
Posted some information on the Tactical Air Control System in operation in the US sector in the 1950s, including two graphics I created showing the set up in 1955 and in 1958, as I understand it. Looking for additional input or corrections! (Page 1 - NATO Ground Environment Command & Control, Tactical Air Control System section).
Added lots of additional photos of the Aerial Support Center Page (Quartermaster section) submitted by Jeff Melin, Mike Hinten and Raymond Turgeon.
Mar 23, 2012 |
Reorganized the 512th USAAG Page (59th Ord Bde, Ordnance sction) and added comments about the 84th USAFAD in Gross Engstingen submitted by William Sanders. |
Mar 25, 2012 |
Posted an email from Don Lodge who served with the 102nd Trans Co (Movement Control) at the Salzburg Rail Transport Office (train station) during the last year of USFA, 1955 (Transportation Page, USFA section). |
Mar 27, 2012 |
Added a photo of the Leghorn Port of Embarkation from 1960 and some information on the Harbor Craft Branch of the POE from 1955 (Leghorn POE, 8th Logistical Comd Page, SETAF section). Also posted an email from Michael Radziewicz who served at Hohenpeissenberg Radio Station in 1967/68 (Hohenpeissenberg Page, DCS Europe Wideband Sites sub-menu, Signal section). |
Mar 28, 2012 |
Posted several emails: from D. Randy Arnold, 532nd Sig Co in France and Sig Svc Bn 4 in Germany, mid-1960s (1st Sig Gp Page, Signal section) and Joe Varga, 246th Sig Co, in France, mid-1960s (106th Sig Gp Page). |
Apr 2, 2012 |
Apr 3, 2012 |
Posted some recent photo submissions: Paul Cleary, 3rd Sq, 8th Cav, Sandhofen, mid-1960s (8th Inf Div Page); Donald Gannon, A Co, 440th Sig Bn, mid-1960s (440th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Joe Ricco, 246th Sig Co, Dreux AB, France, 1964 (106th Sig Gp Page, Signal section).
Added one of Paul Cleary's photos (a CH-37 MOJAVE) to the Mystery Photo Page (Photo #35).
Created a map that shows the US Army installations and dependent housing areas in the Poitiers (France) area in the 1950s/60s. Map might be missing some information, so additional input or corrections would be very helpful (BASEC Page, COMZEUR section). |
Apr 5, 2012 |
Created a map that shows the US Army installations and dependent housing areas in the Orleans (France) area in the 1950s/60s. Map might be missing some information, so additional input or corrections would be very helpful (HQ COMZEUR Page, COMZEUR section). Will start work on similar maps for Paris and Fontainebleau very soon. Would love to hear from anyone who can provide photos of the various installations in the garrisons in France, such as Paris, Fontainebleau, Orleans, Verdun, and Poitiers, to just name a few.
Posted two unit histories of the 78th Engineer Combat Battalion submitted by Ms. Bianka Adams of the Office of History, US Army Corps of Engineers (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section).
Posted some additional photos submitted by Donald Gannon, A Co, 440th Sig Bn, showing some great details of communications equipment used by the Signal Center Platoon of A Co in the mid-1960s (440th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Apr 11, 2012 |
Apr 17, 2012 |
Added additional photos of the Rhine River Patrol at Schierstein submitted by Donald Birkes (Rhine River Patrol Page, COMNAVGER section).
Posted emails from Dennis Bjornson, MP Platoon, 162nd Ord Co, Lüdenscheid, early 1960s (552nd USAAG, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section) and William Jarrett, HQ 10th Arty Group at Ernst Ludwig Kaserne, Darmstadt, 1964 (10th ADA Bde/Gp Page, Air Defense section).
Apr 25, 2012 |
Posted emails from Elmo Hinkle, 75th Ord Depot Company, Pirmasens in the early 1950s (53rd Ord Gp Page, Ordnance section); Bill Bond, 397th MP Svc Bn, Führt in the mid-1940s (7747th MP Railway Scty Gp Page, Military Police section); George Hilton, 66th Trans Co and HHD, 53rd Trans Bn, Kaiserslautern, late 1960s (53rd Trans Bn Page, Transportation); John Jens, 517th Engr Det (Terrain), Schwetzingen, late 1970s (649th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); additional information provided by Thomas Carr, 537th MP Co - A Co, 94th MP Bn - 545th MP Pltn - C Co, 94th MP Bn, 1970s (94th M Bn Page, Military Police).
Also added a link to a transcript of a briefing held in December 1960 in which Lt Gen Garrison Davidson, Seventh Army CG, expresses his concern about the state of training in Seventh Army and its resulting negative impact on the morale of the 7A officer corps (7th Army Page)
Apr 26, 2012 |
The usarmygermany.com website has now reached a point where it is important to provide a better overview of what is available for easier access to unit pages. The "Search Box" on the Main Menu is helpful but not for some as easy to use as I would like -- it requires some expertise to find the exact page you wish to review.... So, as a first step, I am experimenting with a QUICK ACCESS Page - to start with in the Ordnance section. Each major section that includes a large number of unit pages (e.g. Ordnance, Signal, Transportation, etc.) will have a separate, dedicated QUICK ACCESS Page.
A MASTER ACCESS Page -- an INDEX of all QUICK ACCESS pages -- will be added to the Main Menu once I have several of these new pages completed.
To try out the QUICK ACCESS Page for Ordnance, click on the button to the left -- or, go to the Ordnance Section Menu and click on the new QUICK ACCESS button on that menu. |
I am still working on the Ordnance list, so not everything that is available on the website is on that list yet. But by early next week it should be complete. Feedback and suggestions are welcome! |
Apr 29, 2012 |
Apr 30, 2012 |
Posted several emails: Robert Chapman, 84th Trans Co, Heidelberg, early 1960s and then with a CENTAG detachment at Angevillers, France (181st Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); Dana A. Ross, C Co, 360th Sig Bn, Garlstedt, early 1970s (360th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Claude M., France, with some great recent photos of one of the St Baussant Tank Farms, part of the Donges-Metz Pipeline in France (US Army Petroleum Distribution Command, Europe Page, COMZEUR section); John Weathers, 504th Maint Co, Bamberg, late 1970s (71st Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section); Judy Andricak, wife of Paul Andricak who served with the 237th Engr Bn in Heilbronn, early 1970s (237th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Larry Larson, Railway Maintenance Activity at Rheinau in the mid-1960s (Railway Maint Activity 1960s, Overview Page, Transportation section); Gary Conkle, 532nd Sig Co in France, and Mannheim, Germany mid-1960s (1st Sig Gp Page, Signal section). |
May 4, 2012 |
Posted several emails: Victor Pitts, 2nd Bn, 66th Armor at Garlstedt, early 1980s (2nd Armd Div (Fwd) Page, Divisions section); Rick Quirk, Company A, 447th Sig Bn, Hoek van Holland Tropo site, late 1960s (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Ronald L. Everhart, 377th Trans Company, mid-1980s (28th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section).
I also have added a QUICK ACCESS list for Quartermaster and Signal units (not quite done with the latter). Will work on Transportation and Labor Service units next. More after that. |
May 5, 2012 |
Posted several emails: Robert Mitchell, B Company, 504th Avn Bn, early 1960s (504th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); Bill Reichelfelder, AACS detachment at Camp McCauley in Austria, early 1950s (Linz, Camp Directory Page, USFA section); Joseph B. Szymusik, ADM Pltn, 237th Engr Bn (237th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Al Kreilick, 714th Tank Bn, Schweinfurt mid 1950s (4th Armor Gp Page, Armored-Cavalry section); Arnold Belasco, 51st Armd Inf Bn during the early Occupation days (4th Armd Div Page, Divisions section). |
May 12, 2012 |
May 14, 2012 |
May 15, 2012 |
May 16, 2012 |
May 17, 2012 |
Posted a link to a German article that previews a TV documentary on the presence and the impact of the US Army in the Nürnberg area from the end of WWII to the closing of the military posts in the 1990s. The show will be broadcast on Sunday, May 20, 2012 and repeated on Sunday, June 10. For additional details - in German - click here. (It looks like the Franken Fernsehen website offers livestreaming of its broadcasts - link.) |
May 22, 2012 |
Added information on the Maintenance Division of the Giessen QM Depot in 1955 (Giessen Depot Page, Army Depots section). |
May 23, 2012 |
Added information on the Marburg QM Reclamation Depot in 1950 (Marburg Depot Page, Army Depots section).
Posted some information on the 656th Engineer Bn (Topo) submitted by Buddy Jackson, 139th Engr Det (Terrain) in the late 1950s (656th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section). |
May 24, 2012 |
Posted an email from Grayal E. Farr, 3rd ARB, 51st Infantry in Mannheim, early 1960s (4th Armor Group Page, Armored-Cavalry section). |
May 29, 2012 |
Added some information on the Special Services Division which operated the service clubs, rest areas and many other recreational activities found at most military posts - as well as the EUCOM Exchange System (EES). The information includes an article on some of the more popular Special Service Clus in the European Command area in the 1940s. More will be added in the future including photos and information from other time frames. If you have any photos or information on your favorite service club or rec center, please contact the webmaster (Special Services Division Page, EUCOM section).
Also posted an email from Kevin Carolan who served with the 7th Army Air Support Co, late 1950s, and the 2nd MI Bn (ARS), early 1960s (2nd MI Bn Page, Military Intelligence section). |
May 31, 2012 |
June 3, 2012 |
Posted an email with photos from Thomas Parrish, D Co, 123rd Maint Bn, Erlangen, late 1970s (Page 3, 1st Armd Div, Divisions section). |
June 6, 2012 |
Posted a location list (city and kaserne) for all 1st Armored Division units from 1975 on the 1st Armd Div Page. This list was part of a Welcome Pamphlet for newcomers to the 1st Armd Div from around 1975. Finding the information very useful, I created, in a similar format, location lists for the 3rd Armd Div, 3rd Inf Div and 8th Inf Div. The data for those lists was taken from the July 1974 STATION LIST. If anyone finds information that is missing or incorrect on these lists, I would appreciate hearing about it... |
June 7, 2012 |
Posted a location list (city and kaserne) for 4th Armored Division from 1968 on the 4th Armd Div Page. Also added a location list for the 24th Infantry Division, same time frame. The data for those lists was taken from the June 1968 STATION LIST.
Also posted a very interesting email from Peter Dunston who was attached to the US Army Reserve School in Munich in the 1960s while working first for American Express and then Radio Liberty (7th Army Reserve Command Page, 7th Army section). |
June 9, 2012 |
Added some photos of the Salzburg Rail Transportation Office submitted by Don Lodge to complement his information on the 102nd Trans Mov Control Company in Austria (Transportation Page, USFA section). |
June 13, 2012 |
Added some information on the Engineer Division in EUCOM in the 1948 period (1940s Chapter, Overview Page, Engineer section). Lots of detail that includes mention of many units and some general trends in EUCOM at that time. |
June 15, 2012 |
Posted an email from Kevin Scherrer who served with A Company, 503rd Aviation Battalion at Fliegerhorst Kaserne, Hanau in the early 1980s (503rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
June 18, 2012 |
I just received a copy of the USAREUR historical manuscript "U.S. Army Air Defense in Europe (1948-1970)" writted by Bruce H. Siemon, the former, highly esteemed USAREUR Historian. I have scanned and converted to PDF the Foreword & Table of Contents (Overview Page, Air Defense section). I should have the four chapters and the Chronology scanned and available by the end of the week.
And for the oldtimers from Camp King (Oberursel), I have created a USAREUR Intelligence Center (7707 AU) Page and posted some nice photos of Camp King from around 1953 (ECIC, Overview Page, Military Intelligence section). |
June 19, 2012 |
I received an interesting response to my question regarding USAF personnel at Camp King in the 1950s. The response came from Mike Lehman who is currently finishing up his doctoral dissertation that covers various aspects of nuclear intelligence during the Cold War and their impact on policy making (ECIC, Overview Page, Military Intelligence section). |
June 21, 2012 |
The first three chapters of the USAREUR historical manuscript "U.S. Army Air Defense in Europe (1948-1970)" are now available as PDF files (Overview Page, Air Defense section). I will have the final chapter and the Chronology scanned and available by mid next week. |
June 28, 2012 |
Posted some information on Det K-1, Coburg, submitted by David Foggatt, 318th ASA Bn, mid-1960s (318th ASA Bn Page, Army Security Agency section). An additional email added: Lee Bettis, 94th Engr Bn, Nellingen, late 1950s (94th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section). |
June 29, 2012 |
Posted some photos from Regensburg and Straubing, Air Section, 6th ACR submitted by Chris Peck, son of Mike Peck (6th Armd Cav Regt Page, Armored-Cavalry section). |
June 30, 2012 |
Posted a great installation map of the Rhine Engineer Depot and surrounding installations from 1953 (Rhine Engr Depot Page, Army Depot section). Also posted a similar map and an aerial photo of the Mainz Ordnance Depot, 1953 (Mainz Ord Page, Army Depot section). These are part of a large binder of installation maps and aerial photos of all of the major installations in the Western Area Command in 1953 that I recently added to my collection. I will scan and post al of the maps and photos over the next weeks.
I am currently scanning the final chapter, #4, and the Chronology section of "The US Army Air Defense in Europe (1948-1970)" historical manuscript. Will have them posted by Sunday evening if not sooner. |
July 2, 2012 |
July 3, 2012 |
July 9, 2012 |
Posted some additional photos of Saran Army Airfield in the mid-1960s submitted by R.C. Neeb, Jr. (Saran AAF Page, Army Airfields sub-menu, Army Aviation section).
July 10, 2012 |
July 11, 2012 |
July 12, 2012 |
July 14, 2012 |
July 15, 2012 |
Posted an email with some photos of the 656th Engineer Topo Bn at Schwetzingen submitted by Jon Wolfe, B Company, late 1950s (656th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section).
Also added several recent photos of Ready Barracks taken in May 2012 by Martin Kühnel, Germany (Aschaffenburg Page, Kaserne section). |
July 16, 2012 |
Posted some interesting photos of Air Force 486L MEDCOM sites in Spain, Sardinia, Italy and Greece submitted by David Higginson (AF Communications Page, HQ USAFE section). David's father, Brig Gen George M. Higginson, assumed command of the European-African-Middle Eastern (EAME) Communications Area in December 1962. These photos are from the end of BG Higginson's tour with EAME in 1965. |
July 17, 2012 |
July 18, 2012 |
Posted some additional photos submitted by David Higginson (see July 16, 2012 entry also). These photos were made during a tour of the Siegelbach Plan 55 Switching Center by his father, Brig Gen Higginson, commanding general of EAME at the time, sometime around 1963 (Siegelbach Primary Relay, Air Force Communications Page, USAFE section). |
July 23, 2012 |
Revamped the 7th Engineer Brigade Page - the SCARWAF phase (1952-1956), when the brigade was assigned to US Air Forces in Europe, is on Page 1; the Seventh Army & VII Corps phases are on Page 2... also posted some information submitted by Luther Lacy, Co B, 843rd Engr Avn Bn, mid 1950s (7th Engr Bde Page, Engineer section). |
July 26, 2012 |
July 27, 2012 |
Posted some information on Detachment 2, 7th Weather Sq at Fliegerhorst Army Airfield, Hanau in the mid-1960s (Hanau AAF Page, Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Aviation section).
Also posted some emails: from Jim Plante who served with Det D, 2nd MI Bn (AE), first at RAF Upper Heyford and then Zweibrücken AB after the det was relocated to Germany, late 1969 (2nd MI Bn Page, Military Intelligence section); from George Brown, 509th AFA Bn, 3rd Armd Div, 1955-57 (Page 2, 3rd Armd Div, Divisions section). |
July 28, 2012 |
Posted an email from Ernst Loomis, 33rd Fld Hosp, Würzburg, early 1970s (USAH Würzburg, Army Hospitals sub-menu, Medical section). |
July 29, 2012 |
Posted several emails: from Oscar William Swaim, 91st Transportation Company, Schleissheim and later Finten Army airfields (8th Trans Bn, Army Aviation section); Randolph Simpson with the 269th Signal Company, Orleans, during the unit's move from France to Germany, 1966-67 (1st Sig Gp Page, Signal section). |
July 31, 2012 |
Posted additional photos of European-African-Middle Eastern Comm Area installations from the David Higginson collection - several are sites that belonged to the 2140th Communications Sq in Greece and several (Unidentified 5 & 6) are still unidentified as far as location. Could use some help in trying to determine the location of those sites. (AF Communications Page, HQ USAFE section).
Also added several nice photos of Stuttgart Army Airfield submitted by RC Neeb, Jr from the early 1960s (Stuttgart AAF Page, Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Aviation section). |
Aug 2, 2012 |
Posted additional photos of European-African-Middle Eastern Comm Area installations from the David Higginson collection - Humosa Tropo Site and several still unidentified as far as location (AF Communications Page, HQ USAFE section). |
Aug 3, 2012 |
I have posted a "special notice" requesting assistance in providing home film footage, photos, slides or stories about President Kennedy's visit to Germany in 1963. A German film company in Hanau is creating a TV documentary to commemorate the historic event and is looking for soldiers, airmen and their dependents who might have taken pictures or home movies of the the President's visit to various German cities and US facilities during the trip (Special Notice Page). |
Aug 4, 2012 |
Aug 7, 2012 |
Posted an email with photos submitted by Clarence "Til" Tillery, Radio Op Company, 97th Sig Bn, mid-1950s. Til was attached to the Langenbrand Radio Relay station, one of several relay sites in the Seventh Army VHF Network (97th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Aug 11, 2012 |
Posted an email and photos submitted by Warner Johnston, 106th Sig Gp, at Vaihingen, early 1970s (106th Sig Gp Page, Signal section); and some photos of the Leghorn (Livorno) Port of Embarkation from 1951 (Leghorn POE, 8th Logistical Comd Page, SETAF section). |
Aug 16, 2012 |
Posted an email and photos submitted by Domingo Carrera, 12th Trans Co, at Böblingen, early 1960s (29th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section). |
Aug 17, 2012 |
Aug 18, 2012 |
Aug 22, 2012 |
Posted the mission statement and an organizational chart for US Army General Depot Kaiserslautern from 1963 (Kaiserslautern Engineer Depot Page, Army Depots section).
Also posted an email from George Riep, 63rd Army Postal Unit, Orleans, France, early 1960s (Orleans Area Command Page, COMZEUR section). |
Aug 23, 2012 |
Posted two emails: from Allan Fagan, 31st Transportation Battalion, Munich, 1960 (31st Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); Eddie Gibbs, 69th Engineer Topo Company, V Corps, Frankfurt, late 1950s (Special Troops Bn, V Corps Page, Corps section). |
Aug 27, 2012 |
Created a US Army Hospital Neubrücke Page (US Army Hospitals submenu, Medical section) and posted some information that includes a Christmas Menu from 1955. Menu has rosters for the 98th Gen Hosp; 7785th Army Unit; 6th Convalescent Center; 34th Ambulance Train; and Army Red Cross and Special Service personnel at Neubrücke in 1955. |
Aug 28, 2012 |
Posted two issues from November 1945 of the BREMEN PORT COMMANDER, the weekly newspaper of the Bremen Port Command (Bremen Port Command, HQ TSFET Page, USFET section). |
Aug 30, 2012 |
Posted several photos of European-African-Middle Eastern Comm Area installations from the David Higginson collection - all of these (Unidentified #7 - 14) are still unidentified as far as location (AF Communications Page, HQ USAFE section).
Also added two emails: from Larry Williard with photos of the Feldberg/Schwarzwald radio site operated by B Company, 68th Signal Bn, mid-1960s (Feldberg/Schwarzwald Page, DCS Europe Wideband Sites submenu, Signal section) ; and Jon Clemens, 63rd Engineer Bn, Giessen, in the late 1950s (63rd Engr Bn Page, Engineer section). |
Sep 1, 2012 |
Posted the entire 20-page issue of THE ARROW (8th Infantry Division command newspaper) from July 1, 1960 (8th Inf Div Page, Divisions section). This issue commemorates the 20th Anniversary of the reactivation of the division and provides some details on each unit assigned to the, then, pentomic division. |
Sep 3, 2012 |
Posted a few photos of Rheinland Kaserne submitted by Dick Tatina, HHC 78th Engr Bn, Ettlingen, mid-1960s (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section). |
Sep 9, 2012 |
Posted a few photos of Fire Station #2 at Maurice Rose AAF (Bonames) submitted by Stefan Groß, a German fire fighter at the fire station, late 1980s (Bonames Army Airfield Page, Army Airfields submenu, Army Aviation section). Also added an email from Greg Degowski who was assigned to AFSOUTH Headquarters in Naples in the early 1970s (AFSOUTH Page). |
Sep 10, 2012 |
Posted a great installation map of Coligny Caserne in Orleans, France from 1961 (thanks to Dr. David Egan) and a wonderful aerial photo of the same installation from 1964 (thanks to IGN, France) (Orleans Area Command Page, COMZEUR section).
I would ask anyone who has installation maps of other COMZ installations similar to the one presented here for Coligny Caserne in Orleans to please contact the webmaster so we can get this type of historical information for all COMZ posts posted on the website. |
Sep 16, 2012 |
Sep 18, 2012 |
We are continuing to expand our coverage of the EDCN (Emergency Deployment Communications Network) system - today we posted an email with photos about Site 101 at Langerkopf in the mid-1970s. Email is from Mark Cowles, "A" Company, 1st Sig Bn (1st Sig Bn Page, Signal section). Posted an email from Kenton Ahrens with some details on Phase IV of the DEB microwave project (DEB, Overview Page, Signal section).
Also have an answer to Mystery Photo #13 thanks to our friends at Drehscheibe Online, a German rail fan website (Mystery Photo Page). |
Sep 20, 2012 |
Posted an email from Michael Vieira who served with the 61st Aviation Maintenance Company at Katterbach in the late 1980s (DISCOM, 1st Armd Div Page, Divisions section). |
Sep 21, 2012 |
Posted an email from Stu Gibson, who served with the 427th Army Band, Western Area Command in the mid-1950s (Area Command Page, Military Communities section). |
Oct 3, 2012 |
Posted an email from Steven Pein, radio operator at the Cemetery Network tributary at Nienburg (Cem 33) and then NCOIC of Cem 28, Walsrode, in the late 1960s (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Oct 5, 2012 |
Added some great information and photos from the early years of the Sahin Tepesi tropo site, south of Istanbul, Turkey, part of the Turkey Tropo System (486L MEDCOM). Sahin Tepesi was also known as TUSLOG Detachment 150. The photos are from David Higginson and the information from Dennis Luessenheide who served at the tropo site in 1963 and early 1964, the time frame when the site became operational (TUSLOG Dets, Air Force Communications Page, USAFE section). |
Oct 9, 2012 |
Added to the history of the theater supply organziation during the early days of the Occupation: a.) some information on the permanent maintenance areas set up by the Communications Zone advance sections in Germany to support the occupation armies, and b.) some information on the Continental Advance Section that set up shop in the Mannheim area at the end of WWII and continued to provide logistical support to Seventh Army during the early months of the Occupation (HQ TSFET Page, USFET section). |
Oct 11, 2012 |
Started a page on the Medical Corps activities in the early Occupation Period (The 1940s chapter, Overview Page, Medical section). Posted some information on medical depots and US Army hospitals immediately following the end of the war in Europe. Much more to follow.
Also started a page on Ordnance activities including ordnance depots in the early Occupation Period (The 1940s chapter, Overview Page, Ordnance section). Here, too, I still have a lot more to post in the near future. |
Oct 19, 2012 |
Posted some photos of Bad Aibling Kaserne submitted by Walter Cline, 181st USASA Company, in the late 1950s (320th ASA Bn Page, Army Security Agency section). |
Oct 21, 2012 |
Oct 25, 2012 |
Added information on the Weinheim Medical Depot that operated as a filler depot for a few years immediately after WWII near Mannheim. Some of the information is courtesy of the Weinheim Stadt Archiv (city archives), including a copy of the Weinheim Telephone Directory from February 1946 (Early Occupation Period, Overview Page, Medical section).
Also posted a few emails: Ron "Hock" Hochstetler, Site 09, "A" Company, 1st Signal Bn in the mid-1970s (1st Sig Bn Page, Signal section); David Cannon, 546th Medical Company (Clearing), a REFORGER unit at Ft Benning in the mid-1970s (31st Med Gp Page, Medical).
Oct 29, 2012 |
Posted photos and information on Bonames (Maurice Rose) Army Airfield and the 66th Aviation Company submitted by David Foutz who served with the 66th in the mid-1960s (18th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section)
Nov 3, 2012 |
Posted several emails: Daniel Doak, 12th Transportation Company at the time it became a REFORGER unit and returned to the States (29th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); Kenneth W. Brown, VHF Platoon, E Company, 32nd Signal Bn in the late 1950s (32nd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Angelo Fazio, Company "B", 503rd Avn Bn, mid 1960s (503rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation). |
Nov 5, 2012 |
Nov 13, 2012 |
Posted an email with photos from Gerald S. Deni who served with Headquarters, 6th Armored Cavalry Regiment at Straubing in the mid-1950s (6th ACR Page, Armored-Cavalry section).
Also posted 5 photo pages from the 1953 Yearbook of the 6th Armored Cavalry Regiment showing images of Mansfield Kaserne and Headquarters, 6th ACR (6th ACR Page). |
Nov 17, 2012 |
Nov 19, 2012 |
Posted some emails: Isaac Michalowski, 106th Sig Gp at Vaihingen, early 1970s (106th Sig Gp Page, Signal section); Ben Sawbridge, Detachment 6, 1141 Special Activities Squadron (USAFE), early 1980s (US Air Force Page).
Also added a link to a photo page on the SVT-Koeln.de website that shows several interesting photos of command trains in the 1940s and early 1950s (Command Trains - 1950s, Overview Page, Transportation section). |
Nov 20, 2012 |
Posted some emails: James Hoover, B Company, 95th QM Battalion, Würzburg, early 1970s (95th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster section); Paul Hackerson, Company A, 503rd Combat Aviation Battalion, Hanau, early 1980s (503rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation).
Also added a link to a very interesting and informative page on electronic accounting machines (EAMs) and the machine records units that used them for personnel and supply accounting in the US Army in the 1940s and 50s. The page was written by Charles M. Province and is hosted on the The Patton Society website. |
Nov 21, 2012 |
Posted a copy of the 1954 Christmas Menu for the 35th Engineer Battalion (Combat) in Kitzingen submitted by Rock Finlinson, whose father - PFC Paul R. Finlinson - served in Company "C," 1953-55 (35th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section). The pamphlet includes a complete battalion roster for Dec 1954, including the names of the men serving with Company "B" in Bamberg. |
Nov 27, 2012 |
Posted several emails: George Clinton, 102nd Sig Bn at Hohenpeissenberg Radio Station in the mid-1960s (Hohenpeissenberg Radio Station, 102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Howard Black, with the 53rd Medical Detachment (Helicopter Ambulance), the first medevac - H-13's - unit to be deployed to Europe in the early 1950s (Air Ambulance Page, Medical section).
Created a map of the US installations in the Munich area in 1949. Information used to identify the active installations for that period came from the December telephone directory of the Munich Military Post (Munich Page, Kaserne section).
Nov 28, 2012 |
Posted a photo of Camp Klessheim, a small Army installation outside of Salzburg. Photo was submitted by Melissa Nichols, whose great uncle - Cecil Dale Slaughter - served with the USFA engineers in the late 1940s or early 1950s (Salzburg Page, Camp Directory, USFA section).
Dec 5, 2012 |
For the past week I have been working on my year-end project - merging the original US Forces, Austria website - www.usfava.com - into the usarmygermany.com domain (USFA section). All of the original USFA pages are being revamped and formatted similar to the usarmygermany pages. At the same time, I have been adding new material to the USFA pages.
I have also archived the USFA website guestbook (now available on the Guestbook Page of usarmygermany.com). (Archiving the USFA guestbook allows the FreeFind spider to add USFA related emails to the search engine which should be a BIG improvement for finding USFA "stuff" on the website.)
My plan is to have all of the information and photos transferred by the beginning of January 2013. After that, the usfava.com domain will be shut down....
Dec 6, 2012 |
Dec 10, 2012 |
Added a Camp St Johann Page with some photos to the Camp Directory in the USFA section. |
Dec 12, 2012 |
Added a Camp Saalfelden with some photos to the Camp Directory in the USFA section. |
Dec 13, 2012 |
Added two Telephone Directories for USFA in Vienna, Austria - October 1949 & October 1954 (HQ USFA Page, USFA section).
Also posted several emails: Dale Little who served as the driver for the Wuerzburg Provost Marshal at the River Building along the Main River, late 1960s (Würzburg Page, Kaserne section); Larry Scheibe, a cook with B Company, 440th Sig Bn, Kaiserslautern, mid-1960s (440th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Ed Gleason, Hq Company, 293rd Engineer Construction Bn, Baumholder and Wildflecken, mid-1950s (293rd Engr Bn Page, Engineer section). |
Dec 16, 2012 |
Dec 20, 2012 |
Reorganized the V Corps and VII Corps Pages and added a June 1954 Organizational Chart to each (V Corps Page & VII Corps Page, Corps section). Will create and post more organizational charts for the two corps soon.
Also added a June 1954 Organizational Chart to the 7th Army Page and a 1955 Organizational Chart for the Central Army Group (CENTAG Page).
Also added a request by Barry Stein, author of several high quality patch books, for scans of US Army Aviation units that were operational in Europe from the 1950s to present for an upcoming update to one of his books (Overview Page, Army Aviation section). |
Dec 25, 2012 |
Added more information on the 280-mm atomic cannon, Honest John rocket and Corporal missile to the Overview Page (Field Artillery section). Includes a Seventh Army Artillery Order of Battle table for June 1954 and tables on "Divisional Artillery, 1954-1965" and "Field Artillery Rockets and Missiles, 1954-1992." Additional information was added on the 1st Missile Command in SETAF also (1st Missile Command Page, SETAF section). Most of the information was taken from Janice E. McKenney's book: The Organizational History of Field Artillery, 1775-2003, published by the US Army's Center of Military History.
Also posted several emails: Wesley Schissler, 393rd FA Bn at Neckarsulm, early 1950s (142nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section); John Wood, B Company, 8th Combat Aviation Bn, Finthen AAF, early 1980s (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation). |
Dec 26, 2012 |
Dec 27, 2012 |
Added an Organization Day pamphlet for the 350th Infantry Regiment, USFA at Camp Roeder, Salzburg, dated 15 July 1953 (350th Inf Regt Page, USFA section). |
Dec 29, 2012 |
Posted several items on the Grafenwoehr Page (Kaserne section): Impact Area "A" and Bleidorn Tower submitted by George Cabral; aerial photo of the Main Post at Graf, probably 1960s; 1949 installation map of South Camp - Südlager - at Vilseck; field camp at Hohenfels in the winter, early 1950s while 102nd Inf Regt was there for training - all of these from my own collection. |
This website will continue to undergo many changes as I keep adding information (maps, photos, histories of military communities, kasernes, units and personal recollections) and experiment with formats, resolutions, etc. |